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Pope vs. Trump: 'Not Christian' to only build border walls


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He who lives behind tall walls with the Swiss Guard guarding him and keeping everyone out, shouldn't throw stones.


An aerial view.



I do believe those walls have been in place for a few hundred years, hardly something this pope built, not to mention many of them form parts of the building structures, not all of them of course.

I did not say the Pope built it ... but he lives in it. And purportedly the walls were built to protect the Vatican from invading Muslim hordes long ago.. One cannot live in a Enormous walled compound - actually a city-state and receive benefits from the security it provides then assail others for wanting to build a wall for security. And if people die trying to get across the desert from Mexico into the USA - IT IS A KNOWN FACT FOR DECADES THAT IT IS DANGEROUS. And that with full knowledge that such a crossing are dangerous people who do it anyway are fools not victims nor heroes. We as American citizens have FULL RIGHT to protect ourselves and our country... The Pope is a radical socialist who feels the need to become a politician -- he should return to his country and run for political office. His comments to any American or our my country is an affront - an insult. He came to the U,S. not long ago and insulted us - he may be the pope but he is not God ... he is nothing more than a radical leftist hiding behind his cloak .. If he keeps this up after the new president is elected I hope the new president Trump or Cruz invites the Vatican Diplomatic mission over for a chat and tell them advising the pope to stay out of American affairs would result in their Embassy being allowed to remain occupied by their Diplomatic Corps.

I am happy to say that the Pope's words increased Trump's popularity considerably ...

I can't disagree with any of what you said and in fact whilst I agree with how you've put it, I fear for the American people if indeed this loose canon trump is elected.

Building a wall will be good because it will employ people and it would be a huge project, however I hope the same wall is never used to prevent Americans leaving when they try o flee to Mexico to evade their crackpot president and all the havoc that is certain to prevail.

If he makes it, the Anerican people will most certainly need their firearms......for the war that follows.

God bless you all !

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Amazingly, it took a couple of decades of BUSH & CLINTON administrations before certain groups of The Islamic faith declared Ji-had on America. Here we are just a few months into the current election process and the Pope is just about to call Christians to Ji-had based on Donald's presidential campaign mutterings.

i wonder how long before he has the monks of Tibet taking up arms ? 555555

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He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

He will get the nomination. But becoming a president is a different story, but Bernie and Clinton will destroy him due to the Black and Hispanic vote. Election participation rate is higher among blacks and hispanics compared to whites!

Now you're just making things up.

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Even Joe Scarborough of the liberal MSNBC is calling Hillary's campaign a "train wreck". LINK

So, in your mind, because Joe Scarborough works for MSNBC he's a liberal? In fact, Joe Scarborough is a conservative. But MSNBC allows him his own show. You think Fox will ever do the same for a liberal?

Well, there was that guy once upon a time, what was his name? Oh, yeah, Alan Holmes, who used to do that show called Hannity and Holmes. Basically it was an S&M flogfest where Fox would encourage Hannity to abuse Holmes while Holmes had to shut up and take it like a biatch.

John Stewart used to refer to the show as "Hannity and Whatever...."

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Beloved Pope Francis vs Trump the xenophobic buffoon escalates. This just gets better and better. Now the rest of the candidates have to out-hate Trump!

All the insane wingnuts are climbing on the Pope bashing bandwagon. Who saw this coming?

It was ridiculous before but now it's entered the bizarro world of right wing delusion. The hatred of everything bubbles to the surface.

So much fun! Yes everyone, the Republicans are blowing themselves up.

What a delicious mess!

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"The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said, “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.” I agree that as Christians we should try to build bridges with everyone that we possibly can, but that doesn’t mean that we should compromise our national security. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to build a wall—other Republican candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, and John Kasich as well as millions of Americans, also want to build a wall—in order to protect America from enemies who want to use the U.S./Mexican border as a way to enter our country and do us harm. Are they not Christian either? My advice to the Pontiff—reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump. Who knows where he may be this time next year!" - Donald Trump, Facebook.

First you say that ""The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

then you follow with the quote “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.”

The two statements do not reconcile, obviously in the quote he did not say between the US and Mexico it said"wherever they may be"

Also I am afraid the Popes statement has gone over most peoples head. He did not mean , literal walls or literal bridges, There are many good Christians who build walls and many bad Christians who build Bridges.

by walls He meant Divisiveness and by Bridges he meant inclusiveness facepalm.gif

Quote from the OP.

It is painfully obvious what the Pope meant and who he was addressing his remarks to.


"Francis' comments came hours after he concluded a visit to Mexico, where he prayed at the border for people who died trying to reach the U.S. While speaking to reporters on the papal plane, he was asked what he thought of Trump's campaign pledge to build a wall along the entire length of the border and expel millions of people in the U.S. illegally.

