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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Far be it from me to call you a liar, but it sure seems strange that you do bother posting a link to this mythical repudiation of his former stance. Provide one please.

And I promise to be very gracious when you apologize for saying that this repudiation was "mythical".

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Renowned author Wm Manchester penned the definitive biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar. It was of course a hyperbolic title but it made its point. President Truman and his advisors to include the principal cabinet officers had to "slay" MacArthur to stop him starting World War III. MacArthur was positive he'd been betrayed and the country sold down the river to the Red Chinese.

I'd noted months ago Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini, the strongman type who has all the answers to everything at all times. The boisterous and swaggering Trump has reduced his rhetoric of campaign violence since his manager was charged by police in Florida (the charges were recently dropped).

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome. It of course isn't the same thing, but it is the uniquely American version of the Mussolini march. It's just that Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

The more Trump and his troopers discredit the system to the point of its being completely negated, the better the probability they can establish their own new system in its place. And it won't be pretty either. Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable from its predecessor written by the Founders.

Which is why Trump will fail, if not at the Republican National Convention, then in the general election in November when the vast and moderate centrist electorate will pass their due judgement on Benito The Donald and his ways.

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Renowned author Wm Manchester penned the definitive biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar. It was of course a hyperbolic title but it made its point. President Truman and his advisors to include the principal cabinet officers had to "slay" MacArthur to stop him starting World War III. MacArthur was positive he'd been betrayed and the country sold down the river to the Red Chinese.

I'd noted months ago Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini, the strongman type who has all the answers to everything at all times. The boisterous and swaggering Trump has reduced his rhetoric of campaign violence since his manager was charged by police in Florida (the charges were recently dropped).

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome. It of course isn't the same thing, but it is the uniquely American version of the Mussolini march. It's just that Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

The more Trump and his troopers discredit the system to the point of its being completely negated, the better the probability they can establish their own new system in its place. And it won't be pretty either. Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable from its predecessor written by the Founders.

Which is why Trump will fail, if not at the Republican National Convention, then in the general election in November when the vast and moderate centrist electorate will pass their due judgement on Benito The Donald and his ways.

No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards others,

You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages.

So what is posted? Cheap name calling that passes for debate as long is it is anti Trump.

Publicis writes ------

Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome..

Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable

Benito The Donald

End of quotes

I realize the fix is in but am I the only one who is bothered by the constant kindergarten name calling?

Edited by Scotwight
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The louder Trump howls and the longer Trump wails the more we know he's being pantsed by the Institutional Republican Party and good for 'em over there trying to save their beloved party. smile.png

Nothing is resolved yet or final so Republicans at the convention will have to hold their fire until the fat lady sings.

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The louder Trump howls and the longer Trump wails the more we know he's being pantsed by the Institutional Republican Party and good for 'em over there trying to save their beloved party. smile.png

Nothing is resolved yet or final so Republicans at the convention will have to hold their fire until the fat lady sings.

Why not try debating the issues instead of the debating the person? What does Trump say that makes the world shudder? Europe might have to sacrifice health care and universal education to start paying for NATO defense? China might have to compete on a level playing field? Mexico might have to start making social changes instead of the entire country deserting to the USA?

Edited by Scotwight
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The louder Trump howls and the longer Trump wails the more we know he's being pantsed by the Institutional Republican Party and good for 'em over there trying to save their beloved party. smile.png

Nothing is resolved yet or final so Republicans at the convention will have to hold their fire until the fat lady sings.

Why not try debating the issues instead of the debating the person? What does Trump say that makes the world shudder? Europe might have to sacrifice health care and universal education to start paying for NATO defense? China might have to compete on a level playing field? Mexico might have to start making social changes instead of the entire country deserting to the USA?

More Mexicans have left the USA than have arrived since 2009.

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Renowned author Wm Manchester penned the definitive biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar. It was of course a hyperbolic title but it made its point. President Truman and his advisors to include the principal cabinet officers had to "slay" MacArthur to stop him starting World War III. MacArthur was positive he'd been betrayed and the country sold down the river to the Red Chinese.

I'd noted months ago Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini, the strongman type who has all the answers to everything at all times. The boisterous and swaggering Trump has reduced his rhetoric of campaign violence since his manager was charged by police in Florida (the charges were recently dropped).

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome. It of course isn't the same thing, but it is the uniquely American version of the Mussolini march. It's just that Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

The more Trump and his troopers discredit the system to the point of its being completely negated, the better the probability they can establish their own new system in its place. And it won't be pretty either. Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable from its predecessor written by the Founders.

Which is why Trump will fail, if not at the Republican National Convention, then in the general election in November when the vast and moderate centrist electorate will pass their due judgement on Benito The Donald and his ways.

No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards others,

You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages.

