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Romney, McCain: Trump a danger for America's future


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Donald J. Trump Announces Senator Sessions as Chairman of National Security Advisory Committee

(New York, NY) March 3rd, 2016 – Today Donald J. Trump announced Senator Jeff Sessions, who has advised the GOP frontrunner on issues such as trade and immigration and endorsed Mr. Trump on Sunday in Alabama, will serve as Chairman of Mr. Trump’s National Security Advisory Committee.

Senator Sessions has been on the Armed Services Committee for almost 20 years and is Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee.


And Ted Cruz's name has already been trotted out by the Trump team as a candidate for SCOTUS.

That must give the Lefties pure nightmares to envision. smile.png

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Your assessment may not be far from reality. I like that he is shaking things up. I like that he is upsetting the GOP status quo. They sure needed that. But, I don't like him. I don't like anything about him, other than the fact that he is ruffling alot of feathers. I think alot of people are confusing the outsider status for a real, quality man. That he is not. Not on any level. He is a pig. He is a charlatan, a racist, a hater, a very disillusioned, sour, bitter man, and he is a hooligan. He will shake things up all right. But, the kind of shaking up that a country that is on the verge of becoming a vastly diminished shadow of it's former self does not need. He really could be the beginning of the end for the US, as a dominant power, in complete contrast to his BS about making the country great again. He could be the American version of the Western Roman emperor Romulus, who oversaw the fall of Rome, to Odaocer, the Barbarian. He could not make America great again if his life depended upon it. He does not have the leadership ability, the talent, the motivation, the tools, nor the skills. He has failed at many enterprises. He will fail at leading America. But, in the process of failing, he may wreck the nation. He is a very, very dangerous man. People do not know who he is. He has spent a small fortune rehabilitating his reputation with PR firms, who are filling the media with these glowing stories about him. They are all fake. Every last one of them. Nobody has ever called him fair, decent, honorable, reasonable, or kind, and meant it.

I do not like the alternatives. Cruz is scary too. But, Hillary is a $35 Little Rock street gal, and she is bought and paid for. However, considering the alternatives, I might have to hold my nose, and vote for her. Unless, of course Bloomberg decides to run at the last minute. I think he would win in a landslide, and I would certainly vote for him. Smart, less compromised, very capable, very well respected, and level headed. He would have respect from leaders worldwide. Trump would be the laughing stock of American. He would be scorned at every level. And deservedly so.

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Insults fly as Republican race for the White House erupts into civil war


"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud"

SALT LAKE CITY: -- The rancor in the US Republican party exploded on Thursday as former presidential nominee Mitt Romney launched a blistering attack on Donald Trump’s bid for the White House. His increasingly likely nomination after ‘Super Tuesday’ and controversial view have provoked the ire of establishment colleagues.

“Here’s what I know. Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud,” said Romney in a speech in Salt Lake City. “His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. His domestic policies would lead to a recession, his foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperament nor the judgement to be president. Think of Donald Trump’s personal qualities – the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics.”

Never a man to hold back Trump responded in his characteristically direct style:

“I’ll just address it quickly because it’s irrelevant,” the New York billionaire told a delighted audience in Portland, Maine. “Look, Mitt is a failed candidate. He failed. He failed horribly. I backed him (four years ago during the last campaign). You can see how loyal he is. He was begging for my endorsement. I could have said ‘Mitt, drop to your knees’ and he would have dropped to his knees. He was begging.”

But his popularity with ordinary voters is not being reflected within the party. More than 90 Republican foreign policy veterans are reported to have pledged to oppose his nomination for presidential candidate.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-04

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Sorry, this is nut job stuff, straight off a space ship. I'm not going to take those on one at a time because they are either untrue or out of context. Your conclusion is just plain out there.


I wish this was nut job stuff, but JakeSully is correct. The dangers associated with a maniac like Trump getting into a position of power are real and very scary.

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Romney calls Trump 'phony,' urges Republicans to shun him

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican's most recent presidential nominees, Mitt Romney and John McCain, lambasted current front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday, calling him unfit for office and a danger for the nation, in an extraordinary show of intra-party chaos.

The chaos was reflected in the back-and-forth at the Republicans' first post-Super Tuesday debate, where Trump repeated clashed Thursday night with the remaining candidates Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

"His is not the temperament of a stable, thoughtful leader," Romney declared earlier in the day. He called Trump "a phony" who is "playing the American public for suckers," a man whose "imagination must not be married to real power."

Hours later, Trump lashed back, calling Romney "a choke artist" who lost to Barack Obama four years ago only because he was such a poor candidate.

