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Chinese RV arrivals in Phuket spur talks on total ban

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From what I've read, the Chinese have bought into a lot of local businesses. Like the Russians have....

I see no obvious visual sign of Chinese business buying in other than the charter bus company (like the Russians did). Might be larger companies are moving in without much fan fair. But I don't see any small scale businesses like shops open to cater for Chinese. That did happen with the Russians, many small shops opened to cater for Russians. It will be interesting to know more ...

What they seem to have done is buy up some smaller hotels and open some restaurants here that primarily cater to the Chinese crowd. There are several very large Chinese restaurants here in Pattaya that are kinda hidden away with large parking lots for the buses. Chinese signs on the outside.

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In Europe foreign traffic is the norm.....a sign of money coming into countries and flowing in a market.

It seems that Thailand - who profess to be keen supports of ASEAN (at some time in the future) have absolutely no idea of how to deal with foreign motor traffic. They are totally unprepared and their decision making is as ever based on un-researched assumptions rather than what is actually happening.


One of these backward thinking council members really need to visit a nearby country and do a bit of research into these RV vehicles. I suggest a trip to Australia where there many thousands of them moving around the country at any given time. Its an excellent way to see the countryside, parks would soon spring up.

However sleeping in an RV outside a caravan park in Australia is not legal. In some states quite severe penalties apply. I understand Europe is the same.

so Thailand should be getting prepared for this and some entrepreneur should be setting up facilities - it's not even as if only Chinese need this -Caryboy make both RUVs and caravans in thailand - they need to catch up with the times.


An overnight RV park is very profitable and not too expensive to build. Even if it has "hookups" (water, holding tank dump, electricity) it's not expensive to build compared to rents it can charge.

Where are the entrepreneurs in Thailand?



In many respects Thailand is a developing society and such "wealthy" activities are new ....so the thing holding Thailand’s entrepreneurs back is primarily ignorance and as yet a rather small market. A hallmark of Thai business is its reluctance to look outside the country to see how others do it....this attitude can be seen in many aspects of Thai life where they actually just get it wrong.

This, coupled with a basically racist approach to this form of tourism (in private vehicles of any kind) and the reliance on graft, nepotism and corruption will make it all the more difficult for Thailand to embrace this kind of tourism by foreigners using their own transport.

Let’s hope someone sees sense before the reactionary men in white uniforms start handing out the usual round of ill thought up dictums that make this lucrative form of tourism too difficult in Thailand.


I've looked into RVs here from time to time over the years. Just did a quick search and was impressed with what I found. Seems they are starting to become popular with Thais. This company lists 18 places you can park your RV. Do a search on RV camping Thailand....or something like that. Quite a few hits.




I have used camp sites (and checked out even more) throughout Thailand and many e.g. in National parks allow vehicle access to the pitches....I see no reason why an RV couldn't use these. This means that virtually every National Park is suitable for RVs.

  • 1 month later...

The Thai Land Transport Department has confirmed that all RVs from China and other third countries will be banned from entering Thailand.

All other Chinese vehicles will require advance permission to enter Thailand starting May 23rd.


I have used camp sites (and checked out even more) throughout Thailand and many e.g. in National parks allow vehicle access to the pitches....I see no reason why an RV couldn't use these. This means that virtually every National Park is suitable for RVs.

The head of the Thai Land Transport Department has stated quite clearly that Thailand does NOT have the facilities to cater to these types of vehicles, so they will be banned. I couldn't agree with him more. The last thing Thailand needs is a bunch of cheap ass Chinese tourists doing all their washing, throwing out their garbage etc. inside Thai national parks. As if national parks weren't already polluted enough by normal day tripping domestic tourists.

Once enough Thais own, or are interested in renting campervans and RVs for the purposes of travel, they could conceivably open up some RV parks. Most probably in highland areas as I can't imagine Thais would be very keen on sleeping in stuffy campervans with no air-con, while the outside temperature is 30 degrees at night and 90% humidity.


“Phuket does not have RV parks to accommodate these vehicles. We are afraid that by allowing ‘RV tourism’ on the island, we will have other issues to deal with, such as public health, cleanliness and public nuisance.”

V/Gov Prajiad noted the two possible solutions suggested at the meeting.

“We could ban all RVs from Phuket entirely, and seize all the RVs and arrest their drivers already on the island – without exception.

This is a bald faced attempt to ban these RV's, based on fear that hotel revenue will be diminished. It is childish, churlish, ignorant, fearful, misguided, and just plain stupid policy. So what if the Chinese want to drive through the country. All of the US and Europe is fine with this. What, is Thailand something so special, that worldwide laws do not apply here? As long as the RV's are careful with their rubbish, and waste, let them be. They are contributing to the economy on a myriad of levels. Forget about a few hotel rooms. It matters not. But, this administration is famous worldwide, for focusing energy and resources on things that matter not. Ignorant does not even begin to describe the entire lot of the authorities here. One does not even know where to start to describe them.

​And rather than being genuine, and truthful, about the true reasons for the proposed ban, they lie, and talk about public safety, and other relatively irrelevant issues. Men tell the truth. Boys, and freaks, and disingenuous politicians lie about everything.

"They are contributing to the economy on a myriad of levels."

We're talking Chinese here, the only ones profiting will be the 7/11's. The rest will only bear the brunt. No confiscation etc. necessary though, simply turn them around at the checkpoint.

They are buying food, they are eating in restaurants, they are purchasing alot of gas, they are having their vehicles repaired, buying gifts, souvenirs, and contributing on other levels. Not all Chinese are poor or cheap. If they can afford a motor home, they have cash! This is simply sour grapes within the hotel industry. Oh my God, we might lose 50 room nights per year! Heaven forbid such a thing. These are guys who look like men, but are really children trapped in a man's body, who are complaining, and listening. Some people just need to be ignored!

The most childish ones are those f****** communists in Beijing who don't allow Thai or other foreign registered vehicles in without a hefty security deposit, guide etc.

Tell that to them.

So glad that Chinese RVs will be banned from Thailand soon. They are filthy and throw their garbage everywhere, are rude, nobody really wants them here. They wanna come? Fly them in on an airplane like the rest of us then get them on a tour bus.

The only one who will be ignored is you, because the decision has already been made. If not already, by May 23rd all Chinese motorhomes will be banned from entering Thailand ALTOGETHER not merely Phuket. Or Bangkok for that matter, which has also been mentioned.

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