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Local ISIL chief captured in Libyan city of Sabratha


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Local ISIL chief captured in Libyan city of Sabratha


SABRATHA: -- A local ISIL (Islamic State) chief has been captured in the Libyan city of Sabratha according the Tripoli-based government which is not internationally recognised. He was captured along with two of his aides seventy kilometers west of the capital.

Libyan forces battled to clear ISIL fighters from the western city of Sabratha on Thursday (February 25), in fighting that killed at least three Libyans and one of the fighters, officials said.

ISIL has gained ground rapidly in Libya in the last year, controlling the city of Sirte and attacking oil ports, as it takes advantage of the conflict between the country’s two rival governments and their armed factions.

US warplanes hit ISIL in Sabratha last week, a sign of growing Western engagement against the group in Libya as it expands beyond its original territory in Iraq and Syria.

Fighting began in Sabratha on Tuesday, when fighters stormed into the city, beheading 11 local security men before retreating after clashes with local Sabratha brigades. ISIL is also fighting in Benghazi to the east.

“A military operation has been started to wipe out the militants of Islamic State in Sabratha,” Sabratha municipal council major Hussein al-Thwadi told Reuters. “At least three of our fighters have been killed and ten wounded.”

A militant commander was captured on Thursday, Thwadi said. A would-be ISIL suicide bomber was also killed, before he could set off his explosives.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-26

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didn't take long for the do gooder to pop up. if you read it, this mob just drove into town beheaded 11 guys and drove out again, that ok with you then, ?

That's a false choice and you know it...hopefully.

And, it's "do-gooder." Nothing wrong with doing good.

You do know that you have a slippery slope problem, right? Should we change our own criminal justice system?

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

They may not surrender but they'll know we are not trucking around either.

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

They may not surrender but they'll know we are not trucking around either.

I know that they may not be the sharpest characters, but surely they can be in no doubt about the seriousness of the West in defeating them?

Pull no punches on the battlefield, but stooping to their level when the man is defeated can only be counterproductive.
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I think that the isis types probably had unhappy childhoods and should be counselled.

For sure the Brits who have joined, in legions, and who are being supported by a huge network of sympathisers within the UK had only cradle to grave welfare available, free public schooling, lots even went to University , sad lonely lives with an inevitability of succumbing to extremism.

We should realise that their grievances are real to them and definitely make allowances for the occasional beheading, after all they did suffer years of freedom of speech and expression in the UK and who knows the effect that has on a Muslim.

Feel for them please as they are heading your way with plans for your future you may not fully embrace, but give them a chance, eh?

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Whenever there's a suicide bombing, here's what should happen with the pieces of flesh found - which belong to the terrorist:

Take the flesh and bones, sew 'em inside of a gutted pig carcass. Throw in a few used tampons for seasoning. Film the process and put it on Youtube.

Perhaps that will give the next generation of bombers pause, when thinking of volunteering to kill innocents.

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Few people can ever see their own child grow. But when grandparents come it is amazing how much they see even the little changes. And so with the spread of DAESH we now read bylines and OPs about "Local ISIL..." and its matter of fact, its just one more day in the jihad. Its just... news. The incremental numbing and the inevitability of this jihadi rise to power is now accepted, at least tacitly.

Was a person to wake up after a 10 years sleep and read such headlines they would wonder how we were numbed by our leaders; how this outrage to humanity was given berth to breath and fester. We would wonder by what tricks and deceits we made a tacit accommodation with evil. Not calling a thing for what it is, in and of itself, disables the mind from appreciating a threat, let alone a nation out-maneuvering it. This is not the work of the jihadis, this is the work of Western Governments accommodating islamic jihad.

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Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

They may not surrender but they'll know we are not trucking around either.

I see several references uses of "we" in this thread.

Are there really multiple posters on Thaivisa who are part of the non-internally recognized government in Tripoli?

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They may not surrender but they'll know we are not trucking around either.

I see several references uses of "we" in this thread.

Are there really multiple posters on Thaivisa who are part of the non-internally recognized government in Tripoli?

Are we splitting hairs now?

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They may not surrender but they'll know we are not trucking around either.

I see several references uses of "we" in this thread.

Are there really multiple posters on Thaivisa who are part of the non-internally recognized government in Tripoli?

Are we splitting hairs now?

No. not at all.

I think it's funny that people people are saying "we" should do this and that and "we" will convey whatever message when it's doubtful that any posters are part of the Tripoli-based government.

But if you view the Tripoli government as your mouthpiece for grand messages, then that's fair enough but also funny.

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Wish the media would stop giving credence to these ISIL terrorist criminals by acknowledging their existence as a State. They have no legitimate territory or political representative. Just a criminal hate-mongering mafia organization bent on terrorizing peaceful nations and citizens of the world.

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

They don't need to be shown who is civilized. They need to be stopped.