The vicious feud marked a near-unprecedented scenario pitting the Republican Party's most prominent leaders, past and present, against each other as Democrats begin to unite around Hillary Clinton.

Underlying the clash is a bleak reality for panicking Republican officials: Beyond harsh words, there is little they see to stop Trump's march toward the presidential nomination. Party leaders are poring over complicated delegate math, outlining hazy scenarios for a contested national convention and even flirting with the idea of a third-party effort.

Romney confidant Ron Kaufman, a senior member of the Republican National Committee, openly embraced the possibility of a contested convention: "If that's the only way to stop Trump, it makes sense," he told The Associated Press.

In the most notable verbal attacks against Trump to date, Romney and his 2012 running mate, House Speaker Paul Ryan, urged voters in the strongest terms to shun the former reality television star.

Arizona Sen. McCain, joined in, raising "many concerns about Mr. Trump's uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues." That echoes the worries of dozens of leading conservative defense and foreign policy officials.

It is virtually unheard of for a former party standard-bearer to attack a fellow party member and candidate for the presidential nomination. But it has been a political season like none before.

The Republican race, already dominated by insults and name-calling, has seen Trump's once-unlikely candidacy morph into an increasingly strong bid for his party's nomination for the November election.

"The only serious policy proposals that deal with the broad range of national challenges we confront today come from Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich," Romney said."

Earlier in the day, Trump dismissed Romney as "a stiff" who "didn't know what he was doing" as the party's candidate in 2012. "People are energized by what I'm saying" and turning out in remarkable numbers to vote, Trump told NBC.

Trump is coming under increasing pressure from his party as he fights for the majority of delegates needed to win the nomination.

Romney said a Trump nomination at the party's convention in July would enable Clinton to win the presidency.

Romney also criticized Clinton, accusing her and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, of personally profiting from their positions of power.

Panicked Republican leaders say they still have options for preventing Trump from winning the nomination, just not many good ones. They include a contested convention and even the long-shot prospect of a third party option.

Also Thursday, dozens of conservative national security experts warned that Trump is unfit to be commander in chief.

Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and more than 70 others called Trump's "embrace of the expansive use of torture" inexcusable. They also object to what they say is Trump's "hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric" and his advocacy for waging trade wars.

Despite Trump's strong showing on Tuesday, he was not yet on track to claim the nomination before the party's national gathering, according to an Associated Press delegate count. He has won 46 percent of the delegates awarded so far, and he would have to increase that to 51 percent in the remaining primaries.

Trump has 316 delegates so far, Texas Sen. Cruz 226 and Florida Sen. Rubio, 106. It takes 1,237 delegates to win the party nomination.

Party strategists cast March 15 as the last opportunity to stop Trump through the normal path of winning states and collecting delegates. A win for Rubio in his home state of Florida would raise questions about Trump's strength, as could a win for Kasich, Ohio's governor, on his home turf.

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson all but ended his bid Wednesday, saying he would skip the debate and declaring he did "not see a political path forward."

On the Democratic side, Clinton was drawing broad support from voters and her party's leaders. Rival Bernie Sanders vowed to keep up the fight, though his path to the nomination has narrowed. So far, Clinton has at least 1,005 delegates, Sanders 373. It takes 2,383 Democratic delegates to win.

Associated Press writers Steve Peoples and Brady McComb in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Steven R. Hurst, Julie Pace, Andrew Taylor, Julie Bykowicz, Stephen Ohlemacher and Donna Cassata in Washington and contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-04

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Sorry, this is nut job stuff, straight off a space ship. I'm not going to take those on one at a time because they are either untrue or out of context. Your conclusion is just plain out there.


And then you proceed to take on one at a time.

The Republicans often talk of "the end of times" bullshit. Jake may not be far off here, certainly nowhere near what your average wingnut spews about the various Democratic party conspiracies. There is no doubt the Constitution would be under constant attack under a Republican President of this ilk. Give them another Justice and it's Katy bar the door!

Isn't this all wonderful? The complete meltdown of the Republican party happening 8 months before the election. The Republican establishment (Fox News) created Trump, allowing him to spread his birther crap for years. Now that the chicken has come home to roost the party is in an uproar because they can't control him, he's a terrible candidate and he's going to lose badly to HRC.

The kicker is, Cruz the guy behind him is just as bad (he's actually worse) and the guy behind in third, little Marco, is almost unlikeable. There are no electable candidates in the Republican stable. The Republicans are screwed.

It's chaos, lovely, lovely chaos and oh so deserved.

