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Cheapcharlies - myth or real?


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There are genuine CheapCharlies (examples given on first page) but the term is misused by any greedy bargirl or shopkeeper/business owner who perceives that a certain Falang has not fulfilled their commercial hopes. (Examples also given on first page.)

P.S. We shouldn't be feeding the trolls, should we?

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I dont know if any of the OP's reading this topic have ever owned a bar? Well,i did in Pattaya.Iv'e seen more tricks than you can imagine.

One guy used to come in,buy a soda and would try and talk to the girls for the chance of a grope.He would buy the girl a drink but would want it at bar price,no 30bht for the girl.He complained that the girl wasn't all over him and was quite angry when she moved on to another guy who was a bit more generous.All the girls then started to ignore him when he came in.Needless to say,we were quite glad to see him go.

People don't seem to understand that the girl isn't really interested in the drink,she wants the 30 baht for herself to go towards her salary. The best customer is the guy who comes in,chats to a girl,buys her a few lady drinks and then bar fines her.People forget,these are working girls,not free entertainment.That's their job,Its what they do.If you don't want to pay for a lady drink,then drink alone or go to the 7 and sit outside,or find a doorstep bar that has no girls.

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The new cheap charlies are primarily "digital nomads" (not all, but many) who come to Thailand expecting to stay in accommodation for US$100 (3500 baht) a month then only spend another $100-200 a month on food and the rest.

I appreciate that some people want to save money, I really do, but can you imagine living on <10,000 baht a month?

This is a cheap country to live in by Western standards, you can live like a king for peanuts vs the country you've come from, why would you want to live like a peasant when you move here?

I've never understood people like that.

This is hight cost coutry if you live in by Western standart.

Even its cant be by western standarts.


I am CHEAPCHARLIE becouse I LIVE IN THAILAND but like up standart.

So what? Now i very poor ...

And what do not understand? If people poorest than you?

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Off topic troll remark removed, and responses to it.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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This is hight cost coutry if you live in by Western standart.

Even its cant be by western standarts.

My life in Thailand is entirely at the same western standard as my life was in the UK.

Can't see where Thailand can be considered a high cost country compared to England.

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This is hight cost coutry if you live in by Western standart.

Even its cant be by western standarts.

My life in Thailand is entirely at the same western standard as my life was in the UK.

Can't see where Thailand can be considered a high cost country compared to England.

I would like for you to do a weekly grocery shop of solely western food stuffs in Thailand and compare the price to that of the same items in the UK the increase due to import tax will be substantially higher that much is a fact.

That said if your eating only Thai food then your not living a western lifestyle.

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This is hight cost coutry if you live in by Western standart.

Even its cant be by western standarts.

My life in Thailand is entirely at the same western standard as my life was in the UK.

Can't see where Thailand can be considered a high cost country compared to England.

I would like for you to do a weekly grocery shop of solely western food stuffs in Thailand and compare the price to that of the same items in the UK the increase due to import tax will be substantially higher that much is a fact.

That said if your eating only Thai food then your not living a western lifestyle.

I eat mainly western food, made by myself.

Ingredients for most western food is much cheaper in Thailand than it is in England.

(for example, today breakfast bacon rolls, elevenses coffee and croissant, lunch ice cream and apple pie, dinner chili and sticky rice, many cups of tea ...... everything much cheaper than in the UK)

You don't need to buy brand name imported junk food ....... it isn't good for you.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Here is evidence to back that up,a simple Internet search shows that the price difference in Thailand to that of the U.K. on a simple box of cookies is as follows.

Thailand 169 baht post-118612-14576010146568_thumb.jpgor £3.37 at today's exchange rate.

UK price for the same item is £1.75 or £2.50 for two boxes so in the UK you can buy two boxes for 87 pence less than 1 box in Thailand or 1 box for £1.52 less.


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I once saw someone pay a 1195 baht bar bill with 1200 and told the staff they were lucky to get th4 5 baht change as a tip.

Cheap Charlies don't run up 1195 bht bar bills

Spot on, if you had a bar and most of your customers spend neigh on 1200 baht you would be well chuffed, the 5 baht tip in my eyes OK but me I would have thrown a 20 baht with it too.

There's also the small matter that the poster could have entirely made up that bit about 'you're lucky to get 5 baht', we have no idea. Lots of people 'heard about' stuff or 'I saw this once' but ... did they, did they really?

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It depends on the definition of cheap charlie

For some people in Thailand it's anyone that has any kind of budget whatsoever. Some people think eating street food for 30 or 40 baht is cheap charlie without realising some people love street food and don't want to eat a freaking pork chop and mash. Anyone who goes to a happy hour is some kind of cheap charlie ... what is the problem with cheap deals on booze? Errr ... it's great, duh

A lot of people calling others cheap charlies forget they are doing so whilst being out and about in Thailand, for goodness sake, a pretty cheap place to eat and drink as it is. It's easy to play the big spender in Thailand

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Here is evidence to back that up,a simple Internet search shows that the price difference in Thailand to that of the U.K. on a simple box of cookies is as follows.

I make some very nice oatmeal chocolate chip cookies ........ around 15bht for 250gm.

And way better quality ingredients than Waitrose.

As I previously stated, no need to buy expensive western brand name junk food.

You can make most of it cheaper and better yourself.


Pork chop and mash ....... this morning bought 200gm of pork chop for 25bht, 250gm of potato 7bht from Tesco.

Easily converted into "pork chop and mash" for no additional cost ...... same price as street food.

Actually tomorrow that will become roast pork with roast potato with roast carrots and Bisto gravy for 2 persons.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Everyone is different and in Being so have different views and ideas.

