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Police deny torturing Bangkok bombing suspect


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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

Blah blah blah...bleeding heart drivel...blah blah blah.

You're one of those people with your head firmly planted up your ass. By the time you realize that singing "Kumbuya" and holding hands is not going to make the terrorists go away, it will be too late. Every possible resource should be used to stamp out the terrorist vermin, including torture, if it's necessary.

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

Blah blah blah...bleeding heart drivel...blah blah blah.

You're one of those people with your head firmly planted up your ass. By the time you realize that singing "Kumbuya" and holding hands is not going to make the terrorists go away, it will be too late. Every possible resource should be used to stamp out the terrorist vermin, including torture, if it's necessary.

What a load....It's almost enough to turn you into a terrorist, isn't it?

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Is there not a law where the interrogation has to be filmed or audiotaped?

What about the Spanish guy accused of mirder? Did he simply confess after the first time of asking? Or do Spain hold more weight than Burma and a China who doesn't give a hoot about their Muslim minority?

So let's see,the video/audio could be staged and the torture done off-camera/recorder. Or, law enforcement agencies would claim foul, because all criminal elements could see their interrogation tactics and they would become less effective.

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

Blah blah blah...bleeding heart drivel...blah blah blah.

You're one of those people with your head firmly planted up your ass. By the time you realize that singing "Kumbuya" and holding hands is not going to make the terrorists go away, it will be too late. Every possible resource should be used to stamp out the terrorist vermin, including torture, if it's necessary.

What a load....It's almost enough to turn you into a terrorist, isn't it?

Not sure whose head is planted. You mean like the neo-con driven Cheney and Bush efforts after 9/11. Yeah, really helped stop Islamic terrorists.

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Not sure whose head is planted. You mean like the neo-con driven Cheney and Bush efforts after 9/11. Yeah, really helped stop Islamic terrorists.

Bush and Cheney are war criminals. Don't put words in my mouth. I am not a neocon. I am a bleeding heart. My heart bleeds for all innocent people victimized by brutal governments, terrorists or whoever. My heart doesn't bleed for a cowardly bomber. They should be stamped out like cockroaches. Torture is too good for them.

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Not sure whose head is planted. You mean like the neo-con driven Cheney and Bush efforts after 9/11. Yeah, really helped stop Islamic terrorists.

Bush and Cheney are war criminals. Don't put words in my mouth. I am not a neocon. I am a bleeding heart. My heart bleeds for all innocent people victimized by brutal governments, terrorists or whoever. My heart doesn't bleed for a cowardly bomber. They should be stamped out like cockroaches. Torture is too good for them.

So, nuke 'em all and let God sort it out?

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Not sure whose head is planted. You mean like the neo-con driven Cheney and Bush efforts after 9/11. Yeah, really helped stop Islamic terrorists.

Bush and Cheney are war criminals. Don't put words in my mouth. I am not a neocon. I am a bleeding heart. My heart bleeds for all innocent people victimized by brutal governments, terrorists or whoever. My heart doesn't bleed for a cowardly bomber. They should be stamped out like cockroaches. Torture is too good for them.

So, nuke 'em all and let God sort it out?

which god? i swear i am torturing myself reading all this..sorry ,i deny that last bit..

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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.

Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

Blah blah blah...bleeding heart drivel...blah blah blah.

You're one of those people with your head firmly planted up your ass. By the time you realize that singing "Kumbuya" and holding hands is not going to make the terrorists go away, it will be too late. Every possible resource should be used to stamp out the terrorist vermin, including torture, if it's necessary.

What a load....It's almost enough to turn you into a terrorist, isn't it?

unfortunately the only way to deal with terrorists is to sink to their levels, destroy them and hope others think twice. A bit like dealing with cancer. You subject the patient to awful stuff in a hope to get him/her better.
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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.

Verty ill-informed - it has been shown time and again that torture is a grossly ineffective way to extract any information.
shown by whom? Lol. Do you know how many terrorists have been apprehended following interrogations at Guantanamo Bay?
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Torture is a small price to pay to uncover more details about Muslims who want to kill discriminatory. Perfect answer by the police. The world will be a better place without Islam.


Torture finds what it wants to find.

It is the use of violence to extract results.

It has nothing to do with finding the truth.

The world would be a better place without the scum who use torture.

the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

I apologise for my comment about the incomprehensible way the 1st sentence of your post was written. Having re-read it a few more times, I can see what you are saying, which is of course your personal opinion, which I respect.

IMHO a person who is found guilty of such a violent disgusting bombing as happened in Bangkok deserves to be treated like 'scum' as you say, but only AFTER a proper judicial process. Such a person shouldn't be incarcerated or executed without due process. That 'due process' should include an objective investigation, a fair, open trial and unbiased judgement by the Military court. Without this you are in effect endorsing a 'lynch mob - hang 'em high' system of non-justice, reverting back to lawless medieval times. If that's what you want, then you're welcome to it. I just hope for your sake you don't accidentally get involved in a similar situation here in LOS, then you might think differently.

totally agree. Due process is critical. In this instance all evidence pointed in the right direction hence squeezing him for information will yield valuable Intel. A bleeding nose or a broken finger is insignificant to a lifetime of misery for the victims family, chaos in a nation, economic loss and many more. Edited by sir charles IV
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We need to demonstrate that we are tougher, stronger and more willing than them in order to assert our values. We did it to Germany and Japan in wwii. Despite unfortunate loss of innocent lives the world is in a better shape. Think for a moment what the world would be like had we not resorted to such drastic measures to bring Germany and Japan down? Scary.

Edited by sir charles IV
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the perception that we in the west live a good life in the west is as a result of all the seemingly barbaric behavior eg torture that our governments had to employ to keep us safe. The world will be a better place when scum stop killing innocent people. And those scum have to made an example of and treated anyway that will result in apprehension of more scum. Your ignorance is bliss and is to be commended but it is far from reality.

Scum are scum because of what they do.

Those terrorist scum who torture and kill are evil.

So are the authorities who do the same thing.

You can't fight evil by doing evil.

There is no difference, the claim 'we are doing it for what is right' is the cry of both sides.

Ignorance is the defence of such tactics.

Ultimately torture is used to obtain what the torturer wants to hear.

Truth and facts are not required when such goals are set.

Wake up.

Blah blah blah...bleeding heart drivel...blah blah blah.

You're one of those people with your head firmly planted up your ass. By the time you realize that singing "Kumbuya" and holding hands is not going to make the terrorists go away, it will be too late. Every possible resource should be used to stamp out the terrorist vermin, including torture, if it's necessary.


Torture will do none of the things you want.

All it does is produce the results the torturer wants.

It does not, however, establish the truth.

It won't stop anything.

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