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The Christians held in Thailand after fleeing Pakistan


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Agreed with others here. Thailand is right to protect its borders, and is probably looking at the disaster area the EU has become through unchecked migration.

Funny how most asylums seekers in the EU seem to be fit young men. Why can't they take up arms against ISIS, one wonders?

Keep them out of Thailand.

Started laughing after disaster area, shaking my head in pity by the final sentence.

Nonsense from start to finish.

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Agreed with others here. Thailand is right to protect its borders, and is probably looking at the disaster area the EU has become through unchecked migration.

Funny how most asylums seekers in the EU seem to be fit young men. Why can't they take up arms against ISIS, one wonders?

Keep them out of Thailand.

Your post is so far from the subject that it is over the horizon!

The OP is not about fit young men who may or may not be members of ISIS.

It is about Christian families fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan under the protection of the UN, and the way in which they are treated by the Thai authorities.

Edited by JAG
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Agreed with others here. Thailand is right to protect its borders, and is probably looking at the disaster area the EU has become through unchecked migration.

Funny how most asylums seekers in the EU seem to be fit young men. Why can't they take up arms against ISIS, one wonders?

Keep them out of Thailand.

Started laughing after disaster area, shaking my head in pity by the final sentence.

Nonsense from start to finish.

his post qualifies for a free, one-way ticket to Syria. biggrin.png

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Agreed with others here. Thailand is right to protect its borders, and is probably looking at the disaster area the EU has become through unchecked migration.

Funny how most asylums seekers in the EU seem to be fit young men. Why can't they take up arms against ISIS, one wonders?

Keep them out of Thailand.

Your post is so far from the subject that it is over the horizon!

The OP is not about fit young men who may or may not be members of ISIS.

It is about Christian families fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan under the protection of the UN, and the way in which they are treated by the Thai authorities.

Christians or Muslims I don't blame Thailand for not wanting them. From the EU debacle it's clear that many migrants are not background checked anyway. They either throw away their ID or use forgeries - how do we know that this lot are Christian? They could just as easily be anybody from anywhere with dodgy papers just like the thousands invading Europe.

Thailand is right not to let itself be bullied by the holier than though UN technocrats.

Edited by dbrenn
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The principle observations and criticisms of Thailand (and the UNHCR) within the documentary are that Thailand is imprisoning UNHCR registered refugees, including whole families, and within the prison separating children from their parents, on top of which there is a shameful catalogue of other ill-treatment by the Thai authorities.

The Thai authorities meanwhile rightfully point out the failings of the UNHCR in clearing the backlog of asylum claims, but ignore the fact that they themselves have a part to play in the process.

The basis for the criticisms within this documentary is not a matter of personal opinion, my opinion, your opinion or the opinion of an official who arrests these people - it is that the treatment of these people is in direct contradiction with the international laws, directives and charters to which Thailand is a signatory.

This documentary is giving wider exposure to the abuses that myriad human rights groups, NGOs and individuals have catalogued and campaigned against but for which Thailand has repeatedly failed to act. Moreover this documentary provides exposure via the BBC which, unlike a local NGO or individual reporter or lawyer cannot be bullied, silenced or imprisoned by the Thai government - The exposure is international, if the Thai government resort to their usual response of cover up and blame the news bringer then they can only expect more international coverage of their failings under the obligations to international law, directives and charters that Thailand has signed up to.

It is a common enough question, why does Thailand seemingly get away with abuses and behaviours that had they happened anywhere else in the world would result in a significant news coverage and backlash from the international community?

In that context this documentary is ground breaking and a welcome light shone into the abuse of power and people in Thailand.

Nevertheless a number of the respondents to this thread have completely bypassed what the documentary and associated reports have said (perhaps never actually have seen or read either) in their rush to give the widest possible exposure to their own ignorance and bigotry.

A reminder perhaps of the fact that getting a visa doesn't say anything about the quality of the person holding the visa.

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The BBC is a vassal of the left wing part of the UK establishment. The same part of the UK establishment that would throw open the doors to all the migrants camped out in Calais. To say that the BBC is a non political observer of the Thai system is simply untrue. Its hysterical coverage of global warming is another example of its bias.

People who are granted long term visas have background checks, even here in Thailand, so your comment on visa holders having no character checks is an oversimplification as it doesn't apply to people allowed to stay here permanently.