So what is posted? Cheap name calling that passes for debate as long is it is anti Trump.

Publicis writes ------

Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome..

Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable

Benito The Donald

End of quotes

I realize the fix is in but am I the only one who is bothered by the constant kindergarten name calling?

Your references to serious, articulate observations and analysis as kindergarten name calling is symptomatic of the growing tendency for the trump fanboys to play the victim. Clearly the writing is on the wall and that the trumpy-boys are realising that their Deified Clown cannot win either the nomination or the election.

Quoting forum rules for language used against Trump? You must be really into exercises in futility. What's next "You can't say that or I'll tell the moderators on you".

For those people who take politics seriously and are not the petulant old scrubbers who are bitter about their lack of success in life, the dangers of populist autocracy are very real. It has been demonstrated aptly in Trump's case with his exhortations to suppress dissent by violence, his chronic deliberate falsehoods and exaggerations, his extreme think skin and unwarranted self regard. From such things are a dictator made. Serious people understand this. Spoilers and whingers who are fantasising about returning to a golden age that never existed being brought about by a person who has no demonstrable qualifications nor policies nor experience to achieve this, clearly are willing to trade off respect for human dignity and freedoms in favour of bling, bombast and buffoonery. It is very clear who is in the kindergarten.


Edited by seedy
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Haaaaaaaaaaaah !

Trump just pulled ahead in the polls up to like 47 to tiny cruz's 23 (approx)

Bet he will ace New York..and take a huuuuuuuge chunk of Pennsylvania.

Go Trump, and salvage some cut glass from the Republican Titanic's chandelier before you jump ship.

The louder Trump howls and the longer Trump wails the more we know he's being pantsed by the Institutional Republican Party and good for 'em over there trying to save their beloved party. smile.png

Nothing is resolved yet or final so Republicans at the convention will have to hold their fire until the fat lady sings.

Why not try debating the issues instead of the debating the person? What does Trump say that makes the world shudder? Europe might have to sacrifice health care and universal education to start paying for NATO defense? China might have to compete on a level playing field? Mexico might have to start making social changes instead of the entire country deserting to the USA?

"What does Trump say that makes the world shudder?" Is that a real question? It's a doozy. Here are some answers......

>>> is unpredictable

>>> uninformed

>>> wishy-washy - changes opinions day to day

>>> quick-to-anger, vindictiveness, recrimination

>>> extremely judgmental. No middle ground. Everything for him is either fabulous or awful. Every person; he either loves or hates.

>>> has the emotional maturity of 9 yr old brat

>>> can never admit making a mistake

>>> interrupts and repeats endlessly

>>> thin-skinned

>>> wants to appear to be the toughest guy. People like that jump into conficts/wars. Already showed be he toughest on ISIS, though Cruz may have trumped him by asking whether sand glows after a Nuke explodes in a desert.

>>> uses his blustering to cover for his self-doubts. Who else do you know declares publicly, "I am very very rich." ? If a farang moved into a Thai village in Issan and declared that, he would be treated like the buttplug he is.

....shall I go on?

Edited by boomerangutang
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The louder Trump howls and the longer Trump wails the more we know he's being pantsed by the Institutional Republican Party and good for 'em over there trying to save their beloved party. smile.png

Nothing is resolved yet or final so Republicans at the convention will have to hold their fire until the fat lady sings.

Why not try debating the issues instead of the debating the person? What does Trump say that makes the world shudder? Europe might have to sacrifice health care and universal education to start paying for NATO defense? China might have to compete on a level playing field? Mexico might have to start making social changes instead of the entire country deserting to the USA?

Actually you make a fair point here.

On some of the issues he actually agrees more with the Democratic party. Western Europe should pay more for its defense. (Although it would not have to sacrifice it's highly superior social system to do that. I think we're talking about a bump in percentage of GDP of about 2 percent.) And the corollary of that is that America should start paying less. That's not going to be a real popular position with the Republican ruling class. He said the same about Korea which is even more emphatically the case since our troops there can be held as virtual hostages by a nuclear armed North Korea. Even at its present level of defense, South Korea is easily capable of deterring a North Korean conventional assault. What's more, China and Japan, the world's 2nd and 3rd largest economies are right there too, What are we doing there?

And on China, he's right again. China makes it very difficult for Western companies to sell their goods there. We should retaliate. But that would definitely hurt corporate profits. You think the Republican Congress will stand for that? And consumers might feel something of a bite in the short run and a pinch in the longer run. Unless China backs down. This is also naturally a Democratic issue. And yes, I know Obama backs TPP. But the vast majority of Democrats don't. It's the Republican Congress who is backing that. Again catering to corporate interests.

As for Mexico. Last I checked, there was a net outflow of Mexican immigrants. And it was Trump who blamed the Mexican government for sending over rapists via illegal immigration. There he's taken one right out of the Republican playbook.

