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Violence escalates in Israel and West Bank


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So your defense for the extreme fundamental reading of Islam practiced by the governments of Iran, Saudi, Dash, Hamas, etc. is to refer to some Jewish fundamentalist text that isn't practiced anywhere by Jews? Weak. Very weak.

Welcome to my ignore list.

always talking but never answering my questions!

and, it does not matter. Judaism as a religion is as vicious, bloody and harsh as Islam or Christianity.

Foundation of Judaism is this, not different from Islam or Christianity.

so, do you believe in Judaism? as if you believe, you need to abide the rules of your religion, do you? if not, then you are not jewish anyway.

i am posting it third time as it gets deleted but do you believe this written in Torah, frankly?: I asked this to you many time but no answer.

Lev. 20:13 "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

if you dont believe it then it means you have doubts about your religion and at the end, it is either you believe all or you believe none, you just cannot choose what you want to believe form a holy book like you choose your face cream from Boots!

just know yourself as i sense your doubts. it is sad when you say you suppor Zionism related with Judaism and in return you are basically a heretic as you dont abide the rules of it. And i wonder have you even been in those countries you list?

plus, let me tell you what Zionism is; it is fascist nationalistic movement of right wing Jewish people aiming to do whatever it gets (stealing others's land, oppressing people around, bombings, wars, doing assassinations around the world etc etc) to keep their stolen land and trying to annex more land time by time. it is also a racist movement seeing Jewish as superior and it is also super capitalist. basically rich will be richer and poor poorer with it too.

this is what you believe so please never come and talk me about democracy, barbaric acts, fundamentalism, extremism etc etc as Zionism contains them as well!

and it is a honor to be in someone elses ignore list. it shows i am pressing to the right points and telling me that person has nothign to say anyway plus who are you, do you always feel like an important person? funny.

Your view of religion is bipolar, either total observance or total abstinence with a sea of hypocrisy in between. Fortunately in the real world there are far less Christian or Jewish fundamentalists than with Islam, whose main schools of jurisprudence are fundamentalist themselves. You can call those who adopt a pick and mix attitude to religion hypocrites, but they the majority.

As for your assertion that I believe every bit of the Torah or are somehow not Jewish, I beg to differ. I believe not one sentence of it but I am Jewish, ask the KKK, ask any Islamonazi ask any of our esteemed members. Religion is as much baggage and culture as it is belief. This is why most Jews support Zionism. It is our word, you can go to hell if you think by repeatedly distorting its meaning you can dishonestly misappropriate it and try and use it to divide who you consider good Jews from bad Jews.

The exquisite irony of it all is the European left throwing their hand in with political Islam just as the long suffering sane majority are waking up, Israel will be viewed completely differently to those who have woken.

look, dont get me wrong. I am not a hater but a criticizer. it is none of my business if you are Zionist, muslim wherever but again, i can criticize you.

As i said, i have lots of beloved friends in Israel and many point on Earth, some very long time friendships which i value a lot.

and whoever discriminates or behave Jewish people in a racist way needs to pass me as well. I honestly defend their rights of freedom and self determination but not through Zionism and USA. Right now, it is USA determines things for Israeli people unfortunately so if no chance but Zionism, at least get rid of US shackles first.

religion is religion. it is all or none and of course it is total observance. You cant choose.

if there were no Judaism, could there be Zionism? you self contradict yourself. if you dont believe Judaism, automatically, you cannot be a Zionist too.

so, you say Israelis kill for Zionism are not extremists or not fundamentalists? i see no difference between muslim and/or Jewish fundamentalists and extremists. both bloody as hell.

and can you say these words in front of other Zionists as well in real? like 'actually i dont believe Judaism but i believe Zionism'.They just kick you out!

Yeah the obsessive and hateful Israel demonization agenda is all about denying the existence of Jews as a people, culture, etc. They insist on defining Jewish as only a religion. Denial is a specialty of this crew -- denial of the right of Israel to exist, denial of the right of Israel to defend itself, denial of the actual definition of Zionism (POLITICAL self determination for the Jewish PEOPLE), denial of the VERY GOOD reasons that the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (LONG before WW2), and of course in more extreme cases, denial of the holocaust.

so how we define jewish people? what is their common factor? who are they? what they fight for?

are they only a bunch of guys on the desert with their common factor as political self determination and keeping their land? i just laugh at that sorry and this is just plain insult towards Israeli people i believe.

