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Romney, McCain: Trump a danger for America's future


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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Number 8 was the clincher

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Donald Trump = Barry Goldwater 2.0

So many Republicans fled the Goldwater nomination in 1964 it became one of the most one-sided elections in the US.

2.0 in 2016.

Supported by none other than Hillary R Clinton the "Goldwater Girl"


Edited by Linzz
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I remember the television ads against Goldwater which ended in an atomic bomb explosion, and how these ads so effectively captured people's fears about a Goldwater presidency.

People are totally underestimating the level of apprehension and outright fear the prospect of a Trump presidency elicits. If he is the Republican nominee, you are going to see record Democratic turnout to make sure that never happens.

Except people could be underestimating the level of support Trump has among working class Democrats. Also middle America seem to be apprehensive about their economic future You could be right about the record turnout for many reasons. It's all very interesting.


Targeted polling

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If the GOP establishment doesn't want Trump, then kick him off their party's ballot and let him run Indepenedent

That's not possible to do if he's nominated at their convention.

A brokered convention is possible though if he doesn't have enough delegates on the first ballot.

The NeverTrump people need to make this more clear. He can still be blocked just by voting for anyone EXCEPT Trump.

Edited by Jingthing
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If the Republican leadership try to contest Trump nomination if he is the people ls choice... It will certainly cause a meltdown of the Republican Party

Do they really think if Trump ends up with 45% of Republican primary voters , who are voting for Trump because they are sick and tired of the normal power brokers in Washington and then some how by some back room trickery (in their view) .. The nomination is 'stolen' from Trump...

Total meltdown for sure.... Might as well just hand the presidency to Hillary

Of Course their Wall Street buddies will likely be happy with that.... But hard to believe these Politicians are willing to destroy their own party

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if the Trump is the clear leader but the Republicans do something to 'take' the nomination for him ...

I would not be surprised if he actually ran as independent

Which would of course pretty much guarantee democratic victory

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

Sorry, this is nut job stuff, straight off a space ship. I'm not going to take those on one at a time because they are either untrue or out of context. Your conclusion is just plain out there.


I wish this was nut job stuff, but JakeSully is correct. The dangers associated with a maniac like Trump getting into a position of power are real and very scary.

And I would call Obama, and all his ilk, likewise maniacs. Trump is no more a threat than they are. Less so, actually. Even if he is half as crazy as he appears, the system will ensure that his effects are attenuated, as it has for every president. But I bet he is making Congress regret ceding so much of their power to the Executive branch! 555 สมน้ำหน้า

Everyone forgets that the world currently rests on the stability of the United States - like it or not. The US plunging into instability, economically and politically, is a far greater threat to world peace and stability than any nuclear bomb. And that is precisely what the policies of the past 40 years have done! Starting with Nixon bankrupting us in Vietnam and killing the gold standard. (to be fair, it goes back much further than that, to the start of the 20th century, but that was the obvious turning point).

The inane liberal (or whatever label you wish to apply) policies that have put the US in a debt hole that cannot be climbed out of is the greatest sabotage ever perpetrated upon it's citizens. And these days it is both parties that are equally guilty of this crime. Combined with an all out assault on personal liberty, these clowns have done more damage to the US than any enemy. Sapping the loyalty of those who believe in the single most important purpose of the Constitution of the United States - freedom - is going to prove to be the biggest blunder in our history. Those great men who pulled the world out of WWII, and staved off the threat of communism, did not do so for the sake of a new iPhone or because they could not wait to hear Lady Gags'a latest piece of tripe.

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

In response to these..

Sadly I think we're on the verge of a second civil war and the GOP realizes it.

The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that.

Look at what he says in different pieces..

1. eminent domain to take lands,

2. blacks (BLM) are the enemy,

3. waterboarding,

4. mexicans,

5. asians,

6. walls,

7. deportation squads,

8. not being nice,

9. anchor babies not being citizens,

10. take take take for america.

11. killing families of enemies of America.

Connect the dots.

losing homes to eminent domain, deportations and waterboarding, etc. We've already had plenty of islamophobic assaults on people that weren't muslim or terrorists.

