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Why are there so many farang problem drinkers in Thailand?


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....you have no proof of this except you yourself....???

...and your social circle...

...you do foreigners a disservice by perpetuating this myth....

..but truth be told....

...this is not paradise.....

...and once cleaned out of one's life savings....not much left to live for in some cases....

...lack of self-worth or self-esteem...hopelessness....never feeling welcome.....never feeling you fit in or ever will.....

...'Once she gets what she wants from you...you are on your own'.....

....visas...work...business....???.......good luck...we need it...

...even a place to live is a problem....

...double pricing at every turn...etc...etc....

...what is left...???

Looking in the mirror? What a load of bullsh*t

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"Rough numbers of 70%+ of expats Ive met in Bangkok,Pattaya,Hua Hin, Phuket have a drinking problem"

And all the expats I know in CM spend their time running, hiking and cycling.

Maybe you need to change your circle of friends, and hang out somewhere else.

Same as you and me have different opinion about Thai girls.. it all depends who you are and with who you hang out. (if your the gym type your friend circle will obviously be gym guys too)

I can only imagine the OP is hanging out a lot in bars.

Like you I don't know any problem drinking farangs, but I don't visit bars that much.

There was only two problem drinkers in our group when I first come to stay in Thailand ten years ago an American and a Brit. they are now dead.

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The only farangs that I know with a drinking problem are the ones that can't afford to drink as much as they like. I get drunk four or five times a week and support two or three local pubs on the dark side. i get there at 1:00 when they open and always go home before sunset. If I'm drunk the owners will drive my car home and go back to the bar on the trailing motor bike. At 77 what the hell am I saving my money or my health for? My wife died last year and i have willed my assets to Thai family members as my wife wished.

Balls to wall is my motto. One of these days in the very near future will be my last and I could care less.

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The only farangs that I know with a drinking problem are the ones that can't afford to drink as much as they like. I get drunk four or five times a week and support two or three local pubs on the dark side. i get there at 1:00 when they open and always go home before sunset. If I'm drunk the owners will drive my car home and go back to the bar on the trailing motor bike. At 77 what the hell am I saving my money or my health for? My wife died last year and i have willed my assets to Thai family members as my wife wished.

Balls to wall is my motto. One of these days in the very near future will be my last and I could care less.

enjoy it mate while it last good on ya

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70% seems a low estimate

70% is a ridiculous estimate submitted by a petulant, self-righteous poster with an attitude. 70% that "he sees" perhaps says more about where he hangs out and how little he has to occupy his time than how many "problem drinkers" there actually are. 70%. ROFLMAO

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I find most bring their problems with them.

That and boredom I suppose.

I've made it a point to never drink before the sun is dropping in the sky...but of course all rules should be broken occasionally.

The Sun's always going down somewhere I suppose, but what do you mean, not before the clock strikes the yard arm?

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this is such a troll post.. TIT.. why are there a lot of bargirls, why are there a lot of ladyboys, why do people smoke? why do people move here? why did u move here? If there is one thing that i dislike in life is any type of judgement.. this is why i like thailand. Live and let live and be +.

its like a Christian going to africa and saying.. why is there starvation, greed, poverty? Ill fix it!! LEts start by building churches feed them food but forcefeed this bible down ur throat while u are vulnerable. My life is better and my religion is best. Who cares about your history.

ok, im done..

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I don't disagree but back in the homeland many drink at home as it is cheaper and private.

Here it is all in public. It is cheap by western standards and people are not as concerned

with privacy. So while I agree many more ex-pats have drinking problems, many more

people have drinking/drug problems back hope than you may realize. sad.png

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Firstly most of my expats friends don't drink or at least within limits that's socially accepted. If you live in a bar(s) you will meet people with drinking problems. If you have a balanced lifestyle you will meet people across the board and most of them will have problems but not all drinking related.

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I have many friend's, we meet up at a bar once a week or so to chat ,never seen any of them drunk or in fact drinking very much at all,but then they are in the most part family men with a life ,most people who drink to excess I would think are lonely losers with nothing else in their lives.

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It is often perception.

Now I live alone, in a nice house by a lake and don't drink booze at all. No Thai girlfriend with any of the complications to worry about. I'm not trying to be smart about this but I think there is a point -as I see it.

When I drive into Patts - pretty infrequently I would add, I do obviously notice the amount of falangs sitting in the bars in the middle of the day. However, my view is simply that so many of them live in apartments or single rooms that they need to sit somewhere to 'people watch' if you like, and I should imagine it's only natural for them automatically to have a beer at the same time. (I remember visiting a bar with a friend some weeks ago and asked for a coffee. The girl looked at me as though I was from Mars).

Personally I would go mad with not having room to move around the garden, walk by the lake or sit on the verandah and watch the quieter world go by and listen to BBC radio. But I fully understand why someone would want to get out of an apartment building and take a stroll and sit for a chat.

Anyway, isn't it just getting rid of the day before the serious business of Pattaya gets in full swing.?

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"which isn't something you see many do in the UK".

Yes you do, in Scotland anyway.

I used to live in Glasgow,

Everyone I worked with drank until they dropped, after work, every night.

One morning found my female personnel officer, face down dead in a pool of vomit on her desk.

She was only 45!

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