Zionism is based on Judaism. When you delete religion from Zionism, what is left? c'mon!

i believe common factor of Jewish people has to be semitism not fascist zionism.

zionizm means nationalistic fascism, survivalist or not, and it is not favored by many Israeli and jewish as they believe all their troubles in Middle East and occasional rockets are due to harsh nationalistic Zionism whoch does not value others' life

overall, i am surprised of the fact that Zionists are this confused here and how they self contradict with themselves all the time.

Edited by Galactus
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I predict that the liberal Europeans will have a change of heart within the next couple of years. They will be fighting the same lunatic terrorists that the Israelis are struggling with. The battle against the Jews will soon include all infidels. It appears that the liberals STILL think that they can negotiate with the radical muslims. That is impossible.

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Yeah the obsessive and hateful Israel demonization agenda is all about denying the existence of Jews as a people, culture, etc. They insist on defining Jewish as only a religion. Denial is a specialty of this crew -- denial of the right of Israel to exist, denial of the right of Israel to defend itself, denial of the actual definition of Zionism (POLITICAL self determination for the Jewish PEOPLE), denial of the VERY GOOD reasons that the Zionist movement found resonance in the first place (LONG before WW2), and of course in more extreme cases, denial of the holocaust.

Yes it is indeed all about denial. I forgot the most important arbiter of all, the state of Israel considers me Jewish. The right of return is what really burns the haters, Jews were never in a position to fight back before, now in extremis they have a refuge, and never in forty years was one so needed as now. The obsession about Palestinian land is nothing to do with justice, it's about denial of a refuge for Jews. The serial refusal to negotiate a two state solution by the Palestinians is of course approved of by Antisemites for the terrorism it causes and problems caused to the Jewish diaspora. The so called one state solution is a cherished fantasy of the hater because it would be the end of Jewish self determination. UNRWA has not settled a single Palestinian, it's purpose is to perpetuate the refugee problem for Israel. Of course Europe in a year has taken in more culture enrichers than the total number of Palestinians displaced in 1948, now they are reaping the benefits. Of course Antisemites approve of Muslims flooding Europe as Jews are first to feel the brunt.

And through all of this we are supposed to believe they have the welfare of Palestinians at heart. 160 and counting children die digging Hamas tunnels, 2700 were killed in Syria, but this is all irrelevant if their deaths can't be pinned on Israel.

Edit: Galacticus, as I stated don't try to misappropriate the word Zionism. Think of it as a belief that a government in Israel will grant sanctuary if needed to anyone who is persecuted by others for being Jewish. It is you who are sadly confused if you think you have any say at all as to who is Jewish and whether or not they consider themselves Zionists.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Zionism is all about racial supremacy.

A poor choice of words. The concept of racial superiority applies to such ridiculous dogma as the Nazi Aryan myth which arose out of the myth developed to explain that Sanskrit and modern Hindi were related to the European languages following the work of William Jones in the 18th century. It applies also to the racist ideology behind the slave trade from Africa to the Americas. For all their prejudices and ridiculous political policies, Israelis do not ascribe to any sort of classical racial supremacy ideology. One does not need a philosophy of racial supremacy to discriminate against others.

Not the Zionism is racism hate speech again?

This is typical Israel demonization ... totally reversing the actual truth.

Which is -- ANTI-ZIONISM is racism.


A racist is someone who privileges some ethnic groups above others purely on the grounds of race, or racial or ethnic origins. “White supremacists” are therefore racists (as are “black supremacists”.) The hotelier who advertises “no blacks” — or “no Jews” — is a racist. Apologists for anti-Zionist racism, anxious to avoid the opprobrium that the word “racist” attracts, argue that they support the right of Jewish self-determination, but not in “Palestine”. But that’s precisely where the international community has decreed that the state of the Jews shall be located, and where it is located. Those (whose numbers, I regret to say, include British politicians, intellectuals and academics) who campaign for the overturning of these realities are undoubtedly, therefore, racists.

