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Happy & content in Thailand


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Glad to see a positive post for a change.

Sitting in my study, in a house designed and built to my own specification, surrounded by rice fields and trees, what is there not to be content with.

Compared with back in my original country this truly is paradise

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I lived in Pattaya for a good few years,and yes you are quite right.There are some miserable,depressive bar fly's and yes,most of them are on the older side. I used to hear it every day and every night.Unfortunately i couldn't not listen to them,they were customer's.But i have to say that there are some pretty miserable younger ones here also.One in particular was only in his early 40's left home when his parents died,came here with a mate,who has long since gone back.He's not old enough to draw his state pension yet,and the insurance money is fast running out.He rents a room there,he has a drink and then get's very maudlin about his situation.he out every night getting falling down drunk,aggressive,loud, and generally objectionable.It's a case of,here too young,nowhere to go home to and no one who wants to befriend him.i pity him.But,on the other hand,there are some older ex pat's here,generally in their 60's who can be great fun to be with and listen to.Their experiences of Thailand in the former years can make good stories.And yes! these are the guys who sit on a bar stool and discuss the world and it's problems,but they have great senses of humour and are good to listen to.They always pay their bills and are no problem to anybody.

So there are some good, old ex pats who still enjoy life here and prove that Thailand is not just for the young.

I have moved now,to the North.To my wife's village.We get into town every week,where we play pool and have a few beer's.the Felang bars are friendly and the girls are welcoming.The age of the guys in the bars is 50 up,and regular customers.Ive never seen it kick off,and as yet Ive not met a miserable drunk.

It doesn't follow that the longer you live here the more miserable or alcoholic you get.

And sometimes it pays to listen to an older ex pat,they know ways and means that some of us have yet to learn.


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First came to Thailand from the UK in the late '60s. Made many subsequent visits, some on business some private. Worked here in the '80s, during which time I met the Thai lady who has been my wife since 1990. Retired here in 1993. In my old age now, and having lived and worked in many different countries, I still reckon Thailand is as good a place to be as any of those I have experienced. Of course it has changed enormously over the years, not for the better in many ways, but that applies to just about everywhere.

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I'll never understand why the totally negative people who live here and constantly complain choose to stay here. Why are they so stupid to live somewhere they hate? It's a simple thing. If it is so bad why don't you just leave. Those people obviously would not be happy regardless where they go.

you philosophy is a little feeble minded.

they tend to get stuck here due to low funds/income, not making it in the home country for some reason (wealthy people tend to stay in their home country or better and dont need to "downsize", or they come for vices that are not regulated as much such as frequent "being a drunk" lifestyle or prostitution.

"just say no", "just move" does not apply to the real world. many people say that they are happy here even while living box room retirement, but you really have to look at their lives turned out to determine if their happy. their not going to admit failure no matter what, thats for sure!

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Been here 30 years as of last month. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Not all the old guys in the bars are negative and most are like me. They go to speak Engllsh (if they can) and chat up the birds. I lost my Thai wife of 23 years last year but I am finally able to move on. Have a lovely 39-year old moving in with me this afternoon so life is good. That sure as hell wouldn't be possible back in the USA considering I am 77 now. My wife's sisters have been terrific in looking after me but they will be thrilled that I now have a companion. I'm off to buy a case of champagne to celebrate - of course must wait until 11:00. My companion may prefer Jack and Coke but fortunately I have a 3-liter bottle I.ve been saving. Bottoms up!

76 with a 23 year old? does not look too kosher here either, unless its your grand daughter your talking about!

Edited by fey
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Been here 30 years as of last month. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Not all the old guys in the bars are negative and most are like me. They go to speak Engllsh (if they can) and chat up the birds. I lost my Thai wife of 23 years last year but I am finally able to move on. Have a lovely 39-year old moving in with me this afternoon so life is good. That sure as hell wouldn't be possible back in the USA considering I am 77 now. My wife's sisters have been terrific in looking after me but they will be thrilled that I now have a companion. I'm off to buy a case of champagne to celebrate - of course must wait until 11:00. My companion may prefer Jack and Coke but fortunately I have a 3-liter bottle I.ve been saving. Bottoms up!

76 with a 23 year old? does not look too kosher here either, unless its your grand daughter your talking about!

