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Cooking cheap and healthy In Thiland


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2 chicken fillets on wholemeal with mayo for 30b.

Are you sure they are chicken fillets ?

attachicon.gif20160227_203622.jpg I get 4 sandwichs out of that

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One comment on saving money is don't shop at Foodmart.
I used to do some shopping in the market, there isn't a proper supermarket near me

But last week I saw a tied up pet squirrel climbing all over the watermelons

So haven't been back since but probably will go back when I start buying more veg

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Lol. Best not to think about food hygiene in Thailand. Can drive you crazy very quickly.

Yes I know but I try not to, but that was bad even by anyone standards

I have never seen that in all my years in any country

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2 chicken fillets on wholemeal with mayo for 30b.

Are you sure they are chicken fillets ?

attachicon.gif20160227_203622.jpg I get 4 sandwichs out of that

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One comment on saving money is don't shop at Foodmart.
I used to do some shopping in the market, there isn't a proper supermarket near me

But last week I saw a tied up pet squirrel climbing all over the watermelons

So haven't been back since but probably will go back when I start buying more veg

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I don't eat the rind of the watermelon, so I wouldn't have a problem with that.

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

Edited by mjnaus
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2 chicken fillets on wholemeal with mayo for 30b.

Are you sure they are chicken fillets ?

attachicon.gif20160227_203622.jpg I get 4 sandwichs out of that

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One comment on saving money is don't shop at Foodmart.
I used to do some shopping in the market, there isn't a proper supermarket near me

But last week I saw a tied up pet squirrel climbing all over the watermelons

So haven't been back since but probably will go back when I start buying more veg

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I don't eat the rind of the watermelon, so I wouldn't have a problem with that.

I know what you are saying but still quite bad IMO, and you still have to touch the rind and cut thorough it with a knife what will then touch the flesh

It was more like they don't care rather then the actual problem of a squirrel climbing all over the fruit you are about to buy

If they are quite happy to show that who knows what else is going on

And made me think of all the rats which are probley running all over the fruit at night time

I know some supermarkets probably have the same problem, but in my head it seems cleaner

And sometimes I get pissed of with the Franag tax there

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

I have watermelon, papaya, bannans

And the juice of 4 limes in a glass of water everyday

Should I change these for other fruits?

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

I have watermelon, papaya, bannans

And the juice of 4 limes in a glass of water everyday

Should I change these for other fruits?

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These are all good fruits. However, watermelon is mostly water so there is not a whole lot of other nutrients in it unless you eat tons of it. Papaya and bananas are very healthy.

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

I have watermelon, papaya, bannans

And the juice of 4 limes in a glass of water everyday

Should I change these for other fruits?

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These are all good fruits. However, watermelon is mostly water so there is not a whole lot of other nutrients in it unless you eat tons of it. Papaya and bananas are very healthy.
Are you sure about watermelon I thought it was one of the best


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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

I have watermelon, papaya, bannans

And the juice of 4 limes in a glass of water everyday

Should I change these for other fruits?

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These are all good fruits. However, watermelon is mostly water so there is not a whole lot of other nutrients in it unless you eat tons of it. Papaya and bananas are very healthy.
Are you sure about watermelon I thought it was one of the best


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Watermelon is totally OK... But in terms of fiber and other benefits fruits offer, you need to eat lots of it because it is usually around 90 percent water. Compared to something like a papaya which is more nutritionally dense.

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

I have watermelon, papaya, bannans

And the juice of 4 limes in a glass of water everyday

Should I change these for other fruits?

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These are all good fruits. However, watermelon is mostly water so there is not a whole lot of other nutrients in it unless you eat tons of it. Papaya and bananas are very healthy.
Are you sure about watermelon I thought it was one of the best


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Watermelon is totally OK... But in terms of fiber and other benefits fruits offer, you need to eat lots of it because it is usually around 90 percent water. Compared to something like a papaya which is more nutritionally dense.

I eat a quarter of one a day do you think I should eat half a papaya instead of the watermelon?

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

I have watermelon, papaya, bannans

And the juice of 4 limes in a glass of water everyday

Should I change these for other fruits?

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These are all good fruits. However, watermelon is mostly water so there is not a whole lot of other nutrients in it unless you eat tons of it. Papaya and bananas are very healthy.
Are you sure about watermelon I thought it was one of the best


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Watermelon is totally OK... But in terms of fiber and other benefits fruits offer, you need to eat lots of it because it is usually around 90 percent water. Compared to something like a papaya which is more nutritionally dense.