What you didn't mention though is really, truly, yuuge!!!. It's his gigantic tax cut. It would cut the wealthiest .01% taxes by almost 20%. I believe it would cut middle class taxes by about 4%. And this is truly odd because the majority of Republican voters think taxes on the wealthy should be raised. I don't know how his supporters reconcile this with his being on their side.

And then there is the question of his general, massive ignorance. I mean he's had months to bone up on these issues and apparently has done nothing in that regard. Just read the interview he had with the Washington Post.

Anyway, I am, for my own partisan reasons, rooting for him to get the nomination. Go Trump!

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For those people who take politics seriously and are not the petulant old scrubbers who are bitter about their lack of success in life, the dangers of populist autocracy are very real. It has been demonstrated aptly in Trump's case with his exhortations to suppress dissent by violence, his chronic deliberate falsehoods and exaggerations, his extreme think skin and unwarranted self regard. From such things are a dictator made. Serious people understand this. Spoilers and whingers who are fantasising about returning to a golden age that never existed being brought about by a person who has no demonstrable qualifications nor policies nor experience to achieve this, clearly are willing to trade off respect for human dignity and freedoms in favour of bling, bombast and buffoonery. It is very clear who is in the kindergarten.


Probably the best and most succinct analysis of the Trump phenomenon I've read on this forum and certainly with respect to his supporters here as well.

I feel sorry in a way for all these angry men who missed the mythological golden age, but the reality is that they likely just never had the guts to stake their own claim on life and make their own golden age.

Edited by seedy
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"What does Trump say that makes the world shudder?" Is that a real question? It's a doozy. Here are some answers......

>>> is unpredictable

>>> uninformed

>>> wishy-washy - changes opinions day to day

>>> quick-to-anger, vindictiveness, recrimination

>>> extremely judgmental. No middle ground. Everything for his is either fabulous or awful. Every person he either loves or hates.

>>> has the emotional maturity of 9 yr old brat

>>> can never admit making a mistake

>>> interrupts and repeats endlessly

>>> thin-skinned

>>> want to appear to be the toughest guy. People like that jump into wars.

>>> uses his blustering to cover for his self-doubts. Who else do you know declares publicly, "I am very very rich." ? If a farang moved into a Thai village in Issan and declared that, he would be treated like the buttplug he is.

....shall I go on?

If you go on instead of more kindergarten buffoonery why not try discussing the issues

What is Trump's position on the following?

1. The Anti-Free Trader.

2. Cutting America’s Military Budget.

3. Rejecting Big Money Political Corruption

4. Preserving Social Security and Medicare.

5. Lowering Seniors’ Prescription Drug Costs.

6. Breaking Health Insurance Monopolies.


Edited by Scotwight
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The louder Trump howls and the longer Trump wails the more we know he's being pantsed by the Institutional Republican Party and good for 'em over there trying to save their beloved party. smile.png

Nothing is resolved yet or final so Republicans at the convention will have to hold their fire until the fat lady sings.

Why not try debating the issues instead of the debating the person? What does Trump say that makes the world shudder? Europe might have to sacrifice health care and universal education to start paying for NATO defense? China might have to compete on a level playing field? Mexico might have to start making social changes instead of the entire country deserting to the USA?

Actually you make a fair point here.

On some of the issues he actually agrees more with the Democratic party. Western Europe should pay more for its defense. (Although it would not have to sacrifice it's highly superior social system to do that. I think we're talking about a bump in percentage of GDP of about 2 percent.) And the corollary of that is that America should start paying less. That's not going to be a real popular position with the Republican ruling class. He said the same about Korea which is even more emphatically the case since our troops there can be held as virtual hostages by a nuclear armed North Korea. Even at its present level of defense, South Korea is easily capable of deterring a North Korean conventional assault. What's more, China and Japan, the world's 2nd and 3rd largest economies are right there too, What are we doing there?

And on China, he's right again. China makes it very difficult for Western companies to sell their goods there. We should retaliate. But that would definitely hurt corporate profits. You think the Republican Congress will stand for that? And consumers might feel something of a bite in the short run and a pinch in the longer run. Unless China backs down. This is also naturally a Democratic issue. And yes, I know Obama backs TPP. But the vast majority of Democrats don't. It's the Republican Congress who is backing that. Again catering to corporate interests.

As for Mexico. Last I checked, there was a net outflow of Mexican immigrants. And it was Trump who blamed the Mexican government for sending over rapists via illegal immigration. There he's taken one right out of the Republican playbook.

What you didn't mention though is really, truly, yuuge!!!. It's his gigantic tax cut. It would cut the wealthiest .01% taxes by almost 20%. I believe it would cut middle class taxes by about 4%. And this is truly odd because the majority of Republican voters think taxes on the wealthy should be raised. I don't know how his supporters reconcile this with his being on their side.

