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Violence escalates in Israel and West Bank


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The rights and wrongs of Jews fleeing other Arab countries is a separate issue, and should be treated as war crimes too where applicable and compensation paid where proven. The Palestinians didn't expel them, but Israel expelled the Palestinians

No. It is not a separate issue. There was no such thing as "Palestinians" back then (actually that is what the Jews in the area were called. They Arabs did not start calling themselves that until Israel had been a country for quite a while. They called themselves ARABS because that is what they were. The ARABS attacked Israel and lost and then expelled the Jews from the Arab countries. The ARABS that flew from Israel during the war are NEVER going back.

This is how the Zionist propaganda machine works, folks..just playing with semantics to justify their barbarity...it's all quite evil. And this is why I condemn Zionists, very very nasty people. But not Israeli Jews. There are many among the righteous and humane.

Read or view anything by Israeli Miko Peled. His father was a famous Israeli General responsible for much of the Palestinian ethnic cleansing who later regretted what he had done. His mother was a humanitarian who recalls being offered a home from which a Palestinian family had just been expelled. She refused, thinking of them fearfully huddled against a wall somewhere that night.

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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

Arabs started the conflict?

Do you really believe that to be true?

It was the invasion of Palestine by European Jews that created this inferno.

Do you really think that Jews immigrating to the area - where there had been Jews forever - gave the Arabs the right to start murdering them? Well, whatever you think, Jews were forced to fight back and they ended up winning the war that the Arabs started. The Arabs started the war and the Jews finished it.

The Jews finished nothing.

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

The whole world is against them... and rightly so.

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This is how the Zionist propaganda machine works, folks..just playing with semantics to justify their barbarity...

Read a CREDIBLE history book and find that dexterm regularly posts highly incorrect information from very biased sources to support his posts. It gets tiresome investigating what usually turn out to be

false or highly exaggerated claims.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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This is how the Zionist propaganda machine works, folks..just playing with semantics to justify their barbarity...

Read a CREDIBLE history book and find that dexterm regularly posts highly incorrect information from very biased sources to support his posts. It gets tiresome investigating what usually turn out to be

false or highly exaggerated claims.

I think this is UG's way of saying he disagrees with me.
I usually give links to my posts and leave it to TV members to judge for themselves.
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The rights and wrongs of Jews fleeing other Arab countries is a separate issue, and should be treated as war crimes too where applicable and compensation paid where proven. The Palestinians didn't expel them, but Israel expelled the Palestinians

No. It is not a separate issue. There was no such thing as "Palestinians" back then (actually that is what the Jews in the area were called. They Arabs did not start calling themselves that until Israel had been a country for quite a while. They called themselves ARABS because that is what they were. The ARABS attacked Israel and lost and then expelled the Jews from the Arab countries. The ARABS that flew from Israel during the war are NEVER going back.

Except of course that lots of those Arabs didn't fly or flee from Israel, they were kicked out. I believe the term that applies is ethnic cleansing.

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That happens during war and the Arabs intended to kill every last Jew, if they could and banished the ones living in their countries when they lost the war that they started. Israel allowed 20% of their population to be former enemies who were willing to make peace.

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I find myself having many more days of being disgusted with both sides of this perpetual and incredibly boring disagreement. I was actually looking for somewhere to weigh in here and just couldn't find a spot which I considered worthy of comment.

Perhaps it needs the western world to become likewise so sick of the impasse that they give up interfering. It is outside the scope of this topic to go into detail, but every single day there are fresh sounds of cooperation between Israel and the Arab world. Egypt have gone as far as to flood Hamas terror tunnels with sewage. If the west and its leftist NGOs stopped bankrolling the corrupt Palestinian leadership they would be forced to make peace with Israel. For all the empty rhetoric from Israel haters they are not very good at either genocide or apartheid so there is no need for outside intervention in the manner of Bosnia.