Do you really think they'll spare innocents or the constitution will matter to a guy like him running on cleansing America from undesirables such as _________ (fill in the blank.. pretty much).

A vote for Trump might haunt us more than a vote for the establishment. And they'll never have enough votes to impeach him once he becomes President. Romney realizes this and knows civil war is something no one wants except the nutjobs who want ethnic cleansing like the KKK and Trump is their champion.

You think Americans are too stupid to understand what Trump says, or to make their own choice?

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What is really pathetic for the American people is that year after year they are faced not with candidates who inspire, can lead, have ideas, and most importantly can compromise, but with candidates who are pulled from the bottom of the barrel, the leftovers and retreads.

Bernie Sanders sole idea is to create some kind of socialist utopia.

Hillary Clinton is not to be trusted and has shown she can say anything to get elected. After the mistake made in Iraq getting rid of Saddam, Hillary and Obama thought it would be good to support the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, go figure.

Donald Trump whose big advantage, to many people, is being an outsider but he has serious difficulty in acting presidential. He is out of his element.

Marco Rubio is just isn't ready for the big league.

Ted Cruz who is more a preacher than a politician and is more interested in protecting life and the sanctity of marriage and religion.

John Kasich seems like and nice guy and the most interesting as he has been a successful governor but he just lacks charisma and gets little notice.

I have watched most of the debates on both sides and found that the candidates are long on political rhetoric but short on specifics. They all constantly give the same answers to the same questions at every debate (if you can call them debates). There is no substance on either side and all of their ideas, plans, and policies on the websites are mostly contrived without realistic thought and little in the way of supporting information.

One interesting thing I noted about Donald last night is that he seems willing to negotiate to get something done. He is not so unrealistic as to think there is not room to compromise. The hard core Republicans hate that which is maybe why the Republicans can't bring in more socially liberal people to the party while still remaining basically conservative on fiscal policy, smaller government, etc. There are lots of people out their sitting in the middle of the road understanding that the far left wing and the far right wing is not where many of us are at.

My dilemma is that I see the Democrats as thinking government is the answer to all that ails the nation while the Republicans get caught up in things like abortion, gay marriage, 2nd amendment rights, etc. Democrats want more taxes, Republicans less taxes. Democrats blame the 1% and big business for all the problems all the while taking their money. The Republicans are too lax on regulating certain aspects of the economy: banking and wall street. Where is the balance? I am tired of the Democrats blaming Republicans for the problems facing the nation and vice versa. No matter what happens in November come January the American public gets screwed again.

Edited by Trouble
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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

Speaking for myself, I've always been center right and prefer candidates that are not too far to one side or the other - I really liked Romney. However, that is not my problem with Trump. I just don't trust the guy and the fact that Romney is so disgusted by him scares me even more.

The thing I find funny is the far-right guys who are always going on about "Rinos" are obsessed with supporting Trump and he is not very conservative at all. They usually spend their time putting down people like that. I agree with many of his positions, but he keeps doing childish things that really put me off and worry about his maturity. Making fun of a spastic reporter was just one of them. IMO, that was going too far.

Calling all the other candidates names is not much better, especially since he only does it when they are threatening him politically.

I didn't mind him claiming to have a huge wang during a presidential debate on TV all over the world. It might even be true.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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if the Trump is the clear leader but the Republicans do something to 'take' the nomination for him ...

I would not be surprised if he actually ran as independent

Which would of course pretty much guarantee democratic victory

i agree. although I think the witch will likely win anyway as long as there are no dramatic changes to her current "situation" and I can't see the White House allowing any changes to happen. The GOP brass is trying to assemble this clumsy & hasty anti-Trump campaign in hopes that his voters will drift to their boy Marco overnight. Failing that, I guess Romney could jump in. He worked real well in 2012. I think he got 35% of the vote in his home state after being Governor. I have seen 3 anti-Trump TV Ads so far just today.

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I don't like Trump. He's too arrogant and his style sucks IMO.

But seeing as these 2 (typical Republican politicians?) are bad-mouthing him, I'm taking a new look.

Maybe Trump IS the answer we are looking for, for change in Washington.

And yes, I do vote.

