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Rules of the Thai deli counter (are there any?)


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JT is a man of many talents, but when he has nothing productive to keep him occupied he will invariably wonder why the ceramic tiles in his bathroom aren't straight, or perhaps why the trash bins aren't in a line. We need to find something for him to get his intellectual teeth into, like why the girls in 7-11 don't put their phone down when they serve him.

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How are your Thai language skills?

Great point! It never ceases to amaze me the number of English speaking foreigners living in Thailand who expect Thais to converse with them in English. And then they get all pissy when they don't get exactly what they want.

Upcountry in the sticks i don't expect them to speak english but in the biggest malls in BKK i sure expect that.

Also in Foodland i think they should speak english. But i found a good Makro where they speak english so i don't care anymore for other shops.

And i don't like to speak to any Thai personell, i will find it myself or by something which comes close to what i need.

Even in Siam Paragon nobody speaks english, funny to see Hongkong chinese or Singaporeans speak to them. But they always have very young uneducated personell in the shops, i wonder why or it's only about the money probably.

I like to buy online or from overseas and bring it. Tired of stupid personell.

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Try seing what you get when you ask an australian butcher for 450 gm of meat. He will give you 700. After an aprenticship and years in the trade I guarantee that he could judge to 10 gm..

It is just a silent form of up-selling . They know what is best for you .

Does not work though....I changed to buying my meat in the supermarket where I could see what I got rather than the butcher at the supermarket door except for kidneys and things like that sold by piece. He asked me why...I told him that way I could buy exactly what I needed for a recipee not have half left over.....I know others who think the same.

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How are your Thai language skills?

Great point! It never ceases to amaze me the number of English speaking foreigners living in Thailand who expect Thais to converse with them in English. And then they get all pissy when they don't get exactly what they want.

Upcountry in the sticks i don't expect them to speak english but in the biggest malls in BKK i sure expect that.

Also in Foodland i think they should speak english. But i found a good Makro where they speak english so i don't care anymore for other shops.

And i don't like to speak to any Thai personell, i will find it myself or by something which comes close to what i need.

Even in Siam Paragon nobody speaks english, funny to see Hongkong chinese or Singaporeans speak to them. But they always have very young uneducated personell in the shops, i wonder why or it's only about the money probably.

I like to buy online or from overseas and bring it. Tired of stupid personell.

Sounds as though you need to relocate to a place where your Mother tongue is used as the normal means of verbal communication.

The sheer arrogance of those who believe that everyone "should" speak English is overwhelming !

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How are your Thai language skills?

Great point! It never ceases to amaze me the number of English speaking foreigners living in Thailand who expect Thais to converse with them in English. And then they get all pissy when they don't get exactly what they want.

Upcountry in the sticks i don't expect them to speak english but in the biggest malls in BKK i sure expect that.

Also in Foodland i think they should speak english. But i found a good Makro where they speak english so i don't care anymore for other shops.

And i don't like to speak to any Thai personell, i will find it myself or by something which comes close to what i need.

Even in Siam Paragon nobody speaks english, funny to see Hongkong chinese or Singaporeans speak to them. But they always have very young uneducated personell in the shops, i wonder why or it's only about the money probably.

I like to buy online or from overseas and bring it. Tired of stupid personell.

JT only gets pissy at the end of the month!

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...I have been reading that the Saudis have put together a coalition of 12 Sunni nations.. they are deploying 350,000 troops.. 20,000 tanks... a few thousand fighter jets... 450 helicopters.. along the northern border of Saudi.. oh.. and have been preparing a base in Turkey .. the plan is to cross Iraq and Jordan from the south to enter Syria.. and from Turkey in the north.. the said plan is supposedly to defeat ISIS.. but of course toppling Assad would be a nice bonus.. then Syria would become a Sunni nation... but... the Russians are pissed off.. they have a deep sea port in Syria..and the Iranians & their Shia friends are a bit annoyed as well... apparently the only way to deal with such a large force is with tactical nuclear weapons.. which Russia is said to have no qualms about using... what could possibly go wrong?? Apparently the main stream media has been told to keep quiet.. when the shit hits the fan the Americans want us to believe that it is all a big surprise.. and have everyone cheering when they start sending in their new toys to blow more things up... I think I might go and buy some smoked salmon.. does anybody know where there is a good deli? ...a nice bottle of Pinot Grigio would be nice too...