Now Merkel has realized she has enough on her own plate to bother with the interminable Israel-Palestine issue.


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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

Arabs started the conflict?

Do you really believe that to be true?

It was the invasion of Palestine by European Jews that created this inferno.

Do you really think that Jews immigrating to the area - where there had been Jews forever - gave the Arabs the right to start murdering them? Well, whatever you think, Jews were forced to fight back and they ended up winning the war that the Arabs started. The Arabs started the war and the Jews finished it.

The Jews finished nothing.

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

The whole world is against them... and rightly so.

I'm afraid Iran are your only hope, and then only by turning Israel along with all your beloved Palestinians into radioactive carbon. Turkey are currently close to normalizing relations with Israel, there is nobody else left to base your delusions on.

P.s You must have been too long in the bog during the intermission, the fat lady has been belting out Verdi's requiem over the ashes of Palestinian river to the sea fantasies.

Edited by Steely Dan
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The rights and wrongs of Jews fleeing other Arab countries is a separate issue, and should be treated as war crimes too where applicable and compensation paid where proven. The Palestinians didn't expel them, but Israel expelled the Palestinians

No. It is not a separate issue. There was no such thing as "Palestinians" back then (actually that is what the Jews in the area were called. They Arabs did not start calling themselves that until Israel had been a country for quite a while. They called themselves ARABS because that is what they were. The ARABS attacked Israel and lost and then expelled the Jews from the Arab countries. The ARABS that flew from Israel during the war are NEVER going back.

Yeah we all know that before Israel was created it was a no-man land without any soul...just an empty land waiting for the jews to come.

The people living there were expelled from their houses and homes, no one can deny this.


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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!
but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)
i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.
most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!
wake up brother, it is never late.
to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.
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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!
but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)
i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.
most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!
wake up brother, it is never late.
to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You've got a lot of strong opinions about "Jew" guys. If I was Israeli, I think I'd trust the elected Israeli government (flawed as it is) as opposed to such obviously unbalanced "helpful" advice. I realize you tried to qualify your hostile post with deniability language (and the typical unsubstantiated claims of Jewish friends), but to this Jew it reads as yet another Israel demonization "blame it all on the Jews" garbage that is popping up globally, in this era where Jew hating is finding cover with the excuse of anti-Zionism.

Happily, at least some intelligent people see this trend very clearly:

Speaking to The Times of Israel, Chalmers said that part of the problem on the left was “people who are critical of Israel and express themselves poorly,” leading them to “unwittingly rehash age-old sinister tropes about sinister Jewish control.” In his experience, such people “rarely seem to see it as a problem” when called out.


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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!
but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)
i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.
most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!
wake up brother, it is never late.
to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You've got a lot of strong opinions about "Jew" guys. If I was Israeli, I think I'd trust the elected Israeli government (flawed as it is) as opposed to such obviously unbalanced "helpful" advice. I realize you tried to qualify your hostile post with deniability language, but to this Jew it reads as yet another Israel demonization "blame it all on the Jews" garbage that is popping up globally, in this era where Jew hating is finding cover with the excuse of anti-Zionism.

i think you got me wrong.

before being jew or whatever, we are human first!

i have good number of Israeli friends i know for decades. Mostly met with them on the roads while travelling and back home where we have a good sized jewish community living too.

and you know, i get updated info from those guys on what is going on there which most of them have some relatives and friends in Israel and some lives there now.

yes, they are of course left wing guys.

Some i know deserted and runaway from 3 years long bloody army service by living abroad and some rejected army on grounds of consciousness but got pressure from family and friends and even jailed!

and when i was travelling in India, houses of Jewish people living there away from the bs and army in Israel raided by Indian police with some Mossad agents accompanying them. So, they were pressuring Israelis not joining bloody army even in India!

so definitely, i am never hostile towards anyone from any religion and you cannot tell me a Jew hater which i am clearly not and never agree or tolerate racism and discrimination towards Jewish people or any people, muslim, jew, LGBT, black or white.

but just tell me frankly, do you think Israel is on the right way? Will fascist Zionist politics will work nicely? i dont think so, dont see the light at the end of the tunnel. and i feel bad for Israeli and Muslim living there.

and of course support Palestinian resistance there against oppressive Israelis (or lets say Arabs and fake jew Russians fighting on the front line!) still dont fully trust both sides at the end. dont find them sincere.

