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Why do some farang lie so much?


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Nothing to do with being a "Farang"....it is the nature of some people to exaggerate like this or "lie" as you put it......usually stemming from low self esteem or an inferior complex...in other words...."trying to make themselves appear interesting to others"..and themselves eventually, when they start to believe their own claims.

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and then there are those who have to embellish facts to the point of pure fantasy. It must be sad to have a life where one feels that necessary to feel in some way adequate.

Now I really must go and (wash) check on the staff washing my (truck) Bugatti Chiron.

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I have met so many Walter Mitty's in my time in Thailand. All seem to have a Phd in ''Bullshit'' Now my house is a ''bullshit'' free zone.......Farangs are not welcome. My wife doesn't really understand ''bullshit'', she just asks me.......Why does ********** tell so many lies? I think she is a good judge of character.

The name Walter Mitty and the derivative word "Mittyesque"[6] have entered the English language, denoting an ineffectual person who spends more time in heroic daydreams than paying attention to the real world, or more seriously, one who intentionally attempts to mislead or convince others that he is something that he is not.

So why does your profile have no entries about you?

Are you hiding something?

Yes - birthday, age, sex, .......

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I try not to analyze and wonder "why" people do, say, think, look, eat, wear, etc. I focus my attention on "me" and try to be a good person that is sincere, honest and considerate of others. So far, so good. Live and Let Live..

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I find most liars insecure and easily threatened.They lie for upmanship..And no use arqueing with them they will just lie more and the conversation goes no where..

As soon as I catch a guy in a lie he is off my list of men I wish to befriend.

I met a couple of teachers up here from England. It appeared they wanted to be friends so I went with it. We got to talking about England and I said I had only been there once for a holiday,for a month.They said I missed a lot and they could show me much more..So i suggested next time they go back I will take a holiday to England and meet them. To do them a favor in return for showing me around I offered to take them to a Royal Yacht Club on the Thames.I am a member of a Royal and have reciprocal privileges, with the Royal Clubs in England. Well this one guy flips and starts to tell me how he can go to a Royal Club whenever he wants does not need me.He told me his father does repairs on the boats and is invited all the time.I looked at him and thought you are so ignorant it hurts.You have no ides of the protical in these clubs. His father if it is true he repairs the boats he would be lucky to be received at the tradesman entrance.Crew and skipper and owners seldom drink together. Crew one bar,club members another,hired skippers another.Guys who fix boats hid on the dock and sip a beer. I said nothing kept it to myself,no need to arque with stupid.

I felt I offered him some thing he never could experience and he threw it back in my face. Did not give him the time of day again.

After i found out all he did was bad mouth me very time any one mentioned my name. Insecure to the max.

Surely you're describing Britain as it was 30 or 40 years ago. I can't imagine a club, Royal or otherwise where there would be such radical distinction depending on the type of hat you wear!

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I reverse lie. For example when a girl asks me "Do you have a big one?" I always say "No! It's tiny, you won't feel a thing". Then their lack of enthusiasm is replaced by pleasant surprise when the truth reveals it's ugly head.

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Well, one reason I can see is the fear of losing face.

it's a trait that many expats living in Thailand seem to share with the locals.

These untruths are a way not to admit e.g. being ripped off to the bones by their GFs/BFs, that the only reason why said GF/BF stay with them is their money.

Many other reasons, like self-reassurance, but this one seems obvious to me.

(not that I consider myself immune to this, mind you)

Why do they lie?.... because they can....In their home country possibly a complete nonentity...

Here they can flower up their previouse life......complete d***heads..

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I agree so many guys you meet in Thailand are ex Seals, Special Forces and of course ex SAS. I worked in Hereford the time of the Iranian Embassy raid. I met some of the guys involved, there was about 8 involved. Since living in Thailand have met about 8,000 that claim to have been there. LOL

I guess they lead uninteresting and boring lives it's their method of escapism.

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I've always assumed anyone I meet in a bar is lying. Booze does that. I don't take it personally, but it's pretty boring. That's why I don;t drink in bars (or drink that much, anymore). People who BS outside of bars, I just walk away.I don't have much interaction with Expats in CM, do they all lie?

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I suppose it couold be if you tell the truth you can be ridiculed as a liar, or living an extremely boring life.

For instance,if anyone says to me "why do you live here?" I tell them it is simply the weather and cost of living. They think I'm a liar, so I suppose I ought to say I like girlie bars, big bikes etc etc but I simply cannot bullshit.

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I find most liars insecure and easily threatened.They lie for upmanship..And no use arqueing with them they will just lie more and the conversation goes no where..

As soon as I catch a guy in a lie he is off my list of men I wish to befriend.

