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Visa service or doing it yourself

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Just been to Immigration today to do the extension myself based on Embassy Stat.Dec.& pension docs.

All went smoothly until I was told of new law.

My new Visa extension is under consideration until 1 month following my current extension expiry date.

I now have to go back on 12 April& we know what that means!!

Stuck here at home for Songkhran!!!!!!

I asked if my multi entry permit would be extended for the additional month.

As you would expect the answer was no, just get a single entry valid for the 1 month.

More expense and hassles!!!!

Edited by PeVee1st
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Just been to Immigration today to do the extension myself based on Embassy Stat.Dec.& pension docs.

All went smoothly until I was told of new law.

My new Visa extension is under consideration until 1 month following my current extension expiry date.

I now have to go back on 12 April& we know what that means!!

Stuck here at home for Songkhran!!!!!!

I asked if my multi entry permit would be extended for the additional month.

As you would expect the answer was no, just get a single entry valid for the 1 month.

More expense and hassles!!!!

Which office ?

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It depends. In the case of tourist visas or like a 60 day extension of non-o based on visiting family (e.g. marriage), DIY is very easy with minimal paperwork involved. Just 1900 baht fee.

The 1 year extensions (EXCEPT for the PE/elite extension) do require some paperwork and with a marriage extension, you'd have to go back at least once. Retirement extensions i think are processed same day.

A reliable agent/fixer/etc could do the entire process for you for like 20-30k baht and you get non-o + 12 month extension + multiple re-entry permit and handle the entire process for you.

Assuming you use a trustworthy agent, it might be tempting for the first time. Then get settled in and DIY the subsequent renewals.

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is it better to use a visa service or do everything yourself?

Much of what is needed for an extension of stay (not an extension of a visa) based, for example, on retirement or marriage, you'll still need to do yourself.

If you need an embassy certification of income or bank manager's letter, for example, you'll need to get that. The agent can't do that for you. You'll need to supply the originals of any documents, although they can save you the "stress" of photocopying them.

You'd have to have money burning a hole in your pocket and be fairly clueless or possibly hoping some concessions might be made for failing to meet the requirements for the extension.

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I personally would never use a visa service. Why pay money to somebody when you can easily do it yourself.

As soon as these service like most monopolies have the market cornered the prices will climb. You can do your 90 day by mail and play their silly game for one day of the year. The only problem here in Chiang Mai is the passports must go to the airport office for some official's "official" signature you may have to return the next morning. Where I live that is a hassle.

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It depends. In the case of tourist visas or like a 60 day extension of non-o based on visiting family (e.g. marriage), DIY is very easy with minimal paperwork involved. Just 1900 baht fee.

The 1 year extensions (EXCEPT for the PE/elite extension) do require some paperwork and with a marriage extension, you'd have to go back at least once. Retirement extensions i think are processed same day.

A reliable agent/fixer/etc could do the entire process for you for like 20-30k baht and you get non-o + 12 month extension + multiple re-entry permit and handle the entire process for you.

Assuming you use a trustworthy agent, it might be tempting for the first time. Then get settled in and DIY the subsequent renewals.

A "reliable agent" in fact does very little.

It is the one who is paying the "Agent" who does all the leg work and provides all the paperwork , photos ect.

If one is challenged by the need to complete a simple form then perhaps paying an exorbitant fee is value for money.

I don't discourage people from doing it themselves, especially if there is not much added by the agent. But if the agent can either save you significant time OR [especially] reduce/streamline the amount of paperwork required, the extra fee might be worth it.

Not just based on my observation, either.....

Not so hot if you are in Chiangmai trying to do a retirement visa renewal....anywhere else, yes, but Chiangmai immigration is a nightmare

It may vary by office....and you cannot always pick your office to submit paperwork.

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Not so hot if you are in Chiangmai trying to do a retirement visa renewal....anywhere else, yes, but Chiangmai immigration is a nightmare

I have previously done 3 Non O myself while in Oz. This time I went for an extension (CM) I was told by three different officials what I needed to do, this was after waiting hours in the Q. One told me just do a visa run to Mae Sai.

My decision then was to seek out various agencies and do a comparison. The one I chose checked my already completed forms and make a few changes. Later that day I got a call from the agency to report at immigration at 9 the next morning. At 9:05 I was shown escorted by the agent to a desk and the formalities were completed in less than 5 minutes. I was then asked to report back the following morning for my RE permit. Same thing 5 minutes in / 5 minutes out. 7,000 Bht plus government fee. Not back considering the run around I got before. methinks agents have the inside info with some officials. My extension and RE permit were also dated from the expiry date of my non o. In CM it pays to use a service, at least the first time.

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I personally would never use a visa service. Why pay money to somebody when you can easily do it yourself.

As soon as these service like most monopolies have the market cornered the prices will climb. You can do your 90 day by mail and play their silly game for one day of the year. The only problem here in Chiang Mai is the passports must go to the airport office for some official's "official" signature you may have to return the next morning. Where I live that is a hassle.