And then there is the question of his general, massive ignorance. I mean he's had months to bone up on these issues and apparently has done nothing in that regard. Just read the interview he had with the Washington Post.

Anyway, I am, for my own partisan reasons, rooting for him to get the nomination. Go Trump!

Good points and worthy of debate and better than name calling.

In 2005, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report, there were 6.2 million illegal immigrants from Mexico making 56 percent of immigrants present in the United States illegally.

Country of Origin (January 2006) Mexico 6,840,000 56% Latin & Central Amer. 3,000,000 24% Asia 1,080,000 9% Europe + Canada 720,000 6% Rest of World 480,000 4%

The number of Mexican legal immigrants and Mexican illegal immigrants in the United States has grown quite rapidly over the past 35 years, increasing almost 15-fold from about 760,000 in the 1970 Census to more than 11 million in 2004– --- grown by about 500,000 per year from 1995 to 2005 with 80 to 85 percent of the growth attributed to illegal immigration.


Edited by Scotwight
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"What does Trump say that makes the world shudder?" Is that a real question? It's a doozy. Here are some answers......

>>> is unpredictable

>>> uninformed

>>> wishy-washy - changes opinions day to day

>>> quick-to-anger, vindictiveness, recrimination

>>> extremely judgmental. No middle ground. Everything for his is either fabulous or awful. Every person he either loves or hates.

>>> has the emotional maturity of 9 yr old brat

>>> can never admit making a mistake

>>> interrupts and repeats endlessly

>>> thin-skinned

>>> want to appear to be the toughest guy. People like that jump into wars.

>>> uses his blustering to cover for his self-doubts. Who else do you know declares publicly, "I am very very rich." ? If a farang moved into a Thai village in Issan and declared that, he would be treated like the buttplug he is.

....shall I go on?

If you go on instead of more kindergarten buffoonery why not try discussing the issues

What is Trump's position on the following?

1. The Anti-Free Trader.

He is 100% anti-free trade. He proposes 35 to 45% tariffs on imports. that will do 2 things right away: #1 start trade wars and #2 ramp consumer prices up 50% for Americans.

2. Cutting America’s Military Budget.

He says he will be the strongest Military president ever. He also says the US military is in horrible shape. Both those statements indicate incredible increases in military spending, not counting the real possibility of him starting wars, which Republican presidents are prone to do.

3. Rejecting Big Money Political Corruption

Maybe, maybe not. He has not come out against PACs, he's only said that he doesn't have a PAC. Bernie has come out strongly against PACs. Trump has also lied about his political donations. He said he doesn't get any. Then, when it was pointed out that he solicits donations on his web site and he's rec'd about 17 million thus far, he hemmed and hawed, "Maybe. A lady sent me $17. Big deal, huh."

4. Preserving Social Security and Medicare.

Maybe, maybe not. He can change his ideas in a NY minute.

5. Lowering Seniors’ Prescription Drug Costs.

Doubtful. Sanders would have a shot at doing that, but Trump love big money, Big Pharma, and very rich people too much.

6. Breaking Health Insurance Monopolies. I don't know, I don't follow that issue.


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Good effort.


Hi Chuckd

I want to thank you so much for the nice picture. It was really very thoughtful of you. The thing is, the posting I made was meant for grownups. That's why I used hard words like inflation and funny letters like GDP. I am trying to think of a way to put all that stuff into pictures so maybe you, too, could understand. In the meantime, don't let anyone tell you that you aren't special. Because you really, really are.


Uncle Still

Thank you for the kind words.

Using your twisted logic concerning adjusting for inflation, then will it not be safe to assume that, should inflation remain approximately the same for the next 30+ years, Obama's addition of some $10 Trillion to the national debt in today's dollars will suddenly become $20 Trillion or even $40 Trillion with GDP factored in?

As you can tell, I am not a trained economist. I always hired people like you to do my clerical work. I'm just a poor dumb country boy that somehow believes President Reagan's addition of some $1.9 Trillion to the national debt had less adverse impact than President Obama's estimated $10 Trillion addition.

By the way, here is another opinion on your GDP play:


One alternative method looks at the dollar amount of the debt increase divided by the dollar amount of GDP at the end of each term. Obama’s numbers for the debt and GDP are only through Sept. 30, 2014, and thus should be considered a temporary figure, as an improving economy might boost the GDP and thus improve his ratio. At current trends, however, it is likely that Obama’s performance would be the worst among recent presidents, according to this calculation. (He would still trail Roosevelt and Wilson among presidents in the last hundred years.)

