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Stephen Fry quits Twitter after criticism for BAFTA joke


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Stephen Fry quits Twitter after criticism for BAFTA joke
By Remi Merhi, Special to CNN

(CNN)Stephen Fry, host of Sunday's British Academy Film Awards, has quit Twitter after users of the platform criticized his on-air joke about costume designer Jenny Beavan being dressed like a "bag lady."

In a blog post, the British actor, writer and comedian said he was deactivating his account because Twitter has become a "stagnant pool" littered with scum and other hazards.

"Even if you negotiate the sharp rocks you'll soon feel that too many people have peed in the pool for you to want to swim there any more. The fun is over," he wrote.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/02/15/entertainment/stephen-fry-twitter-controversy-feat/index.html

-- CNN 2016-02-16

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There is a larger point here than what your opinion of Stephen Fry is, namely whether or not one has the right to offend anymore. Political correctness is an ideological sickness twinned quite often with progressivism. As John Cleese recently remarked 'Political correctness is killing comedy'.


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Im surprised it took so much time for him to catch on.

Twitter and social media is what exemplifies the progress and enlightenment of the human mind these days.

Just a bunch of self aggrandising BS where you are always one post away from being lambasted by a bunch of truckwits who might not agree with you.

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Clearly a number of contributors here don't understand British humour! It can't be taught. You just get or you don't! Hilarious to accuse a famous constume designer of being a bag lady! She is not offended by the way! Unlike those poor weak souls that inhabit Twitter and other such low rent crap.

Edited by Grouse
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...because Twitter has become a "stagnant pool" littered with scum and other hazards.

Couldn't agree more.

Same applies to much of the other social media as well.

Hear hear!

The Frys of this world should be encouraged

Great wit!

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Im surprised it took so much time for him to catch on.

Twitter and social media is what exemplifies the progress and enlightenment of the human mind these days.

Just a bunch of self aggrandising BS where you are always one post away from being lambasted by a bunch of truckwits who might not agree with you.

Much unlike thaivisa, the "truckwits" on twitter or other social media are generally posting under their own identity.

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Im surprised it took so much time for him to catch on.

Twitter and social media is what exemplifies the progress and enlightenment of the human mind these days.

Just a bunch of self aggrandising BS where you are always one post away from being lambasted by a bunch of truckwits who might not agree with you.

Much unlike thaivisa, the "truckwits" on twitter or other social media are generally posting under their own identity.

posting on twitter and facebook under their own identity … who told you that?


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The whole social media thing has turned from a place to interact with others and keep in touch with friends to something more on the level of addiction. Everywhere you go people are checking into their social media. I have never used twitter or instagram but have used Facebook. It used to be a way of keeping up on what friends were doing, etc. I do post periodically to let friends know where I am traveling or when I am with mutual friends. I have a select number of friends that I value and don't feel the need to "collect" friends as some people do. I have remained fairly selective in limiting the "friends" that I have and it is not a public account. I do not check in on any regular basis mostly because even my "friends" seem to be now posting useless drivel. If someone's idea of posting incessant political thought, pictures of cats and dogs, food, ad infinitum, then count me out. Quite honestly I miss the days of letters once a month or even email or a phone call now and then when I felt the sender was communicating something personal to me. This incessant posting of crap most of which is passed on from someone else is mindless. One has to wonder where society is headed and where we will be even 10 years from now. I really must laugh when the news media now uses the number of posts on twitter to determine the question for a political debate or who has the largest number of twitter followers. What happened to the political though of a William F. Buckley or Eric Sevareid rather than some idiot twitter post?

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Clearly a number of contributors here don't understand British humour! It can't be taught. You just get or you don't! Hilarious to accuse a famous constume designer of being a bag lady! She is not offended by the way! Unlike those poor weak souls that inhabit Twitter and other such low rent crap.

There's more than one or two on TV who don't get British humour; and they will probably start "spitting the dummy" when they read this.

As my old doppelganger used to say, "F and U can't take a joke". He was 1/2 Thai -1/2 HK Chinese of course, so he was actually a duaganger.

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Love him or leave him, but Fry is very right on about Twitter ... and it's the same with most other cyber venues where anyone and everyone can have their say. In theory I love the idea, but in reality there's way to many ill-mannered a...holes stinking up the place. Civil discourse it ain't.

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Awhile ago a popular website moderator complained that younger people posting on his site have no hold of grammar or punctuation and neither they can produce more than few lines of drivel. He has maintained 800 words as a minimum of submission saying that anything less there probably will be nothing worthwhile to read. I tend to agree.

Sites - or rather apps - like Twitter, are limited to very few words indeed. A sign of our less-than-intellectual times, I suppose.

Whatever one thinks of Stephen Fry, I enjoy his take on things and his humor. In this world of mediocrity he is a shining beacon. *Inappropriate phrase removed* I miss the wit of Oscar Wilde and the likes.

Edited by Scott
Inappropriate phrase edited out
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Awhile ago a popular website moderator complained that younger people posting on his site have no hold of grammar or punctuation and neither they can produce more than few lines of drivel. He has maintained 800 words as a minimum of submission saying that anything less there probably will be nothing worthwhile to read. I tend to agree.

Sites - or rather apps - like Twitter, are limited to very few words indeed. A sign of our less-than-intellectual times, I suppose.

Whatever one thinks of Stephen Fry, I enjoy his take on things and his humor. In this world of mediocrity he is a shining beacon. I miss the wit of Oscar Wilde and the likes.

"Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."

There, proved that both the "popular website moderator" and you are incorrect and that with just 15 words.

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