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Migrant crisis: 25 drown off Turkish coast including many children


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The responses to my post above is what sickens me, these are the attitudes that are allowing the misery and death to continue.

Even if are not the offspring of immigrants/refugees, we certainly benefit from the efforts of our ancestors. We are no more "entitled" to our privileged lives in the West than are the Syrians or anyone else. Very few of us can say that we actively contributed to the infrastructure and economy or politics of our homeland. And, every one of us expats here is an Economic Migrant, we're doing just what the Syrian refugees are doing except that we made a choice to leave home - they didn't really have that choice.

To baerboxer, it's such hubris to expect ordinary people to "solve" the problems of their own country. I was an inexperienced, naive, fairly ignorant 20-year old when I escaped South Africa. I was required to kill people to "defend my country", people who were either citizens who happened to have dark skin or were residents of a country illegally occupied by South Africa. I refused. There was no way I would be able to solve the problems of Apartheid, other than go underground and join the resistance movement or something. I wasn't prepared to be a killer or a martyr. If you were in my position, what would YOU do? In my case, it turns out that I didn't need to seek asylum after all because I dug up a British ancestor so I was "entitled" to be European. But digging further back, my great grandparents were refugees also, from Eastern Europe.

Whether we come from refugee ancestors or were born to a "native" family, none of us are any more entitled to our heritage than anyone else - unless you contributed personally to building infrastructure or improving the economy or benefiting the community in some way. Most of us only contribute in the sense that we are consumers, and lead privileged lives because of our ancestors and an accident of birth.

It seems no-one watched Alexander Bett's talk either and then just wrote a knee-jerk response to my post. His studies show that refugees/immigrants create employment on the whole, they aren't a drain on resources; 40% of the workforce of immigrant-owned businesses are local citizens!

It's interesting how the most vociferous comments come from people taking full social and economic advantage of living in Thailand, rather than stay at home and contribute to their local economies and be active in solving the problems of their own country.

And of those living the life of Riley here in Thailand, how many have actually bothered to learn Thai and integrate with Thai society, accept the Buddhist religion or are actively contributing to improving the economy and solving the socio-economic-political problems in Thailand?

Are you trying here to add and sell your Thai Seminars through the back door ?

On the subject:

Go look in a library and look for books with titles such as:

- The largest mass migrations in history and its consequences.

- Average duration of integration of migrants.Duration, cost, problems, case studies.

- 55 years Turks in Germany. State of integration efforts.

- Sustainability issues, population growth and world food issues.

- The history and the suffering of the Mayas, Incas and native americans (Indians).

- The largest religious wars in human history. Reasons, objectives, strategies and consequences.

- Mankind, skin cancer of the earth or a blessing?

It is not about a couple of war and economic refugees.

This is about unlimited cross-border population movements of many many millions of people who migrate into sensitive but quite stable and peaceful systems / societys. Such massive migrations it has not seen since World War 2 on our planet.

And what are you talking about cheap workers is nonsense.

Countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece are struggling with a youth unemployment rate that matches between 25-35%.

How can europe integrate these crowds (millions of people)?

All are:

- mostly muslims,

- mostly young men,

- mostly uneducated,

- many are from unrest and

war zones which bring this struggle mentality with them,

- all poor with no money

unable to care for themselves long-term,

- mostly with no relationship

to our culture,

- 99% do not understand for example the german language,

- a very high percentage are illiterate, etc

The integration from these people in that quantities is 100% impossible in short, medium and long term.

And the number of inhabitants per square kilometer has also multiplied over the past 50 years.

The EU governments knows this, but they no report this to the public.

Who should pay for it all?

This silly migration policy is destroying our social security systems.

The refugees do not come to europe because we are so nice and they respect our culture and laws, no,

because they getting free 400 Euro lunch money + 500 Euro for housing and free health insurance!

Btw. If I were an economic migrant, i would also try to reach this affluent situation.

But many EU counties definitely have not millions of jobs for uneducated, non native language speaking foreigners.

Where those millions of people could find work to take care of themselves?

All at McDonalds?

Many EU countries have no simple professions that you can just learn in 6 weeks without language skills.

Nurse, elderly care, construction, catering, agriculture are all apprenticeships with at least 3 years of learning time.

So when will be the first integrated refugee from millions, to be able to pay his first Euro in the treasury?

What a refinancing lie!

Better You stop to play on your harp.

You are 100% correct in everything you say , so why is it that there are many of us with the same opinion and yet the governments and EC ministers that are supposed to consist of intelligent people take a different stance , with the exception of the UK Nigel Farage . Enoch Powell made a famous speech in which he stated , quote " that the black man will have the whip hand in 15 to 20 years time in the UK " . In September 2009, the Office for National Statistics published information showing that Muhammad (name) (or variations of it) was the third most popular boy's name in England and Wales. The facts are the UK along with many European countries have been saturated with immigration .The ageing true national ethnic population opposition will diminish and the younger ethnic population will accept that a Muslim prime minister is imminent .

To Rapidmethod

​ How can you compare expats living here in Thailand with that of Syrian refugees . Were you pissed when you wrote that ? I for one make a

significant contribution by spending decent money here and make zero demands for help or assistance on the Thai government .

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