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You can buy vacuum packed @ exactly 100gms. tastes the same and lasts longer. The stuff on the deli counter is not fresh and there is a greater risk of contamination from employees with undesirable personal habits or hygiene.

I like the deli counter product and the price is better as well.

Again, this is more a general question.

Is there a cultural thing here that you're just supposed to accept an over order at a Thai deli counter? They don't know to ask if it's OK before wrapping?

I'm really wondering.

Because even the first time I did rejected an over order and asked them fix it on the salmon I got the most piercing looks of hostility.

Not sure how much you are paying per 100g, but I used to buy the Norwegian salmon at Food Mart for B105 (or was it B115?) for a 100g package. I moved to Hua Hin, and the exact same 100g pack is B175 over here. So, maybe B105 is a good price? Never had any qualms with the quality of the salmon. I presume it was previously frozen and then sold chilled.

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If things are in pieces, Thais generally order by the piece. Seven tomatoes, nine apples, three pork chops, five slices of smoked salmon.

Imagine walking into a NY pizza shop and ordering 100g of pizza - get the picture? whistling.gif


At the deli counter, the price for the salmon is posted per 100 gram.

The salmon is already sliced and the slices are THIN.

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How are your Thai language skills?

Great point! It never ceases to amaze me the number of English speaking foreigners living in Thailand who expect Thais to converse with them in English. And then they get all pissy when they don't get exactly what they want.

Upcountry in the sticks i don't expect them to speak english but in the biggest malls in BKK i sure expect that.

Also in Foodland i think they should speak english. But i found a good Makro where they speak english so i don't care anymore for other shops.

And i don't like to speak to any Thai personell, i will find it myself or by something which comes close to what i need.

Even in Siam Paragon nobody speaks english, funny to see Hongkong chinese or Singaporeans speak to them. But they always have very young uneducated personell in the shops, i wonder why or it's only about the money probably.

I like to buy online or from overseas and bring it. Tired of stupid personell.

Sounds as though you need to relocate to a place where your Mother tongue is used as the normal means of verbal communication.

The sheer arrogance of those who believe that everyone "should" speak English is overwhelming !


Jing thing and Thian are always going to struggle in life. They EXPECT Thais to speak English in low paid supermarket jobs. They fail to see the small picture or the big picture.

I might be wrong, but they sound as if they come from England.

Should you also expect all supermarket workers in England (or wherever you are from) to be able to speak Thai? Maybe instead of 66,000 whining posts on thaivisa, perhaps your time would be better spent learning Thai, since you are in Thailand!!!

Everyone should learn your language to speak to you? In their country? How many languages do you want them to learn, chinese, Russian etc.

With no due respect, you two are deleted wits.

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I order in Thai so they know I understand Thai numbers. They also know I would understand if they bothered to ask me if the amount they added to the order was OK or not before they wrap and expect me to accept an over order. They aren't even trying. They don't CARE. This one isn't about language. I really wondered if this is about an exceptionally poorly run store in customer service or whether there was some cultural thing about expecting to just accept way over orders and never complaining. I realize in Thai culture complaining about anything, regardless of whether the complaint has merit, tends to label the complainer as a trouble maker, etc. From a "face" POV I can also see that refusing to accept an over order may be seen as a declaration of Cheap Charlieness which of course from a foreigner would tend to reduce your status here and may invite disrespect.

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On the question of rejecting the corrected order when I saw it fell into the bare hand of the deli worker, that really is a SEPARATE issue from the weighing aspect. Of course nasty stuff happens we don't see and of course they're going to sell that fish to someone else. It was just a snap decision not related to the over ordering. It could have been influenced by the bad vibes I was feeling in the store ... and just wanted it to end, salmon in my hand, their bare hand, or whatever.

