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Why do some farang lie so much?


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I did explain how,3 times. The issue seems to be your acceptance.

Because you choose not to accept it, that is not my problem.

You told us you know. You've repeatedly avoided the question of how you know.
Not at all. i said i know. it is enough.

i do not need to post according to your rules of life

that is the last i will say about it

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I think that both SoiBiker and BookMan should both stand in opposite corners of the classroom with dunce caps on.

You are both acting like small kids.

Oh yes I do.

Oh no you don't.

Just give it a rest and get on with life,

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I think this raises an interesting point, though. I've been accused of not living in Thailand before on here. I think some people just find it easy to assume someone is lying that accept that their truth might be different from yours.

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I did explain how,3 times. The issue seems to be your acceptance.

Because you choose not to accept it, that is not my problem.

You told us you know. You've repeatedly avoided the question of how you know.

None of your business is it. Hope you are not baiting.....I have posted I know what he knows, that should be good enough for anyone, don't you think..?

I know what transam know, and he knows what Bookman knows, therefore I know what Bookman knows. Ergo Bookman knows what I know.

Proof positive, eh? biggrin.png

Sorry, SB, you must be feeling very left out right now!! wink.png

Would I lie to you?

Edited by Rob8891
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I think this raises an interesting point, though. I've been accused of not living in Thailand before on here. I think some people just find it easy to assume someone is lying that accept that their truth might be different from yours.

I don't care where people live or if they live in thailand

My point was related to the thread. Why do people tell porky pies about where they live. What does it achieve in their head.?

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I think this raises an interesting point, though. I've been accused of not living in Thailand before on here. I think some people just find it easy to assume someone is lying that accept that their truth might be different from yours.

I don't care where people live or if they live in thailand

My point was related to the thread. Why do people tell porky pies about where they live. What does it achieve in their head.?

Books?? whistling.gif

Edited by Rob8891
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Everyone lies...Sooner or later about something's sometime.

Besides ...living in a country where lying is common place and acting like they know more than they actually do know tends to influence foreigners to abandon their honesty relative to some aspects of what they talk about.

That and many people are natural disbelievers and call BS on near anything that another person tells them especially if you do not know that person or have just met them.....while another major factor concerns the person listening is simply ( ignorant ) about the subject matter they are listening too....so they may think you are a liar.

There are not that many foreigners you would meet that are totally false personalities and can be easily caught out in bold lies all the time.

I tell people about other people I know or have known doing things that seem unbelievable while I notice that some people think I am Bullshitting them and telling some story I have more or less fabricated while others do not question what I tell them...or they know enough about the subject matter that they can separate the truth from the BS.

People have to learn to discern the difference between BS and Lies and tall tales or the true stories and facts but over exaggerated events .....spoken in a manner just to add some flavor to the story.

Then there are subject matters that you personally know all about while someone tries to tell you other wise and then you can clearly see the person is lying.....like the price of something while they are trying to over charge you.

Those types are also out there and in bigger numbers.

Cheers and no BS about it.

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Well many farangs lie, hoping to impress others i.e. I am ex sas, navy seal, special forces all bullshit.

Some lie i am a millionaire, i was the big boss before i retired.

My house is bigger than yours bla bla bla.

Me no money but still have my honey. Legs dont work but still have my honey.

You know, you may be surprised, but I am ex uk Royal Marines, I know in Thailand at least 100 ex special forces, from uk, USA and a number from Germany, France and a number of other countries. Big difference is, we keep our background quiet and don't advertise . Yes I have broken the code of silence responding to your post, let me make it vey clear THERE ARE SPECIAL FORCES IN YOUR MIX, however those that sit in a bar sprouting off are for sure bullshitters, but up to you if yo want to believe or not .

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Yes, we know there are SF among us, just as their are doctors, bankers, weary bankers, and spoonerism fans. No one disputes that, but one disputes the liars and BSers. I know of one gent who is from a titled family and was SBS.

Uh huh. coffee1.gif

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.... French were the first westerners to open a embassy in Siam, witch was a big thing and went in accord with huge displays of wealth from both sides.. The French were called Farancais....witch became farang.!!!

Simple as that.

Best regards.

