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Should alcohol be more expensive in Thailand?


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The supposed idea is more tax on the so called bad things and people will stop smoking and drinking.But what if it worked.No tax at all,a lot of people unemployed so no tax from them.So the govt has a huge shortfall of money,what do they tax then.Something that will hit all,petrol,food,farang tax on something or other.Be careful what you wowsers wish for,it has a way of getting us all in the long run.

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The tax on alcohol has been raised significantly the last six years or so. Why not just ban

alcohol all together and see how that increases tourism from Muslim countries. tongue.png

You speak in jest.Do you now know many Mussies come here so they can have a drink and a bit of freedom.A lot of people on this forum are under the misconception that all Muslims don't drink.You are way off the mark.Buddhists are not supposed to drink alcohol either,same same.

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The tax on alcohol has been raised significantly the last six years or so. Why not just ban

alcohol all together and see how that increases tourism from Muslim countries. tongue.png

You speak in jest.Do you now know many Mussies come here so they can have a drink and a bit of freedom.A lot of people on this forum are under the misconception that all Muslims don't drink.You are way off the mark.Buddhists are not supposed to drink alcohol either,same same.

I'm currently in the Sth. Pattaya area to say 'bye to a couple of friends who are due to fly out at the end of their holiday.

Sth. Pattaya is a regular haunt for people from the Middle East and guess what I see on a daily basis ?

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Hope this isn't off topic but this moralistic crusade prompts me to ask if anyone knows of any premises which have been prosecuted, even warned, under the ill conceived law banning alcohol sales within 300 meters of a school etc ?

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Ban Lao Khao, that should solve most of the problems right there.

Nah,you'd be wrong there.Just like in the States with proabition,the people will make moonshine,they do already and are taxed by the BIB.Probition does not work,never has.Same as wearing helmets,some people just refuse to do it and pay for it 10 times over in fines,but they still refuse to put a helmet on.

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If an additional B50-70 per can/bottle of beer

Was added, it could help fund treatment for alcohol

Related diseases! And Rehabilitation facilities.

Tax should be voted on and approved immediately.

I agree... but I think 50-70 bt is a bit low 80-100 sounds more like it don't you agree. Plus I am sure loads of foreigners would leave the country for good cheesy.gif

Im surprised the topic only has 5 pages so far.

Just as long as you are happy and get what you want, eh rob? Screw anybody else as usual.

Your sarcasm monitor is off. I am quite sure the poster before me was pulling everyone's leg and so was I. But you can't deny that the topic of alcohol always brings out loads of posters like its a first need. Now if protein powders were getting more expensive... cheesy.gif

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i was thinkin' these poor people don't have much money for doin' fun stuff. and drinkin' is cheap entertainment. so no tax increase.

if they build small chain link fence corrals in each village for the lao khao drinkers to keep them away from operating motor vehicles it might be alright.

same for the full moon party people. could be a good tourist attraction for the Chinese, they get to look at drunk Thais and Western backpackers roll around in the dirt.

Believe it or not that was proposed by the Adelaide Council in Australia.The homeless drunks in the city area who are 90% Aboriginal could go to a fenced off area that would be controlled by security to stop the fighting and medical people there to take care of the wounded.While i can see the merit in this idea it is racist and also condoning alcoholism.The council just wanted to get the drunks out of the nicer parts of town,out of sight out of mind.The fact is,some people are drunks,some are drug addicts and there isn't much we can do about it.They can only help themselves.The choice of drink by the drunks is cheap red wine,250 baht for 4-5 litres,the same wine that sells here for 900-1000 baht.It is quite good,but not 4 litres in one day.

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I agree...tax all sin-products which means there should be a huge tax placed on politicians.

that photo is a fine looking example of a drunken, idiot foreigner! bet he does not have a stang left in his pocket! disgusting example of the kind of tourist the Thai's let into this country!

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The tax on alcohol has been raised significantly the last six years or so. Why not just ban

alcohol all together and see how that increases tourism from Muslim countries. tongue.png

You speak in jest.Do you now know many Mussies come here so they can have a drink and a bit of freedom.A lot of people on this forum are under the misconception that all Muslims don't drink.You are way off the mark.Buddhists are not supposed to drink alcohol either,same same.

check out the muslims on soi three! there you will find many muslims walking around in their P.J.'s with their fan belts cocked on their heads doing the high speed wobbles with their flip flops! the bars are packed!

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Seeing that photo of that young man asleep on the street reminded me of that old poem.

Ode to a drunken man.

it was late in one October.

when i was far from sober

and i thought my troubles.

spread fron far to wide.

My feet began to stutter.

and i laid down in the gutter

and a pig came by

and laid down by my side.

A lady there,espied me.

and came over for to chide me.

my god she said,

your in an awful way.

you can tell someone who boozes.

by the company he chooses.

and the pig got up

and slowly walked away.

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Hey, I've got a great idea: Make only one recreational drug legal: Have it be the most harmful rec. drug: Alcohol Then allow one family to control nearly all the alcohol sold in Thailand (Charaon family). Sounds pretty cool, huh? But wait, there's more: Make hemp illegal. No matter that hemp is a plant which has seeds which are 100x more nutritional than rice, and that hemp can be used for 1,000 practical things, and would enable Thai farmers to make more money than with nutritionally bereft rice. Oh, and hemp can't get you stoned even if you smoke a p.u. truck load of the stuff.

Sound like good ideas? Thai politicians think so, because that's the law of the land.

Not just Thai pollies,most countries have these outdated laws.

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Activists are demanding a tax increase on alcohol sales in Thailand, in order to discourage new drinkers and reduce medical costs for alcohol-related maladies.

Reading this, one wonders : do these 'activists' have that thing called a brain under their skull ?