To add, with smoked salmon you just eat it like that. It's not like a piece of raw meat that you would cook first.

But in any case, no point in focusing on that part of it.

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I noticed they had a number of different weight pre-packed smoked salmon choices at the Gourmet Food shop in Siam Paragon yesterday.
I was toying with the idea before realizing funds will not be available until sometime Tuesday.biggrin.png
I did not happen to notice if any of the packages were 100gm, but I think probably so.

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Jingthing has obviously had a boring day, with nothing better to do than ponder the reasoning behind slicing a piece of salmon. Can someone give him an erection election to oversee?

The salmon is already sliced in the deli display case.

Sliced already? Are you trying to beak the record for the most posts on a thread? I think Nancy would have something to say about this. Mr. Bitey has disappeared, and the rumours suggest he was force fed into a slicer!!!!!

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On the question of rejecting the corrected order when I saw it fell into the bare hand of the deli worker, that really is a SEPARATE issue from the weighing aspect. Of course nasty stuff happens we don't see and of course they're going to sell that fish to someone else. It was just a snap decision not related to the over ordering. It could have been influenced by the bad vibes I was feeling in the store ... and just wanted it to end, salmon in my hand, their bare hand, or whatever.

To add, with smoked salmon you just eat it like that. It's not like a piece of raw meat that you would cook first.

But in any case, no point in focusing on that part of it.

A man with more than sixty thousand posts must struggle to come up with something new, I know I would!

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I find losing my rag at them helps immensely. For added effect sometimes I throw the incorrect goods at them.

Reminds me of the post earlier this week about the Russian who lost an ear via a flying knife sent through the air by an angry fishmonger!

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I find losing my rag at them helps immensely. For added effect sometimes I throw the incorrect goods at them.

Reminds me of the post earlier this week about the Russian who lost an ear via a flying knife sent through the air by an angry fishmonger!
Good point. Sometimes it's best just to walk away before things get too hot or someone gets an appendage removed.
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I find losing my rag at them helps immensely. For added effect sometimes I throw the incorrect goods at them.

Reminds me of the post earlier this week about the Russian who lost an ear via a flying knife sent through the air by an angry fishmonger!

My ears are dead sexy.

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Or you could try making your own:


Lox is not "smoked salmon" but rather cured un-smoked salmon.

Delicious !

It means that if the salmon does become contaminated and diseased, it can be cured.

Glad you like my sense of humour.

Life is full of irritating people, whether they are or have been those we worked with, people in authority that for reasons give us hard times, staff of shops and services that are pig ignorant and arrogant. There have even been people from my own family that have got on my tits. But if life is taken too seriously and let minor situations grind us down, we`ll never be happy. I don`t give a toss, can pick and choose in Thailand, stuff the lot of them that`s what I say. Buy somewhere else, their loss not yours and you come out the winner.

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On the question of rejecting the corrected order when I saw it fell into the bare hand of the deli worker, that really is a SEPARATE issue from the weighing aspect. Of course nasty stuff happens we don't see and of course they're going to sell that fish to someone else. It was just a snap decision not related to the over ordering. It could have been influenced by the bad vibes I was feeling in the store ... and just wanted it to end, salmon in my hand, their bare hand, or whatever.

To add, with smoked salmon you just eat it like that. It's not like a piece of raw meat that you would cook first.

But in any case, no point in focusing on that part of it.

A man with more than sixty thousand posts must struggle to come up with something new, I know I would!

Speak for yourself, dude.

Stuff comes up and I post about it.

It's as natural as pooping.

Not a struggle as long as you eat your fiber.

Fiber ... that's for another thread.

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I live in Chiang Mai but from NYC. Where can I buy a great Bagel, without a bagel and some scallion cream cheese who needs smoked salmon

There is no such entity as a great bagel. To Australians, it's like eating plasticine.

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