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self defense at home


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Im of the opinion that some people are paranoid and probably american. Obsessed with weapons and killing intruders.

(sane Americans excluded)

Yes, the sane thing is to brew coffee for the intruder(s) while he/they rape and murder your family. Anything else is insane and racist.

Just look at gun deaths / rapes / murders in the Netherlands with good gun control and then look at the US the laughingstock of the civilized world (on gun control). Fact is legal guns get stolen, lost and such and end up at the wrong hands so having loads of guns available will always lead to more gun crime. There is an arms race going on in the US between criminals and normal people and that is what causing all those extra deaths. In countries with gun control you don't have this arms race and far less deaths.

Most intruders in the Netherlands actually just want to break in steal and get out.. they are not there to rape and murder anyone. Maybe its an American thing to want rape and murder when breaking in.. I don't know but in a normal world they just want to get in and out as fast as possible.

So rape is caused by presence of a gun in victim's home?


So if American women would all just give up their guns, and advertise the fact, they would be SAFER!

Who knew?

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If you bring any weapon into your home you need to first wrap your head around your ability to take a human life (I doubt most TV member can do that), and second wrap your head around the fact that killing or injuring a Thai National even in the case of home invasion is more than likely going to land you in jail regardless if you use an arrow, piece of rebar, machete, kitchen knife, hammer, rock, or whatever (and I doubt that most TV member are willing to go to jail to protect themselves and family by using lethal force). So your only other alternative is for you, and possibly your family, to become the prey of your attackers in a home invasion and hope the best you survive (I'm not willing to do that).

Best to be judged by three (here in Thailand), than carried to your the crematorium by six (here in Thailand).

Edited by connda
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If you bring any weapon into your home you need to first wrap your head around your ability to take a human life (I doubt most TV member can do that), and second wrap your head around the fact that killing or injuring a Thai National even in the case of home invasion is more than likely going to land you in jail regardless if you use an arrow, piece of rebar, machete, kitchen knife, hammer, rock, or whatever (and I doubt that most TV member are willing to go to jail to protect themselves and family by using lethal force). So your only other alternative is for you, and possibly your family, to become the prey of your attackers in a home invasion and hope the best you survive (I'm not willing to do that).

Best to be judged by three (here in Thailand), than carried to your the crematorium by six (here in Thailand).

I rather sit in jail for the rest of my life and a thai ****tard in the grave and my children are safe... instead of gambling with their lifes and well being by going into a fetal position.

If any parent really is thinking that "hey, i would rather let my children die than go to jail" should really adopt the children to a relative that is less of a ****tard.

And yes, every single person in this world are very much capable of killing someone else under the right circumstances and protecting your children is one of them.

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Sadly it seems from many of the news articles on TV that violence against victims is an increasing occurrence in Thailand, but the truth is its the same for most countries. I am not a gun person and I tend to put greater emphasis on prevention methods that would deter most burglars or criminals. Which means good CCTV and alarms and good well trained dogs. Most criminals are opportunists and would rather select a more softer option . Having said that I do have weapons such as batons strategically placed.

Edited by Karlo
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OK many different views.

1 st of all: we had twice sneakers (one time 1 one time 3 those equipped with pepper spray and a knife) coming in and my best guess, tried nick my motorbike. The dogs did what they have been trained for...and the next action taken was, waking up from some screaming and to call the police.

this thread was more pointing before buying a gun and beeing illegal there are sure better alternatives.

The somtam and baseball bats, even the claypot for making somtam can be a weapon. I had to take from my key ring a selfmade monkeyfist (throwing line knot) just a inch in diameter because since 1st january is this knot in germany declared as a forbidden weapon..

The katapult has even more power as the archery equipment and deadly using bearing balls, quite inacurate in distance.

and yes, as i said, a crossbow or bow and arrow are an equal serious weapon that could knock neighbors kid from the bike, but a bullet stays dangerous when out of sight however an arrow barely reaches that distance. you keep your shot in a visible field and responsable range.

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Small man syndrome. Yeah. You Dutch are the tallest people on earth, right?

Wish we were tall like you. Then we could have fended off the Nazis like you did.

Good job on that, by the way.

Even better job on those tiny Vietnamese, by the way.

+1 for the jab

But now seriously... did the Vietnamese ever use guns?

And is it okay with you Euros that they did?

Maybe everyone should get a "moral license" from an EU citizen before buying one?

Or would that be "licence"?

I just want to say that there is a minority europeans, like me, who actually think anyone should be able to defend themself with any means necessary and also be able to concealed carry. But most of the europeans have brain cancer or something that prevents them from thinking rationally and only feel, could be the socialist brainwashing going on in schools and society.

I'm not sure about brain cancer, i hope not. As for socialism, I wouldn't subscribe to that either. My thoughts on this topic would be to try to stay in a place where these risks (burglary, and being slaughtered by a mad Thai) are minimal. I like the comments about dogs, that makes sense to me. Also, alarms, CCTV, safe room and other deterrents. My main concern was the crossbow, guns, etc argument. I wonder how sympathetic a Thai court would be if you used them? I think you'd be on pretty safe grounds in the US, but I'm not sure you would be here. You might be sent to jail and never get out. A grim prospect.

But if you insist on having deadly weapons then it would make sense to have a "clean up and burial contingency plan", so as to dispose of the evidence and clean up the scene of the incident. Together with a "permanent holiday in my country of birth plan", whereby you exit the country within 6 hours. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Good luck chaps.

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Im of the opinion that some people are paranoid and probably american. Obsessed with weapons and killing intruders.

(sane Americans excluded)

Yes, the sane thing is to brew coffee for the intruder(s) while he/they rape and murder your family. Anything else is insane and racist.

