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Uninsured Brit in Phuket moped accident has left her parents with £35,000 credit card debts

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Never mind private hospitals , Thai public hospitals can be very expensive too , especially if you have to have an operation .

Natasha was a pillion on the back of a motorcycle , so was not involved in the accident liability .

Why didn't a parent fly over to Thailand and take her back to Britain immediately , to be hospitalised , operated and cared for under the NHS ?

When young people go traveling abroad , shouldn't parents see to it that they have travel insurance ?

When my young friend traveled around the world for a year , I provided a financial back up to cover minor emergencies , telephone cards , I was contactable any time to forward some money .

She was robbed in Bali , touched up by so many people , I advised her to travel on to Malaysia , bringing forward her travel date at a cost of £50 , which I paid .

At least Natasha came home alive , there are many like Miss Witheridge who don't .

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FCO and ABTA issue warning to young British travellers

18 June 2014

Recent research issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has identified that over 1 in 3 young travellers do not consider travel insurance to be a necessary part of planning for their trip overseas.

Statistics identified that almost half of 16-24 year olds are willing to take the risk of travelling without insurance and 42% choose to travel without it because they believe travel insurance is too expensive


I think I would rather have a Mri scan in Ibiza than a Arsenal season ticket Thank You.


It’s so dangerous – Brits go to Thailand and think nothing of jumping on mopeds and doing things they’d never do at home.”

So why are they so stupid (not just Brits but also other nationalities) ?

She was hit by a truck, if you run into a car or bike in front of you ,then in most countries you are at fault.

I heard that they pulled out in front of the truck in one story dont know?? but what about the trucks insurance, or because a thai driver you can go to hell, if I hit a Thai bike no matter if right or wrong I have to pay.

Thats why my car and bike have full insurance coverage.

My insurance company told me to say nothing or never admit to any fault just wait for their man to arrive and sort it.


1.8 is not an outrageous amount. If it is 40 days IPD - some of them very likely in ICU, surgeries (8 surgeries for broken femur, a smashed kneecap, septicaemia and extensive skin loss), imaging, medicine, nursing and doctors, rehab, etc. etc.

To the TV posters who compares costs with their own surgeries: You simply cannot compare your own hospital admission and surgery to her case - unless you had a very similar case.

Costs might have been less in a Thai public hospital, but would level of care been the same - e.g. would she still have her leg, would she have received all the necessary skin grafts, would they have been able to take necessary imaging? Would she and her family be able to communicate clearly with her doctors and nurses including getting proper medical updates in English?

Fact is there are a number of very good reasons why international insurance and assistance companies tend - well, actually prefer - to use internationally accredited hospitals here in Thailand - especially when it comes to serious traffic accidents involving their insured tourists. If the companies didn't care about the level of care or the facilities' abilities, much more cases would be moved to the Thai public facilities.

Regarding no insurance I already said in the thread regarding the Aussie who also "forgot" to get an insurance: this is not the first nor the last time, that we hear of such a case.


Insurance or not... Sounds like she's a victim, if she's just a passenger getting her leg crushed by a truck..

Even if she was insured, she should be getting millions of dollars from whom ever caused the accident..

Too bad it didn't happen in the U.S., she could sue everyone and never work again..


I stopped taking out insurance out insurance long ago. If you read the fine print you ARE NOT COVERED for motorcycles (including tuk tuks and the like) unless you have a proper license. Meaning 90% of your travel isn't covered!

This is Aus issuance but I find it hard to differ


It is not just the young that think they have superhuman skills. There are thousands of old foreigners here chugging around on motorbikes and I might add have developed local ways.... no helmet, taking mad chances at U turns. Not stopping and looking at a junction just drive out, not checking over the shoulder on both sides before making a move left or right...the list goes on... and the death toll rises.

Heard yesterday of a foreigner hitting a pot hole at night. 2 broken wrists, a fractured skull and a bill for 350,000 baht.....10,000 U.S.

My global insurance for health and accidents is 440 pounds a year. Not 10,000 dollars or 35,000 pounds as in the case of this young girl.

Hi Lonewolf99

Please can I ask for the name details of your global insurance policy, I am at the moment looking for one myself. Would be much appreciated



I stopped taking out insurance out insurance long ago. If you read the fine print you ARE NOT COVERED for motorcycles (including tuk tuks and the like) unless you have a proper license. Meaning 90% of your travel isn't covered!

This is Aus issuance but I find it hard to differ

I have also been in multiple hospitals here and extremely questionable practices. I did verify it back in Aus and doctor told me no way.

Be very careful of any medication it can have some very scary side affects.

1.8 m THB you are been taken for a ride


You all go on about the insurance. Near 100% company's will not insure people on bikes especially in Asia because they know they can hire bikes any where. If you take out insurance read the small print. Bike accidents are not insured.

I wish you would all stop going on about it.

