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Ex-revenue official to be indicted for amassing 600 million baht in ill-gotten wealth


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Well done! Now, hopefully they can go after others who have amassed conspicuous wealth while in public service.

Oh, wait.......coffee1.gif

You can say what you want but during the Shin rule you almost saw no corruption cases like this being prosecuted. Now I have seen far more of those cases in a shorter period. Sure not everyone gets investigated but far more as before.. so in that area there is definite progress.

Now there is a good explanation why during YL there were less cases brought to court.. YL cut the NACC funding with 50%.. wonder why.. maybe afraid they would go after her friends who were corrupt.

YL cut the NACC funding with 50%

For the sake of accuracy, the NACC funding was controlled by the Parliament and not by the Executive Branch under PM Yingluck. Under the now abolished 2007 Constitution, Chapter XI, Part 1 "Independent Organizations", Number 3, Article 251 The Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission shall have autonomy in itsbudget …”

So Yingluck did not cut NACC's FY2013 funding. The PTP controlled Parliament did cut NACC's proposed budget to 60% of its previous budget for a 40% cut.

With the walkout of the Democrat Party from parliament and the dissolution of parliament for new elections in 2013, I don't believe a FY2014 budget was passed. EC essentially became the budget authority and I find no mention of NACC's funding being restored to or increased above FY 2012 levels. Similarly for FY 2015 and FY 2016 budgets when the Junta-appointed National Legislative Assembly took over the Parliament. So even after the military coup the NACC might still being operating under its FY 2013 budget. (I appreciate any correction on this matter including references)

As a consequence of the Prayut May 2014 coup, the NACC was subjected to the monitoring and evaluation by the Junta-appointed National Reform Council. The NRC has the authority to dissolve or restructure the NACC. (The Nation 2015-02-06) So much for NACC "independence."

Of course that makes a big difference - not. The "Yingluck" executive, handpicked by Thaksin and the PTP MPs selected and paid a salary by Thaksin had something in common. Can you guess?

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Probably get a 500 baht fine. Lets just say justice will not be done.

Personally i think its impossible to rid Thailand of corruption; its too embedded in the culture and to alot of Thais its normal.

not true. the best way to get rid of corruptionin thailand is to wait... wait for it. I want to see what kind of villain the land of deceptive smiles creates. to many thais act like mafia, but are actually just asshats monkeys. To many thais have hurt their own people. murdered to many parents, stole from their neighbors, and allowed too many demons to posses their stuff. We are in a phase of a special mentality of desperation, hopelessness, and frustration. Ripe for vigilantes. Get your popcorn ready.

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Well let us hope that a rare thing happens in Thailand. Someone with alot of money gets prosecuted and jailed. It would be one of the few in the past couple of decades, but one can always be hopeful. Maybe the judges are starting to get tired of making excuses for their own weak behavior every time they go out into public. Maybe they are realizing that nothing will ever improve, nothing will ever change, nothing will ever move forward, while they remain completely impotent, and ineffective. Maybe. Just maybe. For some of us, hope never dies!

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and no one knew of this and she acted alone, right ?

If you bothered to read the article you would see that she is in fact a he and that the enquiry is ongoing to find out who else was involved.

or after the "investigation" this may be valid question :)

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