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Good condos for 12 month plus rental / ard 20-30K pm in CM?

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Have a buddy who might be coming here for 6-12 months. He's a definite 'towny' (prefers to walk to restaurants / shops etc) and at the moment has a nice condo in Phuket. He'd be looking for something 1-2 bedrooms, fully furnished, preferably with a pool and gym, preferably around Nimman or at least town centre. Budget could go up if needed and the location could be out of town IF it was a really nice place (in the direction of Mae Hia / Hangdong). Have a feeling he'd be looking for something 60-80 sq m. If the condo hunt falls flat he'd rent a house, just that a condo in town would suit better.

Asked me to maybe check a few places out in person (rather than agent / website viewing) if I have the time. Over the coming months the time will be no problem but, for anyone that's been down this path before, any heads up on any decent places would be a great help, and esp any places to avoid that might look or sound OK, but have problems that most are not familiar with.

I've only been here just over a month at the moment and don't have much idea of what's around condo wise or the prices, no need to, up until now. Was walking round Niman yesterday and saw a place called The Unique. Looked OK on the outside, no idea what they are like though. I'm also told there's condos at Serene Lake, way out at Mae Hia. Not even chance to check that out yet. But that might be an example of something spectacular being able to tempt him out of town, views, apartment size etc.


On the other side of town, but on the river and close to great bars/restaurants, quick walk into Warrorot or NIght Market would be Floral Condo or Rimping Condo (if you can get into them), Great views (probably amongst best available), and has the security, parking,pool, gym, cable tv, internet etc etc. Much easier (to me) to travel to other places (Festival, old city, road trips, even Nimman...and getting home at night easier as multipple routes available). Always thought these places a better deal than Nimman (especially the size of the apartments and management).


You can PM me I will give you a good name. Walk to everything almost push bike to the rest. Good staff, pool, security, ATM 2 stores laundry gym within walking distance and lots of built in advise for free. You can shave the budget a bit here. Closer than Niman to the central part of town.


Should be many available in your price range. I found

Out one of the best ways was to select three or four

Buildings that I like in the area I want to be in and

Speak with manager or other tenants, you will be happy

To rent direct from the owner and find out some info

About the building also. Always worked for me.


I agree with the above - Floral is a pleasant building and well managed - but really, you are best searching around on the internet and seeing which listings would interest... and he should probably take the time to do that first before you going running all over town - you might also try Peaks, near Shangri-la Hotel.


Seriously consider the age of the building and the wear and tear on its infrastructure, plumbing/electric etc, before going for a great location and its prestige, ten to fifteen years old starts to become very suspect.


Actually some of the older buildings are some of the best. They're well located and individual units in the buildings have been remodeled, often with complete regutting of electrical and plumbing. My building is over 20 years old and the water system distribution system to the units was replaced about a year ago -- had the hallways torn up for a while. With an older building, you know what you're getting because the condo committee in in place and you can check on their reputation. The newer buildings are often still under the management of the developer and some parts are unfinished. Many new buildings have "growing pangs" when they transition to being run by condo committees.

I think the Perfect Homes website is easy to navigate and a good way to start to research the various condo buildings: http://perfecthomes.co.th/

If you see several units in a building that looks attractive, then you can go check out the location in person for your friend.


I know a great place, but I'm not going to say where.
Half the units around me are empty and I have not had much luck living with other foreigners next door (knock on wood).



The "Floral" condo discussed here earlier is a good place. Close to town, etc.

Please, at all costs, stay away from the "Riverside" condo. It is an old building, bad water, looks a little like a soviet era housing unit in the interior hallways. Elevators are jumpy, there is constant renovation noise.... and not just a little noise, but almost daily pounding and grinding Monday through Friday. The rents may look attractive but the premises are certainly not!

I would advise your friend to think about going to Smith's Suites for a short stay while scoping out the city and surrounds. They have short term rentals that are quite nice and would serve him well until he finds a bigger place.

Best of luck!


The "Floral" condo discussed here earlier is a good place. Close to town, etc.

Please, at all costs, stay away from the "Riverside" condo. It is an old building, bad water, looks a little like a soviet era housing unit in the interior hallways. Elevators are jumpy, there is constant renovation noise.... and not just a little noise, but almost daily pounding and grinding Monday through Friday. The rents may look attractive but the premises are certainly not!

I would advise your friend to think about going to Smith's Suites for a short stay while scoping out the city and surrounds. They have short term rentals that are quite nice and would serve him well until he finds a bigger place.