Being anti Jewish can't be racist as Jews aren't a single race. Being anti Zionist can't be anti Jewish as not all Jews are Zionist or even live, or want to live in Israel. You can try to combine being anti Zionist with anti Jewish and racist till blue in the face, but it doesn't make it the truth.

argue that they support the right of Jewish self-determination, but not in “Palestine”.

You distort the truth. We say "not outside the borders of Israel ( as defined in 1967 ), not outside Palestine as a whole. Modern Israel has no claim to the west bank under international law.

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Jews don't have to be a race for Jew hatred to be racist. Google: NAZIS.

I agree Jews are not a race.

Race doesn't exist scientifically speaking.

BUT racism does ... as racism is a societal phenom.

Jews, BTW, most accurately are an ethnoreligious group.

Meaning you can be a Jewish person and not actively practice the religion. Or you can. Your choice.
There are a number in the world. Such as Kurds.

Again you deny the true definition of Zionism which is support for the freedom of the Jewish people to have political self determination in a homeland. You can be pro Zionist and not live in Israel. You don't even need to be a Jew.

Sure a small percentage of Jews oppose the core values of Zionism. Proves nothing. You can't get 100 percent agreement on anything from any people. Over 90 percent is pretty amazing.

The endless loop of Israel demonization arguments. So ridiculous. More DENIAL!

Edited by Jingthing
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Jews don't have to be a race for Jew hatred to be racist. Google: NAZIS.

I agree Jews are not a race.

Race doesn't exist scientifically speaking.

BUT racism does ... as racism is a societal phenom.

Jews, BTW, most accurately are an ethnoreligious group.

Meaning you can be a Jewish person and not actively practice the religion. Or you can. Your choice.

There are a number in the world. Such as Kurds.

Again you deny the true definition of Zionism which is support for the freedom of the Jewish people to have political self determination in a homeland. You can be pro Zionist and not live in Israel. You don't even need to be a Jew.

Sure a small percentage of Jews oppose the core values of Zionism. Proves nothing. You can't get 100 percent agreement on anything from any people. Over 90 percent is pretty amazing.

The endless loop of Israel demonization arguments. So ridiculous. More DENIAL!

how many kurd you see in your life?

they are 90 percent devout muslim people.

israeli has no self determination. US and rich and powerful jewish diaspora determine things for jewish there. from the beginning starting from inserting jewish people there around 70 years ago. and those rich stay at their comfy houses in usa. dont fall into the illusion like palestinians or muslim will kill all etc. first remove the us and diaspora shackles and fight against these bc they axe the self determination of israeli people.

i m never trying to demonize any country. but zionism, yes i dont agree.

what i understand, you are not zionist same as steely dan above. you are just nationalistic guys protective for rights of jews.

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If I was a betting man I'd put money on the Israelis rather than the Palestinians. Palestinians should have resisted harder or moved on from a hopeless cause.

Israel is basically an apartheid state, it is taking land as it chooses, it will probably keep expanding.

Israel through their lobby basically owns the US and uses them as their bitch for canon fodder in its ME wars. They also own a lot of international media so basically get positive press most of the time.

Israel may be morally bankrupt but they've all but achieved their goals. Palestinians maybe better off trying to any kind of international deal before they're all dead.

Rancid seems the proper word after reading that toxic rant.

Agreed, but he actually got one thing right: The Palestinians should have moved on from their hopeless cause after they got whipped the first time in 1948. They have been losing lives and losing land at a steady pace ever since because of their stubborn stupidity. Islamic terrorism will never pay.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Noticing the usual Israel cheerleaders are out in force again today... coffee1.gif

Here we go again, the usual Israel can do no wrong against everyone else. I'll try and stay out of this one, as it's no more unexpected than the sun coming up in the morning.

Whatever, till Israel makes peace ( allows the two state solution ), it's going to have to deal with this sort of thing forever.

Ha. Seriously, you guys must live in fantasy land. The Turks are currently bombing Kurdish Syrians. The Russians are carpet bombing non combatants, leveling hospitals and schools, which coincidentally doesn't elicit a negative response from any of you. The Syrians are intentionally starving a civilian population, and the TVF blame Israel brigade is out in full force to moan and groan over a restrained and measured response to violence against Israel.

