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Clinton wins Nevada caucus, Republicans vote in S Carolina


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Good on Trump, the only one who has the kahunas to tell it like it is. A shame Australia does not have someone of the same calibre to give our mealy mouthed gutless pollies a run for their money. We're going down the same track as America, yet our people are still asleep at the wheel. I just hope they wake up before it's too late.

Unfortunately, Trump doesn't "tell it like it is", he tells it like his followers believe it is which is different. He is also a serial liar and a buffoon who likes mostly just to listen to himself talk. I am not endorsing his opponents, but of the lot, he is the one who seems to be lacking the most intelligence.

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Good on Trump, the only one who has the kahunas to tell it like it is. A shame Australia does not have someone of the same calibre to give our mealy mouthed gutless pollies a run for their money. We're going down the same track as America, yet our people are still asleep at the wheel. I just hope they wake up before it's too late.

Unfortunately, Trump doesn't "tell it like it is", he tells it like his followers believe it is which is different. He is also a serial liar and a buffoon who likes mostly just to listen to himself talk. I am not endorsing his opponents, but of the lot, he is the one who seems to be lacking the most intelligence.

That describes the entire Congress, the current occupant of the Oval office and the Democrat front runner

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Good on Trump, the only one who has the kahunas to tell it like it is. A shame Australia does not have someone of the same calibre to give our mealy mouthed gutless pollies a run for their money. We're going down the same track as America, yet our people are still asleep at the wheel. I just hope they wake up before it's too late.

Unfortunately, Trump doesn't "tell it like it is", he tells it like his followers believe it is which is different. He is also a serial liar and a buffoon who likes mostly just to listen to himself talk. I am not endorsing his opponents, but of the lot, he is the one who seems to be lacking the most intelligenc

Yes. I keep hearing "Trump tells it like it is." Just about every media outlet says this, even the ones not from the US. Doesn't anybody understand show biz? Just another case of a fast-talking city slicker pulling one over on the yokels, same as Cruz does but with a flare for shock-value entertainment.

But I now have a certain respect for his role in turning the GOP upside-down and chasing Jeb out of the running. He stood at the podium and said W was responsible for 9/11 (an obvious thing, but no one had the guts to say it) and for the mess in the Mid-East.

The RNC is not going to endorse Trump. It'll be real interesting to see how they handle him. I think the RNC already has their silver bullet for Cruz -- the citizen thing. Let's see who is the nominee when the convention is over, I think it will be either Kasich or someone not currently in the running.

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Good on Trump, the only one who has the kahunas to tell it like it is. A shame Australia does not have someone of the same calibre to give our mealy mouthed gutless pollies a run for their money. We're going down the same track as America, yet our people are still asleep at the wheel. I just hope they wake up before it's too late.

Unfortunately, Trump doesn't "tell it like it is", he tells it like his followers believe it is which is different. He is also a serial liar and a buffoon who likes mostly just to listen to himself talk. I am not endorsing his opponents, but of the lot, he is the one who seems to be lacking the most intelligence.

As I don't know the man personally, I won't comment on the liar and buffoon bit but are you suggesting the others don't lie. Honest Hillary and the socialist, Sanders, a great choice. Now tell me, you have how many billions and your claim to fame is? I won't comment on the level of intelligence.

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I also do not understand

why the SC primary is not it's own topic on TVF.

Yep, Trump won.

GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump
spoke to supporters in SC after being declared
the winner in the SC Primary.
He was joined on stage by his family and spoke for about 15 minutes.
PerCent Votes
Donald Trump 34.09% 239,851
Marco Rubio 22.5% 165,881
Ted Cruz 22.3% 164,790
Jeb Bush 7.8% 57,863
John Kasich 7.6% 51,201
Ben Carson 7.2% 53,267
Trump Won all 7 congressal districts and got all 50 delegates.

Jeb Bush announced he has dropped out of the race.
Ben Carson announced he will NOT drop out.

Trump will likely win the Nevada caucus.

Trump will likely sweep supertuesday.

I expect the (disingenuous) media

to really start throwing sh_t at Trump.

As well as Cruz (as to his negative ads and such),

perhaps Rubio won't, Rubio will go after Cruz

I suspect Kasich and Carson won't go after Trump,

they will attack Cruz.

The RNC does not want Trump or Cruz.

Seems they want Rubio.

