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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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Don't worry, dude.

There will be boatloads of enthusiasm among SANE Americans to block the psychopathic demagogue "Trump" from ever being president.

Yeah, I can see how excited people are over that retread bale of hay Hillary. She should move her rallies to football stadiums, she's so popular.

Alternatively, she could just hold them in a women's restroom in a Starbucks.


Rightwhingers and other Republicans are invited to discuss the virtues of any one of their candidates, or of all their candidates in their combined glories.

Extending Trump's rebellion based on insult demeans the discourse, ne c'est pas....

Oh right. You would never describe any group as a "clown car" or a "left wingnut" or in any way depart from the highest decorum.


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Yeah, it's just too stupid.

To think we're going to hear this vacuous Trumpy bravado until November.beatdeadhorse.gif

lt's American democracy, and to quote you- Deal with it.

Of course, if it was UK democracy you'd only have to put up with the c*** for a couple or so months. I know which I prefer.

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I wonder if the duck upset all the republican GW Bush apologists with his attack on him. Lots of blinkered people out there. I hope that Trump continues to rattle the cages purely for the entertainment value. Without him it would be mind numbingly boring.

Do you mean that without Trump the Republicans might actually address real issues that concern the American citizens rather than the semi amusing childish drama and insults that Trump has made it?

This election will have major consequences for people all over the world and should be serious business, not entertainment!

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After much pressure from Donald Trump, finally justice comes to D.C. football.
The Washington Redskins finally drop offensive name.
Dan Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, has announced that the team is dropping "Washington" from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as "The Redskins."
It was reported that he finds the word 'Washington' imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football.

Football and the NFL

One of the best examples of successful Socialism in The United States today.

( Shhhh! don't tell the good old boys!)

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After much pressure from Donald Trump, finally justice comes to D.C. football.
The Washington Redskins finally drop offensive name.
Dan Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, has announced that the team is dropping "Washington" from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as "The Redskins."
It was reported that he finds the word 'Washington' imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football.

Football and the NFL

One of the best examples of successful Socialism in The United States today.

( Shhhh! don't tell the good old boys!)

It's a story of capitalism. The teams are privately owned and they compete financially for the best players and coaches. It gives a lot of players and coaches the chance to get filthy rich if they are really good at it. Each person is paid on his ability. If anyone is slipping he's disposed of but may still wind up well off depending on his contract. The players make mega bucks but the people selling hot dogs earn normal wages.

They don't take from the rich players and give to the poorer grounds keeper. They pay according to supply and demand.

The owners run the teams like a business, capitalizing on their investment.

Now, you were saying?

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When the sense of humor departs from the opposition I know they are shit scared. I'm having fun. How about you? whistling.gif

Fun and enjoyment is one thing, hyper and all over the place is something else. wai.gif

It's not whether you win it's how you accept the loss tongue.png

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Yeah, it's just too stupid.

To think we're going to hear this vacuous Trumpy bravado until November.beatdeadhorse.gif

You're going to get 8 years. That's your sentence. He will of course drop the campaign schtick and revert to his normal successful management style.

He HAD to come in hard and swinging and keep it up. One would have to be blind to miss how hard the establishment GOP is trying to get rid of him. He will cost them their decades of entrenching the power base. The GOP is panicked and we may see some really dirty tricks before this is over. We may see them try to steal the nomination from Trump. God help them if they do after The People choose Trump.

The only person in America who had a chance at all of breaking the back of the corrupt GOP was Donald Trump. Democrats for reasons God only knows are keeping their corruption.


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When the sense of humor departs from the opposition I know they are shit scared. I'm having fun. How about you? whistling.gif

Heh...that's quite evident reading these far-left moonbat posts claiming Trump is finished! laugh.png

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Time for some Pat Condell with some Truths re the Donald the Left can't abide:


If nothing else, Trump is going to take an effective blow against PC run amok. smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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When the sense of humor departs from the opposition I know they are shit scared. I'm having fun. How about you? whistling.gif

Fun and enjoyment is one thing, hyper and all over the place is something else. wai.gif

It's not whether you win it's how you accept the loss tongue.png

The definition of hyper and all over the place is what the other guy does. Our rants, peppered with insults are polished writings.

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Time for some Pat Condell with some Truths re the Donald the Left can't abide:


If nothing else, Trump is going to take an effective blow against PC run amok. smile.png

I really like Pat Condell, and he really does make a convincing case for why Trump has arisen to this point. I still think Trump is a dickwad, but could he be a dickwad I could live with as President?

The issue is that he is a loose canon. I know everyone says it's just his act to win, and that he will become rational at some point, but let's wait and see.

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The key to this election is to ignore criminal acts with email servers and jeopardizing the nation's most top secret info while ignoring huge conflict of interest donations from foreign countries.

Yessir, you have to keep your eye on electability.

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Giving the White House to a Closet-Muslim-America-HaterTM was bad enough, but we absolutely must NOT give it to a successful New York Businessman who loves his country.


Now I definitely know that you are un-hinged.........

Is that all you have? A personal attack? Golly Gee. That makes me feel soooo superior I think I'll bust.


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How could anyone who was personally and always opposed to the war in Iraq possibly win the White House? How does that leave any room for the military-industrial complex to make any money? The DC establishment is panicking.

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The GOP is completely and totally split. You have 100 million voters on one side and about 1,000 lobbyists, donors, congressmen and MSM members on the other side.

Heh...just like that so-called CNN Poll the other day that tried to claim a vote for the Donald was a vote for the Hildebeast.

They're desperate, man! biggrin.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Great news.

As time passes folk will see him for what he is.

I wonder who he will blame for this?

Well, you're right, folks are seeing him for who/what he is. And they are voting FOR him in large numbers. Major victories for Trump on Super Tuesday.

Now what was that about Trump being number 2 in the polls? :)

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Yeah, it's just too stupid.

To think we're going to hear this vacuous Trumpy bravado until November.beatdeadhorse.gif

You're going to get 8 years. That's your sentence. He will of course drop the campaign schtick and revert to his normal successful management style.

He HAD to come in hard and swinging and keep it up. One would have to be blind to miss how hard the establishment GOP is trying to get rid of him. He will cost them their decades of entrenching the power base. The GOP is panicked and we may see some really dirty tricks before this is over. We may see them try to steal the nomination from Trump. God help them if they do after The People choose Trump.

The only person in America who had a chance at all of breaking the back of the corrupt GOP was Donald Trump. Democrats for reasons God only knows are keeping their corruption.


The GOP was broken over 7 years ago by the incompetence of GW Bush.

They have dug their own six foot deep hole with their obstructionist refusal to do anything in congress.

Trump is just putting the last nails needed into the coffin now..

For much of the world, it will be a very cheerful funeral.

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