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GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees'


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This is bullshit propaganda. I live in Germany and sausages are banned NOWHERE, not even at schools. Just a headline to get the brown anger growing again.

Whats more likely, that a publication with a story like this has made the entire thing up, "bullshit propaganda," or that some anonymous poster, unable to counter facts projects some sophomoric ad hominen attack to misdirect, dissesmble?

Even as an exercise in economy of thought its easier to just quickly glance the OP versus the above rebuttal and judge: "true," and move on, rejecting the above protest as the real BS!

After all, the OP fits into a now daily narrative pouring out of the West. Its not just this story, is it? This is happening in many places now.

It must be true. In a Google search for "pork banned germany," the second result is this thread LOL

But this is not correct. Perhaps on a google.th search, but searches for these above words do not hit the results you suggest.

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And the changes have begun, Angela! gigglem.gif

"...changes have begun..." My first thought exactly. However, when I read the very first post that points this out (above) I realized something else "this is not the beginning of this, is it? Its the beginning of the changes directly related to to the invasion, but hardly the beginning. Germany and the EU have been rolling on to their backs and exposing their underbelly for some time now."

Self Dhimmitue, - dhimmi- the assignment of a subordinate role in executing the tenets and expectations of the religion of islam has actually been taking place in EU for some time. This is, after all, why the floodgates opened in the first place- dhimmis inside the gates were turning the gatehouse wheel.

"Dhimmi," the subordinate status that all non muslims occupy as per sharia, as per divine revelation (it must be so, it cannot be otherwise in sharia). Dhimmi, by virtue of declared sharia or sharia in practice, requires non muslims to make accommodations, bend over, give up a seat, suspend prayer, pay the "tax" and be made to feel humiliated when doing so.This is the actual cornerstone of all sharia civil law. Sharia cannot exist without dhimmis, without genuflecting to islam, without subordination to the caste system of sharia. It makes do difference whether banning pork was from an imam or a leftist apparatchik- the result is the same, genuflection to islam. Consider this simply and slowly- the modern secular state of Germany has strongarmed their population into subordinating to a religion- not just any religion, but the admired religion of their last fuehrer. Stunning!

After all, pork banishing is religious, not cultural, not gender, not moral related- religious. This is self loathing on display once more for the world to witness. Not only does one have to subordinate their own culture, and perhaps kinder, gentler means and methods of animal slaughter, but they must embrace another, inferior culture, one that actually blesses the food that is harvested with cruelty and brutal slaughter, bloodletting, ritual, on behalf of a desert god. These are not just replacing culture practices, steps like this are replacing cultural practices with brutality, barbarism, primal concepts long outgrown by the west. This entire process of banning pork while permitted approved methods of slaughter is one step removed from red heifers or Azetc rites, Baal or Olmec. .

Also, they are not refugees. [They] are no more than numbers in the wholesale replacement of one culture with what it hoped will be its hybrid. Problem is, this is islam; there is no hybrid. Auf wiedersehen Deutschland.

Quote from Baruch Spinosa (1632-1677)

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them."

Still available in Germany for everybody :



Edited by Thorgal
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A restaurant in Vermont took down an advert for bacon because someone took offense...

Advertisement removed after resident expresses offense

It started with a post from one woman who wrote that the sign was insensitive to those who do not consume pork. She said as a vegan living in a Muslim household she is personally offended by it.


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Why on earth are the Germans allowing their government to get away with this nonsense? I thought it was only us Brits who were daft enough.

Get ready for an avalanche of right-on virtue signallers who fully support this and all other appeasement to the Muslims.

I would be careful about believing this. It's quite clear that Germany hasn't banned sausages as that would need legislation to be passed. It just says that pork and bacon hasn't been taken off the menu in some places. That may just be because there's a majority of Muslims who won't eat pork so there's no point having them. Sausages don't have to have pork in them anyway.

I remember a story in the UK about one of Moirrisons supermarkets banning the sales of poppies which turned out to be completely untrue.

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So move in and the country should change just because of you?