This really captures my recent approach to Trump as well. In my case, I see McCain as a great instigator of war and culpable for American lives. I am not among those veterans who see his military experience as sufficient to mitigate his entire life of compromise, war mongering, and expending military lives for his/NeoCon imperial designs. McCain, a once remarkable man from a remarkable lineage, forfeited his claim to honor over the long train of his years of selling out. I cringe when he speaks and my former commander, Nick Rowe, wrote Five Years to Freedom. I still give McCain zero as the summation of his life.

Honestly, are there any men who just don't have a visceral urge to smack the crap out of Romney every time he speaks? It doesn't even matter what he says, its the practiced morality that you know were the ship sinking, he would be among the women and children lowered to the water while the band played on.

As noted before, what defines Trump is less the man than those who protest him. When Trump is so consistently despised by the despicable, Trump comes full circle to be the guy to do the job. I think the establishment would actually plunge the US into martial law, war, disaster, etc., before allowing Trump to succeed but again, this outrage against him defines his necessity.

(Remember, these are not even the enemies yet! These attacks on Trump are from those on his "side." This is what has been meant by RHINOs).

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Don't go all crazy and bring Bernie into this. This is the powerful Wall Street brokers and their bought and paid for lap dogs in DC fighting Trump. This has nothing to do with Democrats.

Try to remember what the topic is.


The topic is Romney on why he thinks Trump is a danger for America's future.. maybe you need to glance at it again.

Yes, the topic is Romney. Perhaps had you stayed focused on this yourself you would not have posted such a diatribe against all those on TV who simply have another opinion: "The trump fans/ racist/ xenophobes will never accept defeat come November but if they win.. we can look forward to ethnic cleansing (the kind that was carried out by Hitler) and I'm not kidding about that."

Clearly a poster who must wildly indict political opponents..."Trump fans..." for "ethnic cleansing" (wildly off "topic") hardly has any legitimacy. To reprimand a poster for dragging in another candidate into the OP when you have wildly libeled every other poster on TV who supports Trump reveals the desperation of your position.

"Maybe you need to glance at it again."

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

I think its pretty clear that the one note right wing and left wing members here define themselves by what, even who, they're against, not who or what they are for. Each party could switch policies and they'd be just as adamant for their party/candidate and against the other.

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

In all of life one needs to set priorities. Rarely does one get everything he wants.

I am a conservative. There is IMHO no conservative in this race and if there is, all are sold out to special interests for campaign contributions and cushy positions in Congress.

I am hoping for just one cycle where an outsider comes in and steals the entrenched and corrupt insiders' candy store. That's it. I wish there was another choice but their isn't. I KNOW what will happen if one of the entrenched gets elected and that's the same thing that's happened for more than 40 years. My only HOPE is that an outspoken outsider will really take on unfair trade with China and illegal immigration and lousy trade deals with Mexico and support our military individuals and frankly, just do what he says he will do. Trump wants to help the economy and create jobs and Hillary and Bernie can talk only about helping the poor with handouts.

He has an amazing track record of finishing what he starts and of running things - big things - successfully. He has an amazing track record of motivating people to follow him whether that be city hall or a foreign governments where he does biz.

While R voters at primaries are setting records, D voters are down significantly. Trump is winning demographics that few expected he would including a lot of Democrat working class people. If that keeps up he'd crush the general election.

When I know that all of the alternatives are phony and some totally dishonest, I have to go with what appears to be the enemy of the donor class. The donor class is acting like they KNOW he's the enemy and that is comforting. There's no where else to go!!!!!!


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Do keep in mind that the states conduct all elections and that Washington has nothing to do with elections of any kind throughout the country.

Each party's candidate has to qualify to get on the ballot of each state. Each state has its filing deadline for nomination papers signed by registered voters. The filing deadline is however a common date, the end of March, this month. Almost all states.

If Trump is to run as an independent he'd need to submit signed nomination documents by the deadline to qualify to appear on each state's ballot. The R national nominating convention is in July. That is too late to get on the ballot in any single state, never mind all of 'em.

Bloomberg is making noises again at the moment because of this deadline to get on state ballots. Still, it's very late for him, although it is likely he has many of the required nominating petitions at the ready in numerous states should he go forward now with an independent candidacy. (Doesn't matter when the documents are signed up to the deadline date once the docs are officially issued by a state.)

