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US teacher traveled to Thailand for sex tourism, feds say


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Him and hundreds of thousands of other teachers over the decades here to exploit children, hardly news. I have a friend with a US Army security clearance and he will not travel on vacation to SEA as it is seen to be the norm male holiday makers will engage illegal prostitutes- women and men. Transvestites are particularly a practice which would affect future clearances. Big security issue having a *transvestite* gf blackmailing them. What it must be like to be a citizen of a nation renowned as he world's (cheap) brothel.

I had a Top Secret clearance, and I traveled to Thailand more than once while on leave. It never was an issue.

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Arrested without any charge seems a bit suspect.

Do Americans no longer have any rights?

I checked it out and he was charged. "The suspect’s name is Clarence Edward Evers Jr. He faces several charges including production of child pornography, transportation of child pornography, receipt of child pornography, accessing with intent to view child pornography and foreign travel with the intent to engage in illicit sexual contact."

And, yes, Americans still have rights. Certainly more than most Europeans; though probably somewhat less than their New Zealander Cousins.

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Albeit Thailand is known for its sex industry. This guy needs to be behind bars. Seeing kids is a crime no matter where it is done. The fact that he is a teacher makes it all the worse. Good thing the U.S. recognises this and will hold him accountable. Let's see how he likes being someone's bitch once he is in prison.

that's one ugly bitch! don't think even a desperate perv would want to ------ him!

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I see the paedapologists are out in force again ,same members time and again,same pattern of posting ,if I didnt know better I might suspect more!

What's a paedapologist ??

He means a paedophileapologist ( what he is actually saying is more along the lines of a foot apologist ).

However, he apparently can't distinguish between someone that suggests it is inappropriate to vent sadistic wet dreams on someone that hasn't even been charged, let alone proven to have committed any crime and someone that is saying it is OK to be a paedophile. In their universe, soon as someone has even the suggestion that they MAY have committed such a crime they should be hung drawn and quartered, after being tortured for a long time and no dissent along the lines of "let's prove the guy did it first before hanging him".

I guess that those people are psychic, that they can tell a person's actual guilt from an article on the internet. While it might be not a good idea to boast about underage conquests on the internet ( and yes, someone is reading everything that has key words, including this thread ), it is common for people to boast about almost anything ( including how they can torture another human being ), but it isn't a criminal offence till PROVEN guilty.

I think it's time to start posting threads about the FEMALES that have sex with underage boys, so that the armchair sadists can add even more exotic tortures to their menu of wet dreams. Equal rights and all that.

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Albeit Thailand is known for its sex industry. This guy needs to be behind bars. Seeing kids is a crime no matter where it is done. The fact that he is a teacher makes it all the worse. Good thing the U.S. recognises this and will hold him accountable. Let's see how he likes being someone's bitch once he is in prison.

I don't know anything about this, except what I read, which was is not an official police report or court document.. I am not the judge, jury and executioner for anyone. I avoid vulgar and base statements, which would reflect on my ability to communicate and invalidate my credibility on the subject.

What a person needs, is beyond my comprehension, since I don't have any facts and am not an expert in the social sciences field.. I don't knowing anything about anyone I haven't met.

What I do know, is that everyone is free to say anything, anytime and anywhere, regardless if they know what they are talking about.

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For us who live in the US, have you noticed the looks you get when you check in with Immigration after a trip to Thailand. I guarantee, some note went in a file somewhere with a flag. US Immigration is not stupid. They know a single male did not go all the way to Thailand to visit the temples or to eat some Somtom.

Not just the US. The UK immigration is just as bad. Got held up for 4 hours once while the scumbag tosser customs officer tried everything to find something to do me on. Couldn't find anything of course as I don't do that sort of thing, but he told me after during a "discussion" that he knew what went on in Thailand because several of his male friends had been there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, I don't think I got flagged, as I wasn't given special treatment the next times I entered the UK.

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This guy isn't a lone wolf, there's plenty more that come to Thailand for this sort of fun , they either don't brag on social media or they haven't been discovered yet, Just take a walk in the evening at Pattaya foreshore or check out the beaches, nightlife at Phuket , the place is seething with all sorts of people, from all walks of life, for all sorts of fun times.................................................coffee1.gif .

You must know some "secret spot" on the Pattaya foreshore as I have walked along it many times at most hours of the night and I have yet to see any obviously underage hooker of either sex selling themselves there. If there are underage boys selling themselves it is more likely to be at a certain plaza, or by private arrangement, probably with the parents or relatives, or else with street kids.

It happens, especially around the school holidays. Last year a friend and I happened across a Thai woman clearly 'pimping' her young daughter along Beach Road (looked to be around fourteen), and there was another about the same age regularly working alone up near Walking Street. Girls that age in Pattaya know what it's all about and they want flash clothes and mobile phones, and they know full well who to target (just as long as the punters they pick up happen to stay somewhere suitably discreet and don't check ID!).

Who knows, it might even be a setup - and I seriously doubt it'd ever be worth the risk of a spell in a Thai prison and then getting deported back home!!