Town hall-like meeting in a German town...watch what happens when the mayor suggests how school children can avoid sexual harassment by migrants...

[in German with English subtitles]


Edited by mopar71
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How stupid to think that Europe are so taken over by refugees etc. that they would change their way of eating!! We eat pig and enjoy it.

There is beef, lamb, goat, chicken, fish available. Just walk by the sausage maker. And be glad you get any food.

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How stupid to think that Europe are so taken over by refugees etc. that they would change their way of eating!! We eat pig and enjoy it.

There is beef, lamb, goat, chicken, fish available. Just walk by the sausage maker. And be glad you get any food.

Clearly you enjoy pork. But, must you make so many others suffer for your pleasure? Refugees find pork upsetting and offensive. Would it not be easier for you to just eat fish or chicken? Pork and Christmas, we will survive without either of them, and to make refugees happier I am all for it.

Blimey that was difficult to write, but as common sense is apparently abusive, we do what we can.

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How stupid to think that Europe are so taken over by refugees etc. that they would change their way of eating!! We eat pig and enjoy it.

There is beef, lamb, goat, chicken, fish available. Just walk by the sausage maker. And be glad you get any food.

Clearly you enjoy pork. But, must you make so many others suffer for your pleasure? Refugees find pork upsetting and offensive. Would it not be easier for you to just eat fish or chicken? Pork and Christmas, we will survive without either of them, and to make refugees happier I am all for it.

Blimey that was difficult to write, but as common sense is apparently abusive, we do what we can.

Why are they 'suffering' remember they came to Europe asking for help we didn't go to their country telling them to eat pork so what right do they have to tell us to refrain from eating pork, if they are so offended they can always go back to where they came from. What about my rights, i am offended by seeing women wear burkas and seeing men walking about in a night dress they should conform,it is not for us to reform our sinful ways.

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The only pork i eat are sausages (the irish richmond ones, and good Swiss ones) and the occasional pork fillet. I find, otherwise, pork a bit boring, Oh and bacon.

What i am saying is, why should hundreds of years of killing and eating pigs have to be softened up because mohamed moves in next door? With his six wives and 17 kids. And i run the risk of being groped in the street.

And, another question - if i am a pork eater, would it not be a bit dirty to grope me in the street? Yuck, the pig eating whore in her mini skirt. Or is that a bit of a thrill? Or to have a sexual urge in a swimming pool and rape a young boy?

That is normal? And these people want us to stop eating certain foods to accomodate them?

Those who hurt that wee boy and raped and groped the girls etc. should have sausages shoved down their throats until they are deported.

I don't want to become a racist, i grew up in an international environment. I went to an International School. Back then there was none of what is going on now.

It saddens me. The men that are arriving in Europe, are angry and oppressed. Which is understandable, but they are not helping themselves by frightening the locals.

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I suppose you'd take the resident keyboard warriors more seriously if they were typing their complaints in Thai (or lao), eating nothing but som tam, larb, sticky rice and naam, day in, day out. Heck, speaking to local lingo beyond the level of a 3 year old with their other halves would be an achievement.

But you can be sure they are doing nothing of the sort, and think that there is nothing wrong for the little brown people to bend over backwards, so long it is for them.

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I suppose you'd take the resident keyboard warriors more seriously if they were typing their complaints in Thai (or lao), eating nothing but som tam, larb, sticky rice and naam, day in, day out. Heck, speaking to local lingo beyond the level of a 3 year old with their other halves would be an achievement.

But you can be sure they are doing nothing of the sort, and think that there is nothing wrong for the little brown people to bend over backwards, so long it is for them.

????????? What about the sausages ?

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How stupid to think that Europe are so taken over by refugees etc. that they would change their way of eating!! We eat pig and enjoy it.

There is beef, lamb, goat, chicken, fish available. Just walk by the sausage maker. And be glad you get any food.

Clearly you enjoy pork. But, must you make so many others suffer for your pleasure? Refugees find pork upsetting and offensive. Would it not be easier for you to just eat fish or chicken? Pork and Christmas, we will survive without either of them, and to make refugees happier I am all for it.

