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Turkey blames US for 'sea of blood’' in region


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Turkey blames US for 'sea of blood’' in region


"You haven't had a grasp of the nature of the groups before now, and that's why the region is a sea of blood."

ANKARA: -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has lashed out at Washington for not acknowledging Syria’s Kurdish Democratic Union (PYD) as an extremist organisation.

Last year, US-led airstrikes helped the party’s military wing — the YPG —battle against ISIL in the border town of Kobani.

Erdogan asked the US: “How can we trust you? Is it me that is your partner or is it the terrorists in Kobani?”

He added: “Oh, America. You don’t need to tell us about the PKK, PYD or YPG organisations. We know them very well. We know ISIL and those groups. You haven’t had a (good) grasp of the nature of them before now, and that’s why the region is a sea of blood.”

He added that Washington’s inability to grasp Ankara’s view of the PYD has created a domestic security issue for Turkey.

Ankara considers the party — and by default the military YPG — a terrorist organisation because of its affiliations with Turkey’s PKK Kurdistan Workers’ Party — also listed as a terrorist organisation in Turkey and by NATO and the European Union.

The PKK has carried out a violent, three-decade fight for Kurdish autonomy in Turkey’s south east.

Most recently, one person died after a protest in Diyarbakir against government-imposed clashes in the region turned violent.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-11

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He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him.

If the US throws it's weight behind the Kurds, and it should, Turkey will be in a world of hurt. Erdogan may just end up mouthing off and in the process giving the Kurd's the homeland they have long desired.

If anybody thinks they are fierce fighters now, just wait and see what they can do if they have a real purpose and goal along with a promised homeland.

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He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him.

If the US throws it's weight behind the Kurds, and it should, Turkey will be in a world of hurt. Erdogan may just end up mouthing off and in the process giving the Kurd's the homeland they have long desired.

If anybody thinks they are fierce fighters now, just wait and see what they can do if they have a real purpose and goal along with a promised homeland.

"He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him."

Israel has been biting and feeding for decades. In both cases (and in many others) the one doing the feeding Has its own(often ill-conceived) motivation for appearing generous. And it doesn't always end well.


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Nice try. Israel also provides valuable services to the US. Turkey rather consistently stabs everyone in the back.

Your images are nothing less than trolling. The US never hung Saddam, the Iraqi's did. Gaddafi was killed by his own people as well. Osama was never a friend, just a convenient ally for a brief moment in time and greeting someone hardly makes a friend.

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Let's see, pissing off Putin and the US; blackmailing Merkel into giving him EU money and membership for not allowing migrants to travel freely to the EU; continuing to persecute Kurds (and Armenians again given the chance) and wanting to return secular Turkey to an Islamic Republic. All whilst denying free speech and persecuting any who want to investigate or even mention the alleged corruption and terrorist complicity of his family.

Easy to see why Merkel panders to him. He'll be a real asset to the EU leadership for life club.

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Nice try. Israel also provides valuable services to the US. Turkey rather consistently stabs everyone in the back.

Your images are nothing less than trolling. The US never hung Saddam, the Iraqi's did. Gaddafi was killed by his own people as well. Osama was never a friend, just a convenient ally for a brief moment in time and greeting someone hardly makes a friend.

Well said credo.

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He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him.

If the US throws it's weight behind the Kurds, and it should, Turkey will be in a world of hurt. Erdogan may just end up mouthing off and in the process giving the Kurd's the homeland they have long desired.

If anybody thinks they are fierce fighters now, just wait and see what they can do if they have a real purpose and goal along with a promised homeland.

"He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him."

Israel has been biting and feeding for decades. In both cases (and in many others) the one doing the feeding Has its own(often ill-conceived) motivation for appearing generous. And it doesn't always end well.


Good post. A picture paints a thousand words.

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Nice try. Israel also provides valuable services to the US. Turkey rather consistently stabs everyone in the back.

Your images are nothing less than trolling. The US never hung Saddam, the Iraqi's did. Gaddafi was killed by his own people as well. Osama was never a friend, just a convenient ally for a brief moment in time and greeting someone hardly makes a friend.

You were probably hiding under a rock if you didn't follow the stories each time and really believe USA and Europe have nothing to do with the falls of those men.

Saddam : remember Colin with the Anthrax joke?

Gaddafi : The Security Council declared a no fly zone to protect the civilian population from aerial bombardment, calling on foreign nations to enforce it; it also specifically prohibited foreign occupation. Ignoring this, Qatar sent hundreds of troops to support the dissidents, and along with France and the United Arab Emirates provided the NTC with weaponry and training.

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Nice try. Israel also provides valuable services to the US. Turkey rather consistently stabs everyone in the back.

Your images are nothing less than trolling. The US never hung Saddam, the Iraqi's did. Gaddafi was killed by his own people as well. Osama was never a friend, just a convenient ally for a brief moment in time and greeting someone hardly makes a friend.

You were probably hiding under a rock if you didn't follow the stories each time and really believe USA and Europe have nothing to do with the falls of those men.

Saddam : remember Colin with the Anthrax joke?

Gaddafi : The Security Council declared a no fly zone to protect the civilian population from aerial bombardment, calling on foreign nations to enforce it; it also specifically prohibited foreign occupation. Ignoring this, Qatar sent hundreds of troops to support the dissidents, and along with France and the United Arab Emirates provided the NTC with weaponry and training.

Credo didn't say the US had nothing to do with these guys downfall. But his points are spot on. Can't blame the US for everything bad that happens in the world. Though many try....

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Time to show Turkey the door on NATO and any consideration of joining the EU.

Turkey is no ally of the West. A thoroughly corrupt country that suppresses

political dissent and racing hard toward religious fundamentalism. coffee1.gif

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He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him.

If the US throws it's weight behind the Kurds, and it should, Turkey will be in a world of hurt. Erdogan may just end up mouthing off and in the process giving the Kurd's the homeland they have long desired.

If anybody thinks they are fierce fighters now, just wait and see what they can do if they have a real purpose and goal along with a promised homeland.

"He'd best not bite the hand that feeds him."

Israel has been biting and feeding for decades. In both cases (and in many others) the one doing the feeding Has its own(often ill-conceived) motivation for appearing generous. And it doesn't always end well.


Sorry quick digress. Love OBL's Date Death- pretty clear the subtext

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