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Do you like KSK more than Maya?


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I will give Rimping a better rating than Tops, in several areas. I was discussing Promenda with a friend yesterday, and I told him the only reason to go to Prom, would be to run into Rimping and get some cold Heinekens, with the car double parked and running on the curb....might be true for Maya, as well.


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One for the ladies, well done.

Sorry, if the topic didn't mesh with your upbringing in a poor UK neighborhood...A few weeks ago, I posted the best FD rates in CM. Might as well of been addressing a graveyard...oh wait a minute...I was.....but the semi-anual "where to buy bedsheets" will get 50 replies...with at least four explaining the big sale they have twice a year in the basement of AP Plaza, that has actually been going on the entire 12 years that I have been coming here.


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KSK is like an elderly Aunt and I'm quite fond of it whilst Maya is like a teenage sexy chick and as for Central Festival that's like a 20 something sophisticated socialite who just MUST show off. Central Airport is the middle aged 40 something who was glamorous once but has seen better days.

KSK is where the heart is, Central Festival/Maya where the good shops are

I'm trying to think of a similarly misanyristic way to describe the malls. Let's see, KSK is like your husband of 40 years whom you're quite fond of, Maya is like all the handsome young men who are the trainers at the five-star fitness centers, acting like they really want to help you get into shape and Central Festival is full of those Thai preening TV stars that the young women swoon over -- you know the ones that grace the covers of the Thai fan magazines and the middle aged female hosts fawn over on the Thai TV morning shows. And Central Airport Plaza is like the mature, but still handsome Thai move actors who now sell life insurance on TV.

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I had a hair in my soup last week, at Maya...Higher rent=lower wages....

"Waiter, waiter, there's a hair in my soup !"

"Sorry, Sir, we're fresh out of rabbits, today !" rolleyes.gif

But returning to the OP, I find KSK to be slightly shabby & chaotic, a bit like me really, that's why I prefer it ! Haven't yet even been to Maya, so I can't compare, but I find Central-Festival to be a clinical soul-less place, one might be almost anywhere on the planet, the modern malls just don't feel very Chiang Mai to me. sad.png

deep and zen like wisdom
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I had a hair in my soup last week, at Maya...Higher rent=lower wages....

"Waiter, waiter, there's a hair in my soup !"

"Sorry, Sir, we're fresh out of rabbits, today !" rolleyes.gif

But returning to the OP, I find KSK to be slightly shabby & chaotic, a bit like me really, that's why I prefer it ! Haven't yet even been to Maya, so I can't compare, but I find Central-Festival to be a clinical soul-less place, one might be almost anywhere on the planet, the modern malls just don't feel very Chiang Mai to me. sad.png

Soul less that is the perfect definition for KSk thank you.

With out getting specific I find it easy to get to the shell. I just say KSG pointing with my finger then say Gasahol and indicate just a little farther. I probably got it wrong but they all understand that never yet had a problem with it.

For a mall I much prefer Promenada more comfortable in it just not as many shops selling the same thing. Also a ways out from Farongland.

Edited by northernjohn
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I agree that KSK is more "comfortable" and I use it most often as it is the most convenient. I go there to make copies, top up my phone, get a massage, get a hair cut, go to the post office, buy stuff at Central, Tops or maybe something on the 3rd floor. Once in awhile, we'll go to the more hidden parts to see people bowling. The center outdoor area has displays on occasion and I quite like the Star wars stuff that is currently on display. There seem to be many kid friendly events and on display can be quite nice. Maya seems more formal and not as "lived in" although it is growing on me. I am very happy that there is a Rimping there although the selection is not as good as other Rimping Markets (it is a small store). The cinema is quite nice and we are taking advantage of it. It was nice to see the photograph displays this year there too. I like to look around at the Daiso store and on the roof, it is nice to look around at the city (maybe not at this smoky time). Anyway, I am happy to have a choice of places that is an easy walk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a couple of pictures of the Star Wars stuff that I saw at KSK. This display isn't there any more, but this was not unusual and it's nice to see how talented people can be..

P.S. I was going to put this on the photography forum, but could not figure out what category to put it under...



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