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Ding, ding, the gloves are off! Clinton and Sanders battle it out in Milwaukee


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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Maybe "Madam President Warren" someday, but not one of Wall Street's darlings.

She doesn't represent women in general, she represents rich and privileged women, and all of her friends at the Bilderberg Group. Amazingly, a Hillary Clinton lost the female vote, except the grannies maybe, and big time.

Yeah, the pundits (employees of major corps) said she won debate after debate. Of course, they did! They said she won debates that were followed by Bernie getting myriads of small contributions from working people, and Bernie historically kicking her butt in the polls despite virtually all of NH and VT Dem leadership supporting Clinton, Inc.

Stop being a chump. Hillary is not for you, unless you are wealthy.

Edited by helpisgood
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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Maybe "Madam President Warren" someday, but not one of Wall Street's darlings.

She doesn't represent women in general, she represents rich and privileged women, and all of her friends at the Bilderberg Group. Amazingly, a Hillary Clinton lost the female vote, except the grannies maybe, and big time.

Yeah, the pundits (employees of major corps) said she won debate after debate. Of course, they did! They said she won debates that were followed by Bernie getting myriads of small contributions from working people, and Bernie historically kicking her butt in the polls despite virtually all of NH and VT Dem leadership supporting Clinton, Inc.

Stop being a chump. Hillary is not for you, unless you are wealthy.

Well said. I see you are really awake and informed. Cheers.

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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Maybe "Madam President Warren" someday, but not one of Wall Street's darlings.

She doesn't represent women in general, she represents rich and privileged women, and all of her friends at the Bilderberg Group. Amazingly, a Hillary Clinton lost the female vote, except the grannies maybe, and big time.

Yeah, the pundits (employees of major corps) said she won debate after debate. Of course, they did! They said she won debates that were followed by Bernie getting myriads of small contributions from working people, and Bernie historically kicking her butt in the polls despite virtually all of NH and VT Dem leadership supporting Clinton, Inc.

Stop being a chump. Hillary is not for you, unless you are wealthy.

Well said. I see you are really awake and informed. Cheers.

Thanks! I liked your post above (#30) about Woodruff. I didn't know that about her.

I am glad that you have the good sense to follow the money.

Keep it up!

Edited by helpisgood
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The circus is over on the other side where six elephants are performing with their trunks up one another's tail.

Bernie and Hillary have their moments but it pales in comparison to the Republican circus which is presently the greatest show on earth.

Six jerks hollering liar liar liar from one end of the stage to the other while flaming away one on one leaves rightwhingers with no room to use words such as 'morons' or 'idiots'. Kasich was the only one to scold the others without having targeted one or two particular others, noting the six (bozos) were busily electing Hillary Clinton.

Looking in on the Republican debate we see the loser while in contrast watching the Democratic debates presents America with the winner.

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Although I don't agree with much of Bernie's 'free stuff for everyone' outlook, I have to admit I sort of like the guy.

Maybe because he seems like the only candidate who actually seems to believe in anything.

Or...maybe that he just comes across as less deceitful than everyone else.

But mostly because he appears to be the only Democrat not intimidated by the Clinton machine...and has the courage to point out that the empress has no clothes.

All qualities that ensure he doesn't have a chance.

I agree. I don't like Bernie's ideas and even if he did win, neither the Dems or Reps in Congress would support his ideas. But he must be honest because no American politician would lie about being a Socialist. There is something to admire about a politician being truthful, refreshing too.

People forget that he is not a Democrat. He is an Independent running on the Democrat ticket. That is likely because all other potential Democrat contenders were told by the party leadership not to run against Hillary...it is her turn after all. BTW - the reason I stated in 1996 for not voting for Dole was because I felt he was the nominee because "it was his turn" and I thought that was a lame reason to vote for someone.

I disagree that Sanders is a socialist. He hasn't called for nationalisation of anything. Yes he wants to tax the corporations, but that is common sense.

I think he's just a left of center democrat with common sense.

Countries like Sweden are probably ( modern ) socialist because they give stuff to everyone, and tax the h*** out of anyone that works.