I met a couple of teachers up here from England. It appeared they wanted to be friends so I went with it. We got to talking about England and I said I had only been there once for a holiday,for a month.They said I missed a lot and they could show me much more..So i suggested next time they go back I will take a holiday to England and meet them. To do them a favor in return for showing me around I offered to take them to a Royal Yacht Club on the Thames.I am a member of a Royal and have reciprocal privileges, with the Royal Clubs in England. Well this one guy flips and starts to tell me how he can go to a Royal Club whenever he wants does not need me.He told me his father does repairs on the boats and is invited all the time.I looked at him and thought you are so ignorant it hurts.You have no ides of the protical in these clubs. His father if it is true he repairs the boats he would be lucky to be received at the tradesman entrance.Crew and skipper and owners seldom drink together. Crew one bar,club members another,hired skippers another.Guys who fix boats hid on the dock and sip a beer. I said nothing kept it to myself,no need to arque with stupid.

I felt I offered him some thing he never could experience and he threw it back in my face. Did not give him the time of day again.

After i found out all he did was bad mouth me very time any one mentioned my name. Insecure to the max.

Surely you're describing Britain as it was 30 or 40 years ago. I can't imagine a club, Royal or otherwise where there would be such radical distinction depending on the type of hat you wear!

That's why I offered to take them with me to the club.To see the distinction and be present with the ones that enable it in their club. The Royal Van a Canadian club does not let crew drink on the same level of the club as the club members. After a day of racing on the water they go their own way. To be invited to the members area is a privilege.. Also do not forget dress code. There arenot that many members and membership is privileged.. My club is more relaxed.. We are more about sailing than protocol. But even small we have the main docks and club house plus 2 outstations. This is with 645 adult members. Very few people are actual members. That is why I was willing to bring people who could live their whole life's without ever experience these things the opportunity. I felt I was offering a chance to learn something new,about how others live and experience life. Its like many things in life.Never experienced it you donot know it even exists.I offered the experience.

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Farang lie so much - in a vain attempt to prop themselves up, to try to "fix" their personality disorder(s).

Like the farang in Pattaya who told me he had 10 Thai girlfriends on the go

He also said he had the biggest stash of Viagra in South east Asia

There's two lies right there

He also said he was 69

Conclusion: Two lies out of three ain't bad..

I don't know about you but we all don't need to lie, I started off on the wrong side of the track but smarten up in my mid 20's, took Engineering and enjoyed a great life, retired at 55 with a decent pension, got bored took a heavy equipment/truck driver course and every year when I return to my home country, I either drive transport or heavy equipment. I do this because I enjoy it, I have no intentions of sitting around becoming a couch potato or a bar stool warmer waiting to die. As long as I'm healthy enough and remain active, I will continue doing things I enjoy. Long as my wife and I are happy, who cares what others think.

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Must be bored to have time to wonder about other western people. And, if your not Thai, stop using the word FARANG ( its French besides).

Why? I like using the word farang. It's a handy word to describe farang like me.

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if your not Thai, stop using the word FARANG ( its French besides).

The word farang may have either originated from the Hindi word firangi (Devanāgarī: फिरंगी, "foreign"), a term for Europeans that was coined during British colonial rule in India, or from the Persian word farang (فرنگ) or farangī (فرنگی), meaning "Frank". This in turn comes from the Old French word franc, meaning "Frank", a West Germanic tribe that became a political power in Central Europe during the early Middle Ages, and from which France derives its name. Because the Frankish Empire ruled a large part of Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Low Countries) for centuries, all Europeans and even Middle Easterners associated the word "Frank" with Latins who professed the Roman Catholic faith. Frangistan (Persian: فرنگستان‎‎) was a term used by Muslims and Persians in particular, during the Middle Ages and later periods, to refer to Western or Latin Europe.


Edited by Morakot
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It's not strictly a Thailand thing, wherever expats congregate you will find them

Other parts of Asia and here in the Middle East too. You wouldn't believe the army types I have met or people that had trials with football teams, you're the odd one out if you didn't have a trial with a professional football club not to mention all the great investments and businesses people run .. whilst sitting in the cheapest places, drinking the cheapest beer all the time and appearing to do no work ...

True, but since this is a Thai-based forum, we focus on Thailand. I don't doubt that these characters exist in every country on the planet, (to which some have only a tenuous link). They would have been the same back in their home country, even though everyone would have known their history.

I don't know, I think people take the opportunity of being away as a chance to come out with this kind of rubbish

Perhaps they embellish things back in their own country are but chances are more people know you back home, went to school with you so know you're talking rubbish

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I find most liars insecure and easily threatened.They lie for upmanship..And no use arqueing with them they will just lie more and the conversation goes no where..

As soon as I catch a guy in a lie he is off my list of men I wish to befriend.

I met a couple of teachers up here from England. It appeared they wanted to be friends so I went with it. We got to talking about England and I said I had only been there once for a holiday,for a month.They said I missed a lot and they could show me much more..So i suggested next time they go back I will take a holiday to England and meet them. To do them a favor in return for showing me around I offered to take them to a Royal Yacht Club on the Thames.I am a member of a Royal and have reciprocal privileges, with the Royal Clubs in England. Well this one guy flips and starts to tell me how he can go to a Royal Club whenever he wants does not need me.He told me his father does repairs on the boats and is invited all the time.I looked at him and thought you are so ignorant it hurts.You have no ides of the protical in these clubs. His father if it is true he repairs the boats he would be lucky to be received at the tradesman entrance.Crew and skipper and owners seldom drink together. Crew one bar,club members another,hired skippers another.Guys who fix boats hid on the dock and sip a beer. I said nothing kept it to myself,no need to arque with stupid.

