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I think retiring in Thailand is a really bad idea

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I am 42 years old and was dreaming about living here since my first backpacking trip in my late 20s.

I have saved some money, made sure I had some income from my home country, found a decent employed girl and all is nice... I guess.

Thing is, if you are from the Western, developed country I think it would be much smarter to experience Thailand while you are young and take it from there.

First of all, you wouldn't be stuck with "fake" women and affection so many old expats are faced with on daily basis. Let's face it... you could experience the time of your life with women. Yes, I realize most of you think women only care about the size of your wallet, but whatever story you wish to tell yourself, young people like to have sex with hot, young people of opposite (or same) sex. Period.

Furthermore, travelling while young is a great learning experience and it could open so many opportunities and give you so many business ideas. Yes, you would probably start with teaching English, but if you have some intelligence this experience would be just one of many throughout your life.

The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly.

I have an uncle who was just diagnosed with cancer. It is aggressive one, but he is receiving free treatment and furthermore they are doing some experimental trials that are not even available in Thailand. The guy was a smoker throughout his life, but thanks for Canadian healthcare he is going to live.... or at least be given the best care available. "Oh, but I have insurance and can get world class care at Bumrungrad (enter your favorite hospital here)". You don't say! What happens when insurance refuses to cover the treatment or even worse the hospital refuses to take any responsibility for the botched procedure they performed? It happens and you don't have any recourse. In Canada they will always and I mean always fix the problem. Not in Thailand and that is a fact.

Third world infrastructure even in the "world class" city like Bangkok. No decent sidewalks. No special elevators, lines, or any kind of aids for disabled. Public transport that is falling apart. A far cry where even in the Canadian village you will have a city bus for disabled people come and pick you up. My god, almost every day I see a bunch of foreigners in wheelchairs here in Bangkapi just trying to get from one place to another. I wander why they even came to Thailand. Surely I can guess, but living in these condition just for that?

Finally, visa issues and extensions you have to deal with. I am old and ain't got time for that.

So, my advice is come to Thailand when you are young. Spend your old days back in your own country.

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.

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retiring here, spending all your money on your thai partner and cutting all ties to your home country would be a risky venture.

retiring here if life is good/affordable for you here and ensuring you are able to return to your home country if you want/need to, is a good idea.

up to you

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Yes, I am bored and I started a thread. Jail me.

I am talking about having a sufficient healthcare which I still don't trust.

I am now insured with one of the best healthcare providers through my wife's workplace. Still would be hesitant to start any kind of serious treatment or surgery here.

And I do work. I have a registered business in my country which I planned for years, so I can sit my behind in Thailand and post on forums.


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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.

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And this isnt trying to provoke the older / retired people here is it, not trying to "stir it" at all eh whistling.gif

If he really knows thai culture maturity and stability trumps youth and a hard dick. Dont worry its a never ending debate which 10 years from now he will flip-flop. I feel sorry for his thai girl friend. What foreigners dont understand is marriage is important in this culture. Boinking is something thai girls can do without. DICK SIZE IS WORSHIPED BY CHINESE WOMEN. HERE NOODLES ARE THE STAPLE...

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

Little too late, he just got married, but his is different to anyone elselaugh.png

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Yes, I am bored and I started a thread. Jail me.

I am talking about having a sufficient healthcare which I still don't trust.

I am now insured with one of the best healthcare providers through my wife's workplace. Still would be hesitant to start any kind of serious treatment or surgery here.

And I do work. I have a registered business in my country which I planned for years, so I can sit my behind in Thailand and post on forums.


I would like to know more details about being insured with best healthcare providers though your wife? Please share

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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.


First of all, I am not Canadian and I never will be. This is something that just happened to me. I got a Canadian passport. Woo hoo.

I am one of those who actually bashes Canada at every occasion and complain about the healthcare, This same uncle almost died from mold poisoning in one of the hospitals in Quebec a decade ago. I dislike the mafioso province of Quebec with passion and I dislike a lot of things about Canada.

However, facts are facts my friend. Canada takes much better care of elderly in every single way.

I don't see how is this having a jab at older folks. I wish I came to Thailand younger, not at this age.

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OP you have a very low opinion of Thailand and Thai people.

Here old people such as me get cared for by family at home.

Not stuffed in an old folks home and visited once a month for a few minutes.

I think it would be better for you to run home to mummy and stay there.

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I am Canadian and left because elderly care is so bad.It is a business mostly privately owned. i hear horror story after horror story from families who have their parents in these homes..Bed ridden parents that are not bathed regularly,liner dirty and soiled not changed. Unhealthy food. Medications not given the list goes on.When the old people are to go to a home the government checks their monthly income and places in a home that charges pretty well all the old person gets a month.So the old are left without money poorly treated and neglected.

Many donot even have a nurse on site. It is the usual socialist rip off.All show no go.

Here when old my wife will care for me. What I need or want I will get.Beats Canada all to hell.