Debt increase* End-of-term GDP* Percentage
Reagan $1,873 $8,850 21%
GHW Bush 1,484 $9,410 16%
Clinton 1,268 $12,680 12%
GW Bush 4,899 $14,580 34%
Obama 7,198 $16,160 44%
(*in billions)
And then, here is President Obama in his own words:
PS: If you watched the video, you will hear President Obama call the national debt under Bush of $30,000 for every man, woman and child as being "irresponsible and unpatriotic".
It is now $58,000 for every man, woman and child in the US.
You can have some more fun juggling the numbers. Don't expect me to waste any more time playing your numbers game.

Hi Chuckd

Guess What. Fact checker was wrong! And Glenn Kessler has now amended his Washington Post article to reflect that fact. Reagan is now all the way up to 34%. And he owes it all to you. If you hadn't cited this article, I never would have checked its numbers. You can click on the link for yourself. I am going to recommend that the Democratic National Committee give you a medal for being instrumental in the further debunking of Ronald Reagan. Actually, the real number for Reagan should be 38% because of inflation factors that Glenn didn't want to include. Well, it's his column)Thank you so much. I really owe you now.

Here's a quote from Glenn: I do think these revisions are quite unfair to George H.W. Bush. Interest rates were very high on long term treasury bills in the Reagan era. Well above the rate of inflation. So much of the debt that is attributed to George H.W. Bush really is the responsibility of Reagan. Whereas the long term Treasury bills Obama is using actually lag the rate of inflation. In effect, investors are paying the USA to hold their money.

Here's a quote from Glenn:"NOTE: In 2016, a sharp-eyed reader spotted an error in the chart below, in that we had mistakenly used an inflation-adjusted GDP figures, rather thannominal GDP. The mistake mainly reduced the percentages for Reagan and George H.W. Bush. We have corrected the numbers and also updated the figures for Obama through Dec. 15, 2015."

I do think these revisions are quite unfair to George H.W. Bush. Interest rates were very high on long term treasury bills in the Reagan era. Well above the rate of inflation. So much of the debt that is attributed to George H.W. Bush really is the responsibility of Reagan. A fairer accounting would push Reagan well above 40%. Whereas the long term Treasury bills Obama is using actually lag the rate of inflation. In effect, investors are paying the USA to hold their money

Thanks for the correction made by the Washington Post, but is that really the best you could do?

You gleefully state there were two errors made by the Post concerning the percentages of increase of both GHW Bush and Reagan, yet you fail to address that Obama's percentage was also increased in the reevaluation from 44% to 46% and they did not alter their editorial comment that...

"it is likely that Obama’s performance would be the worst among recent presidents, according to this calculation. (He would still trail Roosevelt and Wilson among presidents in the last hundred years.)"

For the benefit of our members, here is the new information provided by the Washington Post.

Debt increase* End-of-term GDP* Percentage
Reagan $1,873 $5,413 34%
GHW Bush 1,484 $6,492 29%
Clinton 1,268 $10,472 12%
GW Bush 4,899 $14,549 34%
Obama 8,296 $18,164 46%
(*in billions)

Spiking the football only makes you look silly unless you win the game. You didn't win the game.

Obama is still ranked the third worst in the last 100 years.

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For people discussing immigration policy this site looks quite informative:


One of the startling observations is that 40% of illegals actually enter the country legally. With a tourist visa, visa exempt, business and student visas.

Should housemasters in USA report changes of foreign people within 24 hours as they do here in Thailand? Probably not as that might be seen as too much intrusion in the freedoms of legal status people.

Maybe a wall between Mexico and the USA is not the answer. Maybe requiring employers to fully comply with reporting would help as well. Plenty of ways to control or reduce illegal immigration.

Edited by jmd8800
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For people discussing immigration policy this site looks quite informative:


One of the startling observations is that 40% of illegals actually enter the country legally. With a tourist visa, visa exempt, business and student visas.

Should housemasters in USA report changes of foreign people within 24 hours as they do here? Probably not as that might be seen as too much intrusion in the freedoms of legal status people.

Maybe a wall between Mexico and the USA is not the answer. Maybe requiring employers to fully comply with reporting would help as well. Plenty of ways to control or reduce illegal immigration.

Employers pay cash. Government can't enforce reporting laws - not enough cops in the world. If there was a way it's been tried and did not work. Try a wall especially for Canadians.

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"What does Trump say that makes the world shudder?" Is that a real question? It's a doozy. Here are some answers......

>>> is unpredictable

>>> uninformed

>>> wishy-washy - changes opinions day to day

>>> quick-to-anger, vindictiveness, recrimination

>>> extremely judgmental. No middle ground. Everything for his is either fabulous or awful. Every person he either loves or hates.

>>> has the emotional maturity of 9 yr old brat

>>> can never admit making a mistake

>>> interrupts and repeats endlessly

>>> thin-skinned

>>> want to appear to be the toughest guy. People like that jump into wars.

