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Dow Chemical settles case citing Supreme Court uncertainty


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Your initial comment certainly sounds like comment from a well adjusted, rationale individual without a deep seeded resentment:

"Oh please Scolia was a pig ignorant homophobic Right Wing nutter totally corrupted by the Wealthy Elite and Corporate Establishment"

Rules of law are man made. They are "opinions." You wrongly equate the concepts of opinion or interpretation with corruption and bias. Your comments and word choice reflects an ideology shaped by a personal feeling of persecution and inadequacy. Perhaps you perceive certain legal rulings, opinions and truisms as perpetuating those feelings, but that does not make those rulings or options corrupt or bias.

My values? I try to focus on the larger picture and don't think everything is about me or directed at me. I am certainly sorry that you go through life thinking anyway who is happy, functions well in society and is overall grateful for our legal system is corrupt or a sell out for money. There you go ago again. Judging someone you don't know or really understand.

Dow does not agree with you. Dow agrees with my initial statement that is why they withdrew their case. Their Corporate 'lap dog' croaked. Dow's Appeal was not based on points of Law or procedural error in a lower Court it was obviously based on the belief that the Supreme Court Justices were politically corrupted in their favour. In fact Dow's case was so weak an equally corrupted Supreme Court would be unlikely to carry the day. Dow knew they needed Scolia's corrupted view to overcome the weakness in their actual Appeal.

The larger picture is the US Supreme Court makes Judgements on political ideology and bias not on the correct Legal merits of a case. Corporate America presents an Appeal to the US Supreme Court knowing that even though their case is weak the ideological corruption of the Supreme Court Justices will carry the day. So before a Corporation brings a Case before the Supreme Court the crucial factor is not whether they have a strong Case at Law but whether the corrupt Justices will Rule in their favour.

Can the American people have confidence in the US Supreme Court? Absolutely not!!!! Their Rulings are inherently corrupt and are based on political bias in favour of Corporate America. Dow actually agrees with my view.

Where your flawed view of the Supreme Court falls apart is the US currently does not have a Supreme Court. As it makes it's Rulings based on political ideology rather than points of Law it is pointless presenting a Case before them. The Judgement will simply split along Right and Left political ideology and all Judgements from Lower Courts stand. So Federally there is no Supreme Court. As Republicans want to reinstate another political biased Corporate 'lap dog' they are choosing to actually ignore the American Constitution and refusing to vet ANY nominated replacement.

It is pretty laughable. Again. Only in America.

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It is your only system, as if you have a choice. You're stuck with it. A judgement should never be handed down on the basis of a personal political ideology. A decision should never be considered in the light of a personal bent Conservative or Liberal. That is a corrupted judicial system. IF the public feel a decision is wrong and does not reflect community standards then new Legislation is enacted that the Justices must then apply or possibly strike down if it conflicts on a matter of legal argument but NEVER on a personal political ideology.

Absolutely bizarre that anyone could role over and conclude, oh the system is corrupt but hey it's the best system in the World. In your dreams it is. Any justice that even gave an impression he / she was swayed by a political ideology would simply be removed from the bench by both Houses of Parliament. It simply would not be tolerated.

My personal view is Dow are a pack of thieving bastards that would sell granny up the river if they thought they could make a buck but they have a right to walk into the highest court in the land and present their case and have that case measured against the law not on the political ideology of a Justice. It's outrageous!

See, you are ruled by emotions and personal prejudices governed by ignorance of that you judge and hate. You make incorrect statements based inaccurate assumption driven by apparent personal biases and struggles. Lol, if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to walk around with such deep hatred and resentment about people and things of which you are very ill informed.

BTW, the Dow case and Tyson Food case pending before the Supreme Court had nothing to do with Dow or Tyson Foods. It has everything to do with very difficult area of law that have wide ranging impact on thousands of cases. Those issues still need resolution, but if it makes you feel satisfied to believe the big evil system is just trying to help Dow, Tyson Foods or any partying particular . . . more power to you!

I have worked for and been around a lot of judges. They are not corruot, they are not in the take and they make difficult decisions doing the best they can. Of course they do what the believe in and are consistent in their beliefs. That does not make them corrupt, but if it makes you happy to walk around cussing them as evil and corruot, God bless you!

I certainly hold those views but I have no time for hatreds nor am I a Supreme Court Justice so my view would not impact on Dow Chemicals. The fact that I hold those views yet still demand that Dow has an absolute right to run their case and be treated without bias and free from the personal political ideologies of Justices in the Supreme Court demonstrates that I actually hold myself to a higher standard than the US Supreme Court Justices.

You have made your position clear 'well of course it is a corrupted process, but hey, it is the best system around'. For a start it is not the best system around and as a participant in the system your integrity and courage really comes into question. Your attitude seems to answer why the system is the way it is. The fact that you support and excuse a corrupted system I am marking you 'Could do better'. Harsh but fair I think.

My view would be that the number one prerequisite for a Supreme Court Justice is their ability to deal with far reaching complex legal matters and arrive at a legally sound judgement free from any personal political ideology. You seem to accept that the latter is acceptable.

When did you actually 'sell out' your values and ethics within the legal system? What motivated you to excuse and defend a corrupt legal system? Career? Money?

Your initial comment certainly sounds like comment from a well adjusted, rationale individual without a deep seeded resentment:

"Oh please Scolia was a pig ignorant homophobic Right Wing nutter totally corrupted by the Wealthy Elite and Corporate Establishment"

Rules of law are man made. They are "opinions." You wrongly equate the concepts of opinion or interpretation with corruption and bias. Your comments and word choice reflects an ideology shaped by a personal feeling of persecution and inadequacy. Perhaps you perceive certain legal rulings, opinions and truisms as perpetuating those feelings, but that does not make those rulings or options corrupt or bias.

My values? I try to focus on the larger picture and don't think everything is about me or directed at me. I am certainly sorry that you go through life thinking anyway who is happy, functions well in society and is overall grateful for our legal system is corrupt or a sell out for money. There you go ago again. Judging someone you don't know or really understand.

You're, right, you do it again, 'judging someone you don't know or really understand'.

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