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Motorbike accident - will the police do anything? How to access cameras?


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Was driving in a straight line coming up to a junction. A white minibus comes up too fast from behind and front end of the minibus cuts in front of us, middle-back end of the minibus hits us and the bike goes down fairly heavily.

Minibus didn't stop, I made sure I memorised the number plate and gave that to the police when they arrived. There's a camera in a perfect position to see the whole thing, and with it being right next to a busy junction I think there's a high chance it will be a working camera.

Bike is a rental bike from our hotel and is brand new, 150km driven.

Neither of us are badly injured, just cuts and a sprained wrist, but I don't want to have to pay for the damage to the bike so what are my chances of the police finding the guy in a case like this? With it being a minibus I would guess maybe not privately-owned so hopefully address on the green book should be up to date? Am I right in thinking there will be a national database of vehicles along with their addresses which would enable them to find the vehicle/driver?

If for whatever reason they don't find the guy, the bike will be insured and the camera footage will clear us of any wrongdoing - if we have the footage. How to ensure we do actually get it? Will police assist and if not, who to contact?

Any advice appreciated.

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What would the police do? Not what should they do but what would they actually do. Type the numberplate into a database, or just circulate it on radio?

What is the typical amount of work they would do on something like this, if any?

How to go about tactfully paying them to find the guy?

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The police has access to the CCTV cameras. Depends on where this happened but I once had to ask them to look at camera footage as my GF was similarely cut off by a van. Went to Phuket town and they let us go into their surveillance room where you can see all camera feeds and they let us show them the moment it happened. In the end it didn't work because the camera angle wasn't good but they tried.

Other police stations might be less helpful. If you can get the CCTV footage then you'll be in a really good spot and able to file a complaint with the police against the van driver for reckless driving. They'll find out who the owner/driver is and bring him in for questioning. Then they'll make him pay for the damage and any medical bills you had.

Now without footage or whitnesses you'll have tough luck unless you can make them still get the drive to show up and see some scratches on the van. But it'll still be a difficult thing to get anything out of it.

I doubt the rental bike has proper insurance.

And yes, they have a database of all vehicle registrations.

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To the OP:

I realize that the most appealing thing to do after a frustrating experience like this is to wash your hands of it and put it behind you.

But please post back with your results, as a cautionary tale for those who are considering renting a scooter here in Thailand, or find themselves in your situation.

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Just a suggestion, would it be possible to go with the renter/hotel owner to the police station? It might help. Also good on you for getting the number ...was it a yellow plate numbers only or did it have Thai characters too? ...if the latter hope you can read Thai. Sorry for your woes and good luck with the boys in brown and I hope they do have a look at the cctv stuff for you and the hotel owner.

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I can say 100% the rental bike is not insured 100%,

Regardless, of your intend you should fix the bike asap, you can go to any Mityon and get the parts or panels for this bike. Not the panels will take time to order. I have 150 PCX, and it took a week or so for a damage panel. It will cost you 500 to 1,000 baht for a panel the whole set is around 5,000 baht.

As for the Footage, the sooner you tip the BIB the quicker you will get your footage or evidence but that will defeat the purpose because you will be throwing good money after bad. If you are not seriously hurt and even then that isn't going to matter I will just call it a lost you are opening another can of worm that will ruin your trip if not already. Save your time and money and fix the bike and return it for a older one. It is good to have a real nice new bike but you get nick for every scratch.

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My wife and her niece were taken out by a new Toyota pickup the same way, only they were injured and both ended up in the Hospital. The truck pulled over for a second as if it were going to stop and then sped off, leaving them lying in the road. Roadside vendors and other motorists stopped and carried them off the roadway. The police were nice but didn't seem very interested in investigating, I figured it was because they weren't killed but also there were no cameras in the area.

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Admittedly, I cut left. Across someone going straight.

I stopped and did the right thing, the woman was screaming and shouting that I was riding too fast. I claimed I didn't actually hit her.

The policeman said "right lets sort this at the station, we can check the CCTV to establish a collision and sure enough, he pointed up to a camera.

The woman was after a quick payout, I just wanted to get home for dinner, so I can't help you, but there is a recording and they were willing to use it, and they wanted to prosecute me too .. The first man to be charged with dangerous driving in Thailand.

There are also reports here, praising the police and the swift and professional way they handle things. ( never my experience mind )

I would go with the owner of the bike, they will know the best way .. Even if it's passing a note to the officer in charge to get the ball rolling.

Edited by recom273
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The police has access to the CCTV cameras. Depends on where this happened but I once had to ask them to look at camera footage as my GF was similarely cut off by a van. Went to Phuket town and they let us go into their surveillance room where you can see all camera feeds and they let us show them the moment it happened. In the end it didn't work because the camera angle wasn't good but they tried.