I eat a quarter of one a day do you think I should eat half a papaya instead of the watermelon?

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It's really hard to answer questions like this because despite what so many people believe..... All of our bodies are different and require different supplementation. Personally, I would eat the watermelon and papaya as part of a healthy diet. The papaya contains a lot of fiber which is good for you as well.

If you have any health problems like diabetes, obviously you need to ask a Dr about this. But if you are in good health, I don't see how half a papaya, quarter of watermelon, and a banana a day could do anything but help with your overall health.

I always find that I do better with more fruits and vegetables (especially green ones) in my diet.

I also eat lots of Dragon fruit. Very low calorie with lots of fiber as well.

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if u have a rice cooker at home..

try to get fresh produce from the market.

buy whole and divide and chill/freeze some.. it's a fair bit cheaper.. example whole fresh chicken, if u can debone, clean and store.

check out some all in one pot meals.. just use the rice cooker.. and bam you would have some staples.

if rice is not your thing (it is the western food forum), then try microwaving potatoes... boiling is fine too.. include hard boiling eggs, get vegetables when on offer..

stick to basic salt and herbs/ occasional lemon etc.. if it's expensive then get a bottle of lime juice..

i respect your quest to prepare cheaper meals! i myself have to cut down on food expenses :)

good luck and share with us more!

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Soups and stews made with boneless Chicken breast (about 80baht a kilo at wet market, add chunks of pumpkin, mushrooms, dry beans (cook first) ...I make a big pot full then freeze in single serving containers. Fresh pasta toppings made with onions tomatoe, garlic mushrooms all from the wet mkt. talaat... .Steamed Taro !!! the Hawai'ian staple food, is cheap and always available. More vits than spuds and tasty. sooo many good ingredament for cooking here.

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Not one of the usual posts, but good on you for doing this and sharing.

It got me thinking to one of the meals I like to cook for myself very often, and thinking about it, per serving/meal it is very cheap (and nutritious I think) so I will share it with you.........

It is a chilli con carne and I use the mince from the local Thai French beef which is really cheap and also buy the local brand of kidney beans and tinned tomatoes, and of course buying the onions, chilli, garlic is "cheap as chips". I do add a sprinkling of cumin seeds as well as a level teaspoon of cocoa powder and of course some beef stock.

There are loads of different variations on this meal, so you can pick and choose as you go along, and I buy enough to be able to provide me with six meals, so in my estimation it works out to about 50 baht a meal and it is very filling.

I do cook it for at least a couple of hours on a very low heat after it has come to the boil, of course stirring occasionally and testing for taste. I eat one on the day of cooking and freeze approximately 5 other portions for later.

It's also a very versatile meal because you can serve it over a baked potato, or have it with rice, in a tortilla wrap, or even spread it over a pizza base, covered with some grated cheese and have it as a sort of Mexican pizza!

All the best and good luck with your menu searches.

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It is hard to imagine that based on taste, variation in ingredients and price ,,, you could compete with the universe that is Thai Street and small restaurant Food.

Not sure where you live ... but in BKK .... you could go a lifetime and not sample all the excellent places to eat.

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I wonder had juice777 ever been in a real chicken processing plant. I did and it changed my mind on what is chicken. The only part not used is the carcass which gets sent away to be crushed for dog food. All the beaks, sinews and other non edible parts are crushed and mashed; chicken flavor and MSG added, then pressed out as chicken nuggets or the meaty bits you can put on a stick to BBQ.

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Hi, I feel exactly the same - things that would be cheap and healthy back home just aren't in Thailand.

My tip would be to buy vegetables and salad in the reduced section on your nearest supermarket. I live right next to a Tesco and the savings can be up to 50%.

If you can go vegetarian (it's not for everyone) that will really slash your costs and it is healthier for you long term.

I think your ideas are great but you need more vegetables and less mayo! Oatmeal with fruit is great for breakfast, try an egg salad for lunch instead of an egg sandwich, and you could try just having meat with your evening meal instead of going vegetarian.

"... things that would be cheap and healthy back home just aren't in Thailand."

Depending on where you shop, most fruit and vegetables certainly are cheaper here than "back home." As far as healthy is concerned, think about all the people taken ill "back home" because vegetables and salad ingredients have been contaminated with stuff they can't even identify or trace.

