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Thai ex-PM Thaksin: Thailand like Myanmar before reforms


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Thaksin's talk offer rejected


BANGKOK: -- The Thai government today rejected an offer for talks with the fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra saying he has to follow the rules of law.

Deputy Prime Minister Gen Tanasak Patimapragorn said it was impossible to hold talks with the former premier as he is a convicted criminal.

Therefore it was unlikely that a talk could be held with the person who has been convicted in a crime and everything must follow the rules of law, he said.

Gen Tanasak was commenting on proposed talks offered by Thaksin who gave interview to the Financial Times in Singapore recently.

Thaksin told the Financial Times that he was ready to offer any kind of discussion or talk and he would not set any conditions for the proposed talk.

He called the election roadmap of the Thai military junta a “charade” or wise plan to show the world that Thailand us returning to democracy.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/151797


-- Thai PBS 2016-02-22

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif BRAVO!!!

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I along with many others are waiting for his discussion with the Financial Times and other leading media, where he advises his intention to return to Thailand before the Statute of Limitations expires on all outstanding charges and face his accusers in court.

Now that would be worth reporting, all this other nonsense that gets reported as something really special and of use to Thailand is just a load of B S

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you realise that isn't an argument - just because democracy was "dodgy" under Thaksin, it doesn't make the prospect of a politburo any less real. Your confusing the argument and the messanger

Of course, it's valid to compare. The "messenger" as you put it, was running the country as Pseudo PM to his sister. What's the difference between that & a politburo seemingly in control?

The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background.

The "Politburo" have appointed themselves. Let's not proceed to consider " self centred autocrats with no morals."

Yingluck may well have been elected, but Thaksin was not!! He's self appointed ex officio leader in exile...not even in the country; still no real difference,much the same as politburo...

One small point, Yinluck wasn't appointed by the people, she was GIVEN the job on a criminal's directive -- and that is a very major difference.

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Thaksin's talk offer rejected


BANGKOK: -- The Thai government today rejected an offer for talks with the fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra saying he has to follow the rules of law.

Deputy Prime Minister Gen Tanasak Patimapragorn said it was impossible to hold talks with the former premier as he is a convicted criminal.

Therefore it was unlikely that a talk could be held with the person who has been convicted in a crime and everything must follow the rules of law, he said.

Gen Tanasak was commenting on proposed talks offered by Thaksin who gave interview to the Financial Times in Singapore recently.

Thaksin told the Financial Times that he was ready to offer any kind of discussion or talk and he would not set any conditions for the proposed talk.

He called the election roadmap of the Thai military junta a “charade” or wise plan to show the world that Thailand us returning to democracy.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/151797


-- Thai PBS 2016-02-22

Thailand has "rules of law"?


I live here already 15 years and never noticed any "rules of law".

A guy who murders a Police Officer with his Ferrari and drives home to ask his gardener to take the blame on him.

Nobody believes the gardener story and he is sued.

But when he need to go to court, he is all of the sudden life-threatening ill in a hotel in Singapore.

A girl who murders a lot of citizens in a minibus and "doesn't feel she is ready for an alcohol test or questioning"

A guy who mow with his Mercedes a few people waiting for the bus and the plea that his mental condition wouldn't allow him to go the court.

And the endless story goes on.


"Rules of law".

How about letting Buddha Issara commenting on Thaksins sort?


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He's right about everything except the economy. In my 40 years here, the economy has general done better during periods of military dictatorship rather than under sputtering attempts at electoral democracy.

No, under his watch it did superbly. Now it is going down the toilet. FDI down 70+%.

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Blah blah blah, come home face the court , regain respect , at the end of the day casting dispersions from afar just belittles you more,

Is that all you can say? How about his quote, which is by the way spot on. You don't have to like Thaksin to agree with these sentences.

And Thaksin would have turned Thailand into a one party state headed by the Shin clan who would use the country's assets as their own, given half a chance.

He's entitled to his opinion and free to express it which is ironic given he's a criminal fugitive with copious other criminal charges waiting in the courts.

His sister was removed by a court, everyone knows he was running "her" government and as all their family governments, it was marred with corruption, lies and deceit.