Blimey that was difficult to write, but as common sense is apparently abusive, we do what we can.

Wouldn't it be more sensible for them to have moved to other Muslim countries where they won't be offended by pork?

What about when they are offended by women not wearing burkas ..... will you be suggesting it easier for all women to just cover up?

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And, another question - if i am a pork eater, would it not be a bit dirty to grope me in the street? Yuck, the pig eating whore in her mini skirt. Or is that a bit of a thrill?

Great idea for a t-shirt there Patsy.

"I eat pork - HANDS OFF"

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Read what i said above.

Do not get me onto the burka ideology.

In fact, sometimes, when i look in the mirror at my age. I think... why not...!! But then, the big blue eyes would peek out, and the long legs would be hidden!!

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Oh, and i love the fact that in Europe, including Swissland, these "men" are having classes in how to treat women!!

It just makes me think, how did they treat the women back home?


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And, another question - if i am a pork eater, would it not be a bit dirty to grope me in the street? Yuck, the pig eating whore in her mini skirt. Or is that a bit of a thrill?

Great idea for a t-shirt there Patsy.

"I eat pork - HANDS OFF"

Like those t shirts with hand prints over the breast area, instead of hands - trotters or piggy noses. Or a bikini made out of bacon,

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How stupid to think that Europe are so taken over by refugees etc. that they would change their way of eating!! We eat pig and enjoy it.

There is beef, lamb, goat, chicken, fish available. Just walk by the sausage maker. And be glad you get any food.

Clearly you enjoy pork. But, must you make so many others suffer for your pleasure? Refugees find pork upsetting and offensive. Would it not be easier for you to just eat fish or chicken? Pork and Christmas, we will survive without either of them, and to make refugees happier I am all for it.

Blimey that was difficult to write, but as common sense is apparently abusive, we do what we can.

Actually i would prefer to carry on as we have for hundreds of years , so if they are offended by the way i live ,they can <deleted>> off to a country that they are not going to be offended by

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Instead to ban pork sausages, one could also ban Islam.
Enough with the tolerance for all this religious nonsense.
Long live the German sausage!

At what someone believes, should be a private matter.
No one should dictate to another what he has to believe.

As a wonder why there is now in Germany and Europe this constant dispute about: pork meat, crosses in classrooms, teachers wearing headscarves, mummery, street battles between warring muslim family clans, rape, immoral harassments, blood feud, forced marriages, welfare aid abuse, ghettoisation, rising crime rates, rising youth unemployment of migrant children, …….

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Guys...red herring!


It is NOT happening!

Nice try. It has happened. It also happened already in many many places in the UK and Denmark that I know of, and using logic and common sense it happened in many places also in Scandinavia, France and Belgium. I will accept that often authorities will try and claim that pork must not be used for health reasons or some other lie, but the fact is that it is solely to do with PC and religion.

Did you also claim there were NO no-go zones when that was recently discussed? I mean they may not have signs "no go for whites area" but you will be intimidated, assaulted, stabbed or murdered if you enter the area IMO makes it a no-go-zone through and through. If pork is never available on a menu (even though it is absolutely traditional for a countries natives to eat pork) well I will go ahead and make the conclusion that it is banned.

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Guys...red herring!


It is NOT happening!

Nice try. It has happened. It also happened already in many many places in the UK and Denmark that I know of, and using logic and common sense it happened in many places also in Scandinavia, France and Belgium. I will accept that often authorities will try and claim that pork must not be used for health reasons or some other lie, but the fact is that it is solely to do with PC and religion.

Did you also claim there were NO no-go zones when that was recently discussed? I mean they may not have signs "no go for whites area" but you will be intimidated, assaulted, stabbed or murdered if you enter the area IMO makes it a no-go-zone through and through. If pork is never available on a menu (even though it is absolutely traditional for a countries natives to eat pork) well I will go ahead and make the conclusion that it is banned.

What absolute total trash.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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