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Sanders is surprise victor in Michigan; Trump keeps winning


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Go the Donald!! Bring peace to the world.

Is that a joke post? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump has shown repeatedly what a quick-to-anger hot-head he is. He instantly calls people names you might hear at a schoolyard of 7 year olds - people who don't praise him, or who don't show the required admiration which people are expected to show toward someone who is very rich. It will only get more pronounced, as Trump gets closer to owning the Oval Office.

The Roman Empire and other historical empires had their falls. I figured the US empire would also have its fall, but I didn't think it could happen so soon. Well, it's been 240 years since US independence, and about 60 years since US domination of manufacturing (steel, cars, weapons, etc.). With The Donald in the power seat, I can see the US slipping toward mediocrity.

Some people keep chanting the mantra of 'he'll bring change.' But what sort of change? Change for the sake of change? I want things changed also (legalize pot, bust Big Pharma, lower defense spending, as some examples), but the type of changes which would ensue from a prez Trump are not the sorts of changes which will be good for the US. Hitler brought change in his time. Stalin brought change, Chairman Mao brought change, .....so did Pol Pot. Message to Trump praisers: be careful what you wish for .....it just may manifest in ways you won't like. It's hard to put the genie back in the bottle. The spirit of Nixon still haunts/infuses the Republican Party (in the sense of lying to Americans, and also the disastrous 'War on Drugs,').

Incidentally, Nancy Reagan just passed away. I already knew this about her, but Colin Powell and James Baker recently proved its truth: Nancy was actually controlling Reagan for nearly all his decisions. Two big factors stick out when acknowledging that: #1 Americans voted for Reagan, but instead got a puppet who was manipulated by his wife. #2 The US effectively had its first female president. It was Nancy Reagan's 'War on Drugs' which destroyed millions of peoples' lives, by jailing many (mostly young black men) for crimes no worse than smoking a joint in a back alley. Expect more of the same sort of insanity (and worse!) if Trump gets in the White House.

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I will only ask you not to put so much weight into what Trump is saying now, when he i campaigning and telling people what they want to hear.

Please look into Trumps history of his dealings with China and then form your own opinion.

Trump now claims " China, and other countries, and Mexico ( as he said it) have stolen our jobs and factories"

The jobs and factories were not stolen.

They were intentionally sent there by American corporate billionaires, so they can increase their wealth by taking advantage of the Asian workers who work for slave wages under slave like conditions.

The point is, jobs are being stolen. That's irrefutable. And while, yes, primarily it's America's multinational corporations that are "stealing" them away from Americans--exporting them in order to skirt our environmental and labor laws--where I'm from, willingly accepting stolen goods is also a crime. So in that sense, countries like China and Mexico are guilty too.

That you believe he's only telling me what I want to hear...well, in 2008 I fell for Obama hook, line and sinker, so I grant you, my credibility is lacking in these things. Nonetheless, I'm willing to take another chance at believing someone, whether it be Trump or Bernie, I'd be happy (though Bernie's remark the other day about whites not knowing poverty was a major blow to my faith in him).

I sounds like you are paying attention and trying to figure this mess out.

.That's good. Too many people don't think and just react.

For what it's worth, Bernie addressed that comment today and , in my opinion, clarified it.

You can probably find it on Youtube and form your own opinion.

I do think he is the only one for the people and not the big corporations, and that's why the corporate media doesn't give him any attention unless they are forced to.

Good luck.

I appreciate the kind words. I take them where I can get 'em on this site...

Will be sure to look for Bernie's explanation, but honestly, he's got a steep road to climb with me after that. Those kinds of comments have been Obama's default the last few years, and Bernie should've known better than to have gone there in the first place. He's way too seasoned a man to stoop so low. Not least because, such remarks do far more harm than good, as well as obfuscate the primary issue, which is jobs, jobs, jobs.