When will some truly abrasive journalist challenge his repeated denials of ever having done anything wrong, never ever, and trying to dismiss everything as "politically motivated". But of course, he would never agree to such an interview.

Pity the poor Thai people. A choice of this crook or the military.

Very well expressed. Thaksin is not as smart as he makes out. He suffers from delusions of grandeur, methinks. A sociopath perhaps?

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I along with many others are waiting for his discussion with the Financial Times and other leading media, where he advises his intention to return to Thailand before the Statute of Limitations expires on all outstanding charges and face his accusers in court.

Now that would be worth reporting, all this other nonsense that gets reported as something really special and of use to Thailand is just a load of B S

I think you will find that the statute of limitations will outlive him in this case.

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

Unfortunately yet another FAULY claiming Thaksin took Thailand into a "downward spiral", and there will be the usual here mushrooms that will lap it up regardless of the truth and facts...........

You might want to do your homework on the economy under Thaksin and this current one before you comment on things you so obviously have NO knowledge about or you just be happy with the drivel and claim it fact, you people make me laugh,,, get your facts right first then state your case with proof.

You do know it's ok not to like Thaksin but employing facts rather than b_____t will get you more credibility.

You should do not only YOUR home work properly, but learn the WHOLE lesson correctly !!!

Only then you may have your TRUE REALITY statements right!

what do you talking about an "economy under taksin" and trying to compare that with what we are having here "under the military" ..?!!!

taksin hopped on a train when the Kingdom was nice, easy going and prosperous. People have been smiling, working, enjoying life and minding their own business, adoring the King.

The half ass educated / experienced megalomaniac, could see his chance to manipulate masses of easily gullible, naive and even less educated / experienced people to gain his sick unlimited, uncontrolled powers and pack his family's coffers with the country's wealth and reputation.

People became a loud screaming, hard drinking, drugs users, arms abusers and willing proclaimers of a terms and statements which true meaning and values they have never been taught, which they never could experience, which they never have been bothered enough to get a full grasp of, understand and explain (even to themselves or each other) what the heck they talking about (in the first place - before demanding it). They became disrespectful to the monarchy and to their own - otherwise non-disturbed, lives. They were acting and thinking (in THIS order) like their "boss" (idol taksin) - enjoying their "new roles", i.e. opportunities and "democratic-business-enlightenment", just like very stupid kids would play their "Monopoly", absolutely not concerned (and aware) about any bloody consequences at all.

taksin started robbing and plundering his motherland, with no scruples, no second thought, like there's no tomorrow.

The social, psychological, emotional and economic damage that he caused and imposed upon one or two entire generation of Thai nation and country, can never be undone.

The further and even more massive prosperity and economical damages under his dumb bimbo sister, been done.

Mind you, it was NOT only a rice scheme, but bloody every single thing they could get their hands on.

Not to mention even more drastic, dramatic, painful and irreversible play game with their nation - peoples naivety, poor education, distorted knowledge, trust, well-being, desires and their natural obedience to the authorities and wealth.

Only a fool can't see that here is no "economy" for the nation left, after the taksins, The military can hardly be blamed for almost complete destruction of the whole systems.

Incredible debts that must be paid for somehow-some day, under some other leadership and governance.

There was no BODY to stress / explain this all to Thais during those times, and neither there is a BODY, Thais might want to listen to (and try to comprehend), to tell them today. Regardless on the fact that we all can already feel it, are paying for it and will do so for many, many more years to come.

This is not because here is no democracy, but a military government.

This is because taksins have been cheating, lying, stealing and robing, without any idea how, or even intention to actually govern the state. Oh yeah, whilst they were all legally and democratically elected !!! What a joke!

I, for once, am truly grateful to the general for his decision and intention (call it a desire, if u wish) to hold the nation on a "short leash". I applaud him for cleaning up the streets and watch out for an order. Whatever it takes, whatever I may NOT like (and it can be plenty) is still great with me, if it only can keep those "taksin sick ideas and wisdom's", along with all his worshipers and followers, in a bay.

Thailand doesn't need "democracy", Thailand needs order and discipline, education, business, powerful military and well educated and trained police force, lots of reforms that can be formed and reformed again and again, until majority of people will UNDERSTAND that DEMOCRACY can't be just granted, or won, but well deserved, as it is a process which must have a number of certain steps and aspects fulfilled first.