Haven't heard anything about the possibility just in case that Trump has nominating signatures lined up in the states to submit by the end of this month so he could run as an independent. We can be sure the institutional Republican party is well aware of it.

So if the institutional Republicans and other R's succeed in denying Trump the nomination, Trump hasn't anywhere else to go except Trump Tower. My take is that the institutional Republicans don't care if they lose without Trump's voters. It would be much worse for the institutional party types if Trump wins the nomination to get wiped out in November after a horrendous campaign commotion. Deja vu Barry Goldwater 1964 is the last thing they want.

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

In all of life one needs to set priorities. Rarely does one get everything he wants.

I am a conservative. There is IMHO no conservative in this race and if there is, all are sold out to special interests for campaign contributions and cushy positions in Congress.

I am hoping for just one cycle where an outsider comes in and steals the entrenched and corrupt insiders' candy store. That's it. I wish there was another choice but their isn't. I KNOW what will happen if one of the entrenched gets elected and that's the same thing that's happened for more than 40 years. My only HOPE is that an outspoken outsider will really take on unfair trade with China and illegal immigration and lousy trade deals with Mexico and support our military individuals and frankly, just do what he says he will do. Trump wants to help the economy and create jobs and Hillary and Bernie can talk only about helping the poor with handouts.

He has an amazing track record of finishing what he starts and of running things - big things - successfully. He has an amazing track record of motivating people to follow him whether that be city hall or a foreign governments where he does biz.

While R voters at primaries are setting records, D voters are down significantly. Trump is winning demographics that few expected he would including a lot of Democrat working class people. If that keeps up he'd crush the general election.

When I know that all of the alternatives are phony and some totally dishonest, I have to go with what appears to be the enemy of the donor class. The donor class is acting like they KNOW he's the enemy and that is comforting. There's no where else to go!!!!!!


Oh really?

Why is he in court for bait and switch policies?

Why are there no businessmen who are vouching for him that they made money together?

Why are illegals working in his hotels?

And democrats are not switching to Trump.. just you watch.. Texas will swing blue against Trump and then it's all over.

Why? Texas is only 43% white. Latinos will be damned if they vote Trump and they showed it by him getting only 27% of the primary vote.

We know 242 electoral votes are a lock for the democrats. They get Texas and it's Over.. no swing state needed!

There's wishful thinking and there's reality such as demographics. These will come back to haunt you come november as the democrats just have to stop making major gaffe's.. Trump is doing all the work for the dems ensuring the democratic victory.

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

I think its pretty clear that the one note right wing and left wing members here define themselves by what, even who, they're against, not who or what they are for. Each party could switch policies and they'd be just as adamant for their party/candidate and against the other.

Yet more nihilism.

It is a lot more than a passive indifference or a calm neutrality. Or a curse on both your houses contempt.

It is anarchy manifested from nihilism and a chronic cynicism.

Sorry about that but it needs to be confronted. It is an affliction that affects the young or the old but few in between.

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^ What's interesting is to watch the subtle transformation in the right wing members here. Many of them, based on long posting histories, seem to be Arch conservatives and predictably supportive of establishment Republican figures, and uniformly condemning of the Dems and especially Obama.

However, I have noticed a slow and subtle change in some of the most prominent posters, who have gently turned to either partially supporting Trump or being less critical of him. I'm not sure if many of them are even aware of this change in themselves.

In all of life one needs to set priorities. Rarely does one get everything he wants.

I am a conservative. There is IMHO no conservative in this race and if there is, all are sold out to special interests for campaign contributions and cushy positions in Congress.

I am hoping for just one cycle where an outsider comes in and steals the entrenched and corrupt insiders' candy store. That's it. I wish there was another choice but their isn't. I KNOW what will happen if one of the entrenched gets elected and that's the same thing that's happened for more than 40 years. My only HOPE is that an outspoken outsider will really take on unfair trade with China and illegal immigration and lousy trade deals with Mexico and support our military individuals and frankly, just do what he says he will do. Trump wants to help the economy and create jobs and Hillary and Bernie can talk only about helping the poor with handouts.