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The BBC is a vassal of the left wing part of the UK establishment. The same part of the UK establishment that would throw open the doors to all the migrants camped out in Calais. To say that the BBC is a non political observer of the Thai system is simply untrue. Its hysterical coverage of global warming is another example of its bias.

People who are granted long term visas have background checks, even here in Thailand, so your comment on visa holders having no character checks is an oversimplification as it doesn't apply to people allowed to stay here permanently.

Left wing plots at the Beeb, migrants at Calais, global climate change a conspiracy [presumably left wing] what a mixed up bag that is - and non of it relating to the point of discussion within this thread.

And who said anything about 'character checks'?

I wonder, have you even seen the documentary?

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The BBC is a vassal of the left wing part of the UK establishment. The same part of the UK establishment that would throw open the doors to all the migrants camped out in Calais. To say that the BBC is a non political observer of the Thai system is simply untrue. Its hysterical coverage of global warming is another example of its bias.

People who are granted long term visas have background checks, even here in Thailand, so your comment on visa holders having no character checks is an oversimplification as it doesn't apply to people allowed to stay here permanently.

Left wing plots at the Beeb, migrants at Calais, global climate change a conspiracy [presumably left wing] what a mixed up bag that is - and non of it relating to the point of discussion within this thread.

And who said anything about 'character checks'?

I wonder, have you even seen the documentary?

Yep seen it and read the article. Harrowing stuff from the UK left wing propaganda machine otherwise known as the BBC. The whole world is flooded with unskilled migrants at the moment. It's awful but there are simply too many of them to deal with. Thailand is right in keeping the flood gates closed. Borders have existed since time immemorial and the sheer volume of migration threatens national identities elsewhere. Thailand is right to take a firm line, so as to deter a destabilising tsunami of human misery of the kind we are seeing in the EU.

Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west so don't hold your breath expecting things to change simply because the UN might issue one or another edict.

Edited by dbrenn
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Yep seen it and read the article. Harrowing stuff from the UK left wing propaganda machine otherwise known as the BBC. The whole world is flooded with unskilled migrants at the moment. It's awful but there are simply too many of them to deal with. Thailand is right in keeping the flood gates closed. Borders have existed since time immemorial and the sheer volume of migration threatens national identities elsewhere. Thailand is right to take a firm line, so as to deter a destabilising tsunami of human misery of the kind we are seeing in the EU.

Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west so don't hold your breath expecting things to change simply because the UN might issue one or another edict.

I think you need to do some research on how long borders (and the control of people crossing borders) have actually existed and the roots of 'national identities', in particular how old the national identities you refer to actually are.

There are some useful resources on these matters in your own language that you at least have a chance of understanding.

Once you've grasped those we'll come back to exactly what your understanding of what Thailand's position is on international relations with the west and where you got your ideas from.

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Yep seen it and read the article. Harrowing stuff from the UK left wing propaganda machine otherwise known as the BBC. The whole world is flooded with unskilled migrants at the moment. It's awful but there are simply too many of them to deal with. Thailand is right in keeping the flood gates closed. Borders have existed since time immemorial and the sheer volume of migration threatens national identities elsewhere. Thailand is right to take a firm line, so as to deter a destabilising tsunami of human misery of the kind we are seeing in the EU.

Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west so don't hold your breath expecting things to change simply because the UN might issue one or another edict.

I think you need to do some research on how long borders (and the control of people crossing borders) have actually existed and the roots of 'national identities', in particular how old the national identities you refer to actually are.

There are some useful resources on these matters in your own language that you at least have a chance of understanding.

Once you've grasped those we'll come back to exactly what your understanding of what Thailand's position is on international relations with the west and where you got your ideas from.

How very patronising your tone is when you are talking to people who don't share your woolly lefty views on the world. For your information, my native language is English, the same as yours if I have guessed correctly. When I said that borders have existed since time immemorial, I was referring to the concept of borders, not to the specific borders around Pakistan, many of which were put in place more recently by external powers as we all know. The concept of borders that I was referring to being a vital one, to prevent the kind of chaos that we are seeing in the EU, with its Soviet style social experimentation on insufficient border control. The fact that some more recent borders may have been misplaced is sad, and unfair, but why should Thailand bear the brunt of bad decisions that she did not herself make?