1/ New drinkers will NOT be discouraged, they'll just turn to cheaper and more dangerous drinks.

2/ Whatever money is levied from such an increase will NOT go into reducing medical costs, it will be used for other purposes, at best, or channeled into some deep pocket or other, at worse.

A few lines further, however, when you read that this Good Doctor uses the word 'sin-products', there's the explanation. So yes, these 'activists' do have a brain, but it's washed. By religion.

The funny part is that all religions also warn against one particular 'sin' called 'sin of pride'. People (like this Good Doctor) who never miss an occasion to patronize their fellow human beings and tell them what is good/bad for them ought to meditate on the meaning of the expression 'sin of Pride', but they're so busy do-gooding that they have no time left to see the beam in their own eye (Luke, 6:41-42) ...

Edited by Yann55
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I agree...tax all sin-products which means there should be a huge tax placed on politicians.

that photo is a fine looking example of a drunken, idiot foreigner! bet he does not have a stang left in his pocket! disgusting example of the kind of tourist the Thai's let into this country!

Have you heard of the saying 'we always get what we deserve' ?

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I do not think this bar is about drinking at bars. It is about whether of not the state should make it difficult for a poor man to get crazy drunk, with 40 baht. That is probably not a good idea for society as a whole, though I am not a big supporter of heavy taxation.

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It will go up & soon. just as cigarettes have by over 30%.

The government is still protecting the local drinkers of that killer liquid Lao Khao which has given more Thais Liver failure or

massive stomach bleeding, but still refuse to tax it as other beverages on alcohol per volume.

It is still very cheap which is why Thais drink it to excess. I will not touch the stuff.

If the good Dr is serious this is a very good place to start.

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If an additional B50-70 per can/bottle of beer

Was added, it could help fund treatment for alcohol

Related diseases! And Rehabilitation facilities.

Tax should be voted on and approved immediately.

I agree... but I think 50-70 bt is a bit low 80-100 sounds more like it don't you agree. Plus I am sure loads of foreigners would leave the country for good cheesy.gif

Im surprised the topic only has 5 pages so far.

Just as long as you are happy and get what you want, eh rob? Screw anybody else as usual.

Your sarcasm monitor is off. I am quite sure the poster before me was pulling everyone's leg and so was I. But you can't deny that the topic of alcohol always brings out loads of posters like its a first need. Now if protein powders were getting more expensive... cheesy.gif
Whoops, profuse apologies in that case. I offer in mitigation that my post was written in Dubai airport, which is enough to put anybody in a bad mood...
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Your sarcasm monitor is off. I am quite sure the poster before me was pulling everyone's leg and so was I. But you can't deny that the topic of alcohol always brings out loads of posters like its a first need. Now if protein powders were getting more expensive... cheesy.gif
Whoops, profuse apologies in that case. I offer in mitigation that my post was written in Dubai airport, which is enough to put anybody in a bad mood...

No problems, are you visiting mr T biggrin.png

I am not against taxation.. just don't trust them to use it correctly over here.

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Your sarcasm monitor is off. I am quite sure the poster before me was pulling everyone's leg and so was I. But you can't deny that the topic of alcohol always brings out loads of posters like its a first need. Now if protein powders were getting more expensive... cheesy.gif
Whoops, profuse apologies in that case. I offer in mitigation that my post was written in Dubai airport, which is enough to put anybody in a bad mood...

No problems, are you visiting mr T biggrin.png

I am not against taxation.. just don't trust them to use it correctly over here.

Now now, just in transit. I doubt they would let me into Dubai proper. I know I wouldn't let me in, especially not in my Kim Jong Un T shirt...
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"So ... why don't they show a photo of a drunk Thai?"

Because they were too lazy to look for one. Here, this will keep you happy.

What kind of alcohol is this?

The blue label bottles are what the Thai's think is whisky (what other posters have called Lao Kho)......but drain cleaner would be better for them!
its sa-too or rice wine. tastes like a £2 bottle of libfraumilch. not what your average thai tippler wastes money on because it not very strong.
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I agree...tax all sin-products which means there should be a huge tax placed on politicians.

that photo is a fine looking example of a drunken, idiot foreigner! bet he does not have a stang left in his pocket! disgusting example of the kind of tourist the Thai's let into this country!

A lot of the buffoons in here were once probably like that dude. Go to any "western bar" in Bangkok and you will see what I mean.

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Booze in thailand is already ridiculously priced.

I can get a bottle of beer in lao or cambo for 35-50 baht.

in cambo I can get a coctail of quality liquor for 50-100 baht, depending on venue.

in thailand the booze is shit, its no name backwash thats been watered down. And crazy priced.

if a place serves quality liquor, its double what I pay in canada.

I just returned from tawandang brewery from my gals birthday. She had her birthday coctail, 280 baht.

yes ou heard that right, 280 baht.

I dont pay that in a vegas disco.

my beer there was 140 for a big mug, I can live with that

but I cant bring myself to pay the liquor prices in thailand.

absolutely rediculous.

ill stick to my beers.

what a load of , thai beer is quality ....if you want cambo/lao piss on the cheap, then why don't you move there, I hear it's a 3rd world paradise? I guess you don't understand economics 101 very well.

Edited by CoreanoOzzie
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The tax on alcohol has been raised significantly the last six years or so. Why not just ban

alcohol all together and see how that increases tourism from Muslim countries. tongue.png

You speak in jest.Do you now know many Mussies come here so they can have a drink and a bit of freedom.A lot of people on this forum are under the misconception that all Muslims don't drink.You are way off the mark.Buddhists are not supposed to drink alcohol either,same same.

Muzzos are probably the worst hypocrites on planet Earth...

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