So much tension in the U.S would subside, racial and otherwise, if people just had stable, well paying jobs--not only for themselves, but in knowing they'll exist for their kids as well.

Edited by aTomsLife
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Uninformed is another trait of Trump supporters...just act on your knee jerk emotions and biases.

Voters numbering in the millions are open to, or already fully supportive of a Trump presidency due to his focus on so-called free trade.

Emotions aside, yes I am biased, and proudly so, on behalf of the American worker who's been shafted time and again since NAFTA was signed. The real question at this point is what emotions and biases are those opposing Trump's trade platform acting on? Any insights you wish to share?

I will only ask you not to put so much weight into what Trump is saying now, when he i campaigning and telling people what they want to hear.

Please look into Trumps history of his dealings with China and then form your own opinion.

Trump now claims " China, and other countries, and Mexico ( as he said it) have stolen our jobs and factories"

The jobs and factories were not stolen.

They were intentionally sent there by American corporate billionaires, so they can increase their wealth by taking advantage of the Asian workers who work for slave wages under slave like conditions.

Democrat Bill Clinton signed NAFTA (Free trade) which allowed China to begin to shaft the US. Since then no one, not Dem or Repub has done anything to stop it. Both sides look about the same to me. With Hillary it's just more of the same.


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I will only ask you not to put so much weight into what Trump is saying now, when he i campaigning and telling people what they want to hear.

Please look into Trumps history of his dealings with China and then form your own opinion.

Trump now claims " China, and other countries, and Mexico ( as he said it) have stolen our jobs and factories"

The jobs and factories were not stolen.

They were intentionally sent there by American corporate billionaires, so they can increase their wealth by taking advantage of the Asian workers who work for slave wages under slave like conditions.

The point is, jobs are being stolen. That's irrefutable. And while, yes, primarily it's America's multinational corporations that are "stealing" them away from Americans--exporting them in order to skirt our environmental and labor laws--where I'm from, willingly accepting stolen goods is also a crime. So in that sense, countries like China and Mexico are guilty too.

That you believe he's only telling me what I want to hear...well, in 2008 I fell for Obama hook, line and sinker, so I grant you, my credibility is lacking in these things. Nonetheless, I'm willing to take another chance at believing someone, whether it be Trump or Bernie, I'd be happy (though Bernie's remark the other day about whites not knowing poverty was a major blow to my faith in him).

I sounds like you are paying attention and trying to figure this mess out.

.That's good. Too many people don't think and just react.

For what it's worth, Bernie addressed that comment today and , in my opinion, clarified it.

You can probably find it on Youtube and form your own opinion.

I do think he is the only one for the people and not the big corporations, and that's why the corporate media doesn't give him any attention unless they are forced to.

Good luck.

I appreciate the kind words. I take them where I can get 'em on this site...

Will be sure to look for Bernie's explanation, but honestly, he's got a steep road to climb with me after that. Those kinds of comments have been Obama's default the last few years, and Bernie should've known better than to have gone there in the first place. He's way too seasoned a man to stoop so low. Not least because, such remarks do far more harm than good, as well as obfuscate the primary issue, which is jobs, jobs, jobs.

So much tension in the U.S would subside, racial and otherwise, if people just had stable, well paying jobs--not only for themselves, but in knowing they'll exist for their kids as well.

I am not confident Bernie can win, or even get the nomination,

But I think he has had a huge influence on our future already.

Through Bernie, millions of Americans have finally expressed their dissatisfaction with a government that is in the pocket of the large corporations and whose concern is the welfare of those corporations and not the American people.

Now that it is out in the open, this idea will gain more and more support in the future, especially if the politicians don't wake up and change their behavior.

If the country survives the next President ( no matter who he or she may be) in four or eight years the movement to take back the government will me much stronger and likely to succeed

It is remarkable what Bernie has been able to achieve with the corporate media working against him.

But the old socialist, Jewish guy has taken it to the people without the corporate media by making very good use of, guess what?, the social media!