Other police stations might be less helpful. If you can get the CCTV footage then you'll be in a really good spot and able to file a complaint with the police against the van driver for reckless driving. They'll find out who the owner/driver is and bring him in for questioning. Then they'll make him pay for the damage and any medical bills you had.

Now without footage or whitnesses you'll have tough luck unless you can make them still get the drive to show up and see some scratches on the van. But it'll still be a difficult thing to get anything out of it.

I doubt the rental bike has proper insurance.

And yes, they have a database of all vehicle registrations.

Best reply. Give the cops a try. I have always been fairly treated by the cops. Whether they can do anything for you or not you won't know until you try. I hope you filed a police accident report at the time.

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

Wow, I hope you're OK. I remember you from that other forum.

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

Just out of interest, how much per week ?

I have a mate who got taken off his R1, by a guy on an illegal bike/sidecar out collecting grass for his cows, scuffed all the fairing, bent pegs and broke 2 riders legs in the process - the guy tried to run away. Just like you, he got awarded a weekly payment - of 20B per week, which he must go and collect from the family.

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Hopefully the camera is operational and shows a good angle, hopefully you can get the

police to look at it and go after the mini van, That said don't hold your breath. Insurance,

with the hotel, I doubt it. All that said you were not hurt thankfully, and the cost of repairs

to make the bike new will not be nearly as much as you think. I hope the rest of your

vacation is drama free. wai.gif

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

Not to be disrespectful of your experience. If you have the time and money along with a strong sense of principal to make sure people do what is right (Rolex) you can have a outcome likes yours, but personally I feel your result is a small % as to what actually goes on.

Majority of the BIB have no training as to how to resolve a problem. The more work they seem to have to do.. the less they do.. my neighbor daughter a year ago was run down in the morning going to school, it was right in front from a 7/11, they being poor no influence the BIB didn't even make a attempt to solve the problem or get footage from 7/11. I was so upset.. since the girl plays with my son... I went to the station and ask for the commander, in the end, I made a 5,000 baht donation to them and they got the days footage from the 7/11, our luck the footage we weren't able to see enough to track down the driver.

In your own words " I wasn't some Patsy " Again Rolex noted! Not bashing Thais but majority of Thais have learn and condition that shit happens it is like No fault out there and many BiB when it comes to Farang feel we have the money to loose and they are entitled to just walk away..

Great story and ending but not common in Thailand.

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

Just out of interest, how much per week ?

I have a mate who got taken off his R1, by a guy on an illegal bike/sidecar out collecting grass for his cows, scuffed all the fairing, bent pegs and broke 2 riders legs in the process - the guy tried to run away. Just like you, he got awarded a weekly payment - of 20B per week, which he must go and collect from the family.

Its a sliding scale over term..

Remember this is a unemployed 20 year old female student.. With a mae baan mother and no father..

We settled on 3000b a month while shes at school.. 2 more years.. then 5000b a month for a couple of years after that.. At year 5 we find out what her position in life is, has she married, etc and it will rise to 8 - 10k a month. She pays automatically by bank, as stated any failure to pay on the day and the amount paid is null and void and the entirety falls instantly due. She has signed up that this is owed and cannot be contested, in the Thai system she is committed to that by virtue of ID card number tracing and her likely professional career path (shes not a bar brass working cash).

You cant get blood out of a stone, and I had no desire to see a young, college student, go to jail or have her life ruined because she made a poor driving mistake. Shes paying, at the best of her ability, to the max pain point she can afford.

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

Not to be disrespectful of your experience. If you have the time and money along with a strong sense of principal to make sure people do what is right (Rolex) you can have a outcome likes yours, but personally I feel your result is a small % as to what actually goes on.

Majority of the BIB have no training as to how to resolve a problem. The more work they seem to have to do.. the less they do.. my neighbor daughter a year ago was run down in the morning going to school, it was right in front from a 7/11, they being poor no influence the BIB didn't even make a attempt to solve the problem or get footage from 7/11. I was so upset.. since the girl plays with my son... I went to the station and ask for the commander, in the end, I made a 5,000 baht donation to them and they got the days footage from the 7/11, our luck the footage we weren't able to see enough to track down the driver.

In your own words " I wasn't some Patsy " Again Rolex noted! Not bashing Thais but majority of Thais have learn and condition that shit happens it is like No fault out there and many BiB when it comes to Farang feel we have the money to loose and they are entitled to just walk away..

Great story and ending but not common in Thailand.

