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Criminal court sentences Channel 3's TV host Sorayuth to 13 years


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What I found of interest in the article was that Sorayuth's sentence was reduced, as well as others, because of 'useful testimony'. One would think that 'useful testimony' would be self-incrimination or a partial admission of guilt. If one gives 'useful testimony' and then appeals, I would hope that the appeals court would reinstate the full sentence for abuse of process.

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This is so true.. Made me laugh.

What is her purpose

Her purpose is to make him look intelligent. She speaks English (he can barely utter an intelligible phrase), is a Nida graduate, and he pales by comparison with her as a newscaster.

He's Thai on a Thai show, why should he speak English?

They often have foreign guests, and his co-host, Bike, has to handle all communications and interpret for him. There is nothing wrong with that, but he often tries to supersede her in those interviews, and often tries to "coax" one or two words of Thai out of the foreigner like a circus animal. He's quite shallow actually.

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Just another Hi So criminal posing as a decent citizen, this country is full of them.

Best 'Punishment' for this individual would be Channel 3 disposing of his company's services and going their own way having nothing further to do with him or his corrupt 'business'. But do they have the balls to do it?

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This is so true.. Made me laugh.

What is her purpose

Her purpose is to make him look intelligent. She speaks English (he can barely utter an intelligible phrase), is a Nida graduate, and he pales by comparison with her as a newscaster.

He's Thai on a Thai show, why should he speak English?

They often have foreign guests, and his co-host, Bike, has to handle all communications and interpret for him. There is nothing wrong with that, but he often tries to supersede her in those interviews, and often tries to "coax" one or two words of Thai out of the foreigner like a circus animal. He's quite shallow actually.

There's a fat little git who is sometimes on in a morning with him, he loves to dress up as a woman, they should jail him as well, and let him still wear his dress in prison.

Edited by roo860
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Thank the Lord, I hope he will be off the air for good. For the last how many years ( I lost count) This presenter has domiated CH3 every morning night and weekend, he sits their grunting like an animal and spits out words mimmicking a deranged chicken, he CLUCKS his way through every program, he never seems to take a day off, every time you put on CH3 his stupid face is never far away. His language skills are virtually nil, he drives me up the wall every time he mentions Fate Buck.

Edited by menzies233
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But, will he ever serve a day in jail, I somewhat doubt it!

Just enough time to hang with Tashkin. Out on bail, OJ wishes he had this court. OJ beat it once and a simple robbery for his property would of been 1000 baht fine maybe we can get a transfer..

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“…cheating the state-owned MCOT Plc of over 138 million baht in advertising revenue in 2005 and 2006.”

So that was 10 years ago.
After a long long time the judgment comes:

13 years and four months in prison with no suspension

Now the case is appealed and the scammers are out on bail.

It will again take 10-15 years until the appeal process is completed.
Recent court hearings are then shifted easily due to illness and other reasons.

After that there is the Supreme Court, just another possibility to win time.
Maybe another 10-15 Years.

Until the condemned here really has to spend a day in jail, it will take another 30 years.

The Year of the crime: 2005
The year of the first day in prison: approx. 2045
Until then, he will probably have died of natural causes.

Poor people who do not have the money for expensive lawyers and all court instances, immediately go into prison.
Rich people can ride free on bail through all court instances and do not have to go into prison.

The Goddess of Justice (Justitia) on vomit.

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“…cheating the state-owned MCOT Plc of over 138 million baht in advertising revenue in 2005 and 2006.”

So that was 10 years ago.

After a long long time the judgment comes:

13 years and four months in prison with no suspension

Now the case is appealed and the scammers are out on bail.

It will again take 10-15 years until the appeal process is completed.

Recent court hearings are then shifted easily due to illness and other reasons.

After that there is the Supreme Court, just another possibility to win time.

Maybe another 10-15 Years.

Until the condemned here really has to spend a day in jail, it will take another 30 years.

The Year of the crime: 2005

The year of the first day in prison: approx. 2045

Until then, he will probably have died of natural causes.