That Thailand didn't create those borders adds more weight to my point - why should Thailand be lectured by the UN when problems like this arise? Thais are charitable people generally, but they are not warm toward the idea of freeloaders coming over and draining the limited resources that are available here. The attitude is 'thanks, but we have enough kebab and peanut sellers here already'.

Again, this will appear heartless to lefties like your good self who take everything the politically correct lefties who infest the Beeb say as gospel, but I don't apologise for holding an opposing view on mass migration, a view that is shared by many, because of the threat that mass migration poses to national identities. When compared with some other nationalities, Pakistanis haven't integrate well into the western culture, so if Thailand gets stuck with them they are unlikely to integrate here either.

The only lasting solution is to influence change in their countries, so that they all stop killing each other, rather than letting them all move over here. Sad, yes. Unfair, yes. But so is life.

Noteworthy too is that none of these brow beating lefties who were banging on about allowing refugees to live in their houses have actually done so.

Edited by dbrenn
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Yep seen it and read the article. Harrowing stuff from the UK left wing propaganda machine otherwise known as the BBC. The whole world is flooded with unskilled migrants at the moment. It's awful but there are simply too many of them to deal with. Thailand is right in keeping the flood gates closed. Borders have existed since time immemorial and the sheer volume of migration threatens national identities elsewhere. Thailand is right to take a firm line, so as to deter a destabilising tsunami of human misery of the kind we are seeing in the EU.

Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west so don't hold your breath expecting things to change simply because the UN might issue one or another edict.

I think you need to do some research on how long borders (and the control of people crossing borders) have actually existed and the roots of 'national identities', in particular how old the national identities you refer to actually are.

There are some useful resources on these matters in your own language that you at least have a chance of understanding.

Once you've grasped those we'll come back to exactly what your understanding of what Thailand's position is on international relations with the west and where you got your ideas from.

How very patronising your tone is when you are talking to people who don't share your woolly lefty views on the world. For your information, my native language is English, the same as yours if I have guessed correctly. When I said that borders have existed since time immemorial, I was referring to the concept of borders, not to the specific borders around Pakistan, many of which were put in place more recently by external powers as we all know. The concept of borders that I was referring to being a vital one, to prevent the kind of chaos that we are seeing in the EU, with its Soviet style social experimentation on insufficient border control. The fact that some more recent borders may have been misplaced is sad, and unfair, but why should Thailand bear the brunt of bad decisions that she did not herself make?

That Thailand didn't create those borders adds more weight to my point - why should Thailand be lectured by the UN when problems like this arise? Thais are charitable people generally, but they are not warm toward the idea of freeloaders coming over and draining the limited resources that are available here. The attitude is 'thanks, but we have enough kebab and peanut sellers here already'.

Again, this will appear heartless to lefties like your good self who take everything the politically correct lefties who infest the Beeb say as gospel, but I don't apologise for holding an opposing view on mass migration, a view that is shared by many, because of the threat that mass migration poses to national identities. When compared with some other nationalities, Pakistanis haven't integrate well into the western culture, so if Thailand gets stuck with them they are unlikely to integrate here either.

The only lasting solution is to influence change in their countries, so that they all stop killing each other, rather than letting them all move over here. Sad, yes. Unfair, yes. But so is life.

Noteworthy too is that none of these brow beating lefties who were banging on about allowing refugees to live in their houses have actually done so.

Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

“The British government had become fearful of how its citizens would react to a wave of Jewish refugees from Germany, and had clamped down on immigration.”

Thomas Harding, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz

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How very patronising your tone is when you are talking to people who don't share your woolly lefty views on the world. For your information, my native language is English, the same as yours if I have guessed correctly. When I said that borders have existed since time immemorial, I was referring to the concept of borders, not to the specific borders around Pakistan, many of which were put in place more recently by external powers as we all know. The concept of borders that I was referring to being a vital one, to prevent the kind of chaos that we are seeing in the EU, with its Soviet style social experimentation on insufficient border control. The fact that some more recent borders may have been misplaced is sad, and unfair, but why should Thailand bear the brunt of bad decisions that she did not herself make?

That Thailand didn't create those borders adds more weight to my point - why should Thailand be lectured by the UN when problems like this arise? Thais are charitable people generally, but they are not warm toward the idea of freeloaders coming over and draining the limited resources that are available here. The attitude is 'thanks, but we have enough kebab and peanut sellers here already'.