Cheers back at ya clap2.gif

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The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

To be frank, I don't want Trump to be the Republican nominee and I don't want him to be president, but talking about ethnic cleansing and such is just plain nonsense. The man scares me - if he got in power - but he is (slightly) preferable to the criminal running for the office on the other side that has a Grand Jury and the FBI looking into her activities concerning national security.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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One thing I can promise the GOPe. I will vote for Trump in the general election. And I will vote against every other Republican on the ballot. I don't care if they are running against Josef Stalin. This has sealed the deal for me. You must destroy the Republican Party in its entirety. And start looking for lamp posts for the Republican pundits, think tankers, and party machinery.

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Always liked McCain but another,"lifer"politician, time to retire!!

Romney, status quo Republican probably being promised to

Be Vice President by scared Rep Congressman: that Trump

Might get I an give them all HELL and expose all their self-

Serving crooked dealings, cushy pensions and travel, not to

Mention all their relatives on the payrolls. Trump might do some

Good, won't be any worse, and at least he can be voted out in

Four years if he is a disaster.....I say give Him a shot!.,

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(With credit to JakeSully post #7:)

Trump / Hitler comparisons:

1. Eminent domain to take lands = Lebensraum
2. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims are the enemy = Jews are the enemy
3. Waterboarding = Gestapo torture tactics, SS, Wasanee conference
4. Walls = Atlantic wall, air defense over Germany
5. Deportation squads = deportation of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps
6. Anchor babies not being citizens = focus on birthright, blood purity
7. Take take take for america = annexation of Austria, Sudetenland, Checlosvokia, invasion of Poland, USSR, Western Europe

8. Denying people entry into country based on religion = Nuremberg laws denying civil liberties to groups based on religion
9. Killing families of enemies of America = genocide, war crimes by Wehrmacht, SS

10. Orwellian claims that he "loves" people at same time proposing policies very hostile to these groups. Manipulation of media = Goebels propaganda machine

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Always liked McCain but another,"lifer"politician, time to retire!!

Romney, status quo Republican probably being promised to

Be Vice President by scared Rep Congressman: that Trump

Might get I an give them all HELL and expose all their self-

Serving crooked dealings, cushy pensions and travel, not to

Mention all their relatives on the payrolls. Trump might do some

Good, won't be any worse, and at least he can be voted out in

Four years if he is a disaster.....I say give Him a shot!.,

I disagree, with the "cannot be any worse" argument. How does WWIII sound to you? He is very capable of starting it. He is the kind of man who does not like to be disagreed with. Have you seen how he has treated mere journalists, who have questioned him at his rallies? What do you think he would do to his opponents once he seized power? He is ruthless. I do not think there any bounds to his thirst for power and glory. I think he is capable of all kinds of nastiness, and foul play. World wars have been started over far less. His arrogance and smugness would only grow, once president. The havoc this man would be capable of wreaking would leave alot of his supporters wondering "what the hell was I thinking when I voted for this monster? I was really drinking the kool aid. I bought his nonsense, hook, line and sinker. He has not done anything he has promised. But he has done far worse than I could have imagined".

Be very afraid of this man. He is not the man you think he is. He is doing a masterful job of covering that up. He is manipulating you to no end. He is a master at manipulating the public. He is P.T. Barnum incarnate.

I am no fan of Hillary, as she is as bought and paid for as any candidate could possibly be. Even more so than Obama, if that is possible. And I am no fan of Cruz either. Any man that has the radical beliefs Cruz has scares me too:

U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms ardently opposed civil rights measures and even tried to block the Senate from approving a federal holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

“It’s every bit as true now as it was then,” Cruz said. “We need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate.”

“We will carpet-bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out!”

~Ted Cruz stating his willingness to kill everyone and everything in the Middle East to beat ISIS even though carpet bombing is a war crime, December 2015

“The simple and undeniable fact is the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats.”

~Ted Cruz says 43 percent of the American people are violent criminals, November 2015

“Following the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama and Harry Reid lead an assault, not on going after violent criminals, which is what they should have done, but instead going after the Constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. And I led the fight to protect the Second Amendment in the U.S. Senate and we defeated President Obama efforts to undermine our rights.”

~Ted Cruz bragging about ignoring the mass killing of 20 little kids to oppose gun control measures, August 2015

Edited by spidermike007
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Always liked McCain but another,"lifer"politician, time to retire!!