I felt I offered him some thing he never could experience and he threw it back in my face. Did not give him the time of day again.

After i found out all he did was bad mouth me very time any one mentioned my name. Insecure to the max.

This is what i like in good replies,...I learned something. THX....

Best regards...

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Give it any name, call it what you want.

Everyone lies... And if they say they don't, it's a lie.

The thing to know for sure is that when someone tells a lie to someone else, in truth, they are lying to themself.

Many times when lies are used repeatedly, or over a period of time, can lead to negative thought development and low self esteem.

Allowing the mind to think and tell a lie to ourself, and then actually believe it is simply unfortunate. I think most can relate to some of these examples: We lie when we think and tell ourself that we are fat. Or, tell yourself that you're ugly or a terrible friend or God is punishing you, etc...

Remember the child story of Pinnoccio and each time he told a lie his nose would get longer?

It all starts out small and seemingly innocent. When we are children parents 'make believe'. We hear about the Easter Bunny and their eggs. We hear about Santa Clause. We cross our fingers when telling a lie. We even add color by calling it a 'White'lie'.

We start to makeup stories and then we begin to believe in them. Often times we can justify our own actions by dismissing our lie as a 'fib', or a small fib.

And then there is April Fools day on April 1st., and then on April 30, is National Honest day. What's all that about?

People can lie about all sorts of things. Some common examples are lying about: Your weight, cigarette use, alcohol use, sexual experiences, salary pay, illegal substance abuse, etc...

So Why do people lie?

We lie to protect ourselves; we lie to promote ourselves. We lie to elevate ourselves; we lie to excuse ourselves.

In closing, I know that some of the TV members will read what I have said and shake their head and make a face thinking that they don't fall into the category of telling a lie but, just remember, If you make that face again, youre face will freeze that way. (Joke or Lie) Which is it in your mind?

How many times did I hear this from my grandmother:

"When I was your age, I walked to school in the snow without shoes uphill both ways.

Lying is engrained in cultures. The next time you get upset when you catch someone in a lie, stop and look at yourself. Ask if you are so much better. It's important to understand that of ourself in which we sometimes can not believe. What I mean to say is simply put... Don't believe everything you think. Many times we lie to ourself.

Knowing what is true and knowing your true self is another topic for another day.

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if your not Thai, stop using the word FARANG ( its French besides).

The word farang may have either originated from the Hindi word firangi (Devanāgarī: फिरंगी, "foreign"), a term for Europeans that was coined during British colonial rule in India, or from the Persian word farang (فرنگ) or farangī (فرنگی), meaning "Frank". This in turn comes from the Old French word franc, meaning "Frank", a West Germanic tribe that became a political power in Central Europe during the early Middle Ages, and from which France derives its name. Because the Frankish Empire ruled a large part of Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Low Countries) for centuries, all Europeans and even Middle Easterners associated the word "Frank" with Latins who professed the Roman Catholic faith. Frangistan (Persian: فرنگستان‎‎) was a term used by Muslims and Persians in particular, during the Middle Ages and later periods, to refer to Western or Latin Europe.


The word Farrang (as I heard) comes eider from the Sanskrit word "farengie" witch means foreigner, stranger or alien....!

Or from the fact that the French were the first westerners to open a embassy in Siam, witch was a big thing and went in accord with huge displays of wealth from both sides.. The French were called Farancais....witch became farang.!!!

Simple as that.

Best regards.

Edited by off road pat
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The ultimate lie starts in Mr. Farang's home country. Upon leaving home-country, with the purpose of retiring in Thailand, the usual reasoning (spread among family and friends) is:

"The charm of Thailand and it's people is overwhelming, The Temples, the beautiful landscape (jungle or rice paddies), The climate (9 months out of the year, a Finnish sauna, with no off switch). The cheap cost of living (used to be), the pristine beaches (where?)"

The rest of the world, including Thai-Immigration, know very well, why Farangs originating from the "western Hemisphere" congregate in Tourist-Hub's in Thailand. It's not because of any of the reasons mentioned above.

It's easy to lie. But so much harder to display honesty.


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why some people need to fabricate such often easily disproved untruths. What do you think?

One of the reasons people might be telling lies is not to hurt the feelings of others, as the other may have certain expectation about their opposite. Lies are often also told to facilitate social interaction, to make the other feel better about themselves.

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Trans tells lies on TVF....He tells everyone he can sing.....and thats just an outright LIE.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

He just recites Poetry with music in the background...cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Ahh poetry, the highest form of entertainment! Humbly he claims to be a musician, so the majesticness of his true form will not outshine our presence.

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