I normally don't criticise people's spelling or grammar but I am afraid that I do have to criticise your reading comprehension. The gentleman was married for 23 years.

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Been here 30 years as of last month. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Not all the old guys in the bars are negative and most are like me. They go to speak Engllsh (if they can) and chat up the birds. I lost my Thai wife of 23 years last year but I am finally able to move on. Have a lovely 39-year old moving in with me this afternoon so life is good. That sure as hell wouldn't be possible back in the USA considering I am 77 now. My wife's sisters have been terrific in looking after me but they will be thrilled that I now have a companion. I'm off to buy a case of champagne to celebrate - of course must wait until 11:00. My companion may prefer Jack and Coke but fortunately I have a 3-liter bottle I.ve been saving. Bottoms up!

76 with a 23 year old? does not look too kosher here either, unless its your grand daughter your talking about!

I read 76 with 39.....

1/2 + 7 = 46 - but not too much difference between 39 & 46 here....

Unless you're monitoring bar girls/women.....Mileage may vary....

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Been here 30 years as of last month. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Not all the old guys in the bars are negative and most are like me. They go to speak Engllsh (if they can) and chat up the birds. I lost my Thai wife of 23 years last year but I am finally able to move on. Have a lovely 39-year old moving in with me this afternoon so life is good. That sure as hell wouldn't be possible back in the USA considering I am 77 now. My wife's sisters have been terrific in looking after me but they will be thrilled that I now have a companion. I'm off to buy a case of champagne to celebrate - of course must wait until 11:00. My companion may prefer Jack and Coke but fortunately I have a 3-liter bottle I.ve been saving. Bottoms up!

76 with a 23 year old? does not look too kosher here either, unless its your grand daughter your talking about!

Perhaps English is not your first language? "Wife of 23 years" means they were married for 23 years. "Lost" means she died. Perhaps you should apologize for your tasteless remark?

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I'll never understand why the totally negative people who live here and constantly complain choose to stay here. Why are they so stupid to live somewhere they hate? It's a simple thing. If it is so bad why don't you just leave. Those people obviously would not be happy regardless where they go.

you philosophy is a little feeble minded.

they tend to get stuck here due to low funds/income, not making it in the home country for some reason (wealthy people tend to stay in their home country or better and dont need to "downsize", or they come for vices that are not regulated as much such as frequent "being a drunk" lifestyle or prostitution.

"just say no", "just move" does not apply to the real world. many people say that they are happy here even while living box room retirement, but you really have to look at their lives turned out to determine if their happy. their not going to admit failure no matter what, thats for sure!

What's feeble minded? You suggest people who made bad choices and now take bitter revenge by trashing the county they live in?

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

....Shhh... Don't even think to complain here, otherwise the " happiness brigade " will jump on you :P

Personally, i am very positive about negativity; being too happy is not that great, as things can only get worse.

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

....Shhh... Don't even think to complain here, otherwise the " happiness brigade " will jump on you :P

Personally, i am very positive about negativity; being too happy is not that great, as things can only get worse.

If you want to be negative, you have the rest of the forum to do so in.

This is a happy thread. If you can't bear to see people being happy without pouring some gloom over it, I feel sorry for you.

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

....Shhh... Don't even think to complain here, otherwise the " happiness brigade " will jump on you tongue.png

Personally, i am very positive about negativity; being too happy is not that great, as things can only get worse.

If you want to be negative, you have the rest of the forum to do so in.

This is a happy thread. If you can't bear to see people being happy without pouring some gloom over it, I feel sorry for you.

Your humour detector must be off, lighten up a bit ...

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Happy.....really.....for you Luke.

My thoughts also go to the thousands who have a dreadful time and face horrendous uphill battles with the local cops and courts...and corruption.

Only for the lack of proper law and respect for decent..(as against the rubbish foreigners) this would be among the world's best

Edited by harleyclarkey
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I retired and moved to Chiang Mai one year ago. I had plans to travel Thailand and SE Asia and I did a bit. But more and more I find myself content to stay in my home and enjoy the small circle of Thai friends I've made. I guess I'm happy!

I don't know any expats and don't want to. The few I met weren't particularly pleasant, so I avoid them. I know there are many nice expats here in CM and wish them the best.