Well the 10th Republican Presidential Debate is scheduled

February 25,2016 by CNN, a day before the Nevada cauacus.

I expect the moderators to try and sandbag Trump and Cruz.

That will be very interesting to watch.

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I also do not understand

why the SC primary is not it's own topic on TVF.

Yep, Trump won.


GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump

spoke to supporters in SC after being declared

the winner in the SC Primary.

He was joined on stage by his family and spoke for about 15 minutes.

PerCent Votes

Donald Trump 34.09% 239,851

Marco Rubio 22.5% 165,881

Ted Cruz 22.3% 164,790

Jeb Bush 7.8% 57,863

John Kasich 7.6% 51,201

Ben Carson 7.2% 53,267

Trump Won all 7 congressal districts and got all 50 delegates.

Jeb Bush announced he has dropped out of the race.

Ben Carson announced he will NOT drop out.

Trump will likely win the Nevada caucus.

Trump will likely sweep supertuesday.

I expect the (disingenuous) media

to really start throwing sh_t at Trump.

As well as Cruz (as to his negative ads and such),

perhaps Rubio won't, Rubio will go after Cruz

I suspect Kasich and Carson won't go after Trump,

they will attack Cruz.

The RNC does not want Trump or Cruz.

Seems they want Rubio.

Well the 10th Republican Presidential Debate is scheduled

February 25,2016 by CNN, a day before the Nevada cauacus.

I expect the moderators to try and sandbag Trump and Cruz.

That will be very interesting to watch.

As an outsider (non-American) I am totally absorbed by those involved (both sides) in the presidential race. I have noticed that the press and media reps are very similar to those in Oz. They all have their noses out of joint when their choice is not getting up. They, like the mob in Oz, are clearly from the left and will do anything to discredit those who are not of like mind. They did this to Prime Minister Abbott until he was hounded from office and then continued to denigrate him whenever he spoke. It appears that hate runs deep within these ranks, both in Oz and the States, and Trump is their number one target.

I for one, even though an outsider, would like you yanks to at least give Trump a go, as four years is not a long time considering you put up wth Obama for eight years and seen your once great country being trashed by his failures in policy. We have the same now, his name is Turnbull, back stabbed and criticised Abbott for not doing anything, which is exactly what he is now guilty of. Even though some on here have said Trump is a liar and full of BS, I would like them to prove their point, otherwise, it is as usual, words and words, without substantiation.

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Although not every one of 'em remains in the race, supporters of Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Christie, Paul, Fiorina, could vote for any one of 'em as nominee. But most of 'em definitely will not vote for Trump for potus. Conversely, 90% of Trump supporters could never vote for any of the remaining candidates of the original bunch cause each one is an establishment hack, whore or crony.

Cruz has a ceiling problem too, same as Trump does. Cruz appeals to the philosophical conservative Republican right which turns off supporters of the establishment candidates. And if Trump runs close to Cruz in Texas as he's beginning to do, or if Trump actually wins Texas Cruz is toast. Carson wants to stay in the contest so he can get a speaking role at the convention to help sell his story books.

Sanders will win a few more states (probably only three: VT, MA, MN). Bernie will get enough votes in enough states to stay in to the convention where his magnificently rousing convention speech will rightfully bring down the house. However, it is HR Clinton who will be giving the convention's historic and wildly received acceptance speech.

It looks like the only suspense is who Trump and Clinton will select to be respective vp with 'em. Republicans should put their money on Kasich and D's might want to consider the likelihood of Sec of HUD Julian Castro of Texas, former mayor of San Antonio.

President Hillary Clinton...the rightwhingers need to get used to it so go ahead and say President Hillary Clinton -- say it three times then click your right heel against the left one and do it gently lest you break that cracked right one again.

Yep I'll say it 3 times;

President Hillary Goldman Sachs

President Hillary Goldman Sachs

President Hillary Goldman Sachs

been used to it for years

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Although not every one of 'em remains in the race, supporters of Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Christie, Paul, Fiorina, could vote for any one of 'em as nominee. But most of 'em definitely will not vote for Trump for potus. Conversely, 90% of Trump supporters could never vote for any of the remaining candidates of the original bunch cause each one is an establishment hack, whore or crony.

Cruz has a ceiling problem too, same as Trump does. Cruz appeals to the philosophical conservative Republican right which turns off supporters of the establishment candidates. And if Trump runs close to Cruz in Texas as he's beginning to do, or if Trump actually wins Texas Cruz is toast. Carson wants to stay in the contest so he can get a speaking role at the convention to help sell his story books.