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The circus is over on the other side where six elephants are performing with their trunks up one another's tail.

Bernie and Hillary have their moments but it pales in comparison to the Republican circus which is presently the greatest show on earth.

Six jerks hollering liar liar liar from one end of the stage to the other while flaming away one on one leaves rightwhingers with no room to use words such as 'morons' or 'idiots'. Kasich was the only one to scold the others without having targeted one or two particular others, noting the six (bozos) were busily electing Hillary Clinton.

Looking in on the Republican debate we see the loser while in contrast watching the Democratic debates presents America with the winner.


Will you make a public admission on here that you were wrong if a Republican candidate wins the race for POTUS? biggrin.png

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Bernie has to be careful. Although he has great policies that will put America back on the path to be the great nation it once was he has a lot of 'mongrel' in him. He loves nothing better than dismembering a deceitful opponent. He has to stay 'on message' and push his agenda of reform. THAT and only that resonates with the American electorate. If he gets side tracked and gets into personalities it detracts from what he is trying to achieve. Leave the theatrics to the Republican party where people just watch to see a 'car crash'. Stay resolute on issues. Publicly funded health care and pharmaceuticals, publicly funded education tuition, a liveable wage, breaking up Wall Street and large financial institutions, worker representation, the wealthy elite and Corporate America actually paying taxes by closing down offshore tax havens, Swiss bank accounts, Company Inversions, removing America from the crippling cost of wars and weapons and investing in infrastructure. Bernie has to educate the American electorate and counter the Right Wing and Corporate shills that misinform people his policies are free, they aren't, and that he is a Socialist which he is not.

An educated electorate simply cannot be deceived by lunatic evangelical Right Wing ideology and shills promoting the interests of the wealthy elite and the greed of Corporate America. Simply cannot be done. Bernie's message cuts right through.

"Feel the Bern"

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The Clinton hatred oozes out of the wingnuts.

The pundits say she won the last debate. She is battle tested and will make a great President, but so would Bernie.

A pleasure to see the Democrats debate. Two candidates respectful of each other discussing real issues and solutions.

Then there are the Republicans, where debate is ridiculous spectacle, a tragic comedy. Every candidate displaying their conservative bonafides for the far right base. Attacking each other for incompetence cheesy.gif , and led by a hemorrhoid of a candidate, Donald (I want to do my daughter) Trump.

Get use to "Madam President".

Will you promise to leave TFV when Trump wins the presidency? I'm more than just a little bit tired of your excessive name calling. thumbsup.gif

If Trump wins the presidency I'd recommend leaving the country.


I left the country because I was so disgusted with the Cheney administration.

If trump is elected, I will never return again.

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Bernie has to be careful. Although he has great policies that will put America back on the path to be the great nation it once was he has a lot of 'mongrel' in him. He loves nothing better than dismembering a deceitful opponent. He has to stay 'on message' and push his agenda of reform. THAT and only that resonates with the American electorate. If he gets side tracked and gets into personalities it detracts from what he is trying to achieve. Leave the theatrics to the Republican party where people just watch to see a 'car crash'. Stay resolute on issues. Publicly funded health care and pharmaceuticals, publicly funded education tuition, a liveable wage, breaking up Wall Street and large financial institutions, worker representation, the wealthy elite and Corporate America actually paying taxes by closing down offshore tax havens, Swiss bank accounts, Company Inversions, removing America from the crippling cost of wars and weapons and investing in infrastructure. Bernie has to educate the American electorate and counter the Right Wing and Corporate shills that misinform people his policies are free, they aren't, and that he is a Socialist which he is not.

An educated electorate simply cannot be deceived by lunatic evangelical Right Wing ideology and shills promoting the interests of the wealthy elite and the greed of Corporate America. Simply cannot be done. Bernie's message cuts right through.

"Feel the Bern"

An educated electorate is a dream unfortunately.

Never forget, they did re-elect GW Bush.

( His Daddy's friends in the Supreme Court gave him his first disastrous term. )

The biggest problem with the American political system is that you do not need to know anything about anything in order to vote, and 15 second sound bites on TV are the only place lazy Americans look for information to base their decisions on.

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