Best of luck!

almost every point of your post is flawed. floral is close to a mosque and you will have a wake up call five times a day.

riverside is in a vibrant real Thai neighborhood. I've recently sold a condominium that I've owned for years and it was an excellent investment.


The "Floral" condo discussed here earlier is a good place. Close to town, etc.

Please, at all costs, stay away from the "Riverside" condo. It is an old building, bad water, looks a little like a soviet era housing unit in the interior hallways. Elevators are jumpy, there is constant renovation noise.... and not just a little noise, but almost daily pounding and grinding Monday through Friday. The rents may look attractive but the premises are certainly not!

I would advise your friend to think about going to Smith's Suites for a short stay while scoping out the city and surrounds. They have short term rentals that are quite nice and would serve him well until he finds a bigger place.

Best of luck!

almost every point of your post is flawed. floral is close to a mosque and you will have a wake up call five times a day.

riverside is in a vibrant real Thai neighborhood. I've recently sold a condominium that I've owned for years and it was an excellent investment.

I used to live next door to Imam University and its multitude of mosques in Saudi Arabia. The call to prayer is barely noticeable after you've heard it a few times even when it's being delivered by many different voices all out of synch with each other at the same time.


Seriously consider the age of the building and the wear and tear on its infrastructure, plumbing/electric etc, before going for a great location and its prestige, ten to fifteen years old starts to become very suspect.

How would a building 10-15 years old be considered prestige?

Prestige means brand new.


The "Floral" condo discussed here earlier is a good place. Close to town, etc.

Please, at all costs, stay away from the "Riverside" condo. It is an old building, bad water, looks a little like a soviet era housing unit in the interior hallways. Elevators are jumpy, there is constant renovation noise.... and not just a little noise, but almost daily pounding and grinding Monday through Friday. The rents may look attractive but the premises are certainly not!

I would advise your friend to think about going to Smith's Suites for a short stay while scoping out the city and surrounds. They have short term rentals that are quite nice and would serve him well until he finds a bigger place.

Best of luck!

almost every point of your post is flawed. floral is close to a mosque and you will have a wake up call five times a day.

riverside is in a vibrant real Thai neighborhood. I've recently sold a condominium that I've owned for years and it was an excellent investment.

I used to live next door to Imam University and its multitude of mosques in Saudi Arabia. The call to prayer is barely noticeable after you've heard it a few times even when it's being delivered by many different voices all out of synch with each other at the same time.

you never get used to it.


Seriously consider the age of the building and the wear and tear on its infrastructure, plumbing/electric etc, before going for a great location and its prestige, ten to fifteen years old starts to become very suspect.

How would a building 10-15 years old be considered prestige?

Prestige means brand new.

Back to school for you!



Around Nimman; Punna residence A & B are very good. one bed room will go below 25k a month. 2BR would be around 35k.

Around Chang klan: peaks are the best. in a cul de sac. peaks spa, 7/11, laundry, butter is better, 10 minutues walk to night market, you name it.

twin peaks

peaks garden

peaks avenue

1BR - around 24k

2BR - 30-35k

However, most units are occupied almost through the year.

peaks avenue is brand new. build 2015. posh, but will be expensive than twin peaks and peaks garden.


Brilliant. Thanks for all the help folks. Quite a few there. I'll compile a short list and mail it over. He can then have a look via Perfect Homes etc. Any that he's keen on I can go take a look closer to the time. No real point looking now. No matter how nice it is, if there's no vacancies by time he arrives there's no point.

Maybe around March / April could see what's around for a June arrival.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I know a great place, but I'm not going to say where.

Half the units around me are empty and I have not had much luck living with other foreigners next door (knock on wood).


So the point of posting at all was?????

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Some of what I’ve learned while renting in Chiang Mai:

  • Nimmenhaemin is under the flight path so avoid this area if plane noise bothers you.
  • Even a large modern unit can lack a decent kitchen, i.e. little table space, only two electrical hotplates, and a low countertop.
  • Many rentals do not include cleaning, and while some offer it via the lobby, the price can be ridiculous (one place quoted me 1,500 baht per cleaning). Dealing with your own maid can be a bit of a hassle.
  • The equipment supplied in some places can be extremely basic (and cheap), for example one place I stayed at even lacked a dish drying rack. Some buildings have more or less identical units for rent at different prices, so check what is included, because saving 1,000 baht/month might not be worth it if you have to start by buying a broom, drying rack, coat hangers, plates, etc.

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