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Stacks of cash, suicide note with instructions found next to body of American, 26, in Phuket hotel

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No Mention of any romance in his life other than his car.

It's sad really! He just graduated from Electrical Engineering, which is one of the toughest courses out there. He had his whole life ahead of himself. He had some tough times but he seemed like he got through most of them. If he still had all those ailments it seems to me it would be very difficult to travel as he did.

Perhaps the saddest part is he talked about suicide for years, yet nobody was able to help him with this. Or they didn't care. He seemed like he formed a bonding relationship with that old traveler where he stayed at once, so too bad he didn't know about his plan as maybe he could have helped him.

One of my Best Friends committed suicide. I hadn't seen him in years but we were friends for a very long time and he was my Best Man at my wedding. Last time I saw him he was happy in his job, was a newly wed, and was expecting a new son. Only 2 years later I discovered his marriage fell apart and he jumped off of a high bridge in to freezing water. His last words to the Policeman was: Sure!" "Now you want to help me!"

But I always felt, and still do, that if I only knew what his plan was that night I could have called him and stopped him. Maybe I am naive but I also think there was someone in his life to, who could have stopped him, if he only knew.

My worst was my best friend, two years ago. Ex heroin addict, been off it for 6 years. I have never touched that stuff. Went to her brothers for the afternoon, smoked the damn stuff and had a heart attack. Not suicide, but i always think - i should have been with her to stop her taking that stuff. I fell apart for about 6 months, feeling so guilty for not seeing that her bastard brother would do that to her. It took him, in his haze, two hours to realise that she was dead,

She had three kids and was getting her life together, I still feel guilty. Not every day, but most. Because she had invited me to visit her brother that day. I had other things to do. And i still cry most days.

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Cliffnotes for anyone who didn't read the huge blog post:

- Family problems, painful acne, tinnitus (ear ringing, many have committed suicide from that alone), oppressive Christian university.

- Mentioned academically how suicide can be a rational choice, to a psychologist. Ends up being involuntarily imprisoned on the spot, sent to a mental ward for a potentially unlimited time, labelled as mentally defective for the rest of his life preventing him from getting employment, gun license, etc.

- Managed to get released eventually, by that point had lost his small business and was close to broke

- In the US if you sleep in your car you're arrested, imprisoned, the car is impounded, and then homeless when released, so he flies to Europe

- Writes on his blog that he'd learnt of a 'new drug that lets you die painlessly', no mention of that being in Thailand or what it could be

Also mentions on the website that he was home schooled from k-12. Wonder if this caused or exacerbated some issues as well as the poorly chosen university he attended.

Odd post. I think as he explains he wanted to join the military or government in some capacity with his degree which I am sure he could have done but cannot due now to basically being blackballed by the shrink and his internment. So he felt he was screwed long term. He felt he could not return to the U.S. because he would be locked up again and he said he was told so by others. So he is trapped. Running out of money. What can he do work in Thailand and teach english? Then where to from there with his degree? Maybe one can not understand his solution but his frustration is apparent.


I don't really want to be hard on the guy however after spending a long time reading his blog, there are a few things that stand out

Firstly there is a blame game going on. Every step of his downfall is because of others actions. His business failing for example is blamed on the doc who had him committed even though it did nothing for years.

The doc was right in commiting him since he was suicidal and a danger to himself, even he admits that but the big standout was he hung himself (failed) after only 7 days! In an institution where he was safe. But he couldn't handle it. Let's put that in comparison to say, the many people who end up in jail for 20 years and then released because they were found to be innocent.. Puts in perspective right?

He was always going to die. Blaming the establishment just made him feel better about it.

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From his blog he seemed fairly intelligent and thought this course of action through. His choice. Very considerate of him to help to pay for the investigation and hospital bills.

What amazed me was that despite his declaration that he was an atheist, his revelation that he did not enjoy his time at a christian college and his disdain for the militant religious trying to force their beliefs onto him, the first few comments beneath his blog were from god botherers trying to persuade him to give god a chance in his life. Why did their omnipotent god not intervene personally? Maybe their posts were enough to tip him over the edge. Who knows?

Sick Bar Stewards the lot of them.

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