As far as the O/P is concerned, I think he needs to identify what he regards as healthy. Shoving whatever between two slices of whole wheat bread or slathering it with mayo doesn't render whatever you're concealing as healthy. I think he's aiming for mainly cheap and effortless.

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...multi-grain bread if you can get and and have no chewing issues (Foodland)

...extra virgin olive oil instead of the mayo....

...keep away from 'bagged salad'.....there are risks...


...steaming the vegetables in your rice cooker even..if you have the tray....you could also try barley or job's tears instead of rice...rice often causes bloating...

...you do not mention 'what ails you' (or what prompted the change)....

...some foods ....or natural source supplements....or herbs...address particular conditions...

...you do not mention onions....garlic......a little seas salt.....

...sesame seeds sprinkled over your food or in your soups or stews....affords 20% protein...and calcium..

...kale is supposed to be super....but hard to know what has been sprayed or not....organic is an option but pricier....

....read up on butter...apparently a lot of people 'got it wrong'.......

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2 chicken fillets on wholemeal with mayo for 30b.

Are you sure they are chicken fillets ?

attachicon.gif20160227_203622.jpg I get 4 sandwichs out of that

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

I feel sorry for you; that you have no money. Better go back to the real world and find a job. Unless you want to eat cheap; to spend money on Booze and Hookers.

Then Carry on, and enjoy.

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Try buying chicken breasts, skin on and then trimming them up yourself, i usually buy about 5 for around 20 baht each. You can then throw them in a pot with veg of your choice, add a small tin of prego cooking sauce(about 45b) simmer for an hour or so and then serve with potatoes or rice. Total cost would be around 200 baht for 5 tasty, healthy meals

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Buy whole chickens and you don't need to de-bone.

One pot meals are great, can have lots of flavor and freeze nicely... sans potatoes.

You can put just about anything in them. Just add the items according to cooking times (the longest first).

I eat a lot of brown rice mixed with black/red rice. I could eat every day and not get bored of it.

I've never eaten wheat pasta here. Only rice noodle. And occasionally I tear into sour dough bread...toasted with tuna/tomato/lettuce/onion...yummy.

Use sea salt.

I've slowly gone away from stir frying with oil. I still do and use very little bit of rice bran oil... but add water and cover to quick steam.

I'm eating more boiled/poached eggs.

I wash the shit out of my veggies.

With all that being said... saving money on healthy eating food is one of the places where cost savings don't add up to much, not worth compromising for good health. Saving 20-50 a day on good healthy eating just does not make sense to me. Instead, save on rent or something significant.

Eating out thai style has lost much of it's appeal to me. There are still a few good places that make top quality food and it's reasonably priced. In most other places I have found the quality of ingredients, attention to the quality of what they are cooking and cleanliness to be crap and not worth it. In many cases I can make it much better... I source my own ingredients, clean and enjoy cooking.

I've done amazing things with my lazy meal of rice and canned sardines... you can so many things and its good.

Occasionally I eat farang style at a restaurant, but I find I can buy the ingredients and do just as a good a job as them... exception, pizza.

There are some guys here in CM that put out some real quality foods, too many to list and they know who they are.

When it's in season, I tear into most any fruit smoothie.

It's easy to eat healthy here and the tastes are all over the place... spices and flavors as you wish.

Now I'm hungry...5555

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Try ga dtiap ( okra ) which should be cooked in boiling water for 1 minute only. Along with khao pud ( sweet corn ), both good natural laxatives.

Heaps of fruit to add to the diet, such as papaya, mango, pineapple, bananas.

You can eat very cheaply by shopping at the largest market in a city, which usually supplies the smaller fixed and day markets. In Chiang Mai, it's Wararot Market ( Kad Luang ).

It depends on how adventurous you want to get with what's on offer.

A more expensive option is to acquire a Thai GF to do it all for you.biggrin.png

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Trying looking on this new technology they call the internet.

Yes I have but all the recipes I find include ingredients which are not cheap in Thailand.But thanks for the sarcastic good advice

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I buy fish fillets from Maxvalu for 27 THB. They call it Pangasius Dory. It's a white fish.

I put one on a covered plate in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 70% power

Basically steam it in its own 'juice'

I then put some black pepper on it and eat it.

Also you can chop up a head of broccoli into florets, put them in a plastic container, rinse under the tap, pour off excess water.

Cover container. Microwave on high for 2-3 mins.


Both cheap. Both healthy.

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If you want to cook cheap, cook Thai.