You can think that.. I have been paid other road damages, and willingly paid ones of my own when I was at fault, without ever fighting it. All in all fairs fair on any I have had here in 15 years.

What happens all too often is a farang, with no Thai language, meets a system he doesnt understand, gets shunted onto the junior cop who doesnt socially, culturally, or linguistically understand him.. And then gets his opinion and rights less than well respected because its easy, because he isnt understood 100%, because its all handled a bit sloppily. Try not to blame malice when incompetence is more the cause. Add in frustrations, or not knowing when to smile, who to wai in the pecking order, or when to let someone else wai you first, and its more complex than just 'right' and 'wrong'.

So pay a few pennies, get a lawyer to represent you, to represent you carefully, to accurately translate the nuance.. Suddenly the chief of the station is sat in front of you, the report says what it should say to make a nice package for the judge, and the judge goes by the book.

In my own case there was plenty of holes (I was going quick, I wasnt in the left most motorcycle lane, etc) when it came time to make the statements the lawyer guided me through with under table nudges, and each 'wrong' thing that was said was actually guided by the policeman, you sure you were doing 100 kph (already a underestimation) ?? Maybe that wouldnt be safe, surely you were going 60.. Oh you were going 60.. yes thats fine.. Did you beep your horn ?? Oh you did.. very good.. Once I had a lawyer representing me, I was the VIP, I was the one being wai'ed.

Everyone recognises how important connections and social status are here.. So as farangs, perhaps lacking those, pay the few 1000b it costs to have a good lawyer give you them.. Wear a crisp shirt and a nice watch, look and act the part and suddenly they dont know your not mates with the governor.

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Have you been here long? It doesnt really matter about right and wrong, you could end up paying out regardless.

To counter the usual negativity.. Get a connected local lawyer now.. the first day or two when the file gets drawn up is vital..

I got taken out by a Thai driver.. Broken (compounded) limbs.. 2 ops.. Written off bike.. Very damaged rolex.. a million bahts worth of costs.. The police fined the uninsured, unlicensed, no road tax car, driver 500b.. End of right ??

I sicked my lawyer onto them.. Next day its police visiting the hospital.. Dragging the girls family in.. Wais up to the ceiling.. Why are you doing this to us, we are just poor Thais we have no money..

Police prepped the entire file EXACTLY how my lawyer dictated it.. Failure to negotiate a suitable payment meant it went to court.. Court awarded me full damages, shes paying monthly and will do so for years. Any failure to meet the judges set payment terms and everything already paid is null and void and the entire lot comes due,.

The police, the courts, the judge, everyone in the process acted exactly as you would expect in a fair and proper system.. Once the police were put on notice I wasnt some patsy to be ignored. I felt no bias, no threat, no way was I treated as a less than equal party at any stage. I didnt want the girl to suffer jail time and ruin her life, I just wanted to be fairly compensated for my losses, the judge set the terms exactly as I asked.

Yes the initial Somchai copper can be sloppy and lazy.. But once this is into the legal system, and you have a lawyer thats handing it, it actually works just you expect it should.

Not to be disrespectful of your experience. If you have the time and money along with a strong sense of principal to make sure people do what is right (Rolex) you can have a outcome likes yours, but personally I feel your result is a small % as to what actually goes on.

Majority of the BIB have no training as to how to resolve a problem. The more work they seem to have to do.. the less they do.. my neighbor daughter a year ago was run down in the morning going to school, it was right in front from a 7/11, they being poor no influence the BIB didn't even make a attempt to solve the problem or get footage from 7/11. I was so upset.. since the girl plays with my son... I went to the station and ask for the commander, in the end, I made a 5,000 baht donation to them and they got the days footage from the 7/11, our luck the footage we weren't able to see enough to track down the driver.

In your own words " I wasn't some Patsy " Again Rolex noted! Not bashing Thais but majority of Thais have learn and condition that shit happens it is like No fault out there and many BiB when it comes to Farang feel we have the money to loose and they are entitled to just walk away..

Great story and ending but not common in Thailand.

You can think that.. I have been paid other road damages, and willingly paid ones of my own when I was at fault, without ever fighting it. All in all fairs fair on any I have had here in 15 years.

What happens all too often is a farang, with no Thai language, meets a system he doesnt understand, gets shunted onto the junior cop who doesnt socially, culturally, or linguistically understand him.. And then gets his opinion and rights less than well respected because its easy, because he isnt understood 100%, because its all handled a bit sloppily. Try not to blame malice when incompetence is more the cause. Add in frustrations, or not knowing when to smile, who to wai in the pecking order, or when to let someone else wai you first, and its more complex than just 'right' and 'wrong'.