He has an amazing track record of finishing what he starts and of running things - big things - successfully. He has an amazing track record of motivating people to follow him whether that be city hall or a foreign governments where he does biz.

While R voters at primaries are setting records, D voters are down significantly. Trump is winning demographics that few expected he would including a lot of Democrat working class people. If that keeps up he'd crush the general election.

When I know that all of the alternatives are phony and some totally dishonest, I have to go with what appears to be the enemy of the donor class. The donor class is acting like they KNOW he's the enemy and that is comforting. There's no where else to go!!!!!!


I largely agree with what you've said but I would make one observation. There IS a big difference between Hillary and Bernie. Hillary wants to parse out "handouts" in a manner that creates division. Division between the rich and poor, the old and the young, the Blacks and the Whites. Bernie makes no such class distinctions.

I don't know about you, but I just wrote a check to the IRS for just shy of $39k dollars and I got zero return on that "investment". All my life I've been paying taxes (with the exception of a really nice 11 year avoidance strategy) for things OTHER people benefit from. I don't begrudge some of those people some of the things my tax dollars provide, but it has always irked me that none of the benefits I provide to others are available to me.

I'm an Independent and I tend to look at politics in one of two ways. Provide benefits that help all of society and not just some, or provide none at all and cut my damn taxes drastically. Though I'd prefer the former I can live with either of those outcomes. It's the parsing up of constituencies who are provided special benefits in exchange for votes that I can't abide. That is what has created the great divisiveness within our society IMO.

Edited by lannarebirth
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God forbid if the USA elects a man who made billions and has a habit of surrounding himself with capable people. The USA is riding on its laurels and needs ahuge shake up. ........

What capable people is Trump surrounding himself with? The sort of people who tell him "Great Idea!!!" when he proposes starting a university which will not be authorized to use the word 'university' (because it doesn't meet U criteria), which charges $35,000 for a diploma that isn't worth a dime? note: Trump will be under a legal cloud the entire time he's campaigning, ....and beyond.

What he does want to do is stop having most of the world take advantage of the US and try and balance the books again. Time will tell what he is really about and of course I may be wrong, but I honestly think he is wanting to do his best for his country and if that is really the case, then I sure hope he wins.

Think about it for a minute.......he is basically funding his own campaign, he does not appear to be bought and paid for by any special interest group and he talks about unfair trade advantages with China and Mexico. He may just surprise us all with some common sense decisions that will bring the US back to some sort of greatness again. I wish he would talk about the unprecedented corruptness of wall street and the banks so that he could give the middle class some solid grounding to vote for him.

"try and balance the books again."
Yea sure, from the man with the golden toilet who has filed for bankruptcy at least four times.
He may or may not be bought and paid for by Koch Brothers, but Trump echoes all the things the Koch brothers pay billions of dollars to right-wingers to say.
"he (Trump) just may surprise us all with some common sense decisions......"
Maybe you want to wait and see whether Trump will get some common sense, but personally I don't want to gamble the future of America on a quick-to-anger blowhard who is learning on the job.

McCain and Romney don't like Trump, that's a powerful endorsement to vote for Trump.

Let me guess, 4 years ago you thought Romney was great, and 8 yrs ago you thought McCain was great. Now you don't think McCain or Romney are sage elder statesmen, but you think Trump is great (?). In four years, when Rubio is vying to topple Hillary getting a 2nd term, will you not like Trump because he is dissing Rubio or some other hot-head contender?

Edited by boomerangutang
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The ten Republican debates to date with more to come have gone from a street brawl to thrashing in the gutter.

Clash of the Con Artists Paul Krugman: “So Republicans are going to nominate a candidate who talks complete nonsense on domestic policy; who believes that foreign policy can be conducted via bullying and belligerence; who cynically exploits racial and ethnic hatred for political gain.”

“But that was always going to happen, however the primary season turned out. The only news is that the candidate in question is probably going to be Donald Trump. Establishment Republicans denounce Mr. Trump as a fraud, which he is. But is he more fraudulent than the establishment trying to stop him? Not really.”

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The ten Republican debates to date with more to come have gone from a street brawl to thrashing in the gutter.