Again, this will appear heartless to lefties like your good self who take everything the politically correct lefties who infest the Beeb say as gospel, but I don't apologise for holding an opposing view on mass migration, a view that is shared by many, because of the threat that mass migration poses to national identities. When compared with some other nationalities, Pakistanis haven't integrate well into the western culture, so if Thailand gets stuck with them they are unlikely to integrate here either.

The only lasting solution is to influence change in their countries, so that they all stop killing each other, rather than letting them all move over here. Sad, yes. Unfair, yes. But so is life.

Noteworthy too is that none of these brow beating lefties who were banging on about allowing refugees to live in their houses have actually done so.

Go read up on the history of mass movements of people across the Thai boarder.

And please you stated earlier "Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west" we've heard your unsubstantiated opinion on the matter, can you please provide us with some references to Thai government attitudes to the international relationships between Thailand and the west that support your 'personal opinion'?

Alternatively just admit that you are simply having a spot of fun spouting unsubstantiated nonsense.

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How very patronising your tone is when you are talking to people who don't share your woolly lefty views on the world. For your information, my native language is English, the same as yours if I have guessed correctly. When I said that borders have existed since time immemorial, I was referring to the concept of borders, not to the specific borders around Pakistan, many of which were put in place more recently by external powers as we all know. The concept of borders that I was referring to being a vital one, to prevent the kind of chaos that we are seeing in the EU, with its Soviet style social experimentation on insufficient border control. The fact that some more recent borders may have been misplaced is sad, and unfair, but why should Thailand bear the brunt of bad decisions that she did not herself make?

That Thailand didn't create those borders adds more weight to my point - why should Thailand be lectured by the UN when problems like this arise? Thais are charitable people generally, but they are not warm toward the idea of freeloaders coming over and draining the limited resources that are available here. The attitude is 'thanks, but we have enough kebab and peanut sellers here already'.

Again, this will appear heartless to lefties like your good self who take everything the politically correct lefties who infest the Beeb say as gospel, but I don't apologise for holding an opposing view on mass migration, a view that is shared by many, because of the threat that mass migration poses to national identities. When compared with some other nationalities, Pakistanis haven't integrate well into the western culture, so if Thailand gets stuck with them they are unlikely to integrate here either.

The only lasting solution is to influence change in their countries, so that they all stop killing each other, rather than letting them all move over here. Sad, yes. Unfair, yes. But so is life.

Noteworthy too is that none of these brow beating lefties who were banging on about allowing refugees to live in their houses have actually done so.

Go read up on the history of mass movements of people across the Thai boarder.

And please you stated earlier "Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west" we've heard your unsubstantiated opinion on the matter, can you please provide us with some references to Thai government attitudes to the international relationships between Thailand and the west that support your 'personal opinion'?

Alternatively just admit that you are simply having a spot of fun spouting unsubstantiated nonsense.

Here's a recent clip from the Beeb:


Tell me what you see. Do you see a heart rending story about hopeless droves of people seeking a better life? Or do you see a story about a country (Greece in this case) being invaded by hoards of unskilled people of unknown background, who, when refused entry to third counties (who invited them to migrate in the first place) will likely end up as an additional burden on the Greek taxpayer, competing for jobs that the locals themselves can't find? Funny how aunty Beeb never seems to present the latter case.

Lefties like your good self would see the former case, and sympathise with the BBC, but others are of the opinion that Thailand is right in nipping this problem in the bud.

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Yep seen it and read the article. Harrowing stuff from the UK left wing propaganda machine otherwise known as the BBC. The whole world is flooded with unskilled migrants at the moment. It's awful but there are simply too many of them to deal with. Thailand is right in keeping the flood gates closed. Borders have existed since time immemorial and the sheer volume of migration threatens national identities elsewhere. Thailand is right to take a firm line, so as to deter a destabilising tsunami of human misery of the kind we are seeing in the EU.

Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west so don't hold your breath expecting things to change simply because the UN might issue one or another edict.

I think you need to do some research on how long borders (and the control of people crossing borders) have actually existed and the roots of 'national identities', in particular how old the national identities you refer to actually are.

There are some useful resources on these matters in your own language that you at least have a chance of understanding.

Once you've grasped those we'll come back to exactly what your understanding of what Thailand's position is on international relations with the west and where you got your ideas from.