Edited by Galactus
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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!

but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)

i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.

most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!

wake up brother, it is never late.

to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You are so out of touch with what's happening behind the scenes between Israel and the Arab world, it deserves another thread, but aside from Egypt(which obviously burns you) there is behind the scenes cooperation with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan. Sudan are considering normalizing relations with Israel and discussions are underway with Turkey. There is a joint venture for irrigation water with Jordan and a prospective deal for Israel to supply them with gas. The old Israel surrounded scenario does not apply any more so the Palestinians are turning to the international left for help. Even here it is over. Israel has huge newly discovered gas fields as well as being a world leader in military technology, which their Arab neighbors are only too happy to purchase.

I do not hate the Palestinian people, but their leaders are vile indoctrinating their children to act as soldiers (a crime against humanity), use them as human shields or forced Labour. There are many peoples on Earth far worse off than the Palestinians, but who have not been schooled in hate with their mothers milk. Things will only improve for the Palestinian people when their leaders realize the game is up with respect to driving the Jews into the sea and gullible westerners stop enriching them with aid money they siphon off into their private bank accounts.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!

but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)

i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.

most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!

wake up brother, it is never late.

to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You are so out of touch with what's happening behind the scenes between Israel and the Arab world, it deserves another thread, but aside from Egypt(which obviously burns you) there is behind the scenes cooperation with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan. Sudan are considering normalizing relations with Israel and discussions are underway with Turkey. There is a joint venture for irrigation water with Jordan and a prospective deal for Israel to supply them with gas. The old Israel surrounded scenario does not apply any more so the Palestinians are turning to the international left for help. Even here it is over. Israel has huge newly discovered gas fields as well as being a world leader in military technology, which their Arab neighbors are only too happy to purchase.

I do not hate the Palestinian people, but their leaders are vile indoctrinating their children to act as soldiers (a crime against humanity), use them as human shields or forced Labour. There are many peoples on Earth far worse off than the Palestinians, but who have not been schooled in hate with their mothers milk. Things will only improve for the Palestinian people when their leaders realize the game is up with respect to driving the Jews into the sea and gullible westerners stop enriching them with aid money they siphon off into their private bank accounts.

For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel. Well, that doesnt surprise me.

How about getting back on topic?

Edited by dexterm
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Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!

but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)

i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.

most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!

wake up brother, it is never late.

to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You are so out of touch with what's happening behind the scenes between Israel and the Arab world, it deserves another thread, but aside from Egypt(which obviously burns you) there is behind the scenes cooperation with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan. Sudan are considering normalizing relations with Israel and discussions are underway with Turkey. There is a joint venture for irrigation water with Jordan and a prospective deal for Israel to supply them with gas. The old Israel surrounded scenario does not apply any more so the Palestinians are turning to the international left for help. Even here it is over. Israel has huge newly discovered gas fields as well as being a world leader in military technology, which their Arab neighbors are only too happy to purchase.

I do not hate the Palestinian people, but their leaders are vile indoctrinating their children to act as soldiers (a crime against humanity), use them as human shields or forced Labour. There are many peoples on Earth far worse off than the Palestinians, but who have not been schooled in hate with their mothers milk. Things will only improve for the Palestinian people when their leaders realize the game is up with respect to driving the Jews into the sea and gullible westerners stop enriching them with aid money they siphon off into their private bank accounts.

business is something , friendship is another!

never mix these.

you are right about leaders of Palestinian people. i dont trust them too and clearly they are incompetent leaders.

but at least, they are not oppressing Israelis on their own land, right?

and same, Israel government also doctrinates their own children telling them all Muslim are terrorists, dont trust the, they will kill you and drive you into the sea etc etc

i can see this everywhere.

seed of hate are planted at both societies unfortunately.

