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Video: Bangkok bus driver filmed attacking passenger, gets fined 1,000 Baht


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What a joke. And then they wonder why people act the way they do as they seem to be able to get away with GBH/ABH, they pay a small fine and back to work as if nothing has happened. I wonder if this even went down on his record at work, let alone criminal record. The mind boggles and Thai's wonder why we say what we say about them as a culture!!!

What a joke. No GBH/ABH was inflicted. !000 baht is a not inconsiderable amount to a Thai bus driver, he was suspended from work so obviously it would go on his record and he will lose earnings during that period and there were no criminal charges brought by the passenger so no criminal record, obviously!

The mind boggles that posters here make comments indignantly criticising others when they don't even bother to read the reports before posting.

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This driver needs a vacation because of this so crazy action. Did they drug test the driver and if not why? Any accident or incident like this is enough to warrant a drug testing. The police do it to farangs walking on the street . But this bus driver you has many passenger to drive to there locations safely not drug tested is another black mark against the Thia police!

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A perfect scenario.

Man attacks another person with a weapon.

Police are called by concerned people using emergency phone number.

Police respond.

Based on witnesses, video and possible injuries, police arrest suspect

Suspect taken to jail

Suspect posts bail or remains in jail until he appears in front of a judge

and so on...

Not in this bizarro world it seems.

I wasn't there and don't know anyone who was. Based on the very short story, it seems that violence is the solution for some with the intellect of a gnat.

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Sad how Thais get such small fines for acts of aggression. Three young Thais attacked a 66 year old farang friend of mine. The had boards of hardwood and beat him mercilessly. They were intent on doing grievous bodily harm if not murder and would have succeeded if several other people had not interceded, ... he spent time in the hospital with broken ribs, concussion, knocked out teeth, cuts, bruises and lacerations. After months of wasting time in court, ..the three men were fined 1,000 baht each. That was not justice!

I wonder what would have happened if a group of three young farang beat a 66 year old Thai man like that

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I think for many, Thais lost their original culture years ago and replaced it with what they see on television (soapies and the need to fly off the handle, demand/demean things from the lower class/staff, slap, punch yell etc... as normal way of life )...

My wife told me that the person who filmed it, actually verbally abused the driver for not taking them to the destination they wanted to go to immediately, which was the next stop

And that other lady approached the person filming and told her to stop yelling at the driver and being abusive to him

This actually makes more sense, as it explains why the driver went nuts and why that other lady got involved...

So the person filming then posted it online to play the "victim"

So this is maybe why the driver got the punishment he got, since his actions where a result of the abuse shelled out by the customer (person filming) and serves to let the driver know that he should have handled it another way...

You may recall some Thai dude driving backwards, multiple times into the car behind him and claiming "victim" status... This incident seems like a similar situation.... Whine enough and people may believe your BS

Yep, it also doesn't help with all of the foreigners (especially Westerners) flooding into this country and whining about everything in regards to Thailand. No wonder Thai culture is slowly being eroded away....

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assault, gets suspended for 7 days, pays 1,000 baht, and walks away. no wonder these violent imbeciles still roam the earth! true we only heard/read half of the story, but how bad could it have been for the driver to think that he could hit someone?

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1000 Baht and a week holiday... what a joke. These people are starting to act more and more like the barbarians during the stone age. There is hardly anything left from the Buddhism and Gentle Thai Culture that I met when I moved to Thailand 28 years ago... Even not towards each other. Lately I have seen Thai's going at each other in frightening ways. Even punching police officers and officials! And the biggest surprise is that its not always the youth, but generally middle aged men who should by now have some better education and were brought up in the nice Thai cultural way.

Be nicer to each other people. It makes living on this planet so much easier!!!


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Well, perhaps the " customer " was abusive to him, to provoke such a reaction ? We don't know the full story.

Some Westerners would like to put him in jail, to lose the job and become a criminal ?

I know of a country who has death penalty, and the highest number of inmates in the world ( compared to the population ) , yet it seems not a winning strategy.

Sign of the times, anyway, some 15 years ago i happened to use Bkk buses a few times, and i was often left wondering at the high level of civilization displayed by commuters and drivers and fee collectors, even in difficult and chaotic situations.

There truely are no "somersaults" thailovers aren't able or prepared to do to defend neanderthal behaviour.

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I think for many, Thais lost their original culture years ago and replaced it with what they see on television (soapies and the need to fly off the handle, demand/demean things from the lower class/staff, slap, punch yell etc... as normal way of life )...

My wife told me that the person who filmed it, actually verbally abused the driver for not taking them to the destination they wanted to go to immediately, which was the next stop

And that other lady approached the person filming and told her to stop yelling at the driver and being abusive to him

This actually makes more sense, as it explains why the driver went nuts and why that other lady got involved...

So the person filming then posted it online to play the "victim"

So this is maybe why the driver got the punishment he got, since his actions where a result of the abuse shelled out by the customer (person filming) and serves to let the driver know that he should have handled it another way...

You may recall some Thai dude driving backwards, multiple times into the car behind him and claiming "victim" status... This incident seems like a similar situation.... Whine enough and people may believe your BS

Ah yes... because words are equal to physical violence.

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What a joke. And then they wonder why people act the way they do as they seem to be able to get away with GBH/ABH, they pay a small fine and back to work as if nothing has happened. I wonder if this even went down on his record at work, let alone criminal record. The mind boggles and Thai's wonder why we say what we say about them as a culture!!!

True it does tell a lot of the culture and the mentality of its people. impulsive and irresponsible. public responsibility and justice..... well, good luck and see it happen again! This time it was not a chinese, not a Burmese and not any other ASEAN member state...

Educate people to answer questions?

Educate children how to apologise to wrong doings and face consequences without being excused!

Educate Adults through the Buddhist way of living that violence is evil

Educate them that such behaviour is not normal - learn to talk and not gackle like a hen or shout like a fishermonger! public servants, those who serve the public should be well mannered mature people who are willing to help. These ones should be sent to look after animals in the zoo.

Well said, civility costs you nothing! The guy losing his cool should be sacked and the collector (his wife) as well! thumbsup.gifsad.pngwai.gif

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