I think this trend will also continue to grow in the future as well and bias "news" and 15 second soundbites on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and the rest will not have nearly as much influence as they have in the past.especially with the younger voters.

And that is another thing we should thank Bernie for.

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Uninformed is another trait of Trump supporters...just act on your knee jerk emotions and biases.

Voters numbering in the millions are open to, or already fully supportive of a Trump presidency due to his focus on so-called free trade.

Emotions aside, yes I am biased, and proudly so, on behalf of the American worker who's been shafted time and again since NAFTA was signed. The real question at this point is what emotions and biases are those opposing Trump's trade platform acting on? Any insights you wish to share?

I will only ask you not to put so much weight into what Trump is saying now, when he i campaigning and telling people what they want to hear.

Please look into Trumps history of his dealings with China and then form your own opinion.

Trump now claims " China, and other countries, and Mexico ( as he said it) have stolen our jobs and factories"

The jobs and factories were not stolen.

They were intentionally sent there by American corporate billionaires, so they can increase their wealth by taking advantage of the Asian workers who work for slave wages under slave like conditions.

Democrat Bill Clinton signed NAFTA (Free trade) which allowed China to begin to shaft the US. Since then no one, not Dem or Repub has done anything to stop it. Both sides look about the same to me. With Hillary it's just more of the same.


We agree.

I hope you also agree that these trade agreements that benefit the big corporations and work against the American people came to be as a result of government officials on both sides who are in the pockets of those same corporations. and the billionaires who run them.

" China, other countries, and Mexico", as Trump called them, did not do this to us.

We did it to ourselves by electing corrupt leaders....on both sides.


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Would love to see a psychological profile of the trumpers. Anybody? Ah, no, too scary, insane.

Well, since millions of people have voted for him, you have your work cut out for you.

Of course you could always support the wealthy, corrupt, powerful Wall Street people who are spending tens of millions of dollars on TV ads trying to stop him from stealing their power and influence.

You could support corrupt career politicians who are panicking because Trump might steal their candy store. The wealthy class can spend unlimited amounts of money supporting their puppets and after they do, they own the puppets. That's been going on for a long time.

For me it's simple. I've had it "up to here" with the corrupt power brokers and would love to see a general election between Bernie and Trump. Nothing psychological about it. It's all biz. I will not continue to support the corrupt elite insiders. That includes Hillary, Bush, Rubio the robot, and several others who have been handed their hats already.

Psychological huh. No, the people are voting for outsiders hoping to clean up DC. Hillary will probably get the nomination because the corrupt system gave her hundreds of superdelegates before the race began.

I would love to see a psychological profile of people who could vote for Hillary knowing how corrupt she is.


Indeee...latest I saw was that if you removed Super delegates Clinton to Sanders was 766 to 549, a much tighter race than the Media peddled 1223 to 574. People forget that the supers can change their pledges...especially if it is shown that Sanders wins the popular vote

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It looks like the LEFT, or Democrats have a dilemma to choose between a liar and a Jew.

Trump will win Republicans. What next?

All my money on Trump.

And people need to ask regarding the "psychological profile" of a Trump supporter? Why pay when that profile is free for the taking at any Trump rally, or just here on ThaiVisa. Although for further clarity perhaps just take a walk around any trailer park in the US where you see a Confederate flag attached to a double-wide.

You talking about Democrats? The confederate flag is a Democrat flag created by southern Democrats I thought

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I am not confident Bernie can win, or even get the nomination,

But I think he has had a huge influence on our future already.

Through Bernie, millions of Americans have finally expressed their dissatisfaction with a government that is in the pocket of the large corporations and whose concern is the welfare of those corporations and not the American people.

Now that it is out in the open, this idea will gain more and more support in the future, especially if the politicians don't wake up and change their behavior.

If the country survives the next President ( no matter who he or she may be) in four or eight years the movement to take back the government will me much stronger and likely to succeed

It is remarkable what Bernie has been able to achieve with the corporate media working against him.