>>> uses his blustering to cover for his self-doubts. Who else do you know declares publicly, "I am very very rich." ? If a farang moved into a Thai village in Issan and declared that, he would be treated like the buttplug he is.

....shall I go on?

If you go on instead of more kindergarten buffoonery why not try discussing the issues

What is Trump's position on the following?

1. The Anti-Free Trader.

He is 100% anti-free trade. He proposes 35 to 45% tariffs on imports. that will do 2 things right away: #1 start trade wars and #2 ramp consumer prices up 50% for Americans.

2. Cutting America’s Military Budget.

He says he will be the strongest Military president ever. He also says the US military is in horrible shape. Both those statements indicate incredible increases in military spending, not counting the real possibility of him starting wars, which Republican presidents are prone to do.

3. Rejecting Big Money Political Corruption

Maybe, maybe not. He has not come out against PACs, he's only said that he doesn't have a PAC. Bernie has come out strongly against PACs. Trump has also lied about his political donations. He said he doesn't get any. Then, when it was pointed out that he solicits donations on his web site and he's rec'd about 17 million thus far, he hemmed and hawed, "Maybe. A lady sent me $17. Big deal, huh."

4. Preserving Social Security and Medicare.

Maybe, maybe not. He can change his ideas in a NY minute.

5. Lowering Seniors’ Prescription Drug Costs.

Doubtful. Sanders would have a shot at doing that, but Trump love big money, Big Pharma, and very rich people too much.

6. Breaking Health Insurance Monopolies. I don't know, I don't follow that issue.


Free Trade,

Last week, he singled out Carrier Air Conditioning, Ford and Eaton Corp. for moving manufacturing abroad. A week before, he boasted, “I’m going to get Apple to start making their computers and their iPhones on our land, not in China.

Military budget.

Trump has repeatedly called for cutting military spending by closing America’s overseas military bases. “Donald Trump could be the only presidential candidate talking sense about for the American military’s budget. That should scare everyone,” wrote Matthew Gault in a detailed piece for Reuters. “As Trump has pointed out many times, Washington can build and maintain an amazing military arsenal for a fraction of what it’s paying now. He’s also right about one of the causes of the bloated budget: expensive prestige weapons systems. (More Democratic Presidents have started wars than republicans Final Score: Democrats: 16

Republicans: 10 ) https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061003172851AAZgpzV

Lowering Prescription costs.

Trump is saying he wants to do what Democrats like Obama, Clinton and Sanders have long called for, but which has been blocked by congressional Republicans. Trump wants the feds to negotiate buying in bulk from pharmaceutical companies, which has been explicitly prohibited by the GOP in past legislation.


Edited by Scotwight
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For people discussing immigration policy this site looks quite informative:


One of the startling observations is that 40% of illegals actually enter the country legally. With a tourist visa, visa exempt, business and student visas.

Should housemasters in USA report changes of foreign people within 24 hours as they do here? Probably not as that might be seen as too much intrusion in the freedoms of legal status people.

Maybe a wall between Mexico and the USA is not the answer. Maybe requiring employers to fully comply with reporting would help as well. Plenty of ways to control or reduce illegal immigration.

Employers pay cash. Government can't enforce reporting laws - not enough cops in the world. If there was a way it's been tried and did not work. Try a wall especially for Canadians.

Hahaha... In CM when people ask me where I'm from I tell them I am from the lower Canadian sub-continent!

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When discussing these issues there is no reason to bring up Hitler or Mussolini. The personality types stand on their own. The question is..do you want this type of person to be a leader of the USA.

As the quote goes: "Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." It is up to the participants in the forum to keep it focused on ideas not people.

Regardless of personality type one must seriously ask themselves how we got to this point. For me, that is the disturbing question.

I'm sure all the other candidates are lovin' it that the attention is all on the Donald. If it were an ordinary campaign, they would have much more attention paid to their glaring defects.

One must seriously ask themselves if ANY of the current candidates would make a good president. If Donald goes, what is the alternative? Now that makes me shudder!

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Renowned author Wm Manchester penned the definitive biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar. It was of course a hyperbolic title but it made its point. President Truman and his advisors to include the principal cabinet officers had to "slay" MacArthur to stop him starting World War III. MacArthur was positive he'd been betrayed and the country sold down the river to the Red Chinese.

I'd noted months ago Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini, the strongman type who has all the answers to everything at all times. The boisterous and swaggering Trump has reduced his rhetoric of campaign violence since his manager was charged by police in Florida (the charges were recently dropped).

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome. It of course isn't the same thing, but it is the uniquely American version of the Mussolini march. It's just that Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

The more Trump and his troopers discredit the system to the point of its being completely negated, the better the probability they can establish their own new system in its place. And it won't be pretty either. Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable from its predecessor written by the Founders.