How very patronising your tone is when you are talking to people who don't share your woolly lefty views on the world. For your information, my native language is English, the same as yours if I have guessed correctly. When I said that borders have existed since time immemorial, I was referring to the concept of borders, not to the specific borders around Pakistan, many of which were put in place more recently by external powers as we all know. The concept of borders that I was referring to being a vital one, to prevent the kind of chaos that we are seeing in the EU, with its Soviet style social experimentation on insufficient border control. The fact that some more recent borders may have been misplaced is sad, and unfair, but why should Thailand bear the brunt of bad decisions that she did not herself make?

That Thailand didn't create those borders adds more weight to my point - why should Thailand be lectured by the UN when problems like this arise? Thais are charitable people generally, but they are not warm toward the idea of freeloaders coming over and draining the limited resources that are available here. The attitude is 'thanks, but we have enough kebab and peanut sellers here already'.

Again, this will appear heartless to lefties like your good self who take everything the politically correct lefties who infest the Beeb say as gospel, but I don't apologise for holding an opposing view on mass migration, a view that is shared by many, because of the threat that mass migration poses to national identities. When compared with some other nationalities, Pakistanis haven't integrate well into the western culture, so if Thailand gets stuck with them they are unlikely to integrate here either.

The only lasting solution is to influence change in their countries, so that they all stop killing each other, rather than letting them all move over here. Sad, yes. Unfair, yes. But so is life.

Noteworthy too is that none of these brow beating lefties who were banging on about allowing refugees to live in their houses have actually done so.

Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

“The British government had become fearful of how its citizens would react to a wave of Jewish refugees from Germany, and had clamped down on immigration.”

Thomas Harding, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz

Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

How very politically correct of you to say so, Mr. Blue Spunk. The difference here is that the Jews integrated and have contributed a great deal to the good of our society, making no attempt to change our culture or disparage the way that we choose to live. I don't think that Thailand is confident that Pakistani migrants would do likewise.

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How very patronising your tone is when you are talking to people who don't share your woolly lefty views on the world. For your information, my native language is English, the same as yours if I have guessed correctly. When I said that borders have existed since time immemorial, I was referring to the concept of borders, not to the specific borders around Pakistan, many of which were put in place more recently by external powers as we all know. The concept of borders that I was referring to being a vital one, to prevent the kind of chaos that we are seeing in the EU, with its Soviet style social experimentation on insufficient border control. The fact that some more recent borders may have been misplaced is sad, and unfair, but why should Thailand bear the brunt of bad decisions that she did not herself make?

That Thailand didn't create those borders adds more weight to my point - why should Thailand be lectured by the UN when problems like this arise? Thais are charitable people generally, but they are not warm toward the idea of freeloaders coming over and draining the limited resources that are available here. The attitude is 'thanks, but we have enough kebab and peanut sellers here already'.

Again, this will appear heartless to lefties like your good self who take everything the politically correct lefties who infest the Beeb say as gospel, but I don't apologise for holding an opposing view on mass migration, a view that is shared by many, because of the threat that mass migration poses to national identities. When compared with some other nationalities, Pakistanis haven't integrate well into the western culture, so if Thailand gets stuck with them they are unlikely to integrate here either.

The only lasting solution is to influence change in their countries, so that they all stop killing each other, rather than letting them all move over here. Sad, yes. Unfair, yes. But so is life.

Noteworthy too is that none of these brow beating lefties who were banging on about allowing refugees to live in their houses have actually done so.

Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

The British government had become fearful of how its citizens would react to a wave of Jewish refugees from Germany, and had clamped down on immigration.

Thomas Harding, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz

Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

How very politically correct of you to say so, Mr. Bluespunk. The difference here is that the Jews integrated and have contributed a great deal to the good of our society, making no attempt to change our culture or disparage the way that we choose to live. I don't think that Thailand is confident that Pakistani migrants would do likewise.

The lack of any compassion for refugees fleeing persecution you puke up in everyone of your posts is nauseating, it is contemptible intolerant individuals like you that are responsible for much of the hatred and lack of understanding we find in society.

It is astonishing that anyone can post so much yet display absolutely no intelligence or compassion for those fleeing persecution, however such is your ignorance and hate that you pull it off.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

How very politically correct of you to say so, Mr. Bluespunk. The difference here is that the Jews integrated and have contributed a great deal to the good of our society, making no attempt to change our culture or disparage the way that we choose to live. I don't think that Thailand is confident that Pakistani migrants would do likewise.