But the old socialist, Jewish guy has taken it to the people without the corporate media by making very good use of, guess what?, the social media!

I think this trend will also continue to grow in the future as well and bias "news" and 15 second soundbites on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and the rest will not have nearly as much influence as they have in the past.especially with the younger voters.

And that is another thing we should thank Bernie for.

My thoughts exactly, only this is how I've come to see Trump's candidacy as well.

For me, a Trump vs. Sanders election would be a victory for the American people, the likes of which we haven't known in decades. Both men are shifting the national conversation to focus on the obscene impact "free trade" and Citizens United have had on our republic. If we fix these two things, so much more progress comes as a result, because Americans secure in their livelihoods and confident about their children's future will prove far more gracious toward one another politically. In other words, compromise will be valued again over the staunch obstructionism we've been witnessing.

It may sound pollyannaish or cliche to some, but Americans have stood united in the past, and I believe we're still capable of that.

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I first noticed Trump as a world thinker when I saw him on TV back in the 1990's. Bill Clinton had signed NAFTA which gave the US store away to China and he was incensed. He predicted the large loss of jobs and a replacement with no jobs or mediocre jobs and he was right. He used the words "China is ripping us off" and that resonated with me.

He's still singing the same tune but he wants to get tough with corporations that send their jobs to China and Mexico etc. and he also wants to get tough with those that charge tariffs on imports from the US while getting to export to the US duty free.

Uhhh... just one tiny detail: some of Trump's line of clothing are Made in China.

Trump said he would instate an added 25% tariff on all goods entering the US, if made by a US corp with overseas workers. One thing that does, is jack up prices for American consumers, and it will likely cause many American companies to go under, because they can't afford to get things manufactured in the US for US worker wages, ....and still ensure executives make 15 to 30 times more than the working stiffs.

If Trump's 25% added tariff applies to food also, the Americans will really be shafted with higher prices, because much of their food comes from overseas via US corps. Chiquita bananas are just one example of hundreds.

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"Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders might be poles apart in their politics and temperament, but they are voicing visceral feelings of economic disenfranchisement and alienation among pessimistic voters who feel they've been ignored for years.

The billionaire and the democratic socialist are in different ways speaking for vast populations of Americans who feel threatened by globalization, who question the benefits of "free trade" that political leaders have peddled for decades and who believe distant elites control the economy in ways detrimental to their lives and prospects."
"When opponents point out that neither vision comes with a set of ready-made solutions or even coherent policies, they almost miss the point.
That's because Trump and Sanders are appealing to gut-level emotions that amplify political movements, not the wonky details of trade or economic policy."
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All this talk about 'change.' Change is not always good. A house which burns down has been changed, but that doesn't mean it's better.

For those who take the candidates seriously, please take a deep look at their policy proposals. For Sanders, they're articulate, well-thought out options which he's generally stuck with for many years. For Trump, it's shoot-from-the-hip one-liners - which he's flip flopped on. Often Trump responds to a question like he's never given much thought (and certainly no research) to the topic. Take 'Climate Change' for example. For starters, he discounts the massive research of 97% scientists who study aspects of climate, and devolves to a one-liner trying to be witty and funny (it's snowing now, and it sure feels cold, ha ha ha). Trump is more of a self-aggrandizing showman than R.Reagan, if that's possible. Trump is embedded in Wall Street establishment thinking, and there are many issues he's barely devoted any research or consideration to. He didn't know what the nuclear triad was, when asked. He probably doesn't know anything about hemp or medical marijuana, or alternative power, or how to get things done in Washington. If he becomes prez, sure he can consult experts, but wouldn't it be better is he knew about topics outside of real estate development and his biases against people who are different and less privileged than him? And the experts he consults .....how qualified are they going to be? Reality show extras? .....manager of a Taco Bell (like one of the professors at his faux University)?

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