Some folk spend copious quantities of cash on alcoholic beverage, tabbacco products, drugs and sluttz, yet when it comes to other areas of their life they're cheapskates, these people that some folk view as sleezy low lives, while at the same time others choose to refrain from such questionable practices yet might splurge their cash on cars, overseas trips or yachts and 4wd's, motorbikes or whatever floats their boat. No doubt the drunks and druggies think these type of folks are too cheap to indulge in their vices.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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Here is evidence to back that up,a simple Internet search shows that the price difference in Thailand to that of the U.K. on a simple box of cookies is as follows.

I make some very nice oatmeal chocolate chip cookies ........ around 15bht for 250gm.

And way better quality ingredients than Waitrose.

As I previously stated, no need to buy expensive western brand name junk food.

You can make most of it cheaper and better yourself.


Pork chop and mash ....... this morning bought 200gm of pork chop for 25bht, 250gm of potato 7bht from Tesco.

Easily converted into "pork chop and mash" for no additional cost ...... same price as street food.

Actually tomorrow that will become roast pork with roast potato with roast carrots and Bisto gravy for 2 persons.

I actually meant the farang that sit around in bars eating over priced western food in those places considering anyone that actually likes Thai food as a cheap charlie

I do like pork chops too :P but if I am out and about I am not stopping somewhere to have pork chop and mash when I can eat lovely street food!

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I don't care how people spend their money (or not), but don't brag about how little you paid the developing country whore you took last night, don't brag about how little you give your wife/gf, don't brag about how many bars you hit up every week for their free food (buying one beer), the list goes on and on. I don't want hear what ashole you really are?


PS - I can't recall a thai person ever using the term "cheap charlie" don't they have a much more expressive saying?

Edited by thaihome
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I don't care how people spend their money (or not), but don't brag about how little you paid the developing country whore you took last night, don't brag about how little you give your wife/gf, don't brag about how many bars you hit up every week for their free food (buying one beer), the list goes on and on. I don't want hear what ashole you really are?


PS - I can't recall a thai person ever using the term "cheap charlie" don't they have a much more expressive saying?

First paragraph, spot on! clap2.gif Same advice would go to those who love to brag about how well off they are, what 5* hotel they claim to be staying etc etc.

Whereas a number of posters (here and elsewhere), have at one time or another bandied the term "cheap charlie", Thais would probably use "kee niao" (spelling?) or else "kee nok".

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I work with a bloke who whinges about having to pay Baht 40 for his dinner... he almost breaks down in tears if his gf orders a second plate of rice (rice only) as that's an extra Baht 5-10 added to his bill.

Never met anybody like him in my life.

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i'm not cheap, but it's never my money i'm spending. online begging, parents, kids, friends, banks, etc.......they all support my lifestyle!!!

life is short, let others sweat and pay for it

i get take-out food, but then eat at a table after i act like one leg broke

spill coffee on my leg, free 87% of the time

got hit by 124 cars, 12 settlements

I see you're real proud of yourself.

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Of course they do.

The reality is though is the term gets used by a Thai with limited English when referring to foreigners who do not want to pay for something that is overpriced.

I was called CC only a few days ago for not wanting to pay 250 bahtx2 for a massage for me and the Mrs at a country fair when I can get one for 200 baht in town.

Sure the old ladies will give an original experience but a few years ago it was 100 baht.

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I'm definitely cheap.

OK so I'll tip the beer serving girl 100bht if she's cute, attentive and keeps my glass full.

One of these made a 100bht tip from me ..........


But on the other hand, I can't resist buy one, get one free, or 3 large beers for 150bht.

And am totally happy with 30bht coffee shops ....... no need for Starbucks.

I bet it was the nurse, in the middle.

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I was at a bar party. Somebody who nobody knew strolls in, orders a bottle of water with a glass of ice. Helps himself to a mountain of food and melts the ice with a bit of water from the bottle while he's eating.

Goes back for mountainous seconds of the food, drinks the little bit of water, eats the remaining ice, pays the 20B bin (no tip), goes to the toilet and nicks the loo paper (as we discovered later), collects his 3/4 full bottle of water, returns to the food table and grabs a handful of chicken wings/legs and puts them in a plastic bag from his pocket. Gets on his dilapidated scooter and buggers off.

This guy was more than like a Cheeky Charlie.

OK, the water and the food I can live with, but it was me that discovered the loo paper was nicked, and it was when I needed it most!!! blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

I heard a similar story.. This piece of shit would look for bars with party balloons and a happy birthday sign. Once inside, he would serve himself, would never sit down, and would always take 2 plates - (hold a plate in each hand). So when asked to buy a drink, he would say "not now" - he can't carry 2 plates and a drink at the same time..
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To call a person a... "creature".... (because of his spending habits, for reasons we not know) is probably one of the the cheapest and lowest remarks one can make about another. human being.

So a Cheap Charlie is a "Creature" I thought it was a life style............coffee1.gif

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I'm definitely cheap.

OK so I'll tip the beer serving girl 100bht if she's cute, attentive and keeps my glass full.

One of these made a 100bht tip from me ..........


But on the other hand, I can't resist buy one, get one free, or 3 large beers for 150bht.

And am totally happy with 30bht coffee shops ....... no need for Starbucks.

I would take all 3 of them, for 100,- each 555

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Of course they do.

The reality is though is the term gets used by a Thai with limited English when referring to foreigners who do not want to pay for something that is overpriced.

I was called CC only a few days ago for not wanting to pay 250 bahtx2 for a massage for me and the Mrs at a country fair when I can get one for 200 baht in town.

Sure the old ladies will give an original experience but a few years ago it was 100 baht.

I like that special with that old ones,

Ohhh Mister ! your skin is so soft,

you are so hansam,

from where r u ?

want some more ???

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