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National artist urges Thais not to hate Chinese tourists but to help them change


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I doubt that the feelings of the majority of Thai people, who are not Sino-Thai, towards the Chinese has changed very much.

But the presence of large numbers of Chinese tourists in the country (a "new wave") may be bringing them to the surface.


Chalermchai Kositpipat was born into a Sino-Thai family.

Edited by Enoon
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I think everybody, both Farang and Thais, should refrain from using the word 'hate' when referring to Chinese tourists. I am an Australian living in ChiangMai which at times seems to have more Chinese than does Beijing. Sure, they are different from the Thais - more rowdy, more impatient, more pushy, and so on but I have never heard a Thai express hatred towards them - just a tolerant shrug of the shoulders. Let us not become xenophobic. The behaviour of many Farangs is much worse than that of the Chinese.

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Shouldnt the Thai people change first, before they ask others to change?

I guess they cant fathom that yet, as they are told how fantastic they are....

Unless of course... a ghost tells them otherwise... or strip down, for that matter

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A year ago, Ajaan Chalermchai stated that he would be building separate toilets for Chinese tourists. He said in a television interview that it was "impossible" for other tourists to use the bathrooms so he would build new ones, DPA reported. Previously, the temple had even banned Chinese tourists altogether after Chinese tour groups left the toilets in a state of disrepair. "They had defecated on the floor, urinated on the walls outside and left sanitary pads on the wall of the bathrooms," an official who requested anonymity was quoted as saying.


Last week, while still free for Thais, he said he would begin charging admission for foreigners and apparently mainland Chinese tourists are now welcome?

World-class tourists.

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One of the oldest civilization and we need to teach them proper behavior, if they haven't learn by now they never will. Besides, what are they going to buy their here their own Chinese cheap souvenirs.

Well said!

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This guy has got his head buried in the sand. It is not a few that are misbehaving themselves (and I could use far stronger words here), it is a majority that misbehave. I am around them often enough, in BKK, in Pattaya, and now Hua Hin. His interpretation of misbehaving is probably very different to that those Thai have that have first hand contact. Eg. defecating in Wat forecourts and on beaches (you can't flush that), walking thru flower gardens, interrupting university class, throwing rubbish on floors in restaurants, SPITTING, queue jumping and just plain being loud.

What is this guys agenda, or should I say who put him up to it ?

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teach the chinese manners ??

recently i had the (dis) pleasure of showing some anglo tourists around bkk (bkk, the epicenter of education, culture and class) lets see, as paying customers we requested the band play a song and they demanded a tip "in advance" we paid the tab left our unfinished drinks

next place, very busy gogo bar where we waited for server at least 10 minutes so one person went to bar and ordered drinks directly and carried them to table. server came to bar and demanded specific tip amount 20 baht per drink.

Edited by atyclb
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Looks like this National Artist only sees what he wants to see; the phrase, "P*** Artist" springs to mind.

A large resort close to where I live caters mainly for bus loads of Chinese tourists on a daily basis. Every day, between 6am and 9am, there is a mass exodus of coaches. During this time, most of the Chinese tourists do nothing but spit on the ground, discard their cigarette butts in the flower beds and cause general havoc to the planned routine.

There is a nice swimming pool in the resort, where I use to swim on a regular basis, but not any more. The coaches arrive back mid to late afternoon, and quite a few Chinese tourists make straight for the pool. When they walk past, their body odour lingers in the air for quite a time. All of them jump into the pool with their clothes on (That's the laundry done for the day). They spit in the pool, and even put a finger over 1 nostril and blow their nose as well. These habits haven't changed for the past 2 years, and probably never will. One of the resort managers asked me why I don't go swimming any more. When I explained the reason, she just changed to subject.

So how does this National Artist expect the Chinese tourists to change their habits if Thais continue avoiding confrontation?

It'll never happen!

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I don't expect them to buy an attractive young short-timer in a small bar on Bangla Roadwub.png

But Miracles do happen..

So this is what you expect of "normal" tourists to do on their Thailand vacation? Have paid sex with hookers?

No! By saying he doesn't expect I assume he means that he DOESN'T expect.


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I don't expect them to buy an attractive young short-timer in a small bar on Bangla Roadwub.png

But Miracles do happen..

So this is what you expect of "normal" tourists to do on their Thailand vacation? Have paid sex with hookers?

well actually.... yes!

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One of the oldest civilization and we need to teach them proper behavior, if they haven't learn by now they never will. Besides, what are they going to buy their here their own Chinese cheap souvenirs.

Actually, I give Thailand credit on this front. Most of the souvenirs here are Made In Thailand. When my Thai wife came to America, she wanted to buy souvenirs for family member back home, but was stunned to discover that every souvenir offered for sale in America was Made in China!

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More like contributing to village welfare fund / motorcycle repair/ buffalo vet bills.. Beats official charities by going direct.

Well, maybe some money gets lost on overheads. Like make up, or fashion clothing.

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Well, the fake hiso Thais hating the Chinese would be much like having themselves. Just as their hating Indians is much like hating much of themselves. Somehow, Thais have convinced themselves they are a world apart from these people... Somehow

Care to elaborate further? Your post does not make any sense.

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Chinese tourists are loud and annoying but there are an equal amount of loud, rude and disrespectful farang, Arab and Indian tourists IMHO..

... and Thai (tourists). I'm a little tired of that nationality thing. Some people sh/t some people great.

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teach the chinese manners ??

recently i had the (dis) pleasure of showing some anglo tourists around bkk (bkk, the epicenter of education, culture and class) lets see, as paying customers we requested the band play a song and they demanded a tip "in advance" we paid the tab left our unfinished drinks

next place, very busy gogo bar where we waited for server at least 10 minutes so one person went to bar and ordered drinks directly and carried them to table. server came to bar and demanded specific tip amount 20 baht per drink.

the tip in example 1 is normal. it's how they make a buck coffee1.gif

the tip in example 2 i have no idea as i have never been in a gogobar (i kid u not), not in LOS or elsewhere. i'm too busy having a life giggle.gif

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A lot of hate going on TV today. Hate Chinese. Hate Wat Rung Khan. Hate Khun Charlemchai. Hate Thais and Thailand. Even hate, hate.Hate, hate, hate. But so many so very happy hating. Possibly stems from self hate.

Just another day on ThaiVisa.

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A lot of hate going on TV today. Hate Chinese. Hate Wat Rung Khan. Hate Khun Charlemchai. Hate Thais and Thailand. Even hate, hate.Hate, hate, hate. But so many so very happy hating. Possibly stems from self hate.

Just another day on ThaiVisa.


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