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Donald Trump releases health care reform plan


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Donald Trump releases health care reform plan
By Jeremy Diamond, CNN

(CNN)Donald Trump on Wednesday laid out for the first time how he will reform the U.S. health care system after repeatedly pledging to "repeal and replace Obamacare with something much better."

Trump published a seven-point health care reform plan that calls for repealing Obamacare, breaking down state barriers that prevent the sale of health insurance across state lines and making individuals' health insurance premium payments fully tax deductible.

The reforms, which Trump calls "simply a place to start," are aimed at broadening access to health care, making health care more affordable and improving the quality of care, according to the plan published on Trump's campaign website.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/03/02/politics/donald-trump-health-care-plan/index.html

-- CNN 2016-03-03

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Let me guess: It's gonna be a great plan! It will work! It's beautiful! And if he explained details, people would see, that it is a good plan, with UUUUUGE benefits for everybody! Simply amazing!coffee1.gif

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This is of course bullshit. Insurers don't sell across state lines now for a number of reasons. It's not a regulatory thing, it's a financial thing. Insurers need to negotiate with hospitals and doctors with in the various states, not a one size fits all thing.

The main thing is this Trump proposal ends Obamacare and that's the main thrust of this bullshit.

New York Times 8/31/15

"Right now, the Affordable Care Act sets up some minimum standards for insurance plans sold everywhere, but since the Republican proposals include repealing the law, those limitations would presumably disappear."

So, "selling across state lines" sounds reasonable but it's not practical. For the low-info Trump lemmings it's perfect! Making the Affordable Care Obamacare better more useable is the way to go, but you know, you're dealing with Republicans who have voted 60 times to try and kill Obamacare.

Nothing new here folks, move along.

Edited by Pinot
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making individuals' health insurance premium payments fully tax deductible.

Is this on top of the ridiculous $9.5 Trillion tax cuts he reckons he's going to make?

When are Fox going to ask him how he plans to pay for it?

Romney all over again.

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This is of course bullshit. Insurers don't sell across state lines now for a number of reasons. It's not a regulatory thing, it's a financial thing. Insurers need to negotiate with hospitals and doctors with in the various states, not a one size fits all thing.

The main thing is this Trump proposal ends Obamacare and that's the main thrust of this bullshit.

New York Times 8/31/15

"Right now, the Affordable Care Act sets up some minimum standards for insurance plans sold everywhere, but since the Republican proposals include repealing the law, those limitations would presumably disappear."

So, "selling across state lines" sounds reasonable but it's not practical. For the low-info Trump lemmings it's perfect! Making the Affordable Care Obamacare better more useable is the way to go, but you know, you're dealing with Republicans who have voted 60 times to try and kill Obamacare.

Nothing new here folks, move along.

So, you believe that only 1 proposal out of 7 won't have the desired effect. Not bad. Also, some people think it will make a difference, other's don't - so it's not really bullshit. Perhaps it won't work and the barriers aren't legal and are instead regulatory or simple laziness by insurers.

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making individuals' health insurance premium payments fully tax deductible.

Is this on top of the ridiculous $9.5 Trillion tax cuts he reckons he's going to make?

When are Fox going to ask him how he plans to pay for it?

Romney all over again.

Funny how, from a GOP perspective, Romney almost looks good at this point. Note, I did say 'almost'.

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It's a very wimpy plan.

He bloviates like a man of action and then comes out with this wimpy plan.

The truth is being revealed. He's a total sham.

To add, one of the big issue appeals of Bernie Sanders is his open advocacy for UNIVERSAL health care in the U.S. Something most civilized nations have already so hardly a radical idea.

People thinking most Sanders supporters are going to go with the psychopathic Trump vs. sensible and progressive Hillary if this is his health plan, are in for a rude surprise. The vast majority of Sanders supporters will come home to Hillary, without enthusiasm of course, but their votes will still COUNT.

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This is of course bullshit. Insurers don't sell across state lines now for a number of reasons. It's not a regulatory thing, it's a financial thing. Insurers need to negotiate with hospitals and doctors with in the various states, not a one size fits all thing.

The main thing is this Trump proposal ends Obamacare and that's the main thrust of this bullshit.

New York Times 8/31/15

"Right now, the Affordable Care Act sets up some minimum standards for insurance plans sold everywhere, but since the Republican proposals include repealing the law, those limitations would presumably disappear."

So, "selling across state lines" sounds reasonable but it's not practical. For the low-info Trump lemmings it's perfect! Making the Affordable Care Obamacare better more useable is the way to go, but you know, you're dealing with Republicans who have voted 60 times to try and kill Obamacare.

Nothing new here folks, move along.

So, you believe that only 1 proposal out of 7 won't have the desired effect. Not bad. Also, some people think it will make a difference, other's don't - so it's not really bullshit. Perhaps it won't work and the barriers aren't legal and are instead regulatory or simple laziness by insurers.