Poor people who do not have the money for expensive lawyers and all court instances, immediately go into prison.

Rich people can ride free on bail through all court instances and do not have to go into prison.

The Goddess of Justice (Justitia) on vomit.

Not all offences can be appealed to the Supreme Court and this could well be one of them, though an experienced lawyer could confirm..

The case should reach the Appeal Court within 2 or 3 years as it's clear -cut, not a lot of defendants and not much to dispute.

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What I found of interest in the article was that Sorayuth's sentence was reduced, as well as others, because of 'useful testimony'. One would think that 'useful testimony' would be self-incrimination or a partial admission of guilt. If one gives 'useful testimony' and then appeals, I would hope that the appeals court would reinstate the full sentence for abuse of process.

This is incredible indeed.

First they confess the crimes and get for there confession a sentence reduction.

After that, the perpetrators then appeal.

Then also free on bail.

The legal system is sick here.

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I'd do 13 years for 138 million baht. Only 80,000 fine.

You'd have a very sore bottom when you got out!

No. Only the gays shag the gays in prisons here. There's plenty to go around so the straights get left alone. Besides most are 'bottom' and they wouldn't want foreign size.

Your response is based on what? and who is the "foreign size" here?

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I'd do 13 years for 138 million baht. Only 80,000 fine.

You'd have a very sore bottom when you got out!

No. Only the gays shag the gays in prisons here. There's plenty to go around so the straights get left alone. Besides most are 'bottom' and they wouldn't want foreign size.

Your response is based on what? and who is the "foreign size" here?
I think he is mean that most Thai gay like to receive but not give. And if they like to receive, they cannot comfortably receive a bigger farang size. Not fit.
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He has a surprised and worried look on his face,I will be equally surprised

if he sees the inside of a cell,thats not what happens to the rich and famous


regards Worgeordie

It's been said and appears to be common knowledge among Thais that people deemed high in the Sakdina hierarchy can pay somebody to serve their sentence.

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They have to serve the jail terms immediately. Or if they have anything pressing to do at the moment they could always pop back in a few years time when its more convenient for yourself. do you normally get some sort of option about when you serve your time in Thailand after being handed down a prison sentence from a military court.

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I could never understand a person of his voice quality could be a news presenter.

I used to get up in the morning, and was horrified by his extremely coarse voice chatting away like a roadside hawker on national TV.

Who on earth would want to listen to such a voice when having coffee and bread for breakfast ?

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They have to serve the jail terms immediately. Or if they have anything pressing to do at the moment they could always pop back in a few years time when its more convenient for yourself. do you normally get some sort of option about when you serve your time in Thailand after being handed down a prison sentence from a military court.

To quote the news of them being bailed.

they are not allowed to leave the country until receiving prior approval by the court.

They are also required to report the court once in 30 days.

Seems similar to a visa run. I think Sorayuth's case is a prelude to what we can expect from Yingluck's. Guilty with years of appeal's cases, legal wrangling and deals behind closed doors. Although Chuwit went to jail! So that's definately why Sorayuth looked shocked and frightened when he left court today. Edited by Wilsonandson
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I could never understand a person of his voice quality could be a news presenter.

I used to get up in the morning, and was horrified by his extremely coarse voice chatting away like a roadside hawker on national TV.

Who on earth would want to listen to such a voice when having coffee and bread for breakfast ?

Exactly,he chats like a roadside hawker, the man in the street, so he makes stories comprehensible and interesting for the common folk. It's not an easy task, there are plenty of facts to remember in each unfolding story, and there are many,but Sorayut's popularity stems from his ability to relate topics from local murders to the ins and outs of the latest constitution to the Thai people.

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They have to serve the jail terms immediately. Or if they have anything pressing to do at the moment they could always pop back in a few years time when its more convenient for yourself. do you normally get some sort of option about when you serve your time in Thailand after being handed down a prison sentence from a military court.

The Criminal Court is NOT a military court. Allowing appellants bail appears to be much more common here than elsewhere, as does reversal on appeal (both ways), but TIT.

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