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SURVEY: Do you believe that Thailand is getting more dangerous for foreigners?


SURVEY: Is Thailand getting more dangerous for foreigners?  

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Nah, getting safer all the time. Now cars have airbags, better brakes, safety systems etc, Hospitals are getting more advanced every year. Improvements in medicines. HIV isn't a death sentence anymore. Ambulances better equipped. Years of economic growth mean more people have money to feed themselves so don't have to mug tourists. Air travel is safer now with better technology.

Great place Thailand, great time to be alive, great people, great weather, great food, My biggest fear is running in to the negative farangs who complain constantly with all sorts of often imagined grievances. Music too loud, Thai people not understanding them properly, thainess? The type of people who don't know how to have a conversation unless they are complaining about this or that. I hope I don't come across one out their today. I didn't bother reading the posts here as I have a feeling that the way the question is worded it was planned to stir up these types.

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I also believe the lack of consequences for the perpetrators of any crime, particularly against farang' are a major cause of those with ill intent knowing full well they'll get away with it, ie Koh Tao. Those who post 'well, these things happen in every country in the world' are being disingenuous. In most other countries in the world, the laws are enforced. Not so here.

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50% of the increase in deaths was attributable to RTA's so there's one big risk area, in that respect yes, Thailand is becoming more dangerous.

But risk is relative to the individual based on lifestyle age and agenda. The younger guy who engages in risky practices, thrill sports, gets loaded etc is going to have a far higher risk profile than the expat retiree who stays home and prunes his orchids all day, personally I reckon is quite risky for younger tourists, sadly. Me, I'm into orchids.

Nice comment, good to see.

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No. Thailand is fine.

Foreigners are getting more dangerous for foreigners.

In other words:

More Foreigners are: Endangering Themselves.

In other words, they should all just stay at their hotels and or residences, wherever that may be, and do not go anywhere and do as little as possible...in fear of further endangering themselves...LOL

When going outside......Probably best to move around in full body armor and heavily armed like a soldier in Iraq...in an effort to lessen the chances of being hurt or preyed upon or endangered.....

Like that....


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Lately with the amount of people who think they can fly off buildings , run into foul play from greed or sexual opportunity,

add together with allowable pissed drivers on the roads, and then combine that with 3 and 4 ton wild animals who suddenly have enough of human abuse,

mix it all together and then add some drugs and alcohol, The place is safer than Mexico , you just have to look and be aware once you step out side your house into the JUNGLE.

Well the jungle behind my house in rural Khampaeng Phet beside the Mae Wong national park is pretty much the same as it has been for the last 12 years albeit a bit drier this year.

However that is the real jungle, full of trees, animals and I believe some wild tigers too.

A different jungle to the one you are talking about.

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Yes,but most of it is self inflicted,most tourists do not realize what

could be very dangerous,they get carried away,because they are

on holiday,lots of them cannot take proper care of their passports,

never mind their lives,alcohol,drugs,and trusting people you don't

know,followed by motor bike rentals.can prove fatal.

regards Worgeordie

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new flash everybody. Thailand is really frickin' dangerous. everything is dangerous here. for everybody, not just tourists.

let's hope all the tourists in the world get the word, so they an decide for themselves if they want to still come here.


and now, back to trying cross the street without being run down like a dog.

May as well add Australia to your list.. You have no clue
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new flash everybody. Thailand is really frickin' dangerous. everything is dangerous here. for everybody, not just tourists.

let's hope all the tourists in the world get the word, so they an decide for themselves if they want to still come here.


and now, back to trying cross the street without being run down like a dog.

May as well add Australia to your list.. You have no clue

Thanks for the insult.

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Nah, getting safer all the time. Now cars have airbags, better brakes, safety systems etc, Hospitals are getting more advanced every year. Improvements in medicines. HIV isn't a death sentence anymore. Ambulances better equipped. Years of economic growth mean more people have money to feed themselves so don't have to mug tourists. Air travel is safer now with better technology.

Great place Thailand, great time to be alive, great people, great weather, great food, My biggest fear is running in to the negative farangs who complain constantly with all sorts of often imagined grievances. Music too loud, Thai people not understanding them properly, thainess? The type of people who don't know how to have a conversation unless they are complaining about this or that. I hope I don't come across one out their today. I didn't bother reading the posts here as I have a feeling that the way the question is worded it was planned to stir up these types.