The lack of any compassion for refugees fleeing persecution you puke up in everyone of your posts is nauseating, it is contemptible intolerant individuals like you that are responsible for much of the hatred and lack of understanding we find in society.

It is astonishing that anyone can post so much yet display absolutely no intelligence or compassion for those fleeing persecution, however such is your ignorance and hate that you pull it off.

Aside from politically correct moralising and sundry insults, of the kind made popular by the loony left Twitterati brigades, there appears to be no content in your reply Mr. Blue Spunk.

Spare a thought for countries that have been invaded by unskilled migrants, most of whom seem to be fit young men, Mr. Blue Spunk. Countries like Greece, where poverty is rife, social services are overloaded, and youth unemployment is sky high. Thailand, rightly, doesn't want to make the same mistake, and is right not to listen to the UN technocrats banging on about what it should and shouldn't do.

It's easy to moralise when it's not in your back yard. Have you invited any of these migrants to live in your house? I thought not.

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Your attitude is about 80 years out of sync with how we should act.

How very politically correct of you to say so, Mr. Bluespunk. The difference here is that the Jews integrated and have contributed a great deal to the good of our society, making no attempt to change our culture or disparage the way that we choose to live. I don't think that Thailand is confident that Pakistani migrants would do likewise.

The lack of any compassion for refugees fleeing persecution you puke up in everyone of your posts is nauseating, it is contemptible intolerant individuals like you that are responsible for much of the hatred and lack of understanding we find in society.

It is astonishing that anyone can post so much yet display absolutely no intelligence or compassion for those fleeing persecution, however such is your ignorance and hate that you pull it off.

Aside from politically correct moralising and sundry insults, of the kind made popular by the loony left Twitterati brigades, there appears to be no content in your reply Mr. Blue Spunk.

Spare a thought for countries that have been invaded by unskilled migrants, most of whom seem to be fit young men, Mr. Blue Spunk. Countries like Greece, where poverty is rife, social services are overloaded, and youth unemployment is sky high. Thailand, rightly, doesn't want to make the same mistake, and is right not to listen to the UN technocrats banging on about what it should and shouldn't do.

It's easy to moralise when it's not in your back yard. Have you invited any of these migrants to live in your house? I thought not.

Same old BS from you. Hate and bigotry is all you have.


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dbrenn, do feel any sense of irony as you, a migrant, rant about other migrants coming to a country you yourself migrated to?


Still waiting for you to tell us your source for the assertion you have made tegarding Thailand's position on its relationship with western nations ?

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I thought Pakistani Christians have been routinely taken by US and EU as asylum seekers of minorities and settle in US.

India is taking Hindu minorities from Pakistan for the same reason. Most of the time they to India for false reasons and they never return to Pakistan.

If religious harmony is failing in countries, world is getting dived for sure.

Obama is president of the USA. Do you not keep up on current events?

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dbrenn, do feel any sense of irony as you, a migrant, rant about other migrants coming to a country you yourself migrated to?


Still waiting for you to tell us your source for the assertion you have made tegarding Thailand's position on its relationship with western nations ?

No sense of irony at all my good man.

You see, I've always made a contribution to the two countries that I've set up home in. In both cases, I went through an extensive screening process. In both cases, I was allowed to stay because I could work in a skilled occupation, pay tax, pass medicals and criminal record checks, bring skills and experience that benefit the local economy, take care of myself financially without recourse to the public purse, obey the law, respect the local customs and integrate into the local way of doing things without complaint.

I don't think that Pakistanis knocking on Thailand's door have any kind of credentials. They would just be a burden, in the same way that the million or more migrants who have invaded Germany are a burden. They have no useful skills, are a drain on limited resources, and are becoming known for their disgraceful behaviour, assaulting women and all. Most of the migrants seem to be fit young men - arm them and help them fight their oppressors at home, I say. They would doubtless feel better taking on their enemies than living with us, unemployed, in our decadent and alien culture, that's for sure. Lefties will never see this, inviting them all in. If there is any irony here it is the irony of lefty politicians living in affluent parts of cities like London, rather in the midst of all the unskilled immigrants that they keep inviting in. Hypocrites, the lot of them.

Thailand is right in nipping this in the bud and ignoring the pontifications of the UN.