Romney, status quo Republican probably being promised to

Be Vice President by scared Rep Congressman: that Trump

Might get I an give them all HELL and expose all their self-

Serving crooked dealings, cushy pensions and travel, not to

Mention all their relatives on the payrolls. Trump might do some

Good, won't be any worse, and at least he can be voted out in

Four years if he is a disaster.....I say give Him a shot!.,

I disagree, with the "cannot be any worse" argument. How does WWIII sound to you? He is very capable of starting it. He is the kind of man who does not like to be disagreed with. Have you seen how he has treated mere journalists, who have questioned him at his rallies? What do you think he would do to his opponents once he seized power? He is ruthless. I do not think there any bounds to his thirst for power and glory. I think he is capable of all kinds of nastiness, and foul play. World wars have been started over far less. His arrogance and smugness would only grow, once president. The havoc this man would be capable of wreaking would leave alot of his supporters wondering "what the hell was I thinking when I voted for this monster? I was really drinking the kool aid. I bought his nonsense, hook, line and sinker. He has not done anything he has promised. But he has done far worse than I could have imagined".

Be very afraid of this man. He is not the man you think he is. He is doing a masterful job of covering that up. He is manipulating you to no end. He is a master at manipulating the public. He is P.T. Barnum incarnate.

Trump hasn't done a masterful job of covering ANYTHING up. All there is to be known about him will become known, for better or worse. That may gain him supporters or lose him supporters. Remains to be seen. In the meantime, pour yourself a stiff drink to calm your nerves and enjoy the spectacle.

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The past is prologue....

The last time the right seized control of the Republican party nomination for Potus was in 1964 when the rightwing Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona got wiped out in the November general election. Half the Republican party quit on Goldwater because they could not support his extreme rightwing ideology.

Look for a repeat 52 years later in November as the vast and broad centrist middle of the road US electorate thoroughly rejects the radical wildman Donald Trump. Institutional Republicans know presently, as they did then, they must make their last desperate move to prevent the hammer coming down on their beloved party.

Maybe however to no gain or benefit as the party has become the home to a substantial number of whackjob rightwingnuts who think Donald Trump is suited and qualified to be Potus. Last one out please turn off the lights thanks cause the Party's over.

The United States 1964 Presidential Election:

When the votes were cast on November 3, Johnson defeated Goldwater handily, winning by more than 15 million votes and capturing 61 percent of the vote. The electoral vote domination was even greater; Johnson won 44 states and Washington, D.C., for 486 electoral votes, while Goldwater won 6 states accounting for 52 electoral votes. Goldwater did poorly in traditionally Republican areas, but, largely on the basis of Goldwater’s opposition to the civil rights bill and his promotion of states’ rights, he carried Alabama, Georgia,Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, in addition to his home state of Arizona.


Results of the 1964 election

From Goldwater to Trump: When Parties Fail to Stop Alarming Candidates

In 1964, Republican Party leaders were terrified by the ascent of the conservative Arizona senator Barry Goldwater.The Republican establishment, which then included a major newspaper, the New York Herald Tribune, persuaded the Party’s most prestigious and beloved elder, the former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, to write a column in which he urged his party to nominate someone who shared none of Goldwater’s views.

If Trump is the Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton is chosen by the Democrats, the 2016 election may seem like a distorted, vulgar repetition of 1964: a contest between a Republican who scares and repels people, including Republicans, and a Democrat whom many voters, including Democrats, don’t like or trust, leading to an outcome that may change the electoral map again.


Few voters or others actually liked or felt any affinity for Lyndon Baines Johnson who, while being an FDR New Deal Democrat, was an unappealing personality and leader. However, Goldwater was so offensive in his statements and ideology that voters did go to the polls in record numbers and gave LBJ his landslide victory.

FDR's New Deal was extended substantially and significantly to LBJ's Great Society. Even Ronald Reagan's election in 1980 could not reverse the two paradigm changes to American society. Now the US is at another point of departure in policy in which the new Potus will reinforce and extend the Obama presidency and its legacy.

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I remember the television ads against Goldwater which ended in an atomic bomb explosion, and how these ads so effectively captured people's fears about a Goldwater presidency.

People are totally underestimating the level of apprehension and outright fear the prospect of a Trump presidency elicits. If he is the Republican nominee, you are going to see record Democratic turnout to make sure that never happens.

Edited by Gecko123
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Romney and McCain are two of the biggest losers ever to attempt to run for POTUS. The people already rejected them soundly one at a time. I wonder why they think people really care what they think?

This blatant attempt by the moneyed power brokers in the corrupt halls of DC to derail a candidacy is probably the first in the history of the US. It's supposed to be an election where the people choose their government, not one where the government and Wall Street do the choosing.