"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," he said. While Francis said he would "give the benefit of the doubt" because he had not heard Trump's border plans independently, he added, "I say only that this man is not a Christian if he has said things like that."

"It is painfully obvious what the Pope meant and who he was addressing his remarks to."

Finally! we are in agreement, I knew if I explained things to you you would eventually get it get it.

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I'm sure this "Christian" pope would welcome 11 million illegal immigrants climbing over the Vatican wall demanding health care, free schooling, free school lunches, drivers license and all the rights of a citizen of the Vatican. NOT

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Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State

Well, the Pooe is in Rome, and can at most mian moan about things he considers "un-Christian". .... from what, six thousand miles away? How much separation does there have to be to satisfy you?!

PS "Separation of Church & State" is not a phrase you'll find anywhere in the US Constitution I don't think...

I fault the pope from for sticking a hypocritical nose in, but it's hardly a matter of church-state separation.

Hypocritical how?

Criticizing someone's political views as "unchristian", whilst running a global money-gathering institution that sexually abuses children. How "christian" is that?!

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I am happy to say that the Pope's words increased Trump's popularity considerably ...

I think you're 180 degrees wrong on that. If anything, Trump has proven again what a cantankerous quick-to-anger quick-to-get-offended man he is. He has proven how he can alienate more people than grossly flatulent woman at a wedding reception, in spite of repeatedly saying, "Everybody likes me" and "I get along with everybody" or "You're all going to be so happy with me.". I predict Cruz will pick up more delegates on Super Tuesday than Mr. 'gold toilet' Trump.

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He who lives behind tall walls with the Swiss Guard guarding him and keeping everyone out, shouldn't throw stones.


An aerial view.



I do believe those walls have been in place for a few hundred years, hardly something this pope built, not to mention many of them form parts of the building structures, not all of them of course.

I did not say the Pope built it ... but he lives in it. And purportedly the walls were built to protect the Vatican from invading Muslim hordes long ago.. One cannot live in a Enormous walled compound - actually a city-state and receive benefits from the security it provides then assail others for wanting to build a wall for security. And if people die trying to get across the desert from Mexico into the USA - IT IS A KNOWN FACT FOR DECADES THAT IT IS DANGEROUS. And that with full knowledge that such a crossing are dangerous people who do it anyway are fools not victims nor heroes. We as American citizens have FULL RIGHT to protect ourselves and our country... The Pope is a radical socialist who feels the need to become a politician -- he should return to his country and run for political office. His comments to any American or our my country is an affront - an insult. He came to the U,S. not long ago and insulted us - he may be the pope but he is not God ... he is nothing more than a radical leftist hiding behind his cloak .. If he keeps this up after the new president is elected I hope the new president Trump or Cruz invites the Vatican Diplomatic mission over for a chat and tell them advising the pope to stay out of American affairs would result in their Embassy being allowed to remain occupied by their Diplomatic Corps.

I am happy to say that the Pope's words increased Trump's popularity considerably ...

The far right marginal loonies in a tizzy because the Pope is a bit of a lefty. So all the nativists are outraged by a universally loved representative of the World'd longest existing institution. Let's see - comparing what Pope Francis has achieved as pontiff as well as throughout his life to some old whinger whose existence probably only really impacts on some ladies on the streets of Phuket.

In your hysteria, you offer wildly historically inaccurate garbage. Did you get the Muslim stuff from the GatesofVIenna website? Hint. Its the Gates of Vienna, not the Gates of Rome. You could have mentioned Carthaginians, Huns, Lombards and others, but you can't say Muslims because they never actually attacked Rome. But that doesn't fit your story does it.

Makes one pine for the days when denial of Papal Infallibility was punishable by death.

Edited by lostboy
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It's ironic that, with all this talk by Republicans about the border with Mexico, each candidate trying to out-tough the next - none have contacted the US border patrolmen and women who are working 24-7 at the border region. BTW, there is already a stout wall over much of the border. At some places, Mexicans leave notes for loved-ones (on the other side), tucked into the wall. Perhaps Trump would want to arrest those folks also.

What's next for the tough-guy Republicans? Shoot on sight, anyone without white skin who is lurking near the wall? Reps are wanting the US to resemble E.Germany's Stasi. Indeed, the Rep candidates would have fit right in as Stasi officials. .....or perhaps along the river between N.Korea and China. Get your gun Donald. There's a Wetback right now, swimming across the Rio Grande. Shoot the loser!

