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Siem Reap: 'I Am Not Corrupt,’ Police Chief Asserts


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Khmer Times / May Titthara

Siem Reap police chief Soth Nady has responded to a complaint that there is widespread corruption, nepotism and a reluctance to crack down on illegal gambling, the sex trade and drug trafficking in the province’s police force.

The anonymous three-page complaint was submitted to the Anti-Corruption Unit early last year by officers who say they work for Mr. Nady.

Mr. Nady’s written response to the ACU, dated October 26, was published on the graft-busting agency’s website on Monday.

Mr. Nady has been a stellar leader of the province’s police force and is beyond reproach, according to his letter, which is also signed by Siem Reap town police chief Tit Narong. Mr. Narong had also been accused of corruption in the complaint to the ACU, which said senior officers bought their positions rather than being appointed by merit.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/21241/---i-am-not-corrupt-----police-chief-asserts/

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So, the Siam Reap Police Chief is accused of corruption by his own officers. Then he writes his own letter saying how he is God's gift to planet Earth in general and Siam Reap in particular, also signed, certified and witnessed by another similarly accused Police Chief. Looks like he is not corrupt, but in denial...

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What are the chances that this guy is NOT corrupt? Very, very low. In a country run by the despot leader Hun Sen, who has been enriching himself and his cronies for decades, why would the police not be corrupt? Few people know what Sen is worth. But, it has to be well into the billions. And his generals and the police have all the power. They are completely above the law. Any and all laws.

“For three decades, Hun Sen has repeatedly used political violence, repression, and corruption to remain in power,” said Brad Adams, Asia director and author of the report. “Cambodia urgently needs reforms so that its people can finally exercise their basic human rights without fear of arrest, torture, and execution. The role of international donors is crucial in making this happen.”


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Democratic Republic of North Korea

Democratic Republic of Congo

"I am not corrupt" Police Chief of Siem Reap

"I am not corrupt" Police Chief anywhere Thailand

Does anyone believe any of the above? facepalm.gif

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I don't know if he is or not, but I stayed on the same street where he lives a few years ago. I always noticed a house there that was huge and looked like a mini palace. Had 6 or 7 new cars, boat, motorcycles parked about. One day my guide told me this is the police chiefs' house.

I remember thinking that police work in Cambodia must be a lucrative profession!

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