No western country will insure you, even for water sports.

You can bet that 99% of the riders who hire a scooter/motor bike do not have a bike license.

But I do agree if she was banged up from the rest by this truck the Police should have prosecuted the driver and the company should be forced to pay through their insurance, if they were insured.

It may have been cheaper for her or her parents to have spoken to a lawyer.

I hope she recovers fully.

I also thought that the PM had ordered an investigation on the private hospital charges.

That was another waste of time.


I'm always amused by the posters who claim that Thai hospitals fleece and rip-off foreign patients. These people must not have any experience with hospitals in countries without socialized medicine.

As an example, at a private hospital in the US, the bill for my wife's 90 minute visit to the emergency room came to $5,600USD (about 200,000 baht). The services she received consisted of 1 saline IV (charged at 150 x the wholesale cost), a couple of protein pills (charged at 10 x the cost at the pharmacy down the road), a blood test panel (charged at 3 x the cost for the same bloodwork at a local lab) and a 10 minute physician's consultation (flat $600).

Another time, she was quoted a $30,000USD (1 million baht) operating room / hospital fees, plus another $7,000 (250,000 baht) surgeon's fee for an outpatient procedure in the US. She ended up having the same procedure done at one of the best private hospitals in Bangkok for about $4,500USD (150,000 baht), including a 2 night stay.

Now tell me again how Thai hospitals are fleecing people.


Too bad she had the accident....hope she fully recovers and soon. But she "didn't forget" to get insurance....she just didn't want to pay for insurance. Too many young people always feel indestructible/think it will not happen to me.

Not just the young.

An astonishing number of TV members live here without insurance.

True. I do have motorbike insurance (will pay up to 200k). Medical insurance? Cost was too high and excluded pre-existing conditions so... Total bill for heart attack was 441,400 baht (2 angioplasty and 2 stent). Home country policy paid about 175,000 baht. No real choice that I can see.


With the costs of airfares and accommodation in Thailand travellers are already saving hundreds of dollars from the cost of a holiday. So you would think that they would be able to put forward a few hundred for travel insurance. The two problems are the one that has been stated, people think they are indestructible, and some people still think it is expensive. I have been quoted up to AUD600 by travel agents in Australia but have also had quotes over the web or from the travelfish website of $100-$250. And these cover unlimited medical expenses and cancellation, basic and silver cover is cheaper.Even basic has adequate medical cover although usually no cancellation cover.


How does she and / or her parents have the bill when the other driver went into them? I know TIT but there has to be a bit of logic applied and apparently there has been none in this case.


travel insurance in europe helps you out and pay.

She is form the uk.

Not understand that her parents not looked after her insurance when they gave the credit card.

they can blame themselves as well the girl.

besdie she was riding on the back ... So the driver is liable (too).

never the less hope she recovers quick.


You all go on about the insurance. Near 100% company's will not insure people on bikes especially in Asia because they know they can hire bikes any where. If you take out insurance read the small print. Bike accidents are not insured.


Exactly correct, read the small print in any travel insurance policy.

Even here in Thailand the compulsory insurance covers only about 50,000 baht in hospital expenses (might be a bit more now) for driver and passenger, and none of the mechanical damage.


FCO and ABTA issue warning to young British travellers

18 June 2014

Recent research issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has identified that over 1 in 3 young travellers do not consider travel insurance to be a necessary part of planning for their trip overseas.

Statistics identified that almost half of 16-24 year olds are willing to take the risk of travelling without insurance and 42% choose to travel without it because they believe travel insurance is too expensive


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RnsRYA-el7M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"Look what you can spend the money on if you do not catch a tut-tuk on Phuket."


or rent a motorbike for 150 baht for a day.

This is why a lot of tourists hire motorbikes here, many with tragic consequences.


Shouldn't the truck driver that hit her be liable?

Oh sorry I forgot, this is Thailand.

Quite a leap you make here. What makes you think it was the trucker's fault?

Oh sorry I forgot, he's a Thai and she's a Brit. No need to ponder farther, huh?


No!! The problem is Thailand.

I note there is no mention of all parties "Getting together" at the local police station to "Work out" a payment.

Truck driver hit her - He MUST pay. But he won't as he is Thai and that is all that matters over there a travesty of justice in every respect.


It is not just the young that think they have superhuman skills. There are thousands of old foreigners here chugging around on motorbikes and I might add have developed local ways.... no helmet, taking mad chances at U turns. Not stopping and looking at a junction just drive out, not checking over the shoulder on both sides before making a move left or right...the list goes on... and the death toll rises.

Heard yesterday of a foreigner hitting a pot hole at night. 2 broken wrists, a fractured skull and a bill for 350,000 baht.....10,000 U.S.