Like you said you arenot Canadian and to tell you the truth this post proves it.

My father broke his hip at 82. They tried one replace it didnot work. So they gave up. He spent the rest of his life in a hospital covered in bed sores,drugged out his mind going in and out of reality for years. He became a science project for the medical world.No dignity.That is Canada health care as it really is.

Edited by lovelomsak
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I find the above 2 replies quite amusing.

The first one I won't reply to out of respect for person's condition.

I would just like mention that I am not having a low opinion of Thai people. What bunch bunch of nonsense. I was specifically talking about the state, not the people.

As for all the whining about Canada, if there is a sign of trouble that one is faced in Thailand people all go back crying to their country. I am not

I am just wondering under what passport did all of you arrive to feel so ungrateful about the country that gave you so many opportunities, so you can enjoy the favorable currency exchange and other cheap sins this country provides? Maybe you used Thai or Albanian passports?

I find the hypocrisy astounding.

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The op is a slav..Polish....you know you can't move a mountain.

Me if i was a Canadian id be rather displeased, they took him in gave him a passport gets all the benefits as a resident then bags them, moves to Thailand marries a Thai now bagging them, a most unhappy person, and from own admission has a number of fears.

Its great to start a thread on something worthwhile, unfortunately complaining about a health system before you even get to use it is rather daming to you sir, looking back on several of your other threads this is were i will sign off, won't bother to read or comment on another one, you do really need to get a life and tackle some of your fears....good luck.

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The op is a slav..Polish....you know you can't move a mountain.

Me if i was a Canadian id be rather displeased, they took him in gave him a passport gets all the benefits as a resident then bags them, moves to Thailand marries a Thai now bagging them, a most unhappy person, and from own admission has a number of fears.

Its great to start a thread on something worthwhile, unfortunately complaining about a health system before you even get to use it is rather daming to you sir, looking back on several of your other threads this is were i will sign off, won't bother to read or comment on another one, you do really need to get a life and tackle some of your fears....good luck.

I find your lack of geography disturbing.

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I find the above 2 replies quite amusing.

The first one I won't reply to out of respect for person's condition.

I would just like mention that I am not having a low opinion of Thai people. What bunch bunch of nonsense. I was specifically talking about the state, not the people.

As for all the whining about Canada, if there is a sign of trouble that one is faced in Thailand people all go back crying to their country. I am not

I am just wondering under what passport did all of you arrive to feel so ungrateful about the country that gave you so many opportunities, so you can enjoy the favorable currency exchange and other cheap sins this country provides? Maybe you used Thai or Albanian passports?

I find the hypocrisy astounding.

You really are good as pissing people off with your total ignorance. I am Canadian what passport do you think I use? you are real good at talking a lot about things you know nothing about. As far as what we have from our countries, we worked hard for it and deserve. you know f all about Canada that is my country I wish you would shut the f up and grow up or is that to much to ask. Talk about something you know some thing about.I was talking not talking about the people either. I was talking about old age care in Canada which it seems you really know little about. Just enough to make trouble.

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I find the above 2 replies quite amusing.

The first one I won't reply to out of respect for person's condition.

I would just like mention that I am not having a low opinion of Thai people. What bunch bunch of nonsense. I was specifically talking about the state, not the people.

As for all the whining about Canada, if there is a sign of trouble that one is faced in Thailand people all go back crying to their country. I am not

I am just wondering under what passport did all of you arrive to feel so ungrateful about the country that gave you so many opportunities, so you can enjoy the favorable currency exchange and other cheap sins this country provides? Maybe you used Thai or Albanian passports?

I find the hypocrisy astounding.

You really are good as pissing people off with your total ignorance. I am Canadian what passport do you think I use? you are real good at talking a lot about things you know nothing about. As far as what we have from our countries, we worked hard for it and deserve. you know f all about Canada that is my country I wish you would shut the f up and grow up or is that to much to ask. Talk about something you know some thing about.I was talking not talking about the people either. I was talking about old age care in Canada which it seems you really know little about. Just enough to make trouble.

Relax. Have a joint.

I know plenty about Canada. I lived in Montreal and Toronto for many years.

So sorry my post is not up to your standard by stating facts.

Old age care in Canada is pretty damn good. I know because I know the benefits people on pension and OAS get and that's not even including all the additional benefits for ill or disabled.

But you can take a baht bus in Thailand when you can't walk and see how far it takes you.

BTW, I absolutely love Canadian expats living in Thailand. Means no Old Age Security for you and all RRSP withdrawals are still taxable.

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.


I think his point is if the infrastructure is the pits in BKK, then it's bound to be worse elsewhere in TH. And it is. Could not agree more. Some days I find it very stressful just getting down my soi. Always having to watch my back for cars or look out for some random object that might jab me in the eye. Safety here is fairly neglected. Thais tend to have this attitude like if something bad happens to you then it was your fault or you deserved it. That might come from their version of Buddhism. Idk. The other two points are fairly manageable. It's possible to find a decent girl. Healthcare is what it is. I've had good luck with it. But I definitely can't imagine trying to navigate this country post retirement age. Plus, I see old people as not having a very good connection with locals, more so than the rest of us.