You trying to compare Thai economy under taksin and now, is a misguided attempt ... almost pervert in my eyes.


before you go on to slam what I said above, I only want to mention, I'm living here for more that 35 years, WITHIN Thai people.


Edited by RWA
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If not for him pushing his amnesty through the whole coup would not have happened. His arrogance set this in motion (or at least gave it the perfect excuse) and now the guy is commenting on a situation he is the main responsible reason for. Priceless.

Some say there is an other reason for the coup (could be well true) but without Thaksin and his amnesty it would have looked totally different and all the changes would not have happened.

If he had not pushed as much and released his red terrorists we would not have been in this mess.

If not for him pushing his amnesty through the whole coup would not have happened.

A common misperception... Two points go against this and point to the coup happening no matter what.

The first is that Suthep was trying to light the protest fire during most of 2013 and well before the amnesty bill. If it had not been for the amnesty bill, they would have found something else.

Such as the second point, which is that even after the amnesty bill died, Suthep et Co. found a surrogate horse to ride which was the rice program the and the issues around it.

The coup was coming ... one way or another. And most people can see that there were / are a couple of reasons why that was going to happen.

Lastly, the PTP government and Thaksin did not release their "red terrorists". The government had every reason to NOT provoke violence. That is just plain obvious. And given how long Suthep was on the streets and how much the reds and yellows hate each other and given the violence generated by the PDRC, 28 fatalities (total, red, yellow, police, bystanders) is a remarkably small number.

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This is rich. An ILLEGAL JUNTA saying they can't hold talk with a convicted criminal. It doesn't get any more insane than that.

Why do you say "An Illegal Junta", was approved by Head of State, Commander in Chief, otherwise would have been a failed coup!

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif RIGHT !!!!

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Thaksin's a joke!!

He states, in part "...There would be a prime minister, but the real power would be in some politburo above him ...." Umm, who was pulling Yingluck's strings when she was in power???? The Puppeteer from Dubai!!

A self centred autocrat with no morals.

you realise that isn't an argument - just because democracy was "dodgy" under Thaksin, it doesn't make the prospect of a politburo any less real. Your confusing the argument and the messanger

Of course, it's valid to compare. The "messenger" as you put it, was running the country as Pseudo PM to his sister. What's the difference between that & a politburo seemingly in control?

The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background.

The "Politburo" have appointed themselves. Let's not proceed to consider " self centred autocrats with no morals."

you hardly can say any more naive, completely wrong, silly thing ... you know nothing!

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you realise that isn't an argument - just because democracy was "dodgy" under Thaksin, it doesn't make the prospect of a politburo any less real. Your confusing the argument and the messanger

Of course, it's valid to compare. The "messenger" as you put it, was running the country as Pseudo PM to his sister. What's the difference between that & a politburo seemingly in control?

The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background.

The "Politburo" have appointed themselves. Let's not proceed to consider " self centred autocrats with no morals."

you hardly can say any more naive, completely wrong, silly thing ... you know nothing!

yeah, right... coffee1.gif

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When Donald Trump becomes President of the United states the army there may have to do the same thing and take over to clean up the senate and congress.

Imagine that.

I have lived in Myanmar for most of the past 35 years so it comes as a shock how little Thaksin seems to know about Myanmar and how it was run prior to the reforms.

Thailand is becoming like Thailand and it is a long way from Myanmar except in the most superficial likenesses politically.

Having read the article I see he is being concerned about the new charter. Is he concerned about the country or just concerned about his own interests? That seems to be the question.

Trump won't win the presidency in the US. He may get the nomination from the republican right wing christian fundamentalist lunatic fringe (though as they dominate a lot of the primaries, maybe not so much a fringe as a trump like coiffure) but he won't win over the country.

That said if he did win (he won't but...) I think he'd turn out to be a lot more pragmatic and small c conservative than the tea party fundamentalists backing trump at present would like. Cruz would be a lot worse.

Your point is taken but before we get off the topic. I was using it as an extreme hypothetical example of how sometimes the army does need to step in and is part of checks and balances in politics

So the idea that the army does on occasion have a political function to fix a stagnant political system seems correct. And there have been more coups like this in Thailand than any other country I know of.