They are on a killing and raping rampage. They are bloodthirsty zealots. Singing Kumbaya and offering them a hug isn't going to stop them

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

The objective would be to have them no longer breathing.

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

The objective would be to have them no longer breathing.

That will come to pass - it always does. It can be attained, however, without behaving like a bloodthirsty zealot.
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Wish the media would stop giving credence to these ISIL terrorist criminals by acknowledging their existence as a State. They have no legitimate territory or political representative. Just a criminal hate-mongering mafia organization bent on terrorizing peaceful nations and citizens of the world.

Using "ISIL" gives legitimacy to a region; a region that includes Israel, the Sham, etc. Calling DAESH by the term ISIL is infinitely more accommodating to caliphate legitimacy than calling them IS or Islamic State.

Islamic jihad/DAESH does effectively exist as a State. In many ways they operate at least as efficiently as many failed states, many pariah states, but state actors nevertheless. Declaring them a non state actor does not dissolve this reality. Calling them criminals as Obama & Company now do actually ensures [their] legitimacy and staying power. Of course [they] are not criminals. There is not a penal code ever written to accommodate civilization warfare and apocalyptic warfare. Of course this is a military threat. Existential threats are hardly judicial subjects. Its all eyewash to keep looking here, not there, there, not here. Yes, collusion.

Now we are no longer told "their not islamic" and there is no "islamic jihad" but that [they] are not State actors, but are "criminals," a "crime-ring." The dissembling has actually reached a fever pitch, with the self evident truth resounding loudly for most of us- DAESH is but one more symptom of a global jihad bent on destroying civilization and erecting an islamic global caliphate; it is not inherently meaningful in and of itself. All efforts to minimize, distract, or avert our attention to this point should be equally treated as warfare. As equal as islamic jihad's efforts have been on the battlefield have the efforts to run interference been in the diplomatic space.

The reasoning/school of thought that brought us sykes picot can hardly be considered a valid resource for what now defines a State. Being a state or not does not matter in this instance. Being a criminal or not does not matter in this instance. What matters is over the long term the premise of the caliphate itself is left unassailed, not scrutinized, made legitimate by the steady passing of time as the details of "jihadist, criminal, crime-ring, State, not state," etc, are worked out as distraction.

Call them criminals, call them terrorists, call them non state actors... anything, but do not wrestle with the underlying premise- the caliphate. When the dust settles, DAESH in its current incarnation is destroyed, and the lines in the region redrawn, it will be to this thing called a caliphate that they (and the West) turn to set up a new order. It will be presented as the obvious choice, the viable alternative, the only real solution of course, and it will then be cloaked as a peace maker alternative. Caliphate for Peace. It ll be something pretty much like this sales pitch.

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Behead him, film it and upload to ISIS website.

Yeah, that's showing them who the true civilized people are.

They don't need to be shown who is civilized. They need to be stopped.

They are on a killing and raping rampage. They are bloodthirsty zealots. Singing Kumbaya and offering them a hug isn't going to stop them

Are you actually advocating beheading someone and also filming it? I hope not. If you really think about it, that's pretty sick. I am sure you are a much better person than that, but just understandably very angry with those people. It's important to remember who one is.

It's possible to deal harshly and effectively with members of ISIS, or whomever, without resorting to sadistic measures.

Edited by helpisgood
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I really don't understand this argument about sending a message to Daesh. Does everyone understand who captured this Daesh leader?

The Tripoli government is the New General National Congress, which is the Muslim Brotherhood-aligned non-recognized group that took control of Tripoli after losing the 2014 elections.

Their actions are and will be geared towards their political goal of being recognized or, at least, solidifying their representation within the recent UN-sponsored unification agreement.

None of this has to do with "sending a message" to Daesh. They are enemies of Daesh but this is a secondary concern for them.

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Who cares whether they think we are civilized or not?

The sooner that sappy elements in the West realise that you don't deal with ISIS by inviting them to encounter groups, the better.

These are brutal and mediaeval people with no intention of negotiating with anybody and the only way to deal with them is with extreme prejudice. Force is all they understand.

And the objective would be what, exactly? Do you expect that the rest of IS would subsequently throw down their weapons and surrender? All those who are contemplating joing them, would they be scared off?

" All those who are contemplating joing (sic) them, would they be scared off?"

Exactly that has allegedly happened in the recent past.


War on Isis: SAS sniper takes Daesh commander's head off while giving beheading lessons
By William Watkinson
February 14, 2016 20:48 GMT 4,089
A British SAS sniper took an Islamic State (Isis) commander's head clean off as he taught jihadi recruits how to behead captives, according to reports. The marksman fired from over a kilometre away (1,000 metres) to land the shot.
The IS (Daesh) fighter was reported to be in the middle of a drill teaching new soldiers how to execute captives, according to the Daily Express. Some 20 new terror recruits were watching as the fatal bullet struck.
The article goes on to claim the 20 recruits in the class decided to retire from the terrorist business.
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