Sanders will win a few more states (probably only three: VT, MA, MN). Bernie will get enough votes in enough states to stay in to the convention where his magnificently rousing convention speech will rightfully bring down the house. However, it is HR Clinton who will be giving the convention's historic and wildly received acceptance speech.

It looks like the only suspense is who Trump and Clinton will select to be respective vp with 'em. Republicans should put their money on Kasich and D's might want to consider the likelihood of Sec of HUD Julian Castro of Texas, former mayor of San Antonio.

President Hillary Clinton...the rightwhingers need to get used to it so go ahead and say President Hillary Clinton -- say it three times then click your right heel against the left one and do it gently lest you break that cracked right one again.

Where do you think Bush's 8% support will go? Certainly not Trump IMO

Keep an eye on Rubio

I hope you are wrong about HRC. Though you are probably right.sad.png

If it comes to HRC and Rubio, . I might have to vote for Rubio simply so I dont have to look at her for the next 4 years

I still have not forgotten about NAFTA, among other things, she is just as bad as Trump.

Where do you think Bush's 8% support will go? Certainly not Trump IMO

Keep an eye on Rubio.

Strange you should ask, even rhetorically. wink.png

Yes, and Rubio as you know gets the Bush voters that the helicopters are rescuing now from the political island they'd been stranded on since Jeb jilted 'em Saturday. These voters are the standard issue dull and boring Republican party regulars Rubio needs desperately.

If Bush voters coming in don't get Rubio in to an even little bit of a close second in the Nevada Republican caucuses tomorrow, Trump will blow out Rubio and Cruz both and together. Trump is ahead in Nevada by 25 percentage points. Even if the polls are off within the margin variable (3%-5%) it's still a blowout. And neither Rubio nor Cruz have their name on any buildings there. (Neither did Clinton btw.)

Trump right now is heading toward a sweep of Super Tuesday March 1st. If Trump blows out the field on Super Tuesday, it won't matter to someone such as Gov John Kasich who's desperately holding out for his home state March 15 Ohio primary. It wuzn't going to matter much for Kasich anyway, but a Trump sweep or near sweep on Super Tuesday all but assures The Donald of the nomination. A dumpster general alarm fire as somebody called Trump's presence in this election campaign. gigglem.gif

The totality of The Rube's 'strength' is that he hopes his first win will be in Florida (three weeks from now), which means we can already start varnishing the wood for Marco's political coffin.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

Donald Trump as the nominee would win 12-15 states and take the Republican party to An Oblivion Across the Board. This year we could hold the election the Fourth of July instead of the first Tuesday of November. It's getting to look like the toughest count this election year is the number of dayze to the November 8th poll.


HRC btw is getting ready to put Bernie on the back burner. The Bern can win a few states, such as his own state of Vermont (he's ahead there by 76 points!!!), to include the neighboring People's Republic of Massachusetts, probably the People's Democratic Party Republic of Minnesota, perhaps Colorado or Rhode Island, but that just doesn't cut it at the convention. A nomination and election always and every time condense to numbers not sentiment. All the same Bernie's convention speech will be a mighty ruckus of a delivery and a crowd rouser that will totally bring down the house, but HRC will be doing the speech to accept the nomination of the Democratic party for the office of potus.

President Hillary Clinton.

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Too bad I can't, in good conscience, vote for Hillary.

I can't imagine Bernie working too enthusiastically for a Presidential candidate so completely woven into the fabric of the Oligarchs apparatus as she is.

Bernie is not a Democrat. He is the only Independent in the Senate.

He caucuses (meets with and votes) with the Democratic party in the Senate. In return, the D party in the Senate seats him on a couple of committees on the Democratic side.

Given Bernie is running in the Democratic party primaries and caucuses for the Democratic party's potus nomination, and that he's still in the Senate from Vermont, it would be practical for him and his state of Vermont to support the nominee of the D party, to include campaigning with her throughout the country. He'd need to actively urge his voters to get out and vote D for potus on the second Tuesday of November.