But sure this is the longest one I have ever seen in Thailand so there is room for concern that the longer that anyone stays in power without an election and reference to the people then the more opportunity for the rulers to become corrupt and not want to hand over power.

This seems to be a flaw in human nature and not in a system. It seems the opportunity to change a govt. every 3, 4 or 5 years seems to keep those in govt. more honest. The real question is not the theoretical ideal that a return to Democracy is a good thing, but that who are the people vying for the democratic power and can they be trusted. That seems the saddest thing in Thailand.

Sometimes you feel like Diogenes walking round with a lamp in the day. Who when asked what he was doing, replied "I am looking for an honest man."

absolutely true! clap2.gif Thank you

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Thaksin's a joke!!

He states, in part "...There would be a prime minister, but the real power would be in some politburo above him ...." Umm, who was pulling Yingluck's strings when she was in power???? The Puppeteer from Dubai!!

A self centred autocrat with no morals.

you realise that isn't an argument - just because democracy was "dodgy" under Thaksin, it doesn't make the prospect of a politburo any less real. Your confusing the argument and the messanger

Of course, it's valid to compare. The "messenger" as you put it, was running the country as Pseudo PM to his sister. What's the difference between that & a politburo seemingly in control?

The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background.

The "Politburo" have appointed themselves. Let's not proceed to consider " self centred autocrats with no morals."

you hardly can say any more naive, completely wrong, silly thing ... you know nothing!

"Here, here."

"Time for your medicine, RWA"

" There's your milk, Mummy will be up in a minute to tuck you in and read you a bedtime story"

"Let me have the computer, ok he's gone"

"You know the internet is bad for him Father, please cancel the wifi"


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When Donald Trump becomes President of the United states the army there may have to do the same thing and take over to clean up the senate and congress.

Imagine that.

I have lived in Myanmar for most of the past 35 years so it comes as a shock how little Thaksin seems to know about Myanmar and how it was run prior to the reforms.

Thailand is becoming like Thailand and it is a long way from Myanmar except in the most superficial likenesses politically.

Having read the article I see he is being concerned about the new charter. Is he concerned about the country or just concerned about his own interests? That seems to be the question.

Trump won't win the presidency in the US. He may get the nomination from the republican right wing christian fundamentalist lunatic fringe (though as they dominate a lot of the primaries, maybe not so much a fringe as a trump like coiffure) but he won't win over the country.

That said if he did win (he won't but...) I think he'd turn out to be a lot more pragmatic and small c conservative than the tea party fundamentalists backing trump at present would like. Cruz would be a lot worse.

Your point is taken but before we get off the topic. I was using it as an extreme hypothetical example of how sometimes the army does need to step in and is part of checks and balances in politics

So the idea that the army does on occasion have a political function to fix a stagnant political system seems correct. And there have been more coups like this in Thailand than any other country I know of.

But sure this is the longest one I have ever seen in Thailand so there is room for concern that the longer that anyone stays in power without an election and reference to the people then the more opportunity for the rulers to become corrupt and not want to hand over power.

This seems to be a flaw in human nature and not in a system. It seems the opportunity to change a govt. every 3, 4 or 5 years seems to keep those in govt. more honest. The real question is not the theoretical ideal that a return to Democracy is a good thing, but that who are the people vying for the democratic power and can they be trusted. That seems the saddest thing in Thailand.

Sometimes you feel like Diogenes walking round with a lamp in the day. Who when asked what he was doing, replied "I am looking for an honest man."

absolutely true! clap2.gif Thank you

"The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background."

Is this an attempt at black humor?

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When Donald Trump becomes President of the United states the army there may have to do the same thing and take over to clean up the senate and congress.

Imagine that.

I have lived in Myanmar for most of the past 35 years so it comes as a shock how little Thaksin seems to know about Myanmar and how it was run prior to the reforms.

Thailand is becoming like Thailand and it is a long way from Myanmar except in the most superficial likenesses politically.

Having read the article I see he is being concerned about the new charter. Is he concerned about the country or just concerned about his own interests? That seems to be the question.

Trump won't win the presidency in the US. He may get the nomination from the republican right wing christian fundamentalist lunatic fringe (though as they dominate a lot of the primaries, maybe not so much a fringe as a trump like coiffure) but he won't win over the country.