So pay a few pennies, get a lawyer to represent you, to represent you carefully, to accurately translate the nuance.. Suddenly the chief of the station is sat in front of you, the report says what it should say to make a nice package for the judge, and the judge goes by the book.

In my own case there was plenty of holes (I was going quick, I wasnt in the left most motorcycle lane, etc) when it came time to make the statements the lawyer guided me through with under table nudges, and each 'wrong' thing that was said was actually guided by the policeman, you sure you were doing 100 kph (already a underestimation) ?? Maybe that wouldnt be safe, surely you were going 60.. Oh you were going 60.. yes thats fine.. Did you beep your horn ?? Oh you did.. very good.. Once I had a lawyer representing me, I was the VIP, I was the one being wai'ed.

Everyone recognises how important connections and social status are here.. So as farangs, perhaps lacking those, pay the few 1000b it costs to have a good lawyer give you them.. Wear a crisp shirt and a nice watch, look and act the part and suddenly they dont know your not mates with the governor.

Trying comprehending want I'm saying to you... I agree with you 100%, and to add to that been here over 10 years but not 15 years like yourself. From what I gather you have a huge advantage and that is money, regardless of how small you think it is went paying a lawyer. From your story, I think the Thai that is paying the debt to you must think they must be the most unlucky Thais in the country to be taken to court and be force to pay and you must be one lucky farang to have been hit by a Thai that can actually pay you. The majority do not even show up for the court hearing an.d are long gone and I mean long gone.

In your own words, this post and the prior which I'm trying to point out to you! " Everyone recognises how important connections and social status are here " As a Farang you are a exception. I can safely say in your prior post when the police brought the defendant to Wai you and show respect etc... ask for forgiveness that would be the end of it. Thai to Thai that is normally what happens. Their luck you a rick well connected Farang, hired a lawyer and busted their chops. I get it and I think everyone here reading your post get it!

See, here is a true story with me years ago when I got here... I was wrong and out of principle and right and wrong I hired a lawyer for 70,000 to take the guy to court... After months my court case was heard, the guy didn't show up, regardless I would have gotten the judgement which I did. Today I'm still trying to collect. Years ago I was introduced to another lawyer who I told him about my case.. that I was still looking for this guy. He gave me a reality check. Told me for the money I spend for lawyer (time is money) and the people my family knows he himself would have handle it the old fashion way basically taking it out of the guy hide. Here principle carries you only so far... sooner of later... one has to thing does the money/time headache justify the means at no end to make a point?

That leads me to this BM, post... fix the bike and move on that is what normal people do who are visiting and do not have the time, cash or connection do? and not every Thai you take to court is going to be able to pay you... If a Thai who barely can cover his rent 2,000 hits you in his sidecart.. after you hired a lawyer get your judgement.. what is you output for legal expenses compare to what he will be able to pay you every month. Thai is all I'm saying.

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The cost for the lawyer to do ALL of my police handing and interference, gather all evidence, prep my files, etc etc was IIRC 7k baht.. This was my 'bent / fixer' lawyer.. I then paid a second 'proper' lawyer to handle the court case.. I think 20k..

Anyone that wont drop 30k on a roll of the dice, when it cost a mil in damages.. and would rather just write it off.. Seems like isnt evaluating the risk properly.

The girl was 20 and a few months.. If she had been a couple of months younger, at 19.. I could have forced them to sell the family house / land.. Or could even have taken it from her estranged fathers assets.. Despite him being gone for a decade. As the parent of a minor committing the offence you can legally make them settle, and its sell their house or mortgage it or go to jail.. Only by having zero assets, can they avoid jail time and beg for stage payments.

Lots of Thais own land, or a home, or a vehicle, or some other asset.. My lawyer did a check on the tabien baan, who owned the car she was driving, who her parents were and what assets they might have, all those things. Prior to the negotiation. Sure some Thais are assetless and pennyless, but not all by a long way. Even poor rural Thais often own a home outright. In this aspect the fact she was just a young girl, but not young enough to still be legally a minor, were negatives for collection.

So yes, if your just a visitor.. Its definitely a process to get settled.. But if your a resident expat, my experience is that you get treated as straight as a Thai would. Wealthy Thais have exactly the same issues.

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I would never drive my car here without a dash cam , if I was on a bike I would make sure to install a helmet cam , then it will be difficult for the police to ignore it.

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LivinLOS: are you saying you made false statements for the police report with the help of your lawyer and the police?

You admit that you had broken the law and are at least partially guilty for the accident and yet proud that you used your financial power to put some young girl in a lot of trouble and make her life really hard for a bunch of years?

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