The single largest impediment to getting our health care delivery system fixed can be summed up in one word...profit. Why should a health insurer want to pay your claim when that will directly impact their bottom line? Why should they want to reduce premiums when that will do the same? Why should hospitals or doctors want to cut costs? Higher costs mean higher profits.

So, along comes the gerbil headed dreamsicle with a UUUUUGGGE plan to solve the health care crisis: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/healthcare-reform

The inability of health insurers to sell across state lines is has precisely zero to do with Federal regulations. All insurance policies, of any kind, must gain the approval of the individual state insurance commissioner's office before they can be sold in that state. So the reason policies can't be sold across state lines is due to the state not approving a policy. The only thing the "minimum standards" provision does is set a floor for what a policy must have in it. Sounds like the Donald wants to let the Federal government intrude on an area that the states regulate. What was that the GOP was saying about "big government", and turning things back to the states, and states rights, and curtailing the power of the Federal government, and...?

Allow people to deduct their health insurance premiums. This will do little, if anything, to resolve the health care crisis. It most certainly will NOT bring down costs. It will offer a minuscule amount of relief to individuals, but will do nothing to help put the brakes on runaway costs.

To kill the ACA would require both a Republican President and a Republican Senate. If the Donald gets the nomination, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that the Dems will retake the Senate. That's why Chinless McConnell came out and stated that if Gerbil Head is nominated the Republicans in the Senate will refuse to support him, meaning they'll help Bernie or Hillary get elected because they know that he will be toxic to close Senate races. And losing the Senate will significantly reduce the power of GOP Senators...not a prospect they're very fond of contemplating, especially when you consider that the Dems would most likely engage in some serious payback. Gone would be the power to obstruct, except by filibuster. And the Dems can emasculate them on that one by simply requiring the Republiclowns to actually show up and filibuster, like was done with Cruz. Remember "Green Eggs and Ham"?

Herr Drumpf's proposal for tax free health savings accounts sounds nice on the surface, but his campaign is claiming that they will be especially attractive to healthy young people who opt to take large deductibles. Problem is, young people today are barely scraping by as it is. If they graduated from college they are likely saddled with enormous student loan debt. If they didn't graduate from college then they are likely stuck in some low paying, dead end job. They take large deductibles out of financial necessity, not prudent financial planning. Very few of them will be able to afford a health savings account, no matter how attractive it might be.

He's advocating transparency in pricing from doctors and hospitals, which, his campaign states, would allow patients to shop for the most affordable provider. Problem is, when you feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest and your arm is numb, probably not gonna have a lot of time to price shop. When you've just been hit head on by a semi, price shopping may not be an option. And don't expect tons of cooperation from health care providers. Why would they?

Block grant medicaid to the states. In other words, screw the poor...again. There's your "compassionate conservatives". I'm sure denying health care to the poor is exactly what Jesus was talking about in the Sermon on the Mount.

The only point in his "7 Point Plan" that makes any sense is removing barriers to competition for drug manufacturers seeking to offer cheaper alternatives. So, no, it's not just one point out of seven that won't have the desired effect. Six out of seven are pretty much non-starters. And number seven will die an agonizing death thanks to lobbyists.

Consider the fact that Drumpf only offers the vaguest of outlines for his plan. There are no details as to exactly how any of these points would bring down costs, or make health care more affordable, or more available. As is typical of Gerbil Head, long on hot air, a complete vacuum when it comes to details.

Edited by Traveler19491
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Donald Trump on Wednesday laid out for the first time how he will reform the U.S. health care system after repeatedly pledging to "repeal and replace Obamacare with something much better."

and then there is Plan B:

You're sick? - You're fired!

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Given how utterly CRAPPY Trumpnotcare is, and given Sanders is bern-t toast, now I'm wondering if Hillary should consider going LEFT on healthcare to contrast against Mr. D.J.T. Maybe somewhere between Obamacare and Berni-versal could be the sweet spot ... politically and hopefully in action. There is still a small chance for a revolution of sorts. The republican party is in shatters and if Hillary creams him, there is a small chance the democrats can also take both the senate and the house. Maybe running on something more bold can boost the ENTHUSIASM for that.

I don't do twitter but feel free to "steal"


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making individuals' health insurance premium payments fully tax deductible.

Is this on top of the ridiculous $9.5 Trillion tax cuts he reckons he's going to make?

When are Fox going to ask him how he plans to pay for it?

Romney all over again.

I think he would be better than BRAINLESS Clinton.

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Trump is much SMARTER than you guys on here that knock him.

WHY? Would he tell the Democrats what he is going to do in detail.

I hope for the sake of America he gets elected.

I wish we had someone like him in Australia.

Make Australia Great Again?coffee1.gif

It was great before?

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Trump better have his health plan in place before abolishing Obama care because his healthcare plan may not get passed by the Congress in the hip pocket of the Insurance companies. That would leave the U.S. back were it was prior to Obama care, just what the corporations want.

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Trump better have his health plan in place before abolishing Obama care because his healthcare plan may not get passed by the Congress in the hip pocket of the Insurance companies. That would leave the U.S. back were it was prior to Obama care, just what the corporations want.