Just look at gun deaths / rapes / murders in the Netherlands with good gun control and then look at the US the laughingstock of the civilized world (on gun control). Fact is legal guns get stolen, lost and such and end up at the wrong hands so having loads of guns available will always lead to more gun crime. There is an arms race going on in the US between criminals and normal people and that is what causing all those extra deaths. In countries with gun control you don't have this arms race and far less deaths.

Most intruders in the Netherlands actually just want to break in steal and get out.. they are not there to rape and murder anyone. Maybe its an American thing to want rape and murder when breaking in.. I don't know but in a normal world they just want to get in and out as fast as possible.

The neitherlands barely add up to an American city in population not even mentioning the complicated socioeconomics and historical diversity. That argument is silly, old, tired, an debunked a long time ago.

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I am in and out of thailand soo many years and times moving around at any day of the day or at night in bangkok any area no problem...never been threatened mostly be helped never been bullied only been smiled at....conclude : I feel save here ...MUCH more than in any europaen city incl my hometown....change attitude = change reality...mind matters all...

Indeed. Wander around LA for a while or even "enlightened" San Francisco. Bangkok is nothing. Sure you have to keep your wits about you anywhere, but by and large Bangkok is pretty innocuous unless you are looking for trouble. Here in the states in the bad neighbourhoods you best not be white and you should always be looking over your shoulder. I have been lurking on this forum for a while, you Thailand bashers must come from fairy town land. There are places in the states that would grind up the worst of Bangkok.

Edited by Hiyaall
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If you bring any weapon into your home you need to first wrap your head around your ability to take a human life (I doubt most TV member can do that), and second wrap your head around the fact that killing or injuring a Thai National even in the case of home invasion is more than likely going to land you in jail regardless if you use an arrow, piece of rebar, machete, kitchen knife, hammer, rock, or whatever (and I doubt that most TV member are willing to go to jail to protect themselves and family by using lethal force). So your only other alternative is for you, and possibly your family, to become the prey of your attackers in a home invasion and hope the best you survive (I'm not willing to do that).

Best to be judged by three (here in Thailand), than carried to your the crematorium by six (here in Thailand).

If you are protecting your family in a home invasion scenario and kill the perp(s), you will not go to jail.

Unless you have some precedent examples, you are guessing.

My wife has registered guns because of our remote location and our business and the police said that if I shoot someone in my home, first make sure they are dead, and second put a few shots into the ceiling to say that you fired warning shots first, but they kept coming...and say the wife shot them.

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I like that, good for drunks etc wandering into business premises for a female proprietor alone. Which substance is more disabling?

Inside a room it's good for a distance of 5-7m. Outside 3-5m and important from what side wind comes. Powder is the best!!! Also for cleaning later!!!

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I am in and out of thailand soo many years and times moving around at any day of the day or at night in bangkok any area no problem...never been threatened mostly be helped never been bullied only been smiled at....conclude : I feel save here ...MUCH more than in any europaen city incl my hometown....change attitude = change reality...mind matters all...

Indeed. Wander around LA for a while or even "enlightened" San Francisco. Bangkok is nothing. Sure you have to keep your wits about you anywhere, but by and large Bangkok is pretty innocuous unless you are looking for trouble. Here in the states in the bad neighbourhoods you best not be white and you should always be looking over your shoulder. I have been lurking on this forum for a while, you Thailand bashers must come from fairy town land. There are places in the states that would grind up the worst of Bangkok.

"You best not be white"...are you joking? Do you seriously think that white people are the victims of crime (and general misery) in poor black neighborhoods more often than the black people who live there are?! If so, you're sorely deluded.

The one thing you are right about is that virtually any place in Bangkok is probably 500% safer than any large city in the US (hell, any large city in ANY country). I walk down streets alone at 3 am in Bangkok, moderately drunk, with several thousand baht and a 20,000 baht phone in my pocket without fear. Granted, I'm 2 meters tall and almost 100kg and look quite intimidating, but still...I wouldn't dare do that in any US city.

Edited by Saastrajaa
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I am in and out of thailand soo many years and times moving around at any day of the day or at night in bangkok any area no problem...never been threatened mostly be helped never been bullied only been smiled at....conclude : I feel save here ...MUCH more than in any europaen city incl my hometown....change attitude = change reality...mind matters all...

Indeed. Wander around LA for a while or even "enlightened" San Francisco. Bangkok is nothing. Sure you have to keep your wits about you anywhere, but by and large Bangkok is pretty innocuous unless you are looking for trouble. Here in the states in the bad neighbourhoods you best not be white and you should always be looking over your shoulder. I have been lurking on this forum for a while, you Thailand bashers must come from fairy town land. There are places in the states that would grind up the worst of Bangkok.

"You best not be white"...are you joking? Do you seriously think that white people are the victims of crime (and general misery) in poor black neighborhoods more often than the black people who live there are?! If so, you're sorely deluded.

The one thing you are right about is that virtually any place in Bangkok is probably 500% safer than any large city in the US (hell, any large city in ANY country). I walk down streets alone at 3 am in Bangkok, moderately drunk, with several thousand baht and a 20,000 baht phone in my pocket without fear. Granted, I'm 2 meters tall and almost 100kg and look quite intimidating, but still...I wouldn't dare do that in any US city.

thanks for your reply Hiyall / Saastrajaa....so far I never been to the US just surprised really as I did not think it is that bad as u described it...

wondering about US citys and security after reading that in NY some major some years ago changed the whole situation and now is heaven on earth...understand the situation in the eightys ninetys but now...? or only good marketing ???

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