That French embassy latest less than 10 years... except for a couple of French jesusits they were not welcomed back for some 166 years.


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Besides..living in a country where lying is common place and acting like they know more than they actually do know tends to influence foreigners to abandon their honesty relative to some aspects of what they talk about.


So it's Thais that make them lie.

That maybe just about the most ridiculous thing about Thais I have ever seen posted. ?


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I'll just keep on chucking the big bucks in my Thai bank account and enjoy four months a year living two mins from Asoke until the day I feel I have stashed enough cash.

Then I'll set up my hammock between two palm trees and laugh at the world.

Keep smiling through the lies people and enjoy the sunshine.

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I'll just keep on chucking the big bucks in my Thai bank account and enjoy four months a year living two mins from Asoke until the day I feel I have stashed enough cash.

Then I'll set up my hammock between two palm trees and laugh at the world.

Keep smiling through the lies people and enjoy the sunshine.

Relevant if you had posted here coffee1.gif

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Just comparing two cultures here, of two ASEAN countries.

I lived and worked in Indonesia for 8 years, and a pre-requisite was a course in Indonesian culture and language. The culture part was at least 50% of the course.

Many of the points were similar to Thai culture, such as not pointing your feet or fingers at anyone, ruffling a kid's head, but a lot more which I'm sure doesn't exist here. Is there a good book on Thai culture? Maybe something for the ASEAN pundits to publish for us Westerners.

Our class was assured that being a largely (85%) Muslim culture, people do not lie. Well, we soon found that there are various definitions of telling porkies, and there are also about 10 different ways of saying 'NO'. Invite people to dinner, and no one turns up, with a multitude of reasons given why a quick phone call couldn't be made. Unexpected visitors, flat battery on the mobile/hand/cell phone.

It later turned out that Muslims in general, don't like eating at a foreigner's house, as the 'unbeliever' might have had pork in the house sometime in the past. More importantly, I was assured often that Muslims never lie, but the codicil was that they never lie to another Muslim. Lesson learned the hard way.

At least here in Thailand, people are very care-free about the meat they eat, but I am of mixed opinions as to honesty. Maybe Thais also have various ways of saying 'no' or making excuses.

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As someone who's led a fairly eventful life, and had an interesting career, I often find that people are sceptical about my past. It's usually those who haven't done much with their own lives who find it hard to believe others have made something of theirs.

The title of the thread is "Why do some farang lie so much?"

Maybe you can re-post the above here in the Farang bragging thread. Or maybe its more suitable in this thread.


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If I was bragging, I'd tell you want that career was. You probably wouldn't believe me, though.

You have reached a new level of bragging. Bragging about things that are so amazing that you cant even reveal them on a public forum.

Why don't you give it a shot and tell us about your amazing life.

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If I was bragging, I'd tell you want that career was. You probably wouldn't believe me, though.

You have reached a new level of bragging. Bragging about things that are so amazing that you cant even reveal them on a public forum.

Why don't you give it a shot and tell us about your amazing life.

Because despite your efforts to make it so, this thread isn't about me.

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If I was bragging, I'd tell you want that career was. You probably wouldn't believe me, though.

You have reached a new level of bragging. Bragging about things that are so amazing that you cant even reveal them on a public forum.

Why don't you give it a shot and tell us about your amazing life.

Because despite your efforts to make it so, this thread isn't about me.

Obtuseness..circular logic pattern...vagueness..repeat

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Besides..living in a country where lying is common place and acting like they know more than they actually do know tends to influence foreigners to abandon their honesty relative to some aspects of what they talk about.


So it's Thais that make them lie.

That maybe just about the most ridiculous thing about Thais I have ever seen posted. ?


Hmmmmm.........If you can not comprehend the meaning of what was said then I can not help you.

You are required to figure it out for yourself while eventually you may come understand...

"You have much to learn Grasshopper"......



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I'll just keep on chucking the big bucks in my Thai bank account and enjoy four months a year living two mins from Asoke until the day I feel I have stashed enough cash.

Then I'll set up my hammock between two palm trees and laugh at the world.

Keep smiling through the lies people and enjoy the sunshine.

Relevant if you had posted here coffee1.gif

Not really Rob.

This is the TRUTH thread.

Everyone is free to tell their own truth here.

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