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Follow up over suspected food poisoning or gall B pain


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Hi, just come back from Memorial , had complete blood count , all ok, ultra sound abdomen, all ok. But with the urine tests there are WBC 50-100 Bacteria moderate, which the doctor said points to a Urinary tract infection , or bladder ? He has given me Ciproxyl 500 ( I didn't continue to take the Norxacin prescribed for food poisoning 5 days ago because of the side effects/ I have very bad tendinitis arm and shoulder feet. ).

He told me to continue with the Electrolyte drink, Finnish the 7 days antibiotiques drink a lot of water ,and come back next Monday for a new urine test and see him. Generally speaking , will this clear up before the 4 th March when I'm booked for Koh Chang ? Is it dangerous ? I told him I was going there. Do I have to keep out of the sunlight with Cyproxyl ? I do not have sensitive skin and wear good 50 + screen. Should I avoid the pool water ? I have no risk of anything transmitted sexually, I'm a 63 lady.

The doctor has also prescribed Controloc 20 mg for my stomach aches ?Said it could be gastritis.Sheryl, if you could follow all this I'd be grateful, does it sound right , should I still see another specialist ? I will do a follow up test. Thank you all so much , very helpful for cancelling my trip or not and going home early.

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Was the urine specimen a clean "mid-stream catch?" (cleaned the outside with soap and water or a medicated towlette first, then peed a bit into the bowl before catching the specimen)? Because if not, and if you are also asymptomatic (not pain or burning when you pee, and no unusual frequency of peeing) it is possible that you do not actually have a UTI.

If you do, it is a very common problem and nothing to worry unduly about, and will usually resolve with antibiotics and drinking a lot of fluids (cranberry juice, if you can get it, is especially helpful).

Cipro is the same chemical family as norfloxacin so if you did not want to take norfloxacin you don't want to take cipro either. Plus it is not indicated as a first line treatment for a simple UTI. (And could indeed make you susceptible to sunburn). Bactrim double strength, 1 tablet twice a day will usually work, unless you are allergic to it. Can buy at any pharmacy.

The possible urine infection has nothing at all to do with the abdominal pain BTW. But as this has resolved and ultrasound did not show anything, I would not worry further about it.

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Sheryl, I have Bactrim 400mg with me . Should I stop the Ciproxyl , I've taken one at 12 midday ,( today Tuesday) and take the Bactrim ???ive read the information notice it says, 2 tablets every 12 hours with meals, can be 6 a day if infection severe.,When can I start the Bactrim, 4 a day ? , and is it photosensitive as I don't fancy staying in a week unless absolute necessary. Gosh, I knew the Ciproxyl wasn't right, it rang a bell !! Thanks so much.

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Sheryl , no, I had to wait 2 hours ( after the ultra sound) for the urine test. Being a bit tired, thirsty , I didn't think to do a mid stream pee.i had my shower 3 hours before, no soap down there. Should I re do a urine test , and where ?

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Yes, I would just start the Bactrim now. 2 tabs twice a day, and drink lots of fluid.

BTW while it is true that the level of medical care on Koh Chang is low, the island does have several OK pharmacies in the White Sands Beach area.

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Anytime after you have completed a 7 day course of the Bactrim and any lab or hospital can do it. This is not pressing.

When you do get the repeat test make very sure it is a clean specimen - thoroughly cleanse your perineal area first and pee first into the toilet, then catch the middle of the stream into the specimen cup.

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@chubby, I don't quite understand.i finnished the Bactrim 2 days early as I was suffering from insomnia, itching and trembling. Haven't slept in 3 days. Took them for 5 days. But I am going back to the Pattaya international for a new urine test and see urologist on Tuesday.Im feeling better but now have constipation which is no good for my diverticular. Thanks.

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Good chance that the 5 days will have done the trick.

If not, best that they do a culture to find out exactly what bacteria is responsible and which antibiotics it is sensitive to. Results will be available in 48 - 72 hours. If sensitive to Ampicillin and if you are not allergic to penicillin then that is usually a pretty safe choice in terms of side effects.

As mentioned, make sure what you provide is a clean mid-stream specimen.

Also make sure from here on that any doctors you see are informed you are allergic to Bactrim (which usually also means to all Sulfa drugs) and that this is entered on all your medical records as future reactions could be worse.

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I'm a 63 , single lady, so no contact + with the opp sex! I am hypo thyroid, well treated and followed.I also have diverticula problems , which are also controlled often. I take levothorax100, nothing for the diverticula, tho if there is a flare up,I always have augmentin with me.,Before leaving in middle December for Thailand I had ultra sounds on abdomen , full blood tests and proper urine ananylis , the big one that takes a few days, I had nothing, no infection, no stones liver etc all good. If I can last out till the 13 th March then it's ok, I'm going home. I just don't want to cancel my Koh Chang holiday which I've paid for( no refund) and a Bangkok hotel,for 3 nights for a last shopping fling. Of course, if the urologist ( from Sirikit Bangkok) advises me to leave, I can pack up,and go in 2/3 days. Thank you.See the tests Tuesday I suppose.

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well based on your age and gender, i'd say a UTI, would not be at all a surprising.

have you had them in the past? as I believe they often recur in women, because of their particular anatomies to that woman,

you never had any burning with urination, stronger than usual odor with the urine, darker than usual etc , during this episode?

over hydrate is supposed to reduce the concentration of the urine in the bladder, if that is what you do have, and the lower concentration, can reduce recurrence, and maybe speed up recovery, be careful about trying to fix quickly what your body naturally wants to do, with all the tests, and prescriptions IMHO

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