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Minor motorbike shunt


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I don't think that this belongs in the motoring forum, so I post it here.

I had an accident, driving a motorbike in the year 2000. That was when I hit a dog that ran across the road. Luckily I only suffered relatively minor cuts, scratches and bruises. The dog died.

I consider myself a very aware and careful driver and managed to drive a motorbike around since with no problems.

Today, I went to the 7-11 that is in a petrol station on the dual carriageway. There is a turning point directly opposite the entrance to the petrol station. As I entered the gap in the central reservation I could see that it was all clear, so I went to cross the carriageway. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to look right. I was probably only doing about walking speed and hit a motorbike that crossed my path from the right. Neither of us actually fell over which was lucky as the motorbike was being driven by a man, a woman on the back and 2 kids in between. Even just falling over could have damaged the young kids. The woman screamed at me in Thai" why you not look". I screamed back "Traffic goes this way", Indicating left to right. "Why do you go this way?" Indicating right to left. Then she starts screaming something at high pitch and high speed which is beyond my abilities in understanding the Thai language.. Nobody was injured and there didn't seem to be any damage to his motorbike, so I crossed the road and parked next to the 7-11 in sight on them. While I was in the 7-11 the man who was driving appeared outside the window and mouthed something while pointing at the scene of the accident. I think that he knew that he was at fault as he looked sheepish and immediately turned round and walked back.

When I came out of the shop about 5 minutes later, I could see that they were still there and the woman seemed to be arguing with the man.

I just drove off as I figured that despite no injuries, the woman saw this as a possible big payday from a farang.

What surprises me is how this minor shunt has affected me. Hours later, my heart is still beating faster and I feel slightly depressed.

Was I at fault?

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So they were driving down the wrong side of the road, they do this all the time, I've even seen cars doing it.

I think they should count themselves lucky that it wasn't a bus which crushed them all to death, it would still be their fault.

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Natural reaction....no one wants to hit anyone..especially as a westerner in Thailand...payday yes.

Had a similar accident happen, a motorcycle rear ended me, I did not see him as I think he was in my blind spot, signaled and turned but the guy was on my tail.

He crashed into the back no damage, but he wrecked his mirror and broke his plastic...all minor stuff. I got out helped him up, ask him if he was ok..said, yes..looks over to his baby and I simile, yes a little banged up.. he was good about all..made sure he was ok.. no swearing, just both of us, trying to get through this and move on.thumbsup.gif

Regardless of who was at fault, I felt bad for the kid on his super hyped up baby.. Luckily, when the police came and a Thai pal came who knew the police,,, it was just easy to pay a 2000 baht repair bill and be done with it... so I did...my friend advised me.. only a scratch on the kid, on his foot because he was wearing slippers

The point is... I am a better driver...and watch out..more now..

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Try to not blame yourself. They were clearly in the wrong in this instant, especially as they were also putting their kids life in danger for what................a short cut? Happens daily but because you are a foreigner the mother thought she could blame you. Complete garbage, her husband was wrong and you are correct to have rode away from this situation before the cops were involved be because 90% chance you would have been hit with some kind of cash payment even though you did no wrong. Just put it down as another experience in Thailand and try not to dwell on it, as it's not good for your mental and physical health.

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You're experiencing (mild) emotional shock. You are not to blame and no one was injured or harm done. Just put it down to these experiences we have in life and move on. Try not to dwell on it too much, find something to occupy yourself and you will soon be over it.

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I am pleased that this incident caused no damage or injury.

Riding a M/C in Thailand requires a high degree of "situational awareness" and forgetting that some Thai people behave dangerously when driving/riding is something to avoid.

I am sure you will now remember to always look both ways when riding in Thailand !

Do not let this incident upset you, it was not your "fault" but could have been avoided.

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Now that I have calmed down from yesterday, I am still thinking about it.

Irealise that as he was driving against the traffic, he was the only person who could take in the whole picture without swivelling his head. He should know that by driving against the traffic right next to the central reservation that he is in a vulnerable position. He should have seen the 2 motorbikes that were in the centre, waiting to cross. He should have anticipated that the 2 motorbikes were likely to pull out and because he was driving the wrong way, he may not be seen.

I assume that his intention was to turn left, otherwise why would he be in the middle of the dual carriageway?

There was space to my right, so he could have actually turned before reaching me.

If I hadn,t hit him, it is almost certain that he would have collided with the other motorbike that pulled out at the same time as me.

It was his carelessness, his lack of perception that put the children at risk.

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