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Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!

but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)

i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.

most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!

wake up brother, it is never late.

to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You are so out of touch with what's happening behind the scenes between Israel and the Arab world, it deserves another thread, but aside from Egypt(which obviously burns you) there is behind the scenes cooperation with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan. Sudan are considering normalizing relations with Israel and discussions are underway with Turkey. There is a joint venture for irrigation water with Jordan and a prospective deal for Israel to supply them with gas. The old Israel surrounded scenario does not apply any more so the Palestinians are turning to the international left for help. Even here it is over. Israel has huge newly discovered gas fields as well as being a world leader in military technology, which their Arab neighbors are only too happy to purchase.

I do not hate the Palestinian people, but their leaders are vile indoctrinating their children to act as soldiers (a crime against humanity), use them as human shields or forced Labour. There are many peoples on Earth far worse off than the Palestinians, but who have not been schooled in hate with their mothers milk. Things will only improve for the Palestinian people when their leaders realize the game is up with respect to driving the Jews into the sea and gullible westerners stop enriching them with aid money they siphon off into their private bank accounts.

business is something , friendship is another!

never mix these.

you are right about leaders of Palestinian people. i dont trust them too and clearly they are incompetent leaders.

but at least, they are not oppressing Israelis on their own land, right?

and same, Israel government also doctrinates their own children telling them all Muslim are terrorists, dont trust the, they will kill you and drive you into the sea etc etc

i can see this everywhere.

seed of hate are planted at both societies unfortunately.

So you haven't read the Hamas charter?

Dude, you exaggerate wildly. Israelis are not taught that ALL Muslims are terrorists.

Do you really think 20 percent of Israel citizens would be Arabs if that was the position of the Israeli government?

I agree there is hatred on both sides, but you're suggesting an EQUIVALENCY that really doesn't exist.

I noticed you've got a tendency to bend over backwards to "understand" Islamist extremism, such as making excuses for the Iranian regimes kill the gays policy because that's just their culture and you have to accept differences. It's hilarious when obvious "leftists" make excuses for such regimes ... but when Israel demonization is in the mix, all rationality goes out the window.

Of course that is understandable coming from classical right wing fascist types and also Islamist extremists, but when it comes from LEFTISTS the utter hypocrisy is beyond the pale.

Edited by Jingthing
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Israel was part created by terrorism.
Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!

but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)

i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.

most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!

wake up brother, it is never late.

to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You are so out of touch with what's happening behind the scenes between Israel and the Arab world, it deserves another thread, but aside from Egypt(which obviously burns you) there is behind the scenes cooperation with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan. Sudan are considering normalizing relations with Israel and discussions are underway with Turkey. There is a joint venture for irrigation water with Jordan and a prospective deal for Israel to supply them with gas. The old Israel surrounded scenario does not apply any more so the Palestinians are turning to the international left for help. Even here it is over. Israel has huge newly discovered gas fields as well as being a world leader in military technology, which their Arab neighbors are only too happy to purchase.

I do not hate the Palestinian people, but their leaders are vile indoctrinating their children to act as soldiers (a crime against humanity), use them as human shields or forced Labour. There are many peoples on Earth far worse off than the Palestinians, but who have not been schooled in hate with their mothers milk. Things will only improve for the Palestinian people when their leaders realize the game is up with respect to driving the Jews into the sea and gullible westerners stop enriching them with aid money they siphon off into their private bank accounts.

For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel. Well, that doesnt surprise me.

How about getting back on topic?