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"It comes from history. It comes from the record of the Inquisition, persecuting heretics and torturing Jews and all that sort of stuff; and it comes from the other side, too, from the Protestants burning the Catholics. It comes from the insensate pursuit of innocent and crazy old women, and from the Puritans in America burning and hanging the witches and it comes not only from the Christian church but also from the Taliban. Every single religion that has a monotheistic god ends up by persecuting other people and killing them because they don't accept him. Wherever you look in history, you find that. Its still going on."

Philip Pullman

Yes and even in the USA it appears that many Christians are being persecuted, forced to make wedding cakes for same sex couples and sign marriage licences, it really is appalling.

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“No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them”

Elie Wiesel

“Judgement is often no more than a confession of ignorance.”

Bill Clegg

First insults, now quoting others. And your point is what?

Political correctness is the hallmark of the loony left, Mr. Blue Spunk, intended to prevent those who disagree from speaking their minds. It is manifested here in your labelling as racist, hateful or bigoted anyone who wishes to debate the negative aspects of mass immigration, and the right of sovereign states to reject it, rather than gawp at the latest BBC lefty propaganda, demanding that we all throw open our doors to a bunch of unskilled strangers.

Next up, you'll ramp up your politically correct credentials by demanding that posts be labelled with trigger warnings, so as to prevent the possibility of offence to minority groups. Then, you'll demand the creation of safe spaces within forums where no controversial commentary is allowed. You'll then go on to police the forum by taking offence on behalf of others, hurling insults and labels that end with suffixes like -ism -ile - phobe, -yst at any dissenting voice.

Have you invited any migrants to live with you yet? Go on, practice what you preach and get back to me on how it feels.

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“No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them”

Elie Wiesel

“Judgement is often no more than a confession of ignorance.”

Bill Clegg

First insults, now quoting others. And your point is what?

Political correctness is the hallmark of the loony left, Mr. Blue Spunk, intended to prevent those who disagree from speaking their minds. It is manifested here in your labelling as racist, hateful or bigoted anyone who wishes to debate the negative aspects of mass immigration, and the right of sovereign states to reject it, rather than gawp at the latest BBC lefty propaganda, demanding that we all throw open our doors to a bunch of unskilled strangers.

Next up, you'll ramp up your politically correct credentials by demanding that posts be labelled with trigger warnings, so as to prevent the possibility of offence to minority groups. Then, you'll demand the creation of safe spaces within forums where no controversial commentary is allowed. You'll then go on to police the forum by taking offence on behalf of others, hurling insults and labels that end with suffixes like -ism -ile - phobe, -yst at any dissenting voice.

Have you invited any migrants to live with you yet? Go on, practice what you preach and get back to me on how it feels.


These people are clearly fleeing persecution and their lives are in danger in their native country. You show no compassion or understanding for their plight.

Why is that I ask myself?

The conclusions I come to are reinforced by your ranting posts.

The pathetic name calling you resort to when challenged.

Right wing zealot, no doubt you also have some very unpleasant views on issues of nationality/faith/race as well.

Edited by Bluespunk
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@dbreen: You are making off topic and irrelevant comparison to the asylum seeker situation in Greece and elsewhere in the EU. The Thai government does not provide shelter or support for Pakistani Christians asylum seekers. The cost to Thailand is detention & policing effort, activity which is contrary to international protocols.

All registered asylum seekers are issued with a UN document, which certifies them as an "internationally recognised UN person of concern". This means they should not be arrested or detained for seeking asylum while the UN investigates their case.


Blame is laid against UNHCR for the slow process of registering and resettlement of the Pakistanis; at the same time anyone with minimal knowledge of these matters will know UNHCR is totally dependent on finance, resourcing and resettlement programs by governments, NGOs and so on. However, as already previously mentioned more than 7,000 Pakistanis in Thailand were resettled in third party countries in 2014. From the UNHCR website there are currently an estimated 12,200 Pakistanis refugees / asylum seekers in Thailand seeking resettlement in third party countries, via UNHCR, in Thailand.


As you constantly post off topic comments and seem to be empathetic to the Thai government you may wish to provide your thoughts why after decades the government has still not provided citizenship for more that 400k Thai Hill Tribe people, thereby keeping them stateless in contravention to the very basics of Human Rights.

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dbrenn, I'm still waiting for you to tell us your source for the assertion you have made tegarding Thailand's position on its relationship with western nations ?

You seem either to have an inside line on Thai opinion or at liberty to speak for Thailand.

Thailand is fed up with being preached to by the west

You said it, can you back it up?

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