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Math teacher under investigation for slapping schoolgirls in Pathum Thani


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The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.

assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

verb [ with obj. ]

make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

Striking children in any form (as teflkrabi advocated in an earlier post, he called it a clip around the ear as I recall) is assault.

I disagree with the term, but lets say I'll try to understandsmile.png

OK sometimes it could be an assaultwai.gif

Many times not! For everything is in the intention, could be done calmly with no anger at all, as a last resort with the intention to help, instead of sit back and giving up like many adults nowadays!

If done in "retaliation" of course it is probably wrong.

I have 2 sons never did I give the smallest slap, never, but the temptation was high sometimes with a few of their friends, for them being rude for instance.

No teacher should hit a child. Hitting them over the ear can be particularly painful. I've worked with children for over 25 years. Not once have I raised a hand to them.

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Hey guys, I have a sudden blast of good intentions today - any violent teachers that would like to line up in front of my house today for treatment are welcome!

Don't we all hate this persistent apologetic nonsense coming out of the useless respiratory holes of Thai officials in charge???

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

Incorrect, If they misbehave in school they should be punished, slap with ruler on hand end of.

That's why so many kids grow up turning into spoilt brats with parents who cannot control them.

Just look at the 3 news stories this week on Thai teenagers burning his gf, strangling gf cat, smashing up cars.

Wrong. Control start with the parents at home. The job

of the school is to teach children. The job of parents is

to send well behaved children to school who wish to learn.

I suspect if you researched the life of those three

teenagers, you would find a crap home life and probably

the Little Lord Fauntleroy treatment by the parents.

If children show up at school disrupting the learning by

the other children who are there to learn, then the misbehaving

children should be sent home, and a note written to the parents

on the importance of disciplining children....

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REALLY???? DUH!!! Corporal Punishment in schools --- any type of learning --- educational institutions have been banned for decades!!! Momentary Rage, Good Intentions!!??!!??!!??!! BY SLAPPING???!!!! Not by a stick???????

Both the director of the Thammasat Khlongluang Withayakhom School Surachai Pinyocheepand and the teacher Thanabodi Polrak, should be taken to court found guilty of whatever is appropriate, sued, fined and jailed!!!

Imagine if a student did that to a teacher, either in high school or university!!! Expelled!, brought to trial??!!?? Rule of Law applies to all, young old, rich poor, handicapped or not... but I suppose every country, family has their favorites!!! Cronys, or sycophants who always gets away with these type of crimes.... such as the pedohile Catholic priests protected and covered up by the Vatican for decades, who had a billion dollar fund to defend and cover up and pay off the abused victims!!!

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

Mahatma Gandhi

wow, a chance to disagree with Mahatma Ghandi.

I don't agree with taking the girls in front of the class and making sure they look bad like this or hitting them like this but a small clip around the ear might work. I don't believe the occasional clip that I got ever did me any harm, nor my school mates. In fact, I'm pretty certain we did our homework in the future.

My grandmother got a clip over the ear when she was in school . Profoundly deaf in that ear for the rest of her long life. This happened at the turn of last Century in Liverpool. And we have people advocating a return to that !!

That was also the fate of Beethoven, the greatest composer in

the history of the world. Fortunately for humanity, he was able

to compose while deaf, a feat that still astonishes me. Who

knows what he could have composed with full hearing...... and

like your grandmother , he received a boxing on the ears while


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Love it!

Worst in scenarios like this one is, that the rotten subhuman calling himself "teacher" in this video thinks that his enraged ranting, shouting and head tapping will make the kid learn better. The result of idiotic behavior like this one is that the child will completely shut down and not take in any information anymore at all.

My first math teacher (director of the school) was a one armed war veteran. One day he slapped me so hard in the face so that from that day on I went completely blank whenever math was up. I was petrified of that one armed giant and could neither think nor talk anymore when he entered the room. A very good (and I believe such teachers are not out there anymore) female math teacher eventually was able to pick up the pieces, fill in the blanks and pamper me up to a proper understanding of math at 7th grade and was more proud than I when eventually I handed in my first perfect score math test. I love her for doing just that and am thankful still today, almost 40 years later, even though I never met her after graduation.

