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US Supreme Court vacancy is tangible test for 2016 candidates


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That is because I VOTED FOR OBAMA his first election and was VERY disappointed in a very short time that he was not what he pretended to be. He may be the worst president of all time. The fact that the democratic establishment enable and reinforce all his lies and poor decisions has alienated me from them as well.

However, I am very capable of voting for a democrat that is a centrist. I would vote for Jim Webb over Ted Cruz anytime,

Jim Webb isn't running any more. Webb was the first one to pull out cause he came with nothing.

So secret ballot or not there's no question who you will vote for from over there in the dinasaur colony.

Barack Obama has btw always been Barack Obama and the rightwhingers are always and have been the rightwhingers. Advise and obstruct whinging all the way.

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If you are a conservative in your 20's, it means you have no heart.

If you are a liberal in your 30's, it means you have no brain.

That is a tired and tiring especially glib and trite one. It keeps coming around the threads like a bad penny and a wood nickel. Of 10,000 plus posts that one must account for 1000 of 'em.

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