Bernie Sanders throughout his life has never been enrolled (declared) as a member of either major political party. In USA, when you register locally to vote, you are asked if you wish to also declare to be a member of any political party. Those who such as Bernie say no, are listed on the voter registration lists as "Unenrolled" instead of as enrolled as a Democrat or Republican, or as Socialist-Labor or in any one of a dozen other tiny political parties that also appear on ballots in the states in a given election. Unenrolled translates popularly as Independent.

In short the Independent Bernie needs to make the right moves and do the right thing at the convention and after it to the election.

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-snip- you might just see some of the Feel the Bern "revolution" after all, and take back the senate.

Poor ole Bern who never had a real job until age 40 and then that was working for the government. He's a lifelong loser who lives off the toil of other people and advocates that others do the same.

I have news for you. Americans are tired of that lazy blood sucking class. They are tired of the power brokers in DC.

They want someone who will go to DC and kick over the kitchen table and they are hoping that President Trump will be that guy.

That's WHY and that's HOW he's getting away with all of his rough talk calling people liars and losers. People want that tough guy who's an outsider. They want that guy that DC and the power brokers are trying so hard to get rid of.

BTW the first pick of the power brokers is history - Jeb. The next chosen one is Rubio so just watch what happens to that loser.

Hillary can barely beat that low energy loser-socialist even with her cache of superdelegates, so just watch what happens to her when Trump gets her by the throat. If she wins the nomination.

President Trump.


Americans are tired of that lazy blood sucking class.

Republican and other rightwing one percenter multibillionaire leeches do all of the blood sucking thx. The blood in this election is anyway going to be deep on the floor at the Republican national convention in August.

The next chosen one is Rubio so just watch what happens to that loser.


Two peas in an electoral pod.

Youse guyz just might have to get used to that one, which is to say the "loser" part of it especially. The Rube is after all a very polite receptive and flexible go along to get along guy. Political whore is another way to put it. He'd make a good Trump lackey.

Perhaps you've noticed neither is attacking the other. There seems to be an understanding there Trump hasn't had with any other candidate. No psychopath stuff against The Rube, no born in the wrong place, no low energy guy stuff...no nuthin from Trump against Rubio. It seems to be an unwritten agreement.

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Good on Trump, the only one who has the kahunas to tell it like it is. A shame Australia does not have someone of the same calibre to give our mealy mouthed gutless pollies a run for their money. We're going down the same track as America, yet our people are still asleep at the wheel. I just hope they wake up before it's too late.

Unfortunately, Trump doesn't "tell it like it is", he tells it like his followers believe it is which is different. He is also a serial liar and a buffoon who likes mostly just to listen to himself talk. I am not endorsing his opponents, but of the lot, he is the one who seems to be lacking the most intelligence.

That describes the entire Congress, the current occupant of the Oval office and the Democrat front runner

Trump really lost it in Atlanta last night when the lights went out at his rally. Blamed it on a protester, right or wrong, don't know.

Leading his chant to "Turn out the lights. Turn out the lights. Turn out the lights."

Can't find it yet on YouTube but it'll be there soon. A whackjob indeed, Trump.

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The Democratic Party wants to destroy Bernie so would he not be better off running as an Indy and wouldn't that get him on the General ballot? Extra bonus is it takes votes from Hillary.

Tell the DNC to shove it.

Reading the thread it's obvious we don't need a scientific survey to know Republicans have more wet dreams than Democrats do.

Many more in fact.

It's not even a close call.

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Trump is going to tear hillary a new one once its down to the two of them....the ads are already in the making.

A new what?

I think you're overestimating the percentage of Americans that would vote for that loud mouthed orange clown.

Edited by Jingthing
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Too bad I can't, in good conscience, vote for Hillary.

I can't imagine Bernie working too enthusiastically for a Presidential candidate so completely woven into the fabric of the Oligarchs apparatus as she is.

Bernie is not a Democrat. He is the only Independent in the Senate.

He caucuses (meets with and votes) with the Democratic party in the Senate. In return, the D party in the Senate seats him on a couple of committees on the Democratic side.

Given Bernie is running in the Democratic party primaries and caucuses for the Democratic party's potus nomination, and that he's still in the Senate from Vermont, it would be practical for him and his state of Vermont to support the nominee of the D party, to include campaigning with her throughout the country. He'd need to actively urge his voters to get out and vote D for potus on the second Tuesday of November.