My global insurance for health and accidents is 440 pounds a year. Not 10,000 dollars or 35,000 pounds as in the case of this young girl.

remind you that in the article she was hit behind by a truck....

unless she backed in the truck im thinking maybe the truck has some responsibility to take care of this


" Forgetting to take out travel insurance prior to her trip '..... No, not forgetting, wanting to save

a $100 or thinking that, nothing will happened TO ME... what an expensive trip it turned out

to be.. would anyone learn anything from it? I doubt it very much.....

A lot of companies will no longer write motorbike or motorcycle coverage. Yes the price seems excessive but the private hospital wait like sharks for the uniformed. When your seriously hurt you do not ask the price. This is a life changer for this beautiful young girl. Maybe she will now realize human vulnerabilities. At my advanced age I now realize mine.

The problem is the tourists... not Thailand.

Insurance? No.

Experience of riding? No

Protective gear? No.

Riding in an unsafe manner? Yes.

It's clear to see who is at fault.

weren't they hit in the back by a truck driver?


I went travelling and was involved in an accident that required me to be taken to Samui, from KP, where I was given the necessary treatment to allow me to be flown to Bangkok for a further stay in hospital. I was eventually flown home with a medical professional on a flight to England, taking up a large section as I was laid flat on a stretcher. I was taken to the airport in an ambulance, and also met by one. My insurance company covered ALL of it, except the excess part. I dread to think what it would have cost for my care, a lot more than my insurance policy that's certain!

I would feel terrible putting my parents in a situation, where their security and older years would be spent paying for an accident, I was involved in.

I'm of the opinion that, if you can't afford the cost of insurance, you can't afford to go.

My accident was not my fault, I was hit at night by a local riding a scooter. Not only did they leave me after the accident, they also stole my stuff. I was walking between Had Rin Nok and Had Rin Nai at the time. It was not a great time in my life, but I will always be grateful to the New Zealand guy who found me, stayed with me, and also made sure I got the help I needed.

I wish the girl well, and her parents, with both her recovery, and the money issues its caused.


Shouldn't the truck driver that hit her be liable?

Oh sorry I forgot, this is Thailand.

Like the Chilean biker accident the truck driver has paid his 7500 baht fine and is back on the road again. Being she was not killed and only maimed the fine could be only 4,000 to 5000 bahts. He lives to kill another day. I am sure he has concocted all kinds of excuses in his feeble brain as to why he is innocent. Ah the Gods were with me.

Too bad she had the accident....hope she fully recovers and soon. But she "didn't forget" to get insurance....she just didn't want to pay for insurance. Too many young people always feel indestructible/think it will not happen to me.

For a measly sum of money for peace of mind, i cant feel sorry for her owing so much money.. Dont like seeing people hurt, but when will they learn, after all they would be covered in their own home...

Folks, we must be a little more informed.

I used to own several travel agencies.

Travel insurers would pay us 40% commission.

So many times I made claims for people and by far the majority never got a cent.

The excuses that I heard from the insurers were unbelievable.

One reasonable sales rep even expressed to me the as a matter of course the first claim is refused automatically in the hope it will go away.

So your saying you willingly sold people a product knowingly that they could end up loosing their life savings because the product wouldn't respond and in fact would deliberately try and defraud them and then took a 40% commission?

That its not something id be bragging about on the internet let alone trying to hint that the Insurer is the only bad egg in this scenario.


If the motorbike she was riding pillion on was 'hit by a truck' might it be the Truck Drivers fault? Shouldn't the Trucks insurance pay for all medical bills?

Open your mind up Richard its obvious your a newbie here in the LOS. Read some of the other insurance posts.

I stopped taking out insurance out insurance long ago. If you read the fine print you ARE NOT COVERED for motorcycles (including tuk tuks and the like) unless you have a proper license. Meaning 90% of your travel isn't covered!

This is Aus issuance but I find it hard to differ

by fine print you mean the print that is the same size as everything else clearly under the heading


. Riding a motorcycle without a licence to do so

. Riding a motorcycle that you are licenced to do s over XXXX CC's


Unfortunately we all think it wont happen,but we all know that it does,and cost does come into it,I have to admit that was the way i thought about buying Insurance,its only when we are actually living here that it really sinks in how dangerous the travel industry is in Thailand.Lets face it no matter where you travel in the world,thailand seems to come out at the top of the list as being the most dangerous of them all regarding safety.there are countries where the traffic is as intense as thailand but do not have the same senseless, untrained, want to be first, stupid drivers, using all, or everybit of every road,even in the wrong direction,with little or no penalty.So again we all know the country is untrained in every aspect of road safety,and as far as the farang is concerned,he has to pay all the time,when we are right,we are wrong and when we are wrong its the SAME,PAY ONLY REGARDLESS.Where does it end?I do feel sorry for this person,and I suppose the only consolation is she may be ok at the end,but at least she is here to tell the tale and one she wont forget.Good luck to her in the future.

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