That said if he did win (he won't but...) I think he'd turn out to be a lot more pragmatic and small c conservative than the tea party fundamentalists backing trump at present would like. Cruz would be a lot worse.

Your point is taken but before we get off the topic. I was using it as an extreme hypothetical example of how sometimes the army does need to step in and is part of checks and balances in politics

So the idea that the army does on occasion have a political function to fix a stagnant political system seems correct. And there have been more coups like this in Thailand than any other country I know of.

But sure this is the longest one I have ever seen in Thailand so there is room for concern that the longer that anyone stays in power without an election and reference to the people then the more opportunity for the rulers to become corrupt and not want to hand over power.

This seems to be a flaw in human nature and not in a system. It seems the opportunity to change a govt. every 3, 4 or 5 years seems to keep those in govt. more honest. The real question is not the theoretical ideal that a return to Democracy is a good thing, but that who are the people vying for the democratic power and can they be trusted. That seems the saddest thing in Thailand.

Sometimes you feel like Diogenes walking round with a lamp in the day. Who when asked what he was doing, replied "I am looking for an honest man."

absolutely true! clap2.gif Thank you

"The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background."

Is this an attempt at black humor?

But what part is not true?

I agree there's a certain black humour about Thai politics but I don't believe that's what you mean.More a case of denial when presented with the truth.

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

Unfortunately yet another FAULY claiming Thaksin took Thailand into a "downward spiral", and there will be the usual here mushrooms that will lap it up regardless of the truth and facts...........

You might want to do your homework on the economy under Thaksin and this current one before you comment on things you so obviously have NO knowledge about or you just be happy with the drivel and claim it fact, you people make me laugh,,, get your facts right first then state your case with proof.

You do know it's ok not to like Thaksin but employing facts rather than b_____t will get you more credibility.

You should do not only YOUR home work properly, but learn the WHOLE lesson correctly !!!

Only then you may have your TRUE REALITY statements right!

what do you talking about an "economy under taksin" and trying to compare that with what we are having here "under the military" ..?!!!

taksin hopped on a train when the Kingdom was nice, easy going and prosperous. People have been smiling, working, enjoying life and minding their own business, adoring the King.

The half ass educated / experienced megalomaniac, could see his chance to manipulate masses of easily gullible, naive and even less educated / experienced people to gain his sick unlimited, uncontrolled powers and pack his family's coffers with the country's wealth and reputation.

People became a loud screaming, hard drinking, drugs users, arms abusers and willing proclaimers of a terms and statements which true meaning and values they have never been taught, which they never could experience, which they never have been bothered enough to get a full grasp of, understand and explain (even to themselves or each other) what the heck they talking about (in the first place - before demanding it). They became disrespectful to the monarchy and to their own - otherwise non-disturbed, lives. They were acting and thinking (in THIS order) like their "boss" (idol taksin) - enjoying their "new roles", i.e. opportunities and "democratic-business-enlightenment", just like very stupid kids would play their "Monopoly", absolutely not concerned (and aware) about any bloody consequences at all.

taksin started robbing and plundering his motherland, with no scruples, no second thought, like there's no tomorrow.

The social, psychological, emotional and economic damage that he caused and imposed upon one or two entire generation of Thai nation and country, can never be undone.

The further and even more massive prosperity and economical damages under his dumb bimbo sister, been done.

Mind you, it was NOT only a rice scheme, but bloody every single thing they could get their hands on.

Not to mention even more drastic, dramatic, painful and irreversible play game with their nation - peoples naivety, poor education, distorted knowledge, trust, well-being, desires and their natural obedience to the authorities and wealth.

Only a fool can't see that here is no "economy" for the nation left, after the taksins, The military can hardly be blamed for almost complete destruction of the whole systems.

Incredible debts that must be paid for somehow-some day, under some other leadership and governance.

There was no BODY to stress / explain this all to Thais during those times, and neither there is a BODY, Thais might want to listen to (and try to comprehend), to tell them today. Regardless on the fact that we all can already feel it, are paying for it and will do so for many, many more years to come.

This is not because here is no democracy, but a military government.