Isn't it convenient that as the massacre of Syrians grows, and the images of death and destruction hit the airwaves, that all of a sudden the palestinian arabs have decided to have a clash. Good timing. Last week wasn't convenient I suppose.

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Agreed, but he actually got one thing right: The Palestinians should have moved on from their hopeless cause after they got whipped the first time in 1948. They have been losing lives and losing land at a steady pace ever since because of their stubborn stupidity. Islamic terrorism will never pay.

With all due respect, it has been a career choice for decades. No need for a regular job when Iran would pay $1,000 to an arab injured from a clash with Israel. Qatar charities were also offering thousands of $. If one does the math, the typical terrorist family that churned out 10 or more, could make some dosh from an afternoon of throwing rocks and fire bombs.

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Noticing the usual Israel cheerleaders are out in force again today... coffee1.gif

Here we go again, the usual Israel can do no wrong against everyone else. I'll try and stay out of this one, as it's no more unexpected than the sun coming up in the morning.

Whatever, till Israel makes peace ( allows the two state solution ), it's going to have to deal with this sort of thing forever.

Ha. Seriously, you guys must live in fantasy land. The Turks are currently bombing Kurdish Syrians. The Russians are carpet bombing non combatants, leveling hospitals and schools, which coincidentally doesn't elicit a negative response from any of you. The Syrians are intentionally starving a civilian population, and the TVF blame Israel brigade is out in full force to moan and groan over a restrained and measured response to violence against Israel.

Isn't it convenient that as the massacre of Syrians grows, and the images of death and destruction hit the airwaves, that all of a sudden the palestinian arabs have decided to have a clash. Good timing. Last week wasn't convenient I suppose.

I think you will find that anything that demonstrates their blatant hypocrisy is deemed off topic by the Israel haters.
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Noticing the usual Israel cheerleaders are out in force again today... coffee1.gif

Here we go again, the usual Israel can do no wrong against everyone else. I'll try and stay out of this one, as it's no more unexpected than the sun coming up in the morning.

Whatever, till Israel makes peace ( allows the two state solution ), it's going to have to deal with this sort of thing forever.

Ha. Seriously, you guys must live in fantasy land. The Turks are currently bombing Kurdish Syrians. The Russians are carpet bombing non combatants, leveling hospitals and schools, which coincidentally doesn't elicit a negative response from any of you. The Syrians are intentionally starving a civilian population, and the TVF blame Israel brigade is out in full force to moan and groan over a restrained and measured response to violence against Israel.

Isn't it convenient that as the massacre of Syrians grows, and the images of death and destruction hit the airwaves, that all of a sudden the palestinian arabs have decided to have a clash. Good timing. Last week wasn't convenient I suppose.

I think you will find that anything that demonstrates their blatant hypocrisy is deemed off topic by the Israel haters.
If there is any hypocrisy it is from members who recommend strict adherence to on topic posts, yet are always the first to deflect.
Steeley Dan:
"Perhaps a strict on topic rule should be set for all Israel related topics to stop the 24/7 demonization brigade using this forum as a general soapbox for their agendas."
I suppose geriatrickd's Syrian Kurds is geographically closer to the OP than your Tibet deflection.
Amazing chutzpah.
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The video didn't mentioned once the Palestinian struggle for Independency of occupied Territories by Israel.

I'm not sure if this Islamophobic propaganda should belong on TV, because it promotes religious discrimination.

Moreover it originates from Cleantv.com, a biased US pro-Israeli media outlet with strong affiliation to pro-gun lobby, anti-Obama, US conservatives, etc...

It's too transparent, even if this hidden political persuader media outlet uses a false slogan of : 'CleanTV[emoji768] is your safe haven for educational and entertaining television programs.'

It aims at the average US household with children. Many family topics are covered but that's just smoke and mirrors for the real propaganda work.

If such websites exist aiming at creating religious discrimination towards other religions, I would also condemn them.

Adhering to TV forum rules, on topic objectivity request and alerts to biased political media outlets who promote religious discrimination have nothing to do with liberal tendencies...

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Moreover it originates from Cleantv.com, a biased US pro-Israeli media outlet with strong affiliation to pro-gun lobby, anti-Obama, US conservatives, etc...