This is so corrupt it's unreal.

Romney and McCain are two of the biggest losers ever to attempt to run for POTUS.

Untrue in terms of ever.

Lyndon Johnson vs Barry Goldwater, 1964 - Barry carried just six states for only 38% of the popular vote.

Franklin Roosevelt vs Alf Landon (1936). Franklin won 46 of the 49 states.

In more recent history Romney actually did quite well and McCain wasn't the worst:

Popular Vote1 Margin

Obama vs Romney 51%-48% 3%

Obama vs McCain 53%-46% 7%

Clinton vs Dole 49%-41% 8%

Clinton vs G.W.Bush 43%-37% 6%

1rounded to neartest whole percent

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I remember the television ads against Goldwater which ended in an atomic bomb explosion.

People are totally underestimating the level of apprehension and outright fear the prospect of a Trump presidency elicits. If he is the Republican nominee, you are going to see record Democratic turnout to make sure that never happens.


The 1964 campaign was quite the time and uproar but this is 50x more wild and intense. Hard to measure actually as one could say 100x more chaotic.

As we who experienced it in 1964 can recall, the rightists of the time were hard core. However and predictably, the general broad rejection of them was even more strong and powerful.

But the rightists of the present are people just plain unimaginably waaay out there and OTT offensive besides. It's a radical difference from even Reagan's time. Yes, many say Saint Ronnie would be an institutional Republican presently who'd apply his talents to subdue Trump and his fellow wildman supporters.

I concur that Democratic and also Independent voters will respond in the same way. More significantly a good number of Republicans are also bailing on Trump, just as R's did wholesale against Goldwater.

To get to the polls in November to vote to keep the country stable we don't need the commotion of some kind of band playing and cheerleaders prancing out front of us to the polling station as Trump and his people do. Seventy million voters will vote for the Democrat no problem. We recognise the opportunity to assure the security and credibility of the United States going forward. It's our duty and obligation to our country and to the world.

We will vote calmly and confidently. With responsibility and a shared assurance. Reason and rationality will continue to prevail. Indeed, the two can begin at last to thrive as the crackpot right gets its overdue and powerful swift kick once and for all. With a decisive finality.

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Mitt Romney's end game - become the party's nominee again?

And "implicit in Romney's request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party's banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee," the network reported.

It might be entertaining to watch the guy with the funny underwear with white patches over the titties get trampled in round 2, not that I like Hilary, which I don't.


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Mitt Romney's end game - become the party's nominee again?

And "implicit in Romney's request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party's banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee," the network reported.

It might be entertaining to watch the guy with the funny underwear with white patches over the titties get trampled in round 2, not that I like Hilary, which I don't.


One benefit Romney would have this time is that he wouldn't have had to spend a year placating his base and then running away from that. OTOH, it's possible that Trump would then try an independent bid, unless he felt he's got as much mileage out of this thing as he's likely to get. Could be all kinds of crossover votes Clinton< >Trump< >Romney. If only Sanders could be convinced to try an independent bid as well. What a crap shoot that would be.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Four and eight years ago, the people who are praising Trump now, were lavishing praise of Romney and McCain respectively. Now the same rah rah rah Republicans are angry at Romney and McCain. If this were written in a script for Hollywood, no one would have believed it, until yesterday. Romney is looking more presidential.

Romney and McCain are two of the biggest losers ever to attempt to run for POTUS. The people already rejected them soundly one at a time. I wonder why they think people really care what they think?

This blatant attempt by the moneyed power brokers in the corrupt halls of DC to derail a candidacy is probably the first in the history of the US. It's supposed to be an election where the people choose their government, not one where the government and Wall Street do the choosing.

This is so corrupt it's unreal.

Before watching this debate (and judging by prior debates) I had put Rubio at the bottom of the pile, lower even than Trump or Cruz. Now, Rubio is looking a bit better than Trump or Cruz - both of whom are scarier than watching a baby play with live AC wires. For any reasonable observer, Kasich is the least loony of the quartet.

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Sanders although full of some great ideas is a no-go as there is no funding for what he wants to get done.

The deficit plus what we owe China (well the Trumpster says renege if you're not friendly, I guess that what makes him such a "great" businessman eh? Good to have mafioso types around) will keep any of Sanders ideas from getting past Congress.

I like Sanders, but like Trump, he's just not Presidential material.

50 years after the Civil Rights Riots of Selma, we elected an African American as President. 100 years (or so) after women's suffrage, it's time we had a woman for a President. Progressive, unlike the Gone Old Party of farts.

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