This all said - there are still people here who believe that the punishment they received back then from teachers "was ok, helpful and well deserved" and that they still like that "old man" who punished them as kids? Hello????

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

Incorrect, If they misbehave in school they should be punished, slap with ruler on hand end of.

That's why so many kids grow up turning into spoilt brats with parents who cannot control them.

Just look at the 3 news stories this week on Thai teenagers burning his gf, strangling gf cat, smashing up cars.

Wrong. Control start with the parents at home. The job

of the school is to teach children. The job of parents is

to send well behaved children to school who wish to learn.

I suspect if you researched the life of those three

teenagers, you would find a crap home life and probably

the Little Lord Fauntleroy treatment by the parents.

If children show up at school disrupting the learning by

the other children who are there to learn, then the misbehaving

children should be sent home, and a note written to the parents

on the importance of disciplining children....

You are so right.

Many members as parents will have been to PTA meetings etc and those who have been or are involved with education can confirm the common thread that so many parents simply abrogate their responsibilities and expect schools to do absolutely everything.

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And the lesson today kids is if you can't get your own way use violence as the next step. Even if you're a teacher, even if the guilty party are kids, students, even girls, hit them and hit them on the head....oh and make sure it's in front of the whole class.

Read that back and tell me it's ok. Forget the moral part for a second, the buffalo is a teacher, suposedly part of his job is the welfare of chldren in his care. He should never be allowed near a classroom again unless its one teaching anger management.

This being the land of what it is, he'll probably get a wai and an apology from the girls whilst he stares at them without a trace of shame.

Bullying, pathetic little kwai. Tarmac the #$%^

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Well, the guy probably misses the good old days when he and 4 or 5 of his buddies would go beat the crap out of some poor guy to prove to themselves that they real men. Now he hits girls to fill that void.

Yea this sounds like lanning and his mate greenshit

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"Be aware! In the USA they use "security guards" to beat up the kids !" If you watch the video, you may note that deputy is no longer at the school. Your statement implies this is acceptable, which it isn't.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" Maybe parents should take direction from Bible, which tells parents to stone to death disobedient children?

Even if 100% of English teachers wanted corporal punishment it wouldn't be right.

I was teaching middle school severely emotionally disturbed students when I got pencil jammed in hand. They couldn't be in regular classrooms: far too disruptive. We did fairly well with these kids using Adlerian psychology and democratic classroom techniques. They had sense of ownership in classroom, helped set rules and consequences.

When I taught high school emotionally disturbed, the students were often bigger, stronger, and gang bangers. Like to see some of the violence advocates try their brand of discipline on those guys. If lucky, would wind up in hospital. You respect them, they will respect you (usually...).

A slightly on the ball teacher would want to find out why the homework wasn't done: didn't understand assignment, family obligations, who knows? But that would involve listening to students, and most communication in Thai schools seems one way. Also increase positive reinforcement for those who do the homework.

Question on my master's exam related to punishment. Essence is punishment teaches avoiding punishment, not the hoped for goal. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar....

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

White men never have this flaw. Hypocrite. All white men ever do is get drunk and racially abuse minorities.

White people is a minority in the world.

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The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.

assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

verb [ with obj. ]

make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

• carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

• bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

• a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

• a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

Striking children in any form (as teflkrabi advocated in an earlier post, he called it a clip around the ear as I recall) is assault.

I disagree with the term, but lets say I'll try to understandsmile.png

OK sometimes it could be an assaultwai.gif

Many times not! For everything is in the intention, could be done calmly with no anger at all, as a last resort with the intention to help, instead of sit back and giving up like many adults nowadays!

If done in "retaliation" of course it is probably wrong.

I have 2 sons never did I give the smallest slap, never, but the temptation was high sometimes with a few of their friends, for them being rude for instance.