If you want to cook healthy, maybe at least try a few vegetables in your recipes. Most of your dishes sound like a vitamin-free zone.

There is no point cooking Thai because I can get it outside cheaper and better then I can do it

I do eat a fair bit of fruit most days I get my 5 a day , I think I will replace bread with salad for now on

There is vit c in

Vegetable and chicken casserole

The green beans in the Jamaican style rice and peas

Banana in the oats

Tuna and sweetcorn and baked potato

I think I will add some green beans to the rice and sardines for now on

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Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

Big fail .Use only juice from fresh fruits . not packed juice or some like that... smile.pnghttp://www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/sugar-in-fruit-vs-table-sugar



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Try Saba fish (makerel), you can buy fresh in Big C and Tesco for about 12 baht each. You can fillet them if you don't want to navigate the bones but I find it is easier simply to grill or BBQ and the flesh peels away anyway. very healthy, oily fish. Serve with rice and Thai veg for probably about 40 baht.

Also, better to buy the chicken breast with skin on from Makro, very cheap, 2 chicken breasts will be ok for 4 meals.. Stir fry with chili, soy, carrots, oyster sauce and onions and serve with rice, again about 40 to 50 baht.

Pigs liver is also cheap, saute with onions, beef stock, salt, pepper, carrots and serve with rice or potatoes,, I love this but not everyone will.

My advice is invest in dry spices, herbs etc.. then you can buy cheap, fresh ingredients and make things yourself really cheap,, my list if you have none at the moment would be,,, fish sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, chili, garlic, palm sugar, lime juice (or buy fresh Thai limes as cheap), Worcester sauce, cinnamon sticks, curry powder.. I know it sounds a lot but if you buy the packets out of Makro and not the small glass bottles it really isn't too expensive and it will last a very long time. Last point buy dried beans in packets, you need to soak them and pre cook them but so much cheaper then buying cans and very healthy.

This will mean you can make many basic Thai, indian AND western dishes easily and very cheaply,, the herbs and spices will pay for themselves very quickly.

With effort you can eat really well and very cheaply here..

Last point, if you have an oven (microwave convection combi) then look at baking your own bread. Very cheap, you can buy bread flour in Makro again for about 35 baht i think (1kg), and it will make 4 decent small loaves. Much cheaper then buying bread here and much, much nicer. (of course you need to buy instant yeast but again it will also last years if kept contained), you can google how to do it, its very, very easy...

Good luck and Bon apetite,,,,

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2 chicken fillets on wholemeal with mayo for 30b.

Are you sure they are chicken fillets ?

attachicon.gif20160227_203622.jpg I get 4 sandwichs out of that

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While probably marginally "healthier" than pork and other red meats, have you thought about the chemicals, growth hormones, antibiotics and other shit that goes into producing these chicken fillets? Thai industrial farming techniques leave a lot to be desired, and if you want to eat "healthy", it may be a good idea you do a bit of research first on the producer to plate food chain of intensively reared foodstuffs, before feeling too complacent. Having said this, granted in Thailand today, save growing your own veg and raising your own livestock, it is very tricky to eat healthily on a low budget. So compromises have to be made, and sometimes "ignorance is bliss" in terms of knowing what's really on your plate. wink.png
Yes I have wonderd about this, but there is not much I can do about it

And I have read the UK has the same problem but I don't know if Thailand is worst or better

I do worry about what shit is in the bread, in the UK I used to bake my own in a bread maker

But the way is see it is chicken fillet and wholemeal bread with unknown shit in it is better then sausages and white bread and unknown shit in it

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Absolutely right fella.

I think people can make a bit too much of these things. I know we would all like organic everything but it is just not affordable to so many. Intensive farming may be undesirable but when a mums got to feed her kids people come first and the difference between an intensively farmed chicken and a free range chicken is not small.

We all have to accept that the global population is expanding and somehow people have to be fed, so whatever we think or believe doesn't really matter I can only see intensive farming increasing not decreasing (unless we all want food prices to rise by huge amounts)

So, buy what you can afford. If you can afford to be principled later then ok, personally I stopped worrying so much a long time ago because if i listened to everything i wouldn't eat.

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Why don't you make some soups? Use the chicken carcasses you can get in most supermarkets- add carrot, celery and onions- slow cook for hours- then you have some great stock. Freeze what you do not need immediately .

Pumpkin soup is good and mushrooms are cheap here.

If you have loads of good stock, then you can make Thai soups or ramen noodle. All cheap and good for lunch.

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