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Obama bans US imports of slave-produced goods


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......meanwhile, the Obama administration drives the US economy to the shiiiithouse and soon enough the Americans government will have 300 million home grown slaves of their own.

I'd be very interested to see the facts backing up your assertion. 70 consecutive months of job growth with unemployment now below 5% (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/11/06/obama-economy-sets-record-job-growth-streak-surges.html), record growth in the Dow (http://www.macrotrends.net/1358/dow-jones-industrial-average-last-10-years), cutting Dubya's $1.4 Trillion (with a "T") deficit that was bequeathed to him to below a half billion, cutting the deficit for six years in a row (http://trofire.com/2015/09/16/gop-wrong-again-obama-set-to-eliminate-deficit-by-2017-clinton-last-pres-to-do-it/), household incomes up, albeit modestly (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/01/us-personal-income-dec-2015.html). No, the American economy is not robust, and, yes, this is one of the slowest recoveries on record. But, when you have the leader of the Republicans in the Senate stating, at the height of the recession, that his top priority was making Obama a one term President (and taking his eye off of the needs of the American people to obstruct recovery efforts at every opportunity in order to do so worked out really well, didn't it?), just exactly how was the President supposed to make it a better recovery?

I'm guessing you're pining for the "good old days" under Shrub, when we were shedding jobs at 800,000 per month, people had lost half their retirement savings in the markets, foreclosures were decimating the middle and working classes, our national debt was doubled, and the deficit grew to insane proportions thanks to his two "off the books" illegal wars. And before you try to use that pathetic trope about Obama giving us a $20 Trillion national debt...while it's quite true that the national debt will soon rise to that level, it's nothing but pure BS to try to blame that on Obama. The national debt is a function of two things...deficit spending, and accumulated interest on that debt. It was Dubya who set in motion the deficit spending that is now hyper inflating the debt. Obama has cut Shrub's deficit by two thirds, thus slowing the runaway debt train that "The question we have to ask ourselves is, is our children learning" boy stripped the brakes off of.

Pretty sad post when I can't even say, "Nice try", mostly because it was a pathetic effort.

Obama said deficit spending is very UN-american.

If you're going to quote the President, at least have the decency to get both the quote AND the context right. What he actually said was, "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 Presidents - number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome - so that we now have $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back - $30,000 for every man, woman, and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic." (http://leftofthemark.com/quote/barack-obama-bushs-deficit-spending-is-unpatriotic) He was referring to the FACT that Shrub was the first war time President in American history to push through a tax CUT during war, rather than, as every other war time President did, increase taxes to FUND the war, leaving us with a $1.4 trillion deficit as he was leaving office. Thanks, Georgie. This President has had zero choice about deficit spending, thanks to Bush. Bush initiated two unfunded wars that we are still paying for...and Republicans REFUSE to pay for. And THAT IS, in fact, unpatriotic.

Edited by Traveler19491
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Just another PC act to appease a certain segments of the society, for years those people have enjoyed

the fruits of a forced and salve labor, infect some of the very items they have at hop or office

has been obtained by forced and slave labor,, and beside, how can tell the different between

those products to the bona fied products if all are labeled the same?.....

Progress toward making societies more civilized is just that, progress. Thailand has been blowing smoke at the rest of the world for decades believing that other countries would choose to continue to "enjoy." But the world changes and the more civilized countries come to the point where their people begin to make their governments not only "talk the talk", but "walk-the-walk." That is progress, and the countries, like Thailand, that have promoted and condoned slavery will now have to pay the price if they continue to refuse to accept basic rights of all human beings.

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Meanwhile, in today's Guardian:

"Slavery, trafficking, murder and corruption at all levels of government still pervade in Thailand's billion dollar fishing industry, activists claim"

“Our investigations at sea and across the Thai seafood sector continue to find extensive violence, corruption and abuse,”

said Steve Trent, director of the Environmental Justice Foundation, an NGO that has been working with the Thai government on the issue."

“Slaves are still on the boats; nationals of neighbouring states are still trafficked in to provide cheap or free labour, and Thai fishing vessels continue to fish illegally and unsustainably,

thereby reinforcing the economic incentives to use bonded, forced and slave labour to keep the costs down.”


Strange how these NGO's can find all this evidence while Thailand's current government (shown in a recent poll to be significantly transparent) cannot. whistling.gif

Just a matter of "attitude adjustment"

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......meanwhile, the Obama administration drives the US economy to the shiiiithouse and soon enough the Americans government will have 300 million home grown slaves of their own.

I guess you must be longing for a return to the USA's golden age of 2008.

Meanwhile, back in fiscal reality with actual sourced data, Bloomberg reported today the US economy expanded faster than estimated in the fourth quarter. Gross domestic product grew at a 1% annualised rate, topping an initial estimate of 0.7%.


Yesterday's Wall Street Journal also reported the U.S. economy has started 2016 on a solid footing. Consumer spending grew in January at the fastest clip in eight months. A strong job market and robust wage gains boosted Americans’ propensity to spend. Inflation ticked higher signaling the Fed may consider whether a U.S. economy that can withstand higher interest rates.


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Meanwhile, in today's Guardian:

"Slavery, trafficking, murder and corruption at all levels of government still pervade in Thailand's billion dollar fishing industry, activists claim"

“Our investigations at sea and across the Thai seafood sector continue to find extensive violence, corruption and abuse,”

said Steve Trent, director of the Environmental Justice Foundation, an NGO that has been working with the Thai government on the issue."

“Slaves are still on the boats; nationals of neighbouring states are still trafficked in to provide cheap or free labour, and Thai fishing vessels continue to fish illegally and unsustainably,

thereby reinforcing the economic incentives to use bonded, forced and slave labour to keep the costs down.”


Strange how these NGO's can find all this evidence while Thailand's current government (shown in a recent poll to be significantly transparent) cannot. whistling.gif

I am certain this report is true. The government is not really looking for it. They are inspecting boats, and asking the captains to show their boat license, and then walking away. How about looking at the paperwork and interviewing random fisherman? Does that ever happen? My guess, is that they would find alot who were slaves.

And in the rare instance of them actually finding slaves, what happens to the boat captains, the boat owners, and the companies they are working for? When is the last time a CEO of a major seafood company here has been arrested and convicted? When is the last time a boat captain has been put into prison?

All talk, and no action makes Johhny a very dull boy.

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