For most people, there is no discernible difference between pre/post ACA. If you were a desititute, medicaid dependent, then you benefitted with some level of insurance subsidized by the taxpayers. For those who were buying their own insurance before, I doubt they are paying less. The biggest beneficiary of all is the healthcare cartel themselves because they have added millions of taxpayer subsidized policies without having any kind of cost controls imposed. They are getting richer than ever. Buying the dozen or so Congressmen in each of the two party's who oversee how the other 500 vote is chump change to them.

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Wrong. Many people get substantial subsidies to buy private insurance. Expanded medicaid in non redneck states cover people making much more than standard medicaid. Also the preexisting conditions now covered. Please stop spreading lies about ACA. it's very flawed of course but it has been a huge improvement for millions.

You don't want to dump all that without a much better replacement. Trumpnotcare ain't that.

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The best plan is to relocate all Americans by the borders with Canada and Mexico. In that way, any problem is resolved crossing the border to pay 10 times less than on the US....and I am not joking. That was my Health Insurance "policy" in South California....just 40 minutes driving.

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The best plan is to relocate all Americans by the borders with Canada and Mexico. In that way, any problem is resolved crossing the border to pay 10 times less than on the US....and I am not joking. That was my Health Insurance "policy" in South California....just 40 minutes driving.

I used to mail order meds from Canada until they made that illegal. Canada did to protect prices for Canadians.
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Trump is much SMARTER than you guys on here that knock him.

WHY? Would he tell the Democrats what he is going to do in detail.

I hope for the sake of America he gets elected.

I wish we had someone like him in Australia.

Count your very lucky stars that you do not...at least not if you care even remotely about Australia. I'm sorry, but your response is lacking in any understanding of the American electoral system. Drumpf would NOT be telling the Democrats...he would be telling the American voting public. The voters have a RIGHT to know what it is that they're voting for. But, then, that is precisely why Drumpf isn't telling anything...he doesn't want anyone with an education beyond the sixth grade to know. Because if they did, they'd laugh his ass out of town.

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Wrong. Many people get substantial subsidies to buy private insurance. Expanded medicaid in non redneck states cover people making much more than standard medicaid. Also the preexisting conditions now covered. Please stop spreading lies about ACA. it's very flawed of course but it has been a huge improvement for millions.

You don't want to dump all that without a much better replacement. Trumpnotcare ain't that.

My ex was paying $700 a month for an individual plan with a $5,000 deductible. With Obamacare she's paying just over $400 for a $2,500 deductible. The vast majority of people have benefited from the ACA, both benefit wise, and with lower premiums. Yes, there are many people who are paying more, but they are considerably outnumbered by people paying less. http://www.vox.com/2014/6/18/5818386/heres-how-much-people-are-paying-for-obamacare

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This is of course bullshit. Insurers don't sell across state lines now for a number of reasons. It's not a regulatory thing, it's a financial thing. Insurers need to negotiate with hospitals and doctors with in the various states, not a one size fits all thing.

The main thing is this Trump proposal ends Obamacare and that's the main thrust of this bullshit.

New York Times 8/31/15

"Right now, the Affordable Care Act sets up some minimum standards for insurance plans sold everywhere, but since the Republican proposals include repealing the law, those limitations would presumably disappear."

So, "selling across state lines" sounds reasonable but it's not practical. For the low-info Trump lemmings it's perfect! Making the Affordable Care Obamacare better more useable is the way to go, but you know, you're dealing with Republicans who have voted 60 times to try and kill Obamacare.

Nothing new here folks, move along.

So, you believe that only 1 proposal out of 7 won't have the desired effect. Not bad. Also, some people think it will make a difference, other's don't - so it's not really bullshit. Perhaps it won't work and the barriers aren't legal and are instead regulatory or simple laziness by insurers.

The really large insurance companies do have presence in many multiple states but as separate entities. I for one believe that the regulations that prohibit selling insurance across state lines are foolish. If the competition starts it eventually will bring about some change and hopefully competition, not a bad thing. Additionally I think all health care costs should be fully tax deductible. Why should the federal government tax the hell out of people and then force them as well to pay for health insurance as well without a tax deduction? The concept of Obamacare has many valid points but as usual the government wrote a law thousands of pages long which turned everything upside down. I know for a fact that health insurance costs have risen under Obamacare for most people when in fact the people were promised lower premiums. Sure there are now 9 million or so who have health care but at the expense of everyone else. That's not what Obama promised with his plan. That probably because Obama nor the democrats who passed the bill never read it to understand what it would do because it was to complicated for them to understand. Politicians of all stripes are nothing but liars.

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Drumpf's non health care plan is no different than all the Republican non health care plans. Don't get sick, if you get sick die, die quickly. Oh and along the way, give all your money to the real death panels, insurance companies. I was at Bangkok Udon Hospital today for a very, very through eye exam. Total cost less than my copay would have been in the states. Screw Republicans.

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