This is because taksins have been cheating, lying, stealing and robing, without any idea how, or even intention to actually govern the state. Oh yeah, whilst they were all legally and democratically elected !!! What a joke!

I, for once, am truly grateful to the general for his decision and intention (call it a desire, if u wish) to hold the nation on a "short leash". I applaud him for cleaning up the streets and watch out for an order. Whatever it takes, whatever I may NOT like (and it can be plenty) is still great with me, if it only can keep those "taksin sick ideas and wisdom's", along with all his worshipers and followers, in a bay.

Thailand doesn't need "democracy", Thailand needs order and discipline, education, business, powerful military and well educated and trained police force, lots of reforms that can be formed and reformed again and again, until majority of people will UNDERSTAND that DEMOCRACY can't be just granted, or won, but well deserved, as it is a process which must have a number of certain steps and aspects fulfilled first.

You trying to compare Thai economy under taksin and now, is a misguided attempt ... almost pervert in my eyes.


before you go on to slam what I said above, I only want to mention, I'm living here for more that 35 years, WITHIN Thai people.


I am genuinely uncertain whether this is a genuine post ( an extended version of the familiar craziness) or a very clever parody.If the latter, it is brilliant and superbly funny.

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And if Thaksin had stayed in power, Thailand would have been like Zimbabwe!!!

Right, as opposed to the current position where FDI in Thailand is reported to have dropped by 80%.

Couldnt we split this forum up into one where there can be more or less serious debate and one where trolls, bigots and dullards could indulge in whatever kind of talk they like.

Well, you wouldn't be in the serious part and we'd miss your entertaining rhetoric.

LOL, he's something else, isn't he ? The guy can't disagree with someone without calling him names, and is now simply suggesting that the Forum should be divided between the idiots (those who disagree with him) and the serious (him). Entertaining indeed biggrin.png

Jayboy, you have just made a complete fool of yourself, and it's not the first time. Keep the good work and make us giggle !

Best post this year.

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

Unfortunately yet another FAULY claiming Thaksin took Thailand into a "downward spiral", and there will be the usual here mushrooms that will lap it up regardless of the truth and facts...........

You might want to do your homework on the economy under Thaksin and this current one before you comment on things you so obviously have NO knowledge about or you just be happy with the drivel and claim it fact, you people make me laugh,,, get your facts right first then state your case with proof.

You do know it's ok not to like Thaksin but employing facts rather than b_____t will get you more credibility.

You should do not only YOUR home work properly, but learn the WHOLE lesson correctly !!!

Only then you may have your TRUE REALITY statements right!

what do you talking about an "economy under taksin" and trying to compare that with what we are having here "under the military" ..?!!!

taksin hopped on a train when the Kingdom was nice, easy going and prosperous. People have been smiling, working, enjoying life and minding their own business, adoring the King.

The half ass educated / experienced megalomaniac, could see his chance to manipulate masses of easily gullible, naive and even less educated / experienced people to gain his sick unlimited, uncontrolled powers and pack his family's coffers with the country's wealth and reputation.

People became a loud screaming, hard drinking, drugs users, arms abusers and willing proclaimers of a terms and statements which true meaning and values they have never been taught, which they never could experience, which they never have been bothered enough to get a full grasp of, understand and explain (even to themselves or each other) what the heck they talking about (in the first place - before demanding it). They became disrespectful to the monarchy and to their own - otherwise non-disturbed, lives. They were acting and thinking (in THIS order) like their "boss" (idol taksin) - enjoying their "new roles", i.e. opportunities and "democratic-business-enlightenment", just like very stupid kids would play their "Monopoly", absolutely not concerned (and aware) about any bloody consequences at all.

taksin started robbing and plundering his motherland, with no scruples, no second thought, like there's no tomorrow.

The social, psychological, emotional and economic damage that he caused and imposed upon one or two entire generation of Thai nation and country, can never be undone.

The further and even more massive prosperity and economical damages under his dumb bimbo sister, been done.

Mind you, it was NOT only a rice scheme, but bloody every single thing they could get their hands on.

Not to mention even more drastic, dramatic, painful and irreversible play game with their nation - peoples naivety, poor education, distorted knowledge, trust, well-being, desires and their natural obedience to the authorities and wealth.