Sounds downright wholesome. No wonder they are "biased" against Islamic terrorist murderers.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Moreover it originates from Cleantv.com, a biased US pro-Israeli media outlet with strong affiliation to pro-gun lobby, anti-Obama, US conservatives, etc...

Sounds downright wholesome. No wonder they are "biased" against Islamic terrorist murderers.
I guess our esteemed members idea of clean family entertainment would be Mahmoud Mouse and an anthology of Pallywood snuff movies.
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If I was a betting man I'd put money on the Israelis rather than the Palestinians. Palestinians should have resisted harder or moved on from a hopeless cause.

Israel is basically an apartheid state, it is taking land as it chooses, it will probably keep expanding.

Israel through their lobby basically owns the US and uses them as their bitch for canon fodder in its ME wars. They also own a lot of international media so basically get positive press most of the time.

Israel may be morally bankrupt but they've all but achieved their goals. Palestinians maybe better off trying to any kind of international deal before they're all dead.

Rancid seems the proper word after reading that toxic rant.

Agreed, but he actually got one thing right: The Palestinians should have moved on from their hopeless cause after they got whipped the first time in 1948. They have been losing lives and losing land at a steady pace ever since because of their stubborn stupidity. Islamic terrorism will never pay.

i believe Israel will get more rockets and even more in the future just because of guys like you claiming Palestinian resistance as Islamic terrorism.

then Palestinians suffer from Jewish terrorism and it is true.

moreover, why Israel dont want a two state solution? as it mandates Israel to hand back the land they stole from other countries and locals living there for centuries and Israel does not want it.

Palestinians cannot move from the hopeless stage due to their incompetent leaders but also due to Jewish terrorism there and bc of international powers like USA and Zionist diaspora dont want any solution as well

if the war is over, who needs Zionists and their fascist survivalist politics? i think Zionist dont want to lose rant and foreign aids too. same as USA, if no war, they lose some of their influence on that region.

Edited by Galactus
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If I was a betting man I'd put money on the Israelis rather than the Palestinians. Palestinians should have resisted harder or moved on from a hopeless cause.

Israel is basically an apartheid state, it is taking land as it chooses, it will probably keep expanding.

Israel through their lobby basically owns the US and uses them as their bitch for canon fodder in its ME wars. They also own a lot of international media so basically get positive press most of the time.

Israel may be morally bankrupt but they've all but achieved their goals. Palestinians maybe better off trying to any kind of international deal before they're all dead.

Rancid seems the proper word after reading that toxic rant.

Agreed, but he actually got one thing right: The Palestinians should have moved on from their hopeless cause after they got whipped the first time in 1948. They have been losing lives and losing land at a steady pace ever since because of their stubborn stupidity. Islamic terrorism will never pay.

i believe Israel will get more rockets and even more in the future just because of guys like you claiming Palestinian resistance as Islamic terrorism.

then Palestinians suffer from Jewish terrorism and it is true.

moreover, why Israel dont want a two state solution? as it mandates Israel to hand back the land they stole from other countries and locals living there for centuries and Israel does not want it.

Palestinians cannot move from the hopeless stage due to their incompetent leaders but also due to Jewish terrorism there and bc of international powers like USA and Zionist diaspora dont want any solution as well

if the war is over, who needs Zionists and their fascist survivalist politics? i think Zionist dont want to lose rant and foreign aids too. same as USA, if no war, they lose some of their influence on that region.

Only 58 posts. There may be a way out for you while you actually believe that Palestinian resisters wake up in the middle of the night to fire a couple of rockets into the desert. 30 minutes later, a couple of F16s fire a few rockets into a Hamas training center. Keep in mind that Hamas has 82mm Russian mortars that have a maximum effective range of over 3000 meters. Sderot city limits are only 800 meters from the Gaza wall. Anybody from the north east corner of Gaza could sit with such a mortar and fire 15-25 mortar rounds per minute into Sderot. It would be nearly impossible to over shoot or undershoot an 82mm mortar when Sderot is a town of over 25,000. Hitting the Negev desert with a home made rocket is pretty easy as well. Gaza is under constant surveillance from many sources human and electronic and nothing happens there without the Israelis knowing.

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