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This guy isn't a lone wolf, there's plenty more that come to Thailand for this sort of fun , they either don't brag on social media or they haven't been discovered yet, Just take a walk in the evening at Pattaya foreshore or check out the beaches, nightlife at Phuket , the place is seething with all sorts of people, from all walks of life, for all sorts of fun times.................................................coffee1.gif .

You must know some "secret spot" on the Pattaya foreshore as I have walked along it many times at most hours of the night and I have yet to see any obviously underage hooker of either sex selling themselves there. If there are underage boys selling themselves it is more likely to be at a certain plaza, or by private arrangement, probably with the parents or relatives, or else with street kids.

It happens, especially around the school holidays. Last year a friend and I happened across a Thai woman clearly 'pimping' her young daughter along Beach Road (looked to be around fourteen), and there was another about the same age regularly working alone up near Walking Street. Girls that age in Pattaya know what it's all about and they want flash clothes and mobile phones, and they know full well who to target (just as long as the punters they pick up happen to stay somewhere suitably discreet and don't check ID!).

Who knows, it might even be a setup - and I seriously doubt it'd ever be worth the risk of a spell in a Thai prison and then getting deported back home!!

Fair enough, but it's definitely not as rampant as some like to make out.

Some years ago in Bkk there were underage schoolgirls around Siam Square pimping themselves to Thai businessmen to make money for phones etc. Could still be going on. I read about it in the Bkk Post, so not some dubious source on the internet.

I do wish people got as worked up about the child abuse that goes on openly every night in tourist areas as they do about paedos. It's just as damaging to the child as what people are raving about on threads like this. Unfortunately, on Walking Street even the farang police volunteers turn a blind eye to it.

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US teacher allegedly travelled to Thailand for child sex



BANGKOK: -- Clarence Edward Evers Jr, a computer teacher at a high school in Alabama, was arrested on Thursday morning for various child pornography offences and for travelling to a foreign country with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct.

He is said to have visited Thailand regularly over the past decade to have sex with boys, and repeatedly bragged about these misdeeds over email, according to AL.com.

The emails reportedly date back as far as 2004 and many are graphic in their descriptions.

In 2014, Evers confided in one email about recent related prosecutions in Thailand, saying I still plan to go this summer, but I definitely have to rethink my playtime strategy. It sure seems more apparent every day that we were there at a very good time in history, and that those good times are exactly that: history.

The investigation into Evers is huge, reports WKRG News, and has been over a year in the making, starting back at the end of 2014 when US Homeland Security received a tip-off from an attaché regarding the sexual abuse of a minor in Bangkok.

Full story: http://whatsonsukhumvit.com/us-teacher-allegedly-travelled-to-thailand-for-child-sex/


-- (c) What's on Sukhumvit 2016-02-12

And the feds needed to let this languish for more than a year because.....?

They felt the need to collect evidence before making an arrest?

Perhaps even investigate to see if he belongs to a network of abusers and, if so, arrest them all?

Edited by Bluespunk
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So what is new? Thauland has been promoting the sex trade for years. It is even promoted right here on Thai Visa.

Huh ??

Hey, the sex trade between consenting adults is one thing, and preying on kids is another. Both kinds can be found in this country but let's not confuse everything, OK ?

One factor that always bothers me about the average American attitude is that it tends to blend all the sexual issues into one big sin, and that has nothing to do with universal morality, while it has everything to do with WASP narrow-minded bigotry.

In American movies and series, you see couples having sex under the sheets, then it's over, they get out of the bed and, lo and behold, they are wearing their T-shirt and boxers :-)) ... just a small example of how ridiculous and hypocritical American 'culture' is when it comes to sex. You can't say this, you can't show that, you must talk about 'dating' as if the whole game was ony abou romance and marriage is presented as the only option for normal human beings ... on the other hands, look at the TV series especially, they talk of nothing else but sex.

But human beings are human, they are not designed by the church, no matter how hard the church tries to do just that. No matter how much pressure their societies try to put on them about sex, they will still go out and look for something to fulfill their urges. Once again, if these urges involve sex among consenting adults, I do not see why any authority should interfere.

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What is the difference in this guy "traveling" for illegal sex to Thailand and Las Vegas? or certain parts of Los Angeles, Seattle, NYC or Miami? Or any number of South American cities? A better headline would be "Pervert in custody".

No, I think this one summed up the basis of the story quiet well. Not perfectly but certainly better than your option.

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What is the difference in this guy "traveling" for illegal sex to Thailand and Las Vegas? or certain parts of Los Angeles, Seattle, NYC or Miami? Or any number of South American cities? A better headline would be "Pervert in custody".

No, I think this one summed up the basis of the story quiet well. Not perfectly but certainly better than your option.

This man is under arrest for his (alleged) part as a major person in a child pornography ring which has been under investigation for quite a while. A tip to police that he had travelled to Thailand to *abuse* a child forms part of the charges.


The investigation into Evers’ activities started in December 2014 when Homeland Security received a complaint regarding the sexual abuse of a minor in Bangkok, Thailand. Homeland Security identified the suspect as Clarence Edward Evers, Jr. Court documents also reveal Evers has travelled to Thailand during the summer since 2002 and allegedly used Facebook to contact this victim in December 2014. He is accused of sexually abusing the minor the summer of 2014.