Which is why Trump will fail, if not at the Republican National Convention, then in the general election in November when the vast and moderate centrist electorate will pass their due judgement on Benito The Donald and his ways.

I'm surprised at the emotional clap trap stereotyping from a learned academic such as yourself. And you teach students?

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Renowned author Wm Manchester penned the definitive biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, American Caesar. It was of course a hyperbolic title but it made its point. President Truman and his advisors to include the principal cabinet officers had to "slay" MacArthur to stop him starting World War III. MacArthur was positive he'd been betrayed and the country sold down the river to the Red Chinese.

I'd noted months ago Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini, the strongman type who has all the answers to everything at all times. The boisterous and swaggering Trump has reduced his rhetoric of campaign violence since his manager was charged by police in Florida (the charges were recently dropped).

Trump's campaign nonetheless is a march on Washington reminiscent of Mussolini's 1922 March on Rome. It of course isn't the same thing, but it is the uniquely American version of the Mussolini march. It's just that Trump and his troopers don't need uniforms or armbands to be engaged in an insurrectionist movement against our Constitution.

The more Trump and his troopers discredit the system to the point of its being completely negated, the better the probability they can establish their own new system in its place. And it won't be pretty either. Trump's new Amerika would in fact be downright ugly and unrecognisable from its predecessor written by the Founders.

Which is why Trump will fail, if not at the Republican National Convention, then in the general election in November when the vast and moderate centrist electorate will pass their due judgement on Benito The Donald and his ways.

I'm surprised at the emotional clap trap stereotyping from a learned academic such as yourself. And you teach students?


Part-time as that is not my main focus during recent years and who cares about moi anyway. The topics here are in the threads.

Topic of this post is charisma. wub.png

Donald Trump is all ego and no arguments. He's a classic whinger. He needs chaos and disorder if he is to claw his way to start at the top. Trump appeals to the shake things up people who rely on the strength of a personality, the little people who look up to the image of a guy with his own personalised Boeing 757.

Trump's personality simplifies vastly complicated issues both foreign and domestic. His message is that by simply voting for him, all problems are soluble. Those who believe in miracles eat this message raw. Those who support Trump but don't necessarily believe in miracles see instead a mirage and they can only be disappointed by it because it will disappear, either at the Republican National Riot Convention or on election day in November.

The Trump charisma and all of its trappings are the glitter that both override all else and that distract attention away from Trump's other hand. Add to the simplistic statements on the issues the rah rah of Make America Grate Again. As if something vital has been lost when it has not. Trump needs a vacuum so he's creating one in the hearts of his target audience and limited constituency. Donald Trump does, in short, appeal to risk takers who are betting on a nag horse that hasn't any prior track record and is running on a muddy turf.

The world has a long and terrible record concerning charisma and its wild promises, its reckless nationalism and nativism, its radical and undisciplined nature, its boisterous and strident confidence in realms it knows nothing of or about.

The GW Bush presidency was full of America-firsters and it was a disaster in how it proceeded. Trump is an America-firster who goes in the opposite direction which is equally disastrous. GW Bush and his Dick Cheney took us to war in Iraq under their known pretense of nuclear weapons. Now Donald Trump wants to nuclear arm Japan, South Korea while his Nato schemes would very likely force Germany to develop nuclear weapons to counter Russia. Trump wants to proliferate nuclear weapons globally among nations to include those that specifically have a miserable history as armed states.

Go ahead to nominate Trump at the Republican National Convention and Riot in Cleveland during the summer. You may not have noticed however that we over here on this side are handing youse guyz all the rope you will take. Between us we're keeping the rope factories burning the midnight oil. wink.png

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"Thanks for the correction made by the Washington Post, but is that really the best you could do?

You gleefully state there were two errors made by the Post concerning the percentages of increase of both GHW Bush and Reagan, yet you fail to address that Obama's percentage was also increased in the reevaluation from 44% to 46% and they did not alter their editorial comment that...

"it is likely that Obama’s performance would be the worst among recent presidents, according to this calculation. (He would still trail Roosevelt and Wilson among presidents in the last hundred years.)"

For the benefit of our members, here is the new information provided by the Washington Post.

Debt increase* End-of-term GDP* Percentage
Reagan $1,873 $5,413 34%
GHW Bush 1,484 $6,492 29%
Clinton 1,268 $10,472 12%
GW Bush 4,899 $14,549 34%
Obama 8,296 $18,164 46%
(*in billions)

Spiking the football only makes you look silly unless you win the game. You didn't win the game.

Obama is still ranked the third worst in the last 100 years."