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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.


First of all, I am not Canadian and I never will be. This is something that just happened to me. I got a Canadian passport. Woo hoo.

I am one of those who actually bashes Canada at every occasion and complain about the healthcare, This same uncle almost died from mold poisoning in one of the hospitals in Quebec a decade ago. I dislike the mafioso province of Quebec with passion and I dislike a lot of things about Canada.

However, facts are facts my friend. Canada takes much better care of elderly in every single way.

I don't see how is this having a jab at older folks. I wish I came to Thailand younger, not at this age.

You're correct. Young people like having sex with young people. When I see a 60+ year old man with a 25 year old Thai girl I just have to shake my head. If the man is 65 years old he has only another 10 years before he's dead.

Life is what you make it. There are plenty of men who have retired in Thailand and love living there. There are also men who have retired in Thailand and it has been nothing more than a disaster. It depends and there isn't one way or answer.

Finally, age is really a mindset. Look at guys Jack LaLanne. The guy pulled 70 boats for a mile at the age of 70. He was exercising 2 hours a day when he passed away at 94 years old. The reason many people (men and women) grow old quickly is because they stop moving. They stop caring about their bodies. You can't expect to sit around, drink beer. eat crap food all day and feel and look great. Doesn't work like that.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

Edited by benj005
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Let me give you insight into health care in Canada.

BC closed hospitals all over the province in the last 15 years. Many areas only have access to doctors or nurse 8 am to 4 pm. Then every body goes home. After 4 pm or before 8 am people have to drive 200 miles to a big center.Now the government wants people to go to private clinics and pay these are set up in trailers for most things like x rays any specialty thing etc.These also only open 8 to 5.

Alberta the oil rich province gives free medicare. But it takes years to see a specialist.2 year waiting period is common.waiting. People die waiting. My sister was has small cell lung cancer. The doctor told her to apply for a special program they have. When my sister tried to apply she was told the woman who does that is away for a month call back later. My sister was told by the doctor she had 3 weeks to live.

These are the provinces I know best so only ones I will give examples for.

Another sister waited 4 years to get into a retirement home. When she finally got in what she got was a small room with bathroom and small cooking area. there are no doctors or nurses on duty. She is totally responsible for herself. she gets this for the cost of all her pensions and her husbands benefits. So she barely has food costs.

My bankers mother is bed ridden. The caregivers didnot change her bedding for long it changed color and smelled so bad my banker had to literally yell scream and refuse to leave the home till they did something about it.

Ypou want more examples I can give them just ask.

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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.


First of all, I am not Canadian and I never will be. This is something that just happened to me. I got a Canadian passport. Woo hoo.

I am one of those who actually bashes Canada at every occasion and complain about the healthcare, This same uncle almost died from mold poisoning in one of the hospitals in Quebec a decade ago. I dislike the mafioso province of Quebec with passion and I dislike a lot of things about Canada.

However, facts are facts my friend. Canada takes much better care of elderly in every single way.

I don't see how is this having a jab at older folks. I wish I came to Thailand younger, not at this age.

You're correct. Young people like having sex with young people. When I see a 60+ year old man with a 25 year old Thai girl I just have to shake my head. If the man is 65 years old he has only another 10 years before he's dead.

Life is what you make it. There are plenty of men who have retired in Thailand and love living there. There are also men who have retired in Thailand and it has been nothing more than a disaster. It depends and there isn't one way or answer.

Finally, age is really a mindset. Look at guys Jack LaLanne. The guy pulled 70 boats for a mile at the age of 70. He has exercising 2 hours a day when he died at 94 years old. The reason many people (men and women) grow old quickly is because they stop moving. They stop caring about their bodies. You can't expect to sit around, drink beer. eat crap food all day and feel and look great. Doesn't work like that.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

How many contradictions can one person make in a single post, goodness! Perhaps useful to reread what you wrote there my son!

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do you know the meaning of third world country, because you are using the term in the wrong context. it is a long outdated term from the cold war era.

how can people enjoy Thailand while they are young, ( a 2 week vacation isn;t enjoying) they are busy trying to make ends meet, saving for the future and cocking up marriages, once that is behind them they can then enjoy Thailand for what it has to offer, nice beaches, great weather, good food, not pc, the lack of rules, freedom, easy immigration system, cheap the list can go on.

noone is forced to live here, you enjoy Thailand when you want, i will enjoy Thailand when i want

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Im 53 and have been here since I was 29. I have some close friends here in there late sixties and mid seventies. When I compare them to people there age to people I know in the US. They seem so much younger, vibrant and happier........As for me. They only thing I miss about the US is Costco and being able to shoes.....

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