Okay, what do you think of the Palestinian leaders then? Corrupt, not faced election for years, filthy rich, incite violence at every occasion. Incidentally no regime can be too evil for you just so long as they hate Israel and vote to condemn them in the UN.

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Israel was part created by terrorism.
Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

sure Israel and Zionist propaganda machine works good when i see you that brainwashed!

but truth is Israel is stealing the land from others and digging their own grave. it is a war Israel will never succeed as basically they are surrounded my muslim countries relatively hate Israel (apart from a..s...s kissing Egypt)

i feel bad for all my Israeli friends and nice realist and humanist Israeli people. they have to endure all those s..h..i..t politicians and bigots created backed by US.

most, Israelis i know dont like influence of US on Israeli politics. They just want to be free, decide their own faith and establish peace with their muslim neighbors and live happily ever after. But this is always prevented by US or their bigot politicians in Israel or Jewish diaspora in USA. and those powerful Jew guys stay in their comfortable and safe houses in USA while poor Israeli youngster fight and die during an endless fight for nothing, fight for some piece of desert where nothing grows!

wake up brother, it is never late.

to be honest, i dont trust both sides but i dont trust the bloody politics of Israel supported by Jewish diaspora in USA more.

You are so out of touch with what's happening behind the scenes between Israel and the Arab world, it deserves another thread, but aside from Egypt(which obviously burns you) there is behind the scenes cooperation with Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Azerbaijan. Sudan are considering normalizing relations with Israel and discussions are underway with Turkey. There is a joint venture for irrigation water with Jordan and a prospective deal for Israel to supply them with gas. The old Israel surrounded scenario does not apply any more so the Palestinians are turning to the international left for help. Even here it is over. Israel has huge newly discovered gas fields as well as being a world leader in military technology, which their Arab neighbors are only too happy to purchase.

I do not hate the Palestinian people, but their leaders are vile indoctrinating their children to act as soldiers (a crime against humanity), use them as human shields or forced Labour. There are many peoples on Earth far worse off than the Palestinians, but who have not been schooled in hate with their mothers milk. Things will only improve for the Palestinian people when their leaders realize the game is up with respect to driving the Jews into the sea and gullible westerners stop enriching them with aid money they siphon off into their private bank accounts.

For a man who hates vile leaders you give a very interesting list of corrupt unelected governments who are potential friends of Israel. Well, that doesnt surprise me.

How about getting back on topic?

Okay, what do you think of the Palestinian leaders then? Corrupt, not faced election for years, filthy rich, incite violence at every occasion. Incidentally no regime can be too evil for you just so long as they hate Israel and vote to condemn them in the UN.

honestly, i think the same as you. sad but true.

but other side is not different too, no? again corrupt, facing pre arranged elections, inciting violence at every occasion.

same bro same.

but what i think about bad politicians are something, my support for poor local populatons are another.

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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

The terrorism was against the British. Far as I remember, the British were in the main sympathetic to the Zionists, but it didn't stop Begin et al killing them.

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Learn the definition of fundamentalist extremism. Another pathetic case where Islamist extremism is twisted towards blaming Jews.

i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

Edited by Galactus
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Learn the definition of fundamentalist extremism. Another pathetic case where Islamist extremism is twisted towards blaming Jews.

i gave you an example of it from Torah.

if islam is extremist so do judaism from foundation.

So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

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I think it would be interesting but not possible of course, to plot where every minimally education person in our world sees Israel in terms of total world value. I would expect a very natural bell curve with 10 fairly normal standard deviations. Pretty much like every thing else.

Then, have the 15-18 million Jews do the same thing. I would not expect a bell curve as would normally be the case with all things.

Actually, the group in the United States that is most resolute and unquestioning in its support for Israel is evangelical christians. Jewish Americans are growing less and less attached to Zionism.

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That happens during war and the Arabs intended to kill every last Jew, if they could and banished the ones living in their countries when they lost the war that they started. Israel allowed 20% of their population to be former enemies who were willing to make peace.