... He faces several charges including production of child pornography, transportation of child pornography, receipt of child pornography, accessing with intent to view child pornography and foreign travel with the intent to engage in illicit sexual contact.


When he was arrested at his school, police seized computers from the school that he had used. Among lots and lots of material, they found he was stalking and grooming two children at that very school.

Let's be clear at the very least that the headline here is VERY misleading. He was not arrested for travelling to Thailand for sex tourism. Among the many charges against him is one that he travelled to Thailand to abuse and rape one specific boy that he had groomed on Facebook (and probably many, many others for 12 years).

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What is the difference in this guy "traveling" for illegal sex to Thailand and Las Vegas? or certain parts of Los Angeles, Seattle, NYC or Miami? Or any number of South American cities? A better headline would be "Pervert in custody".

No, I think this one summed up the basis of the story quiet well. Not perfectly but certainly better than your option.

This man is under arrest for his (alleged) part as a major person in a child pornography ring which has been under investigation for quite a while. A tip to police that he had travelled to Thailand to *abuse* a child forms part of the charges.


The investigation into Evers’ activities started in December 2014 when Homeland Security received a complaint regarding the sexual abuse of a minor in Bangkok, Thailand. Homeland Security identified the suspect as Clarence Edward Evers, Jr. Court documents also reveal Evers has travelled to Thailand during the summer since 2002 and allegedly used Facebook to contact this victim in December 2014. He is accused of sexually abusing the minor the summer of 2014.

... He faces several charges including production of child pornography, transportation of child pornography, receipt of child pornography, accessing with intent to view child pornography and foreign travel with the intent to engage in illicit sexual contact.


When he was arrested at his school, police seized computers from the school that he had used. Among lots and lots of material, they found he was stalking and grooming two children at that very school.

Let's be clear at the very least that the headline here is VERY misleading. He was not arrested for travelling to Thailand for sex tourism. Among the many charges against him is one that he travelled to Thailand to abuse and rape one specific boy that he had groomed on Facebook (and probably many, many others for 12 years).

thank you for clarify this. So he is was under investigation already and his last trip to Thailand was the end of his road. Good work by police.

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Unfortunately SE Asian is still where many people go to have short time relationships.

Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and soon Burma as its tourism business

gets more popular. I do hope this braggart gets some jail time and maybe meets big Bubba.

help help!


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Ok, now the secrete is out that Thailand is a mecca for sex tourism... what a shame, and I thought I was

the only one to know about it... millions of horney guys are making a beeline to this country sex spots

to indulge in each to his own sensual preferences, and seem that the feds have been in a deep sleep

to something that is known world wide.....

Yes but the issue in this case is not a bit of 'compensated' horizontal folk dancing, rather the age of the alleged victims: 9 to 15. Not a nice man if it's true.

What an idiot....9 - 15 when he could have had grown men who are about the same size! Not saying it's right, just saying! facepalm.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

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For us who live in the US, have you noticed the looks you get when you check in with Immigration after a trip to Thailand. I guarantee, some note went in a file somewhere with a flag. US Immigration is not stupid. They know a single male did not go all the way to Thailand to visit the temples or to eat some Somtom.

I wonder why immigration worries about that,, I bet you can buy sex in every city in America? It's the under age kids that is the problem..

but make you wonder when so many 13 year old girls are having babies now days???? kids are much more grown up these days at 13 than I was at 18,

that was 45 years ago, now with sex on TV , books, movies, internet, sex education, etc.. there is not much a 13 year old does not know, about anything.. !!

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18+ age of consent law follows Police State citizens everywhere they go in the world. (Because ya know, the u.s. knows whats best for everyone, and they think their laws also apply on Neptune).

So, if you have sex with a 17yo overseas, you can be charged when you return to the Police State. Strangely, they won't prosecute for a murder, arson, kidnapping, or armed robbery that you may have committed in the same country. No one can deny that those crimes are much more serious. So why does the murder and kidnapping laws not follow u.s. citizens worldwide?

I doubt that congressmen have genuine concern for some 17yo girl on a beach vacation in Malta who has sex with a 25yo u.s. citizen. My theory is that they are 'haters'. I said it. They are bunch of old codgers who don't get young ass, and are stuck with their 65yo wives for decades. If they can't get young ass, they dont want YOU getting it either.

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Well, in my opinion if the age of consent is 16 where you're at, then 16 should be OK. So yes I think the U.S. policy of pursuing cases like that is heavy handed. The intent might be good, about protecting youth, but there is a balance between that and rational policies, protecting freedoms.

But the law is the law.

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Fair enough, but it's definitely not as rampant as some like to make out.

I know a female Thai NGO in Chiang Mai who helps under age boys in the sex trade in Chiang Mai.

She claims there are 52 venues in Chiang Mai city, that she knows of, where men can go to have sex with under age boys.

But I'm fairly certain most of those places aren't for foreigners to visit.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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