Clash of the Con ArtistsPaul Krugman: “So Republicans are going to nominate a candidate who talks complete nonsense on domestic policy; who believes that foreign policy can be conducted via bullying and belligerence; who cynically exploits racial and ethnic hatred for political gain.”

“But that was always going to happen, however the primary season turned out. The only news is that the candidate in question is probably going to be Donald Trump. Establishment Republicans denounce Mr. Trump as a fraud, which he is. But is he more fraudulent than the establishment trying to stop him? Not really.”

Perhaps not, but the Donald is sporting the biggest stick! (And shtick ... it's NONSTOP.)


Donald Trump's Manhood Is No Side Issue — It's His Entire Campaign

That’s why he keeps coming back to insult and invective in his speeches and debates, and why it so befuddles those around him. Everyone who faces him — rivals and observers alike — remains convinced that his bullying swagger is a quirk that pops up at inappropriate moments and keeps him from engaging seriously on his positions. They miss the fact that bluster is his position. It’s not a bug in his operating system — it is his operating system.

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A partial list of drawbacks with a Trump presidency:

>>> He would be learning-on-the-job. The presidency is not the same as buying distressed real estate, kicking out all the poor people, fixing it up and selling it for a billion $$'s profit.

>>> If the campaign is any indication, he would be constantly having to spin things he said earlier, similar to the Thai PM: he says something emphatically one day. Then the press corps and regular people show him how screwy the statement is. The next day, he claims he meant to say something different and/or he didn't mean to offend anyone. He will also say he was misquoted (although video/audio doesn't lie) or his earpiece wasn't working (is there someone's voice telling him what to say?), ....or....?

>>> Often, when Trump is challenged, he devolves to name-calling and immaturely dissing the other person. He's done it with his political rivals, with the Mexican prez, with Romney, with McCain, with Hillary, with the physically disabled reporter, with Sec.of State Kerry, with interviewers, with the Pope. Trump also said disparaging things about both Rand Paul's and Fiorina's faces, Trump is trying to be funny and witty, but he falls on his billionaire ass each time, and shows what an immature person he really is.

>>> in continuance of the things I mentioned above, Trump would be abysmal at foreign affairs. Not only ill-informed, but hot-headed off-the-cuff. Note to Trump: foreign affairs is not a crap shoot. It's not a shoot-first, ask-questions-later game of one-upmanship. I would sooner Osama Bin Laden head the National Guard, than Trump control the mightiest military the world has ever known.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Yes, if nominated, his clearly unsuitable temperament for the presidency is likely to be the biggest issue to defeat him.

Let Trump be Trump.

Branding stuff with his pompous name, not branding the white house.

Edited by Jingthing
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Do keep in mind that the states conduct all elections and that Washington has nothing to do with elections of any kind throughout the country.

Each party's candidate has to qualify to get on the ballot of each state. Each state has its filing deadline for nomination papers signed by registered voters. The filing deadline is however a common date, the end of March, this month. Almost all states.

If Trump is to run as an independent he'd need to submit signed nomination documents by the deadline to qualify to appear on each state's ballot. The R national nominating convention is in July. That is too late to get on the ballot in any single state, never mind all of 'em.

Bloomberg is making noises again at the moment because of this deadline to get on state ballots. Still, it's very late for him, although it is likely he has many of the required nominating petitions at the ready in numerous states should he go forward now with an independent candidacy. (Doesn't matter when the documents are signed up to the deadline date once the docs are officially issued by a state.)

Haven't heard anything about the possibility just in case that Trump has nominating signatures lined up in the states to submit by the end of this month so he could run as an independent. We can be sure the institutional Republican party is well aware of it.

So if the institutional Republicans and other R's succeed in denying Trump the nomination, Trump hasn't anywhere else to go except Trump Tower. My take is that the institutional Republicans don't care if they lose without Trump's voters. It would be much worse for the institutional party types if Trump wins the nomination to get wiped out in November after a horrendous campaign commotion. Deja vu Barry Goldwater 1964 is the last thing they want.

Your right, didn't think of the actual logistics of things...

Makes sense that may be too late to get on all the ballets after the Republican. Primary finished

But still there no it would cause an internal meltdown in Republican Party and who ever they nominated would be destroyed in the general election

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