It may happen during war but it's supposed to unhappen once hostilities cease. Ethnic cleansing is a war crime.

Edited by stillbornagain
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I think it would be interesting but not possible of course, to plot where every minimally education person in our world sees Israel in terms of total world value. I would expect a very natural bell curve with 10 fairly normal standard deviations. Pretty much like every thing else.

Then, have the 15-18 million Jews do the same thing. I would not expect a bell curve as would normally be the case with all things.

Actually, the group in the United States that is most resolute and unquestioning in its support for Israel is evangelical christians. Jewish Americans are growing less and less attached to Zionism.
The vast majority of American Jews support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. You're pushing a typical Israel demonization trope equating Zionism with support for all Israeli government policies, settlements etc. Zionism at its core is about the right of political self determination in a homeland now Israel. It doesn't mandate specific borders.
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I think it would be interesting but not possible of course, to plot where every minimally education person in our world sees Israel in terms of total world value. I would expect a very natural bell curve with 10 fairly normal standard deviations. Pretty much like every thing else.

Then, have the 15-18 million Jews do the same thing. I would not expect a bell curve as would normally be the case with all things.

Actually, the group in the United States that is most resolute and unquestioning in its support for Israel is evangelical christians. Jewish Americans are growing less and less attached to Zionism.
The vast majority of American Jews support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. You're pushing a typical Israel demonization trope equating Zionism with support for all Israeli government policies, settlements etc. Zionism at its core is about the right of political self determination in a homeland now Israel. It doesn't mandate specific borders.

I said the support for it is lessening. And it's nice how you surreptitiously attempt to conflate Israel's right to exist with its policies on the West Bank. Aipac does not speak for most American Jews. And as you well know, a big majority of American Jews vote democratic, the party that is seen to be less reflexive in its support of Israel. (What's more, a lot more American Jews support the nuclear deal with Iran than oppose it. So they certainly don't back Israel's opposition to it.

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I think it would be interesting but not possible of course, to plot where every minimally education person in our world sees Israel in terms of total world value. I would expect a very natural bell curve with 10 fairly normal standard deviations. Pretty much like every thing else.

Then, have the 15-18 million Jews do the same thing. I would not expect a bell curve as would normally be the case with all things.

Actually, the group in the United States that is most resolute and unquestioning in its support for Israel is evangelical christians. Jewish Americans are growing less and less attached to Zionism.
The vast majority of American Jews support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. You're pushing a typical Israel demonization trope equating Zionism with support for all Israeli government policies, settlements etc. Zionism at its core is about the right of political self determination in a homeland now Israel. It doesn't mandate specific borders.

I said the support for it is lessening. And it's nice how you surreptitiously attempt to conflate Israel's right to exist with its policies on the West Bank. Aipac does not speak for most American Jews. And as you well know, a big majority of American Jews vote democratic, the party that is seen to be less reflexive in its support of Israel. (What's more, a lot more American Jews support the nuclear deal with Iran than oppose it. So they certainly don't back Israel's opposition to it.
Dude. I conflated no such thing. I explained what Zionism actually is.

Support for the existence of Israel is not the same thing as support for all policies.

So in that sense American Jews of all parties remain plenty pro Zionist. Of course most are democrats. Duh. But it's become harder for leftist American Jews to hang out with leftists when they come to realize how much of that movement including BDS is infected with Jew hating rhetoric. Anti Zionism is the cover. We see it here daily.

Edited by Jingthing
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Israel was part created by terrorism.

Sure, after 20 years of terrorist attacks by the Arabs that started the conflict. It was only a couple of years after Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No one was too careful about how they fought back then.

The terrorism was against the British. Far as I remember, the British were in the main sympathetic to the Zionists, but it didn't stop Begin et al killing them.

The Jews AND the Arabs were fighting the British at that point, because the Brits stabbed BOTH sides in the back. The King David Hotel was British Army HQ.

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