The thing is this is an exchange between a someone who in his own words is not a trained economist. I always hired people like you to do my clerical work. I'm just a poor dumb country boy that somehow believes President Reagan's addition of some $1.9 Trillion to the national debt had less adverse impact than President Obama's estimated $10 Trillion addition” and someone who actually out analyzed and out fact checked the official fact checker at the Washington Post. So, clearly there is a big aptitude gap here. So how can I have an intelligent conversation with someone who is confessedly and, apparently, proudly, ignorant?

I pointed out that Reagan had very inflation during his tenure and that the yearly totals should have been adjusted for interest. I pointed out that much of the debt that is ascribed to George Bush because of high interest T-Bills, actually is the responsibility of Ronald Reagan. I am sure that there are conservatives out there who could knowledgably disagree with what I contend. And that would be an interesting discussion. But in you we have someone who is so clueless as not to even understand the difference between economics and bookkeeping. “ I am not a trained economist. I always hired people like you to do my clerical work.”

But what makes it sadder is the pride you take in your deficiency.I am not a trained economist. I always hired people like you to do my clerical work.’ Yes, you’re above it all. This is exactly the same kind of flaw that afflicted George W. Bush. He took major decisions openly and avowedly based on his gut. This was just his way of evading the fact that he was either too lazy or too mentally incapable (or both) of doing the hard work that comes with governing. If you’re not up to understanding something, just acknowledge it.

Just a little while ago you wrote this::” Don't expect me to waste any more time playing your numbers game.

Well, you reneged on that. But in that spirit let me say, don’t expect me to waste any more time trying to educate you.

Good luck.

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"What does Trump say that makes the world shudder?" Is that a real question? It's a doozy. Here are some answers......

>>> is unpredictable

>>> uninformed

>>> wishy-washy - changes opinions day to day

>>> quick-to-anger, vindictiveness, recrimination

>>> extremely judgmental. No middle ground. Everything for his is either fabulous or awful. Every person he either loves or hates.

>>> has the emotional maturity of 9 yr old brat

>>> can never admit making a mistake

>>> interrupts and repeats endlessly

>>> thin-skinned

>>> want to appear to be the toughest guy. People like that jump into wars.

>>> uses his blustering to cover for his self-doubts. Who else do you know declares publicly, "I am very very rich." ? If a farang moved into a Thai village in Issan and declared that, he would be treated like the buttplug he is.

....shall I go on?

If you go on instead of more kindergarten buffoonery why not try discussing the issues

What is Trump's position on the following?

1. The Anti-Free Trader.

2. Cutting America’s Military Budget.

3. Rejecting Big Money Political Corruption

4. Preserving Social Security and Medicare.

5. Lowering Seniors’ Prescription Drug Costs.

6. Breaking Health Insurance Monopolies.


I do notice that you keep on avoiding Trump's tax plan. If the Senate and the House were still Republican, there's a good chance that it would pass.

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Free Trade,

Last week, he singled out Carrier Air Conditioning, Ford and Eaton Corp. for moving manufacturing abroad. A week before, he boasted, “I’m going to get Apple to start making their computers and their iPhones on our land, not in China.

Military budget.

Trump has repeatedly called for cutting military spending by closing America’s overseas military bases. “Donald Trump could be the only presidential candidate talking sense about for the American military’s budget. That should scare everyone,” wrote Matthew Gault in a detailed piece for Reuters. “As Trump has pointed out many times, Washington can build and maintain an amazing military arsenal for a fraction of what it’s paying now. He’s also right about one of the causes of the bloated budget: expensive prestige weapons systems. (More Democratic Presidents have started wars than republicans Final Score: Democrats: 16

Republicans: 10 ) https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061003172851AAZgpzV

Lowering Prescription costs.

Trump is saying he wants to do what Democrats like Obama, Clinton and Sanders have long called for, but which has been blocked by congressional Republicans. Trump wants the feds to negotiate buying in bulk from pharmaceutical companies, which has been explicitly prohibited by the GOP in past legislation.


The right wing response to the first point is always that a corporation's responsibility is to its shareholders and only its shareholders. This is gospel in the American corporate world. Even Eric Schmidt of Google justified unsavory tax avoidance schemes by citing this mantra. In Europe, there's a different ethic. When Volkswagen decided to open a plant in Tennessee it was very open to having a union there. Republican politicians jumped in and made all kinds of threats to deter workers from voting for the union.

On America's military he's right.

And on prescription costs. It's the same republicans who whine about Medicare costs who stop the Medicare administration from saving anywhere from 50 to 100 billion per year from adopting this approach. This is what private insurers do. And republicans are always going on about how the Federal government should try to be more like business. Except when it interferes with well favored hogs getting their fill at the public trough.

But the problem is that Trump is so volatile, who knows what he'll say and do next week? It's true that virtually all politicians reverse themselves on some issues. But not on so many issues and in just a matter of days. Anyway, I do wish him luck in his quest for the nomination.

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