Question isn't about YOU disciplining your own child, it's about a thrid party doing it. If you really think it's ok to slap other peoples children (i don't think it's a good idea even doing it to your own) then you also think that anyone can walk up to a child anywhere and slap it because it wasn't behaving "correctly" and you would be fine with that.

Or maybe you meant just teachers... news flash... teachers aren't in the school to discipline children, it's the parents job.

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

farang no understand. thai man him work hard vely vely. him small salaly. him must give money to mia and mia noi and mae and police. him have pressure vely vely. him silliout. wink.png

(smiley added)

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

farang no understand. thai man him work hard vely vely. him small salaly. him must give money to mia and mia noi and mae and police. him have pressure vely vely. him silliout. wink.png

(smiley added)

Wow, you actually spelt farang correctly in your jibberish.

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

farang no understand. thai man him work hard vely vely. him small salaly. him must give money to mia and mia noi and mae and police. him have pressure vely vely. him silliout.

Wow, you actually spelt farang correctly in your jibberish.

yeah forgive me i'm still learning !!!

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

White men never have this flaw. Hypocrite. All white men ever do is get drunk and racially abuse minorities.

White people is a minority in the world.

Not by land mass.

many chinese are whiter than us farang.... just fyi

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lndeed many Chinese are much whiter than us Farangs.

On Koh Chang l met a half dozen very fair Chinese on a baht bus.

One young lady spoke perfect English & we were chatting on the way to the wharf.

l remarked just how fair, she & her friends were & she told me that they came from Xian & that inland Chinese are much whiter than their coastal countrymen.

l only relate what she told me.

They all worked together in a factory & the Management had sent them on holiday as a bonus.

l know that they were whiter than me!

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When I was in the 6th grade, we had a teacher who was a total monster bitch. One day I got out of my seat to throw away some papers. She went nuts! Grabbed my shirt and started shaking me violently enough to tear the shirt, then slapped me in the face twice. Hard. Later that night, when my father found out, he went ballistic. Him and my mom took me to school the next day. Mom quietly, and politely, asked the teacher if she had done it. Dumb ass smugly admitted it proudly. My mom cold cocked her and broke her jaw, sending her unconscious to the floor. Keep in mind, my mom was all of 5'3" and 100 pounds, while the teacher was nearly twice her size.

Anyway, the commotion caused the Principal to come running into the room, demanding to know what happened. My dad (6'1", 210, black belt and former boxer) snatched him up and slammed him against the wall and told him that if any teacher ever hit any kid again, not just me, their ass would end up in the hospital, with the Principal in the bed next to them. My class mates thought I had the "Coolest Dad in the World". lol

Not surprisingly, there was never another incident of a teacher hitting a student. Oh, and the one who hit me was fired, then arrested on child abuse charges, and given a 3 year sentence.

Wow. What did the principal ever do to deserve such treatment? I'd be ashamed of your father.

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Okay here goes you can flame me all you want.

my daughter went to Canadian schools and she used to come home adn tell me what she got away with, I would meet teachers adn ask why she was not doing well in class. They would tell me she either did not pay attention or did not do her homework.

Solution was that the teacher was mandated by me to institute a homework book where teachers could write what was happening anything in red meant she dealt with me. Teachers were also allowed totell her to sit down, shut up and get to work. Her marks went up in classes and she became a more thoughtful student.

Now move to Thai schools.

First a student can't fail.

Second most teachers are not well taught He is probably going by how he was taught that is how they all teach.

Third whether you like it or not CORPORAL PUNISHMENT is alive and well in ALL THAI SCHOOLS.

Fourth most Thai parents do not give a crap what their kids do.

As to hitting on the head Yep any of us that are baby boomers have all got a hit on the back of the head. Don't deny it I am sure if you did something not to bright your dad cuffed you on the back of the head.

Corporal punishment that is regulated is a good thing. What is regulated. Only certain teachers are allowed to do it and only in certain instances. just the threat of calling Arjan X to the classroom settles down students.

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