Life is good!!!

You learned fluent thai in one year? now that's impressive

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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This green-eyed foreign devil has settled in just outside an old rice farming village with the wife. Lived here 6 years, have reliable groundwater (for now), minimal electricity (enough for A/C & apps) good relations with the villagers and wake up to early birds singing, a campout that never ends.

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

Content with your life = happiness by my definition. If you are content it means that you are not jealous of anyone else, do not need any more material possessions and are comfortable in your surroundings. Most Thais are content with their lot in life, even the poorest dirt farmer, and are therefore happy.

Edited by Stevemercer
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I'll never understand why the totally negative people who live here and constantly complain choose to stay here. Why are they so stupid to live somewhere they hate? It's a simple thing. If it is so bad why don't you just leave. Those people obviously would not be happy regardless where they go.

Gary, I'm not even sure they all live here. Some of them clearly do, but a lot of the negative posters actually don't live here.

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

....Shhh... Don't even think to complain here, otherwise the " happiness brigade " will jump on you tongue.png

Personally, i am very positive about negativity; being too happy is not that great, as things can only get worse.

If you want to be negative, you have the rest of the forum to do so in.

This is a happy thread. If you can't bear to see people being happy without pouring some gloom over it, I feel sorry for you.

Ill post where I like thanks teacher

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

Content with your life = happiness by my definition. If you are content it means that you are not jealous of anyone else, do not need any more material possessions and are comfortable in your surroundings. Most Thais are content with their lot in life, even the poorest dirt farmer, and are therefore happy.

Thats "your" definition although having said that Im not jealous of anyone there is nothing I need at all in fact money is just stockpiling up in the bank and rather useless really. My surroundings look like this. I wake up to no noise and sleep without being disturbed surrounded by my trees.

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I am not happy in Thailand, I am only content, nothing really makes me happy and I have no need for "happiness" to get through my life it seems being content just isnt enough these days.

Content with your life = happiness by my definition. If you are content it means that you are not jealous of anyone else, do not need any more material possessions and are comfortable in your surroundings. Most Thais are content with their lot in life, even the poorest dirt farmer, and are therefore happy.

Thats "your" definition although having said that Im not jealous of anyone there is nothing I need at all in fact money is just stockpiling up in the bank and rather useless really. My surroundings look like this. I wake up to no noise and sleep without being disturbed surrounded by my trees.

Well, in my books you have it made then and are 'happy' (however defined).

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

And THERE it is. Agree with us or shut up & go away. 'Gives a pretty clear idea of the insulated, blinkered thinking and investment mentality which drives out facts & objectivity but begs for periodic validation, hence the genesis of this thread. I knew this would rear its ignorant head eventually. Ashame really. It DID get off to a pleasant start, but inevitably anyone who disagrees just had to be slagged, and the delusion collapsed.

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

And THERE it is. Agree with us or shut up & go away. 'Gives a pretty clear idea of the insulated, blinkered thinking and investment mentality which drives out facts & objectivity but begs for periodic validation, hence the genesis of this thread. I knew this would rear its ignorant head eventually. Ashame really. It DID get off to a pleasant start, but inevitably anyone who disagrees just had to be slagged, and the delusion collapsed.

Yeah mate, and f you don't like it, you can go with him.

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I'm hanging out here for a few years ... so far so good. Like the previous commentators, I like the weather, the relaxed atmosphere, the food, the generally pleasant people and pretty much anything that I need I can find here.

I don't mind too much the visa requirements and use it as an opportunity to check out - so far - Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia. i'm in Bali next week for a few weeks and then off to Chiang Mai.

I don't have any bad experiences to report but I am aware that Thailand has a dark side ... so I recognise it, and take steps to avoid being caught up in it. I personally don't mind people raising negative aspects ... for a person new to Thailand it can be quite helpful.

Everywhere has a dark side. Especially some places in the country everyone seems to want to go.

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I enjoyed my 2 years working in Thailand. Not many negatives in my mind. The only thing that I don't like is the heat. I can bear it for a while but don't think I could deal with it long term. Enjoy our visits and agree with you that the food is great and the people very nice for the most part. My wife has really taken to the US over the years so I doubt I could even get her to move back anymore. Never say never.

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