Bernie Sanders throughout his life has never been enrolled (declared) as a member of either major political party. In USA, when you register locally to vote, you are asked if you wish to also declare to be a member of any political party. Those who such as Bernie say no, are listed on the voter registration lists as "Unenrolled" instead of as enrolled as a Democrat or Republican, or as Socialist-Labor or in any one of a dozen other tiny political parties that also appear on ballots in the states in a given election. Unenrolled translates popularly as Independent.

In short the Independent Bernie needs to make the right moves and do the right thing at the convention and after it to the election.

I don't think most of Bernies's current supporters will respond to "endorsements" knowing that the end result will be the same status quo. Not that they would vote GOP instead. They just wont bother

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Too bad I can't, in good conscience, vote for Hillary.

I can't imagine Bernie working too enthusiastically for a Presidential candidate so completely woven into the fabric of the Oligarchs apparatus as she is.

Bernie is not a Democrat. He is the only Independent in the Senate.

He caucuses (meets with and votes) with the Democratic party in the Senate. In return, the D party in the Senate seats him on a couple of committees on the Democratic side.

Given Bernie is running in the Democratic party primaries and caucuses for the Democratic party's potus nomination, and that he's still in the Senate from Vermont, it would be practical for him and his state of Vermont to support the nominee of the D party, to include campaigning with her throughout the country. He'd need to actively urge his voters to get out and vote D for potus on the second Tuesday of November.

Bernie Sanders throughout his life has never been enrolled (declared) as a member of either major political party. In USA, when you register locally to vote, you are asked if you wish to also declare to be a member of any political party. Those who such as Bernie say no, are listed on the voter registration lists as "Unenrolled" instead of as enrolled as a Democrat or Republican, or as Socialist-Labor or in any one of a dozen other tiny political parties that also appear on ballots in the states in a given election. Unenrolled translates popularly as Independent.

In short the Independent Bernie needs to make the right moves and do the right thing at the convention and after it to the election.

I don't think most of Bernies's current supporters will respond to "endorsements" knowing that the end result will be the same status quo. Not that they would vote GOP instead. They just wont bother

Your belief is not going to change which is, well, your belief to which you are entitled.

My belief based on a lot of electoral experience in the US is the opposite of yours. I can respect a belief while also directly contesting it.



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Too bad I can't, in good conscience, vote for Hillary.

I can't imagine Bernie working too enthusiastically for a Presidential candidate so completely woven into the fabric of the Oligarchs apparatus as she is.

Bernie is not a Democrat. He is the only Independent in the Senate.

He caucuses (meets with and votes) with the Democratic party in the Senate. In return, the D party in the Senate seats him on a couple of committees on the Democratic side.

Given Bernie is running in the Democratic party primaries and caucuses for the Democratic party's potus nomination, and that he's still in the Senate from Vermont, it would be practical for him and his state of Vermont to support the nominee of the D party, to include campaigning with her throughout the country. He'd need to actively urge his voters to get out and vote D for potus on the second Tuesday of November.

Bernie Sanders throughout his life has never been enrolled (declared) as a member of either major political party. In USA, when you register locally to vote, you are asked if you wish to also declare to be a member of any political party. Those who such as Bernie say no, are listed on the voter registration lists as "Unenrolled" instead of as enrolled as a Democrat or Republican, or as Socialist-Labor or in any one of a dozen other tiny political parties that also appear on ballots in the states in a given election. Unenrolled translates popularly as Independent.

In short the Independent Bernie needs to make the right moves and do the right thing at the convention and after it to the election.

I don't think most of Bernies's current supporters will respond to "endorsements" knowing that the end result will be the same status quo. Not that they would vote GOP instead. They just wont bother

Your belief is not going to change which is, well, your belief to which you are entitled.

My belief based on a lot of electoral experience in the US is the opposite of yours. I can respect a belief while also directly contesting it.



...And that's why they still have to play the game.

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For anyone interested, Al Jazeera has a weekly program called The Listening Post that looks at the workings of the media itself. In the current one (it gets updated on Saturdays, I think), which starts off with something about the India press, it later explains how since Trump brought up W's role in 9/11 ("what do you mean he kept us safe?") and the current mess is the Middle East that the rest of the US media can now explore these topics. There's a lot more to it than I mention here, check it out.

Back in 2004 I was joking with a friend that Martin Sheen should run for president (at that time Sheen was playing the president in the popular tv series West Wing). We agreed he'd do well, as we cynically said many people would think they'd be voting for the incumbent. And now here we are, people voting for a reality tv star.

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