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Kamala Beach cleared of trash
Sukawin Tanthavanich


PHUKET: -- Kamala Beach is looking cleaner after trash was cleared from its sands by local authorities acting on demands from nearby business operators.

Kamala Administration Organization (OrBorTor) responded to reports sent to the Phuket Gazette about rubbish piling up at the beach by swinging into action with two brand new ‘green’ garbage trucks.

Until recently, the municipality was barely getting by with just one garbage truck in desperate need of replacement.

Full Story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Kamala-Beach-cleared-trash/63134?desktopversion#ad-image-0

-- Phuket Gazette 2016-02-12


Ah, so good work of the Kamala admins. Let's hope they will repeat the cleanup process once again, next year, once there has been enough complaints.

Should we have a poll, which beach have the worst local government of the general public interest?


Well I don't see a single trash bin in sight in that photo. I wonder if that might help mitigate future problems? facepalm.gif

Yes so obvious by the absence. When push comes to shove and complaints roll in things get done and MONEY is spent. Its so sad they want all the tourist dollars coming in but lay nothing out till business owners ring their bell. Rather sad. Getting money spent on useful projects is a real problem. Subs yes a clean environment? Fight for it.

The tourists caused it. What BS !

The Admin of the beach in Kamala is and has been a disgrace, for as long ago as the late 1990's . Back then, there were volunteer clean up days, at which the OrBorTor reps attended, for a photo op.

In recent years, a private couple with a small boutique resort started Kamala Green Club, which is now sponsored by almost all the big resorts. They hire 2 full time clean-up workers. Also, the Club is the central administration for co-ordinating the staff of the big resorts, to do weekly clean ups of the beach itself. This photo is indicative of many local (100% ) Thai businesses' ignorance and shortsightedness. This still exists - to quote, " it's not my land so why should I get involved".


Thailand will never be a world class tourist destination until they realize that

regular beach clean-up is an essential element of tourist attraction. They just

don't get it.


Well I don't see a single trash bin in sight in that photo. I wonder if that might help mitigate future problems? facepalm.gif

Quite right, I have noticed over the years of visiting many tourist attractions the abcense of trash bins.

I have had to carry trash around looking for a bin,most beeches do not have any, I wonder if the enlightened one could take this problem on board and fix it.

Maybe some of the reward monies could be used to buy Bins, after all it was intended for the public.

Then some of the airport taxes could be used to buy a few more trash trucks by the year 2120.rolleyes.gif


Well I don't see a single trash bin in sight in that photo. I wonder if that might help mitigate future problems? facepalm.gif

Quite right, I have noticed over the years of visiting many tourist attractions the abcense of trash bins.

I have had to carry trash around looking for a bin,most beeches do not have any, I wonder if the enlightened one could take this problem on board and fix it.

Maybe some of the reward monies could be used to buy Bins, after all it was intended for the public.

Then some of the airport taxes could be used to buy a few more trash trucks by the year 2120.rolleyes.gif

There is one problem, trash bins have to be emptied on a regular basis, costs money which is why they aren't there, and why anyway, the biggest trash can is the beach.


Well I don't see a single trash bin in sight in that photo. I wonder if that might help mitigate future problems? facepalm.gif

Quite right, I have noticed over the years of visiting many tourist attractions the abcense of trash bins.

I have had to carry trash around looking for a bin,most beeches do not have any, I wonder if the enlightened one could take this problem on board and fix it.

Maybe some of the reward monies could be used to buy Bins, after all it was intended for the public.

Then some of the airport taxes could be used to buy a few more trash trucks by the year 2120.rolleyes.gif

There is one problem, trash bins have to be emptied on a regular basis, costs money which is why they aren't there, and why anyway, the biggest trash can is the beach.

Some villages have bins outside their houses that they have to pay to be emptied, there is a local authority man in khaki uniform that goes around collecting the 20 BHT's or whatever it costs.

Beech vendors should have to pay for bins to be emptied, 20 Bht on the price of an unbrella would not hurt anyone, then a local man in uniform could collect the loot and divvy it up.


Ah, so good work of the Kamala admins. Let's hope they will repeat the cleanup process once again, next year, once there has been enough complaints.

Should we have a poll, which beach have the worst local government of the general public interest?

I wrote about how bad the beach looked on Kamalala/Facebook a week before. I can't believe they actually did something. Trash everywhere. With the money not flowing in the Orbortor doesn't spend a cent on the upkeep of the beach. Only does something when he absolutely has to.

At one time that position sold for 11 million baht. It had always been a Muslim, now it's not.

THE WORST has to go to the ridiculous excuse for an Orbortor at Surin Beach. Hands down the worst! Sold off the beach for years, clubs extending to the water line. Just pitiful. Still making decisions there.

Kamala Beach administration has fallen to a close second. The retaining walls are falling down, the beach is dirty.

So it goes.


There is one problem, trash bins have to be emptied on a regular basis, costs money which is why they aren't there, and why anyway, the biggest trash can is the beach.

I thought that many, maybe all, the trash bins on Phuket were removed for security reasons after the Bali bombings ...


Well I don't see a single trash bin in sight in that photo. I wonder if that might help mitigate future problems? facepalm.gif

Quite right, I have noticed over the years of visiting many tourist attractions the abcense of trash bins.

I have had to carry trash around looking for a bin,most beeches do not have any, I wonder if the enlightened one could take this problem on board and fix it.

Maybe some of the reward monies could be used to buy Bins, after all it was intended for the public.

Then some of the airport taxes could be used to buy a few more trash trucks by the year 2120.rolleyes.gif

There is one problem, trash bins have to be emptied on a regular basis, costs money which is why they aren't there, and why anyway, the biggest trash can is the beach.

Some villages have bins outside their houses that they have to pay to be emptied, there is a local authority man in khaki uniform that goes around collecting the 20 BHT's or whatever it costs.

Beech vendors should have to pay for bins to be emptied, 20 Bht on the price of an unbrella would not hurt anyone, then a local man in uniform could collect the loot and divvy it up.

And you don't think that 20 baht would not go toward big boss new mercedes? That's the problem here. I suspect there is a budget but it gets looted down to about 10 or 20 percent of what it was and that's why you see one old truck puttering around. And yes no bins because bins mean work. If no bins no garbage right? If garbage not Thai problem why can farang not find bin? And the charade goes on. Unbelievable something so simple and inexpensive as garbage collection goes unfixed. I just returned from Vietnam and the main tourist beaches and park areas are pristine and not a cop in sight.


There is one problem, trash bins have to be emptied on a regular basis, costs money which is why they aren't there, and why anyway, the biggest trash can is the beach.

I thought that many, maybe all, the trash bins on Phuket were removed for security reasons after the Bali bombings ...

There's still a number of large trash bins at Patong Beach, they're just few and far between. Generally located off the footpath in the parking area.


I thought that many, maybe all, the trash bins on Phuket were removed for security reasons after the Bali bombings ...

There's still a number of large trash bins at Patong Beach, they're just few and far between. Generally located off the footpath in the parking area.

I think you will find that these are not public bins supplied by the municipality, but more likely 'private' bins supplied by local people ...

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