What are you saying? About Chiangmai. I send my 90 day by mail yesterday . Do you mean that I still have to go to the office? For an official signature? I thought they send back the small piece of paper only. And then finish.

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Yesterday, I had to go through the one year extension ordeal.

Was at my local Kasikorn branch @ 09:00 for letter for immigration and copies of bank book etc

Went straight to Jomtien immigration on Soi 5 with all paperwork.

Was done and dusted by 09:30 and pick up passport today.

Well worth paying a visa agency a few thousand baht for lol

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A friend got his retirement extension recently and was so impressed with his lawyers visa service and he "only" paid 35,000. Not trying to insult him I mentioned politely "For something that would cost you about 5000 to do yourself (including re-entry permits) the service for a 30000 surcharge should be impeccable". Shocked by my claim, he completely dismissed me and went on again about his great lawyer. What do you say to the guy who already knows everything??

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I personally would never use a visa service. Why pay money to somebody when you can easily do it yourself.

As soon as these service like most monopolies have the market cornered the prices will climb. You can do your 90 day by mail and play their silly game for one day of the year. The only problem here in Chiang Mai is the passports must go to the airport office for some official's "official" signature you may have to return the next morning. Where I live that is a hassle.

What are you saying? About Chiangmai. I send my 90 day by mail yesterday . Do you mean that I still have to go to the office? For an official signature? I thought they send back the small piece of paper only. And then finish.

That is only needed for the extension not 90 day reports.

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Yesterday, I had to go through the one year extension ordeal.

Was at my local Kasikorn branch @ 09:00 for letter for immigration and copies of bank book etc

Went straight to Jomtien immigration on Soi 5 with all paperwork.

Was done and dusted by 09:30 and pick up passport today.

Well worth paying a visa agency a few thousand baht for lol

Did mine today in and out in 30 minutes cost me 1900 baht did not have to pay anybody else well worth doing myself

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If one is new to Thailand I can fully appreciate using an agent. Otherwise, unless you are working here (you may already have a service), or cannot fill out simple repetitive forms, there really is no need to use an agency. I have yet to have any issue with either my retirement visa extension or my marriage visa extension, which I switched over to three years ago. Both have a small stack of paper work (more with the marriage visa extension) - but year after year it is the very same paperwork. 90-day takes no time at all should only require two pieces of paper - the form and all of your other data scanned/resized on one piece of paper (I keep a smaller version of that in my wallet as I never carry a passport).

Virtually all of the forms are available in either fill-able MS Word or fill-able PDFs, so it is just a matter of updating dates, entry/flight no., etc. There are excellent resources right here on TV , which are updated with regards to what you need. That is also available at Immigration, Chiang Mai in my particular case.

On another note, I personally know two expats who either had their passport temporarily misplaced for about 10 days or completely lost by agents. No fun and you are held accountable, not them.

FYI- a small box of chocolates, and leaving your grumpy whining at home, goes a long way when you are doing a visa extension. Try to remember these folks are underpaid and over worked.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Don't you have to appear in person at the immigration office to get an extension?I thought going through an agent wasn't even possible , bar emergencies like when you're incapacitated. Has anything changed there? If it is possible I would do it:saves you time. Went to Chaeng Wattana for a TV extension yesterday: 90minutes in the taxi back and forth at 450 baht,90 min at immigration:An agent could have saved me 3 hours for a cost not much more than the cab rides.

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Depends on the type of visa you want. Some are easy to do yourself, while others require a shit load of paperwork. So that, coupled with ever changing rules, make using a visa service the best bet..if you've got the dosh.


Just go and ask what is required and provide it.

After 10 years of doing Marriage extensions I have never had a problem.

You don't get arrested or have your passport stollen if you do it yourself.

Both can easily happen if you use an "agent"

Just one example: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/881796-passport-not-returned-by-visa-companyoverstayed/?hl=agent

Edited by Eclipse
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Very easy to do yourself.

Why waste money and still end up with problems as happens so often?

why waste precious time? whistling.gif

Yes indeed.

Why pay someone a fortune to do something very simple only for them to screw it up and cost you even more time and money to sort out the mess.

Do it yourself and you know it is done properly.

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This new TM 30 reqt, for those that find themselves having to deal with it, is a wrinkle that might cause some to want to consider a service. As someone just trying to get a 30d ext on a simple TR, even tho' I had a TM30 in hand, I wasn't really comfortable with it and was afraid of being caught in some kind of uniquely thai "gotcha' ", through absolutely no fault of my own, and so let a service do the submitting along with whatever the "police address verification" process consists of. Bureaucracy on steroids.

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The argument here is whether one should pay an agent with the inevitable implication of corruption, or do it yourself and potentially have to wait around for hours at the whim of immigration officials.

Having experienced the DIY reception at Chiang Mai Immigration one time, I have no desire to repeat. So since then, I've paid for an agent.

Let me suggest those posters who parade their brilliance, and imply people like me are incompetent retards, have never dealt with CM Immigration. Or if they have, are willing to spend 1 - 2 days at all kinds of weird times for a result. I have better things to do with my time, thank you.

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