I could write pages pointing out how little you know about this situation but I will just point out... many politicians over the years have gone to the U.S. - Mexico Border, Many Congressional hearings have been held with testimony from Border Patrol officials... In recent times both Trump and Cruz have visited sections of the border fence. By the way -- the current barrier on the U.S. - Mexican Border is NOT A WALL... rather it is a patchwork of fences some parts of which a car can be driven through. Years ago laws were passed and funded to build a multi-billion dollar double fence with a road in between ... Only sections of it were ever built - the money was wasted on electronic gadgets that never worked... And basically both Bush and Obama saw to it that nothing really came of the 'People's Initiative" Again thumbing their nose at what the people - the voters pushed their Congressional Representatives to do..

Your over the top hyperbole is out outdistanced by your displayed ignorance of the U.S. - Mexican Border Situation.

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Too many stupid athiests on these boards....I would round you all up and maroon you on a deserted island.

How very Christian of you. Your "god" must be proud.

BTW, I object that the iPhone automatically capitalises god!

For clarity, do you wish to maroon all atheists or just the stupid ones?

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Too many stupid athiests on these boards....I would round you all up and maroon you on a deserted island.

How very Christian of you. Your "god" must be proud.

BTW, I object that the iPhone automatically capitalises god!

For clarity, do you wish to maroon all atheists or just the stupid ones?

Why only a deserted island, why not gas chambers and human guinea pigs for experiments?

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Too many stupid athiests on these boards....I would round you all up and maroon you on a deserted island.

How very Christian of you. Your "god" must be proud.

BTW, I object that the iPhone automatically capitalises god!

For clarity, do you wish to maroon all atheists or just the stupid ones?

Mine Doesnt or i get a Agnostic 6 +.

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Trump handled the Pope episode masterfully and thus the whole issue has gone away. Except of course on TVF.

Trump actually forgave the Pope for saying his acts weren't very Christian. He made kind excuses for the Pope, saying that the Pope probably hadn't thought about the drugs and gangs and other criminals that cross the border. He said that the Pope had been in Mexico listening to one side, and probably didn't understand the entire thing.

That diffused the entire issue and it is no longer much in the news.

THAT is classic Trump - knowing how to pick his fights.


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I'm not a Trump fan and I am not an atheist, but I have more respect for him after this. The Pope has no business questioning his faith over politics.

Which is not what the Pope did. He only said that building walls only is not Christian.

He specifically DID say "....if this man wants to build walls.....he is not Christian"

But putting this aside, I am no fan of Trump. But I am less of a fan of the Catholic Church and their hypocritical behavior. This Pope has been a Bishop, a Cardinal and now Pope. A career spanning decades. In that time, thousands of young boys have been sexually abused by numerous pedophile priests. As a high ranking official I believe this Pope knew this was going on. And yet there is NO evidence i can find that he did anything about it. As Pope, he has done way too little to address this criminal behavior and bring justice to the victims. As I mentioned in a previous post he seems so reticent to go after major criminals on the world stage as well. current leaders IN OFFICE murder, kidnap, persecute and yet the POpe is silent. This Pope and the Catholic Chirch can say what they like. But the history of the Catholic Church over the centuries and during the recent criminal behavior of their priests and the subsequent coverup give the Pope no moral authority. NONE

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I'm not a Trump fan and I am not an atheist, but I have more respect for him after this. The Pope has no business questioning his faith over politics.

Which is not what the Pope did. He only said that building walls only is not Christian.

He specifically DID say "....if this man wants to build walls.....he is not Christian"

But putting this aside, I am no fan of Trump. But I am less of a fan of the Catholic Church and their hypocritical behavior. This Pope has been a Bishop, a Cardinal and now Pope. A career spanning decades. In that time, thousands of young boys have been sexually abused by numerous pedophile priests. As a high ranking official I believe this Pope knew this was going on. And yet there is NO evidence i can find that he did anything about it. As Pope, he has done way too little to address this criminal behavior and bring justice to the victims. As I mentioned in a previous post he seems so reticent to go after major criminals on the world stage as well. current leaders IN OFFICE murder, kidnap, persecute and yet the POpe is silent. This Pope and the Catholic Chirch can say what they like. But the history of the Catholic Church over the centuries and during the recent criminal behavior of their priests and the subsequent coverup give the Pope no moral authority. NONE

This only means that the Pope is not a true Christian also, But does not change Trump;s Standing

An A-hole can call an other A-hole A-hole

I do all the timelaugh.png

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Trump handled the Pope episode masterfully and thus the whole issue has gone away. Except of course on TVF.

Trump actually forgave the Pope for saying his acts weren't very Christian. He made kind excuses for the Pope, saying that the Pope probably hadn't thought about the drugs and gangs and other criminals that cross the border. He said that the Pope had been in Mexico listening to one side, and probably didn't understand the entire thing.

That diffused the entire issue and it is no longer much in the news.

THAT is classic Trump - knowing how to pick his fights.


You're right, that diffused the issue..

But the entire issue was defused when people realised the Popes statements were general statements.

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