Only a fool can't see that here is no "economy" for the nation left, after the taksins, The military can hardly be blamed for almost complete destruction of the whole systems.

Incredible debts that must be paid for somehow-some day, under some other leadership and governance.

There was no BODY to stress / explain this all to Thais during those times, and neither there is a BODY, Thais might want to listen to (and try to comprehend), to tell them today. Regardless on the fact that we all can already feel it, are paying for it and will do so for many, many more years to come.

This is not because here is no democracy, but a military government.

This is because taksins have been cheating, lying, stealing and robing, without any idea how, or even intention to actually govern the state. Oh yeah, whilst they were all legally and democratically elected !!! What a joke!

I, for once, am truly grateful to the general for his decision and intention (call it a desire, if u wish) to hold the nation on a "short leash". I applaud him for cleaning up the streets and watch out for an order. Whatever it takes, whatever I may NOT like (and it can be plenty) is still great with me, if it only can keep those "taksin sick ideas and wisdom's", along with all his worshipers and followers, in a bay.

Thailand doesn't need "democracy", Thailand needs order and discipline, education, business, powerful military and well educated and trained police force, lots of reforms that can be formed and reformed again and again, until majority of people will UNDERSTAND that DEMOCRACY can't be just granted, or won, but well deserved, as it is a process which must have a number of certain steps and aspects fulfilled first.

You trying to compare Thai economy under taksin and now, is a misguided attempt ... almost pervert in my eyes.


before you go on to slam what I said above, I only want to mention, I'm living here for more that 35 years, WITHIN Thai people.


I am genuinely uncertain whether this is a genuine post ( an extended version of the familiar craziness) or a very clever parody.If the latter, it is brilliant and superbly funny.
My nomination for best post of the year.
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it is interesting, how controversial thaksin is among TV. fact is, he and his friends had won every election since 2001, and of course would still easily win every coming election, if there is any. he is a saint in thailand, and that will never change. only a dimwit cannot understand this.
PS : i also live within thai people since 20 years, and i know what they think.

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Thaksin is an idiot.

But I do find it funny that the Generals and their rich buddies are so obsessed with him. They are complete morons, hate democracy and have no clue how to run the country even when they have a completely free hand, but they jump at every word Thaksin utters and spend all their effort trying to crush him.

That is just a fight between elites and Thai democracy is the casualty...


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it is interesting, how controversial thaksin is among TV. fact is, he and his friends had won every election since 2001, and of course would still easily win every coming election, if there is any. he is a saint in thailand, and that will never change. only a dimwit cannot understand this.


PS : i also live within thai people since 20 years, and i know what they think.

Of course you are right about winning elections. And many posters like to dismiss that under false pretences.

I find that many normal Thais are perfectly rational about Thaksin. They like some of what he did for the country and other things they don't like. In other words, it is basic politics.

I find the posters who dismiss his electoral success by demeaning the Thais who vote for him as "bought", "ignorant", "lazy", "kwai" to be basic bigotry.

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Of course you are right about winning elections. And many posters like to dismiss that under false pretences.

I find that many normal Thais are perfectly rational about Thaksin. They like some of what he did for the country and other things they don't like. In other words, it is basic politics.

I find the posters who dismiss his electoral success by demeaning the Thais who vote for him as "bought", "ignorant", "lazy", "kwai" to be basic bigotry.

And yet "Thaksin is an idiot" and "the Generals and their rich buddies ......... are complete morons"

Is this an example of basic bigotry, or something else?

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This whole saga reminds me of the Marcos days of the Philippines, murder , corruption basic dishonest people feathering the nest of family friends, undermining basic peoples rights, to use their power in the best possible way to benefit the people, while on this journey they gather so much money from inside knowledge, platinum hand shakes, Half or more of these deals we will never know about.

Political life for both of these families run a very familiar path and i wonder if the same out come will be shown in history. I can only hope so ( the leopard and the spots come to mind)

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He's right about everything except the economy. In my 40 years here, the economy has general done better during periods of military dictatorship rather than under sputtering attempts at electoral democracy.

No, under his watch it did superbly. Now it is going down the toilet. FDI down 70+%.

Nothing to do with Thaksin skills, it was the generally the same through region

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