I know what you mean, I get tired of farangs complaining, especially those who complain about farangs, oh wait, that would be you. Just remember Thailand isn't rate the second highest death, on the road, for nothing, nor is it rate the third highest death rate, by guns, just for the fun of it, never mind all the other deaths, you sir seem to be nothing but a Thai apologist, either that or you don't live here. If the same number of foreign deaths occurred in western countries, there would be outrage, here it seems to happen every single day, many are avoidable, e.g. Chinese on diving trips, but Thailand does NOTHING to stop it, especially air bags, better brakes, safety systems, HIV, which in fact still kills thousands, etc. Apologize for Thailand if you need to, but Mulder says "The TRUTH is Out There." As for your comment "Great place Thailand, great time to be alive, great people, great weather, great food," what a childish thing to say, something people say when they can't think of anything else, you could substitute so many other countries, for Thailand, and say the same stupid thing. So, PLEASE take your blind attitude complaining somewhere else.

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new flash everybody. Thailand is really frickin' dangerous. everything is dangerous here. for everybody, not just tourists.

let's hope all the tourists in the world get the word, so they an decide for themselves if they want to still come here.


and now, back to trying cross the street without being run down like a dog.

May as well add Australia to your list.. You have no clue

Idiotic comment, rarely are people run down, on the Australian roads.

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The dangers encountered in Thailand have not changed much over the years but the type of tourists has changed. The large increase in tourists from countries that have little experience in international travel has cause a significant increase in deaths and accidents. Improving the statistics will take both changes in Thai and tourist behaviors.

I'd imagine there's a lot to what you are saying there when it comes to first time travelers.

My first ever visit was in 1999, and luckily I had been to Latin America twice before as well as lived in the UAE for 6 months.

I also had a work associate that had lived in Thailand for 26 years to show me around my first couple nights in BKK. I was on vacation, single, and he showed me around Nana & Cowboy & told me the basic ground rules.

I was 31 and (while still naive) certainly had many advantages that many first time travelers do not have, mainly the fact that people drive like utter, absolute maniacs in many places outside the USA.

It was also my first ever visit to a country that drove on the left side of the road.

I moved to Thailand in 2001 and hired a driver for the first year for work.

I recall renting my first (self drive) car in BKK and I was terrified....not of driving on the left, just terrified in general of driving in BKK.

I should STILL be terrified of driving in BKK, but hey, walk a tightrope over the Grand Canyon enough times & you get used to it I guess.

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All relative. Being aware is the first line of defence. Practice defensive driving at all times. Don't get into altercation with any Thai or argumentative farangs. Steer clear of any Chinese on motorcycles, all are wearing helmets. Alcohol and women are a potent mix, be careful. But, enjoy life.

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Once there was a saying that you could walk the streets of BKK and not be harmed , that no longer applies , Thailand is like every other country , all have the same trend , high unemployment , drugs and alcohol are the main contributor,....................................................coffee1.gif

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Thailand's becoming dangerous for everyone living here, locals, tourists and all.

This country was held together with strong Budhist beliefs, but as with most of the world, religious beliefs are breaking down, the young here simply are turning their backs on religion.

In a country such as Thailand, where you don't have a working law enfocement system, it's a dangerous thing.

The police and courts have to be reformed , otherwise this country will head for rebellion and civil war.

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All relative. Being aware is the first line of defence. Practice defensive driving at all times. Don't get into altercation with any Thai or argumentative farangs. Steer clear of any Chinese on motorcycles, all are wearing helmets. Alcohol and women are a potent mix, be careful. But, enjoy life.

Re: alcohol and women being a potent mix, who cares if women drink alcohol -- tipsy women can sometimes be lots of fun.

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There is a different type of farang here now than 15 or more years ago. I could see the change starting around 2004/5. Younger, less interested in treating people, especially the ladies with respect and as human beings. As I said then and still say now. You younger guys continue paying "Lame Dope Over Payer" prices and treating the ladies like whores, we will all be treated like Johns. Pretty much the way it is now. I go to local bars, even up here seldom if ever with my back to a door (old habit). Too many farangs causing problems. I haven't been down to BKK or Sin City in 2.5 yrs. and it had been several yrs. before that trip. I had to go for Veterans Affairs exam. I believe both the tourist and the Thai people have changed. On the other hand it was years ago when some Thai <deleted> put the petal to the metal on 2nd road in an effort to run me down. He got a nice dent in the side of his little sports car, he missed, I didn't. Just the other night a Thai lady did almost the same to me in Udon, except I don't think she even had a clue as to not only me being in front of her but where anybody else was. When I first came to Thailand I would go off with Thai lady to Thai places, cautious but never a problem. I wouldn't now, couldn't here in Udon anyway, the wife has too many spies and the jungle drums beat loudly and swiftly...lol. I will admit to hitting a few of the karaoke bars with the guys. No problems. One thing for sure, go looking for trouble, it will find you sooner or later, anywhere. All in all a multitude of factors contributed to the way Thailand is now, not one or two factors. I still haven't found a better place, at least for me.

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All relative. Being aware is the first line of defence. Practice defensive driving at all times. Don't get into altercation with any Thai or argumentative farangs. Steer clear of any Chinese on motorcycles, all are wearing helmets. Alcohol and women are a potent mix, be careful. But, enjoy life.

Re: alcohol and women being a potent mix, who cares if women drink alcohol -- tipsy women can sometimes be lots of fun.

Did I say I cared if women drink alcohol? I said be careful. That's a different concept, but I guess you're stirring again.

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All relative. Being aware is the first line of defence. Practice defensive driving at all times. Don't get into altercation with any Thai or argumentative farangs. Steer clear of any Chinese on motorcycles, all are wearing helmets. Alcohol and women are a potent mix, be careful. But, enjoy life.

Re: alcohol and women being a potent mix, who cares if women drink alcohol -- tipsy women can sometimes be lots of fun.

Did I say I cared if women drink alcohol? I said be careful. That's a different concept, but I guess you're stirring again.W

Well if you think alcohol and women are a potent mix, then you can keep your women away from alcohol. I don't drink but sometimes I buy the girls a drink if that's what they want.

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All relative. Being aware is the first line of defence. Practice defensive driving at all times. Don't get into altercation with any Thai or argumentative farangs. Steer clear of any Chinese on motorcycles, all are wearing helmets. Alcohol and women are a potent mix, be careful. But, enjoy life.
Re: alcohol and women being a potent mix, who cares if women drink alcohol -- tipsy women can sometimes be lots of fun.

Did I say I cared if women drink alcohol? I said be careful. That's a different concept, but I guess you're stirring again.W

Well if you think alcohol and women are a potent mix, then you can keep your women away from alcohol. I don't drink but sometimes I buy the girls a drink if that's what they want.[/

You miss the point. I'm talking about the man having too much to drink and then going to find a woman for fun. But I know your American understanding of the English language is lousy. Never mind, you can butt out now.
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You miss the point. I'm talking about the man having too much to drink and then going to find a woman for fun. But I know your American understanding of the English language is lousy. Never mind, you can butt out now.

Lemme see ...... out of the recent foreigner deaths.

Man and woman bashed to death with a hoe while walking on the beach.

Chilean cyclist run down by a pickup.

Dead divers ...... plenty of them.

Dead snorkelers.

Dead tourists when a coach drove off the road.

Girl dead falling off a zip line.

Jet ski deaths.

Woman falling off a ferry.

Boat sinking killing woman.

Man trampled by elephant.

Bar owner falling from the 39th floor.

28yo died in his hotel bed.

Can't see much booze and whoring in that list.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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There is a different type of farang here now than 15 or more years ago. I could see the change starting around 2004/5. Younger, less interested in treating people, especially the ladies with respect and as human beings. As I said then and still say now. You younger guys continue paying "Lame Dope Over Payer" prices and treating the ladies like whores, we will all be treated like Johns. Pretty much the way it is now. I go to local bars, even up here seldom if ever with my back to a door (old habit). Too many farangs causing problems. I haven't been down to BKK or Sin City in 2.5 yrs. and it had been several yrs. before that trip. I had to go for Veterans Affairs exam. I believe both the tourist and the Thai people have changed. On the other hand it was years ago when some Thai <deleted> put the petal to the metal on 2nd road in an effort to run me down. He got a nice dent in the side of his little sports car, he missed, I didn't. Just the other night a Thai lady did almost the same to me in Udon, except I don't think she even had a clue as to not only me being in front of her but where anybody else was. When I first came to Thailand I would go off with Thai lady to Thai places, cautious but never a problem. I wouldn't now, couldn't here in Udon anyway, the wife has too many spies and the jungle drums beat loudly and swiftly...lol. I will admit to hitting a few of the karaoke bars with the guys. No problems. One thing for sure, go looking for trouble, it will find you sooner or later, anywhere. All in all a multitude of factors contributed to the way Thailand is now, not one or two factors. I still haven't found a better place, at least for me.

I think people also need to remember that foreigners are not as rich as they were compared to Thais. When I first came to Thailand, the majority of Thai people were a lot younger than now. They were not destitute, but most were very, very poor. Foreigners were generally, but not always, treated very well.

Scams have given way to outright robbery. There are still scams, but violent robberies are much more common than in the past.

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You always had to have your wits about you travelling in Thailand. These days with all the wussy tourists and pensioners there are bound to be a few more who get trampled underfoot. Survival